We Knew Joe Biden Was a Big Liar, but This Is Ridiculous


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Amazing stuff.

Also, promoting false valor.

Politicians frequently lie, but Old Joe Biden’s career record is clear: He makes Josef Goebbels look honest. Biden is such a massive liar that it’s unclear whether or not he has ever told the truth in an entire lifetime of grift and corruption. On Friday afternoon, however, Biden outdid himself, appearing at the Delaware Veteran’s Summit and telling so many outrageous lies about his career and his family that if he were a conservative, establishment media “fact checkers” would have died of exhaustion. It’s lucky for them that whenever Old Joe speaks, they take the day off.

Biden claimed that when he was elected vice president in 2008, his father contacted him and asked him to finagle a Purple Heart for his brother, Biden’s uncle Frank. Biden said, “You know, I — my dad, when I got elected Vice President, he said, ‘Joey, Uncle Frank fought in the Battle of the Bulge.’ He was not feeling very well now — not because of the Battle of the Bulge. But he said, ‘And he won the Purple Heart. And he never received it. He never — he never got it. Do you think you could help him get it? We’ll surprise him.’”

The incoming vice president was, of course, happy to get his uncle the recognition he deserved, however belatedly: “So we got him the Purple Heart. He had won it in the Battle of the Bulge. And I remember he came over to the house, and I came out, and he said, ‘Present it to him, okay?’ We had the family there.” Get your handkerchief ready. Biden continued, “I said, ‘Uncle Frank, you won this. And I want to…’ He said, ‘I don’t want the damn thing.’” The crowd laughed, and Biden plowed on: “No, I’m serious. He said, ‘I don’t want it.’ I said, ‘What’s the matter, Uncle Frank? You earned it.’ He said, ‘Yeah, but the others died. The others died. I lived. I don’t want it.’” Biden then attempted to bring his story into the present and initially missed by fifty years: “Just like a generation — this generation in Vietnam — excuse me, in — in Iraq.”

Anyway, what a noble soul was Uncle Frank Biden, eh? There’s just one problem: Frank Biden died in 1999, and Biden’s father, Joe Biden Sr., died in 2002. Yet the putative president claims that this incident took place in 2008, and it hinges upon Vice President Joe, as the national second banana, being able to pull strings to get his uncle the Purple Heart. Maybe this happened years earlier than Biden said it did, and he was pulling strings as a senator rather than as vice president, or maybe it never happened at all.

The latter seems more likely. According to the New York Post, a registry of recipients of the Purple Heart doesn’t include the name Frank Biden, and when Frank died, his obituary contained no mention of his having won this honor. Also, the story is suspiciously similar to one Biden was fond of telling in 2019. He was in Afghanistan as vice president, Biden claimed, to honor a Navy captain who had “rappelled down a 60-foot ravine under fire and retrieved the body of an American comrade, carrying him on his back.” Biden said that when he tried to pin a Silver Star on the captain, “he said, ‘Sir, I don’t want the damn thing! Do not pin it on me, Sir! Please, Sir. Do not do that! He died. He died.” Biden concluded, “This is the God’s truth. My word as a Biden.”


Just out of curiosity, where are all those posters that for 4 years told us Trump was the worst liar in the history of the presidency? You would think they would be all over this president. Trump may be a jerk, but as a liar he can't hold a candle to Biden.
I don't even pay attention to anything he says because everything he says is a lie.

I know all politicians lie to some extent, some more than others, but Joe Biden is the biggest fucking liar of them all. He doesn't just lie about normal political stuff, he lies about things for no reason at all that serves no purpose. There is nothing to be gained by many of his lies, he lies purely just to lie.
I don't even pay attention to anything he says because everything he says is a lie.

I know all politicians lie to some extent, some more than others, but Joe Biden is the biggest fucking liar of them all. He doesn't just lie about normal political stuff, he lies about things for no reason at all that serves no purpose. There is nothing to be gained by many of his lies, he lies purely just to lie.

Cornpop was a whopper
Amazing stuff.

Also, promoting false valor.

Politicians frequently lie, but Old Joe Biden’s career record is clear: He makes Josef Goebbels look honest. Biden is such a massive liar that it’s unclear whether or not he has ever told the truth in an entire lifetime of grift and corruption. On Friday afternoon, however, Biden outdid himself, appearing at the Delaware Veteran’s Summit and telling so many outrageous lies about his career and his family that if he were a conservative, establishment media “fact checkers” would have died of exhaustion. It’s lucky for them that whenever Old Joe speaks, they take the day off.
Biden claimed that when he was elected vice president in 2008, his father contacted him and asked him to finagle a Purple Heart for his brother, Biden’s uncle Frank. Biden said, “You know, I — my dad, when I got elected Vice President, he said, ‘Joey, Uncle Frank fought in the Battle of the Bulge.’ He was not feeling very well now — not because of the Battle of the Bulge. But he said, ‘And he won the Purple Heart. And he never received it. He never — he never got it. Do you think you could help him get it? We’ll surprise him.’”
The incoming vice president was, of course, happy to get his uncle the recognition he deserved, however belatedly: “So we got him the Purple Heart. He had won it in the Battle of the Bulge. And I remember he came over to the house, and I came out, and he said, ‘Present it to him, okay?’ We had the family there.” Get your handkerchief ready. Biden continued, “I said, ‘Uncle Frank, you won this. And I want to…’ He said, ‘I don’t want the damn thing.’” The crowd laughed, and Biden plowed on: “No, I’m serious. He said, ‘I don’t want it.’ I said, ‘What’s the matter, Uncle Frank? You earned it.’ He said, ‘Yeah, but the others died. The others died. I lived. I don’t want it.’” Biden then attempted to bring his story into the present and initially missed by fifty years: “Just like a generation — this generation in Vietnam — excuse me, in — in Iraq.”
Anyway, what a noble soul was Uncle Frank Biden, eh? There’s just one problem: Frank Biden died in 1999, and Biden’s father, Joe Biden Sr., died in 2002. Yet the putative president claims that this incident took place in 2008, and it hinges upon Vice President Joe, as the national second banana, being able to pull strings to get his uncle the Purple Heart. Maybe this happened years earlier than Biden said it did, and he was pulling strings as a senator rather than as vice president, or maybe it never happened at all.
The latter seems more likely. According to the New York Post, a registry of recipients of the Purple Heart doesn’t include the name Frank Biden, and when Frank died, his obituary contained no mention of his having won this honor. Also, the story is suspiciously similar to one Biden was fond of telling in 2019. He was in Afghanistan as vice president, Biden claimed, to honor a Navy captain who had “rappelled down a 60-foot ravine under fire and retrieved the body of an American comrade, carrying him on his back.” Biden said that when he tried to pin a Silver Star on the captain, “he said, ‘Sir, I don’t want the damn thing! Do not pin it on me, Sir! Please, Sir. Do not do that! He died. He died.” Biden concluded, “This is the God’s truth. My word as a Biden.”

Since his Bill Clinton days screwing every Black American till "you ain't Black if you don't vote for me" and all the lies between. You could almost feel sorry for him if he wasn't a lying, criminal, con when younger.

Biden skewered for ‘ridiculous tall tale’ about giving uncle a ‘Purple Heart’:

‘Biggest serial liar elected'

Conservatives and The New York Post claimed there was no evidence to support Biden's claim

18 Dec 2022

Conservatives on Twitter blasted President Joe Biden for telling another "ridiculous tall tale" about himself in a speech, claiming that his uncle won a Purple Heart for his actions during World War II.
Critics slammed the claim, asserting there is no evidence it is true.
Biden made the remarks during a town hall for U.S. veterans in Delaware on Friday. At one point during his speech, the president stated, "My dad, when I got elected vice president [in 2008], he said, ‘Joey, Uncle Frank fought in the Battle of the Bulge.’ He was not feeling very well now — not because of the Battle of the Bulge, but he said, ‘and he won the Purple Heart and he never received it. He never got it. Do you think you could help him get it? We will surprise him.’"
The RNC Research Twitter account, which shared a clip of the statement to Twitter, debunked Biden’s speech, saying, "Joe Biden says after he was elected VP, he awarded his Uncle Frank with a Purple Heart he earned at the Battle of the Bulge. There is no evidence any of that is true — and Biden's uncle died in 1999, while Biden wasn't elected VP until 2008."


Throughout Joe Biden's illustrious career he as lied. plagiarized, used is family to aggrandized millions through nefarious foreign deals and finally fraudulently

Conservatives are too concerned with the current illegal occupant's mental status, while strongly implying that Maoist Democrats lap up his lies as a dog laps up its own vomit..

Joes lies will continue till the day he closes his eyes for the final time.

His latest will not be is last lie. There's more to come.

What an interesting dichotomy we have here, when comparing George Washington, our 1st President and Joe Biden #46, possibly the last president, Washington could not tell a lie while Biden cannot tell the truth, even when the truth would better serve him.

81,LOL,LOL. Sureeeeee.

Makes you wonder how many votes they had to add to get Fetterman in 500,000? 1,000,000?
Amazing stuff.

Also, promoting false valor.

Politicians frequently lie, but Old Joe Biden’s career record is clear: He makes Josef Goebbels look honest. Biden is such a massive liar that it’s unclear whether or not he has ever told the truth in an entire lifetime of grift and corruption. On Friday afternoon, however, Biden outdid himself, appearing at the Delaware Veteran’s Summit and telling so many outrageous lies about his career and his family that if he were a conservative, establishment media “fact checkers” would have died of exhaustion. It’s lucky for them that whenever Old Joe speaks, they take the day off.
Biden claimed that when he was elected vice president in 2008, his father contacted him and asked him to finagle a Purple Heart for his brother, Biden’s uncle Frank. Biden said, “You know, I — my dad, when I got elected Vice President, he said, ‘Joey, Uncle Frank fought in the Battle of the Bulge.’ He was not feeling very well now — not because of the Battle of the Bulge. But he said, ‘And he won the Purple Heart. And he never received it. He never — he never got it. Do you think you could help him get it? We’ll surprise him.’”
The incoming vice president was, of course, happy to get his uncle the recognition he deserved, however belatedly: “So we got him the Purple Heart. He had won it in the Battle of the Bulge. And I remember he came over to the house, and I came out, and he said, ‘Present it to him, okay?’ We had the family there.” Get your handkerchief ready. Biden continued, “I said, ‘Uncle Frank, you won this. And I want to…’ He said, ‘I don’t want the damn thing.’” The crowd laughed, and Biden plowed on: “No, I’m serious. He said, ‘I don’t want it.’ I said, ‘What’s the matter, Uncle Frank? You earned it.’ He said, ‘Yeah, but the others died. The others died. I lived. I don’t want it.’” Biden then attempted to bring his story into the present and initially missed by fifty years: “Just like a generation — this generation in Vietnam — excuse me, in — in Iraq.”
Anyway, what a noble soul was Uncle Frank Biden, eh? There’s just one problem: Frank Biden died in 1999, and Biden’s father, Joe Biden Sr., died in 2002. Yet the putative president claims that this incident took place in 2008, and it hinges upon Vice President Joe, as the national second banana, being able to pull strings to get his uncle the Purple Heart. Maybe this happened years earlier than Biden said it did, and he was pulling strings as a senator rather than as vice president, or maybe it never happened at all.
The latter seems more likely. According to the New York Post, a registry of recipients of the Purple Heart doesn’t include the name Frank Biden, and when Frank died, his obituary contained no mention of his having won this honor. Also, the story is suspiciously similar to one Biden was fond of telling in 2019. He was in Afghanistan as vice president, Biden claimed, to honor a Navy captain who had “rappelled down a 60-foot ravine under fire and retrieved the body of an American comrade, carrying him on his back.” Biden said that when he tried to pin a Silver Star on the captain, “he said, ‘Sir, I don’t want the damn thing! Do not pin it on me, Sir! Please, Sir. Do not do that! He died. He died.” Biden concluded, “This is the God’s truth. My word as a Biden.”

In defense of Biden, he's got so much dementia now that his mind is such a jumble he isn't really capable of telling a lie on purpose. All of those things have indeed happened in his head, just not in real life. That means they aren't actual lies. He just doesn't have any understanding of what reality is anymore.

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