We knew this already

the January 6 show trials and deep state kangaroo court are about only the midterms nothing else.
A complete fabrication is exactly what I'd expect from that right wing rag. Adding production value to the hearings in order to get the attention of Americans so the committee creates the best possible chance of conveying the depth of depravity Trump and his sycophants engaged in is highly appropriate.
Pelosi offered a 12/31/21 end date to McCarthy if he cooperated with the committee being bi-partisan but of course that was a bridge too far for Kevin.

The commission would also investigate the sharing of intelligence information among the U.S. Capitol Police, Sergeants at Arms of the House and Senate, and local and federal law enforcement agencies, including the Metropolitan Police and the National Guard. The commission would be charged with reporting its findings to Congress and the president by Dec. 31, 2021, which may include recommendations to change laws or security procedures.

Repubs have no one to blame but themselves.
This has been said over and over and its mostly just whining. Don't do the crime if you don't want to do the time.
Why is it that you leftist view the right as a threat but when we tell you how it's going to happen you crack jokes?. And why do you belong to the party of criminals and not expect the same punishment?
A complete fabrication is exactly what I'd expect from that right wing rag. Adding production value to the hearings in order to get the attention of Americans so the committee creates the best possible chance of conveying the depth of depravity Trump and his sycophants engaged in is highly appropriate.
We've had nothing but fabricated lies from the communist democrat controlled media.for the last 8 year's.
We've had nothing but fabricated lies from the communist democrat controlled media.for the last 8 year's.
In other words you have nothing to say about Pelosi offering to end the committee's work by the end of last year. A fact that blows up the thesis of the thread.
In other words you have nothing to say about Pelosi offering to end the committee's work by the end of last year. A fact that blows up the thesis of the thread.
What has that to do with how the communist democrat controlled medias lies for the past 8 year's?
Why is it that you leftist view the right as a threat but when we tell you how it's going to happen you crack jokes?. And why do you belong to the party of criminals and not expect the same punishment?

I told you why I thought it was funny. You can address what I said or pretend I never said it. Whatever.

I'm also not a Democrat but that's all people have left to argue because they have been brainwashed.
I told you why I thought it was funny. You can address what I said or pretend I never said it. Whatever.

I'm also not a Democrat but that's all people have left to argue because they have been brainwashed.
Don't whin and piss your pants when your side has gone to far.bthe largest armed army will deal you a hard life ending experience.
No one from the right is willing to murder anyone war is no murder. But push the right to far and the penalty imposed on the pushers will be life altering. It will all be in self defense.
Didn't you know our prisons are full of, "Right WIngers"?

I mean that's why dem's work so hard to allow convicts vote isn't it? :auiqs.jpg:
The insurrectionists filmed themselves, posted it on social media and generated a paper trail a mile wide. It was one of the best documented events in US history. I'll grant you that most of those people were just dumb-asses with no real bad intent but they were just a smokescreen. Useful idiots. They should be pissed at being used in a plan to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.
Who among them was convicted of insurrection?
A complete fabrication is exactly what I'd expect from that right wing rag. Adding production value to the hearings in order to get the attention of Americans so the committee creates the best possible chance of conveying the depth of depravity Trump and his sycophants engaged in is highly appropriate.
Yes, you leftist totalitarians do love your show trials, don't you?
In other words you have nothing to say about Pelosi offering to end the committee's work by the end of last year. A fact that blows up the thesis of the thread.
The Democrat definition of "bipartisan" is "shut the fuck up and do exactly what we tell you to do". Pelosi wanted a tame Republican who she could point to to deflect criticism. His participation would have changed nothing.
And to you leftists, Thoughtcrime must be harshly punished, to discourage others from having dangerous ideas...ideas dangerous to the State.
Funny, they were clapping like a bunch of barking seals balancing on balls when BLM and ANTIFA stormed the capital and then declared Trump racist for not having the same assets on hand for January 6th in spite of the fact it was up to Pelosi and the DC Mayor to call up the necessary police and guard assets to provide same.

Trump authorized it, but Nancy was solely responsible for security on the Capital Grounds, that is the sole purview of the SOTH.

the January 6 show trials and deep state kangaroo court are about only the midterms nothing else.
It won't work. Only die hards and uninformed idiots will vote dem this midterm.

They will lose its only a matter of by how large a margin

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