We knew this already

House Democrats prosecuting political dissidents in the form of the Select Committee on Jan. 6 admitted this week the show trial investigation is all about the November midterms.

On Friday, The Washington Post chronicled the committee’s next steps in a feature headlined “Jan. 6 committee faces a thorny challenge: Persuading the public to care” as Americans lose enthusiasm for severe retribution against those involved with a constitutionally protected rally 14 months ago, who are the true target of the committee’s work as opposed to perpetrators of the Capitol riot.

One lawmaker, the Post wrote, “added that even some of their Democratic constituents have lost interest in the committee’s work because of more pressing issues, like inflation and the coronavirus pandemic.” Americans are now coping with gas prices eclipsing their record peak and compounded by an inflation rate running at a four-decade high.

The Jan. 6 probe, however, is dominating lawmakers’ priorities, including Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney who is one of two Republicans appointed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to serve on the panel. Cheney, the Post reported, is “spending the majority of her time on the matter, people familiar with her work say,” instead of reclaiming her lost role on the Natural Resources Committee.

Cheney knows she will be looking for another job next year.

No this is great. You jumped in to defend the guy from the mean old liberal without caring what you were defending. A good example of why most of the right has decided the insurrectionists are to be defended just to spite the libs.

Nobody carried out an "insurrection." Joe Biden is still president, isn't he?
Not going to let you forget.

What we won't forget is the civil rights violations and cruel treatment of those arrested. The ones that broke the law deserve to be proportionately punished, but they're being treated worse than serial killers. There will be a reckoning for that.

An unsuccessful attack is still an attack.

Nobody "attacked" anything. When you compare Jan. 6 to the whole year of 2020 riots by the left, it was insignificant. There was no arson, no looting, no graffiti spray painted on walls, and only one person was murdered.

Get serious, dude.
House Democrats prosecuting political dissidents in the form of the Select Committee on Jan. 6 admitted this week the show trial investigation is all about the November midterms.

On Friday, The Washington Post chronicled the committee’s next steps in a feature headlined “Jan. 6 committee faces a thorny challenge: Persuading the public to care” as Americans lose enthusiasm for severe retribution against those involved with a constitutionally protected rally 14 months ago, who are the true target of the committee’s work as opposed to perpetrators of the Capitol riot.

One lawmaker, the Post wrote, “added that even some of their Democratic constituents have lost interest in the committee’s work because of more pressing issues, like inflation and the coronavirus pandemic.” Americans are now coping with gas prices eclipsing their record peak and compounded by an inflation rate running at a four-decade high.

The Jan. 6 probe, however, is dominating lawmakers’ priorities, including Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney who is one of two Republicans appointed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to serve on the panel. Cheney, the Post reported, is “spending the majority of her time on the matter, people familiar with her work say,” instead of reclaiming her lost role on the Natural Resources Committee.
Congress can't prosecute anyone, all they can do is make referrals to the DC US Atty.
Jan. 6 was a mostly peaceful love fest. If we had really wanted to conduct an "insurrection", those 10,000 people would have shown up armed to the teeth, instead of carrying signs and flags.

And nobody would have been able to stop them.
There certainly wasn't a lot of love on display, just a whole lot of anger and hate.
Nobody "attacked" anything. When you compare Jan. 6 to the whole year of 2020 riots by the left, it was insignificant. There was no arson, no looting, no graffiti spray painted on walls, and only one person was murdered.

Get serious, dude.
The insurrectionists filmed themselves, posted it on social media and generated a paper trail a mile wide. It was one of the best documented events in US history. I'll grant you that most of those people were just dumb-asses with no real bad intent but they were just a smokescreen. Useful idiots. They should be pissed at being used in a plan to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.
Liberals love being the "eternal victim." They would even go so far as goading the sane, sensible, and well-armed people of this country into pushing them back with disastrous consequences for the left.

But I don't really think they know the full ramifications of their idiocy. They should be a little more careful about what they're wishing for.
They've been working overtime for decades trying to divide the country every way they could stoking hatred between Americans.

Sooner or later that comes to a head and there's no putting it all back together and nobody is going to be happy with the outcome.
The insurrectionists filmed themselves, posted it on social media and generated a paper trail a mile wide. It was one of the best documented events in US history. I'll grant you that most of those people were just dumb-asses with no real bad intent but they were just a smokescreen. Useful idiots. They should be pissed at being used in a plan to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.
There was no "insurrection".

Did a protest get out of hand? You bet!

Did people commit crimes? Absolutely, that does not amount to insurrection.
There was no "insurrection".

Did a protest get out of hand? You bet!

Did people commit crimes? Absolutely, that does not amount to insurrection.
It does when the attack was planned to coincide with and disrupt the certification of vote. Insurrection is simply the deliberate act of making it impossible for the government to work as intended.
It does when the attack was planned to coincide with and disrupt the certification of vote. Insurrection is simply the deliberate act of making it impossible for the government to work as intended.

Dude! You just admitted that the Democrat's intent was high gas prices, inflation, and war. :auiqs.jpg:
You just can't help it can you? There are not enough hard-right shitheads willing to murder everyday Americans to do anything except damn your cause.
No one from the right is willing to murder anyone war is no murder. But push the right to far and the penalty imposed on the pushers will be life altering. It will all be in self defense.
Why are they being held for doing less than the rioters in leftists controlled states?

This has been said over and over and its mostly just whining. Don't do the crime if you don't want to do the time.

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