We Know God Mass Murdered, But What Specifically Did Satan Ever Do?

What, did you really expect the most powerful being in the Universe to never kill anyone?
Good point. Now we're talkin' the God of Islam. He's a malevolent bastard...if he's out there at all.

God, Allah, YHWH, Adonai... God has many names.

Some of the mysteries of YHWH are revealed in Christianity, some in Judaism, some in Islam, and some in other religions.

No one religion can reveal all the mysteries of YHWH.

No one human can learn all the mysteries of YHWH.
What did Satan lose? Maybe hell is preferable vs living with a mass murderer.

I wrote this in a thread yesterday when people were accusing YHWH of "murder":

If God wishes to consume someone with fire, or strike them down with lightning, or open the ground to swallow them whole, or slay them with ice, or nuke them, or turn them to salt, or destroy them with wind, or wash them away in a flood/ drown them, or poison their water, or inflict a lethal disease on someone or their child, or summon and compel animals to kill them, or compel a human to commit suicide, or use a wall to crush someone, or create a drought to make people starve to death, or empower a human to slay hundreds of thousands in God's name, or send an Angel of death to kill a bunch of babies, or send any of the other angels to kill someone, or use any other destructive abilities to destroy humans...

It is not murder.

Or genocide.

Sure, YHWH was destroying humans, but...

1. We are YHWH's creation

2. YHWH is the most powerful being alive, which we do not compare to even in the slightest. Even demons and angels are like gods compared to us.

So how can one call it "murder" or "genocide", when YHWH uses destructive power on humanity?

Wowza, that's scary. That's what you call blind faith. It's no wonder people are so messed up. I guess if you want a lesson in morality, read The Cat in the Hat.
We have specific examples of God asking people to sacrifice children, was okay with slavery, mass murdered by way of the flood, and gave soldiers the go ahead to rape. (thank you Hollie for providing this verse)

Numbers 31:17-18

17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. 18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

I'm counting on you Biblical experts to show specific examples of Satan's evildoing's. All I know about Satan was he/she talked Eve into eating an apple, and was thrown out of heaven for rebelling against God.

Maybe Satan rebelled because he/she didn't want to take part in mass murder???

I'm looking for specific examples.

Thank you in advance!

Perhaps you should grasp the idea that God doesn't look upon the death of our flesh bodies in this earthly life as of significant importance. Yes, he destroyed Sodom but they will live again in the flesh in a time when Satan will have no influence. If God spared not his own son from the death of his earthy existence, why then should he spare anyone? It is one's spiritual death God is most concerned with.

As far as what Satan actually did we are only told that he rebelled. Some say he tried to usurp God himself. I have no idea. I do know Satan continues to have access to the throne though.

So, you're saying that we only have evidence of God spreading misery, pain, and death of flesh bodies on the very people he/she created.

If you took this case to court, who would win?

Maybe Satan is just misunderstood.

I don't speculate on "maybes" and hypotheticals. I'll leave that to you. Yes, we have evidence that God killed many of his creation. He also sent His Son to save them all in the final outcome. It's not my understanding that is skewed, it is yours. Study up on it some more.
BTW, I feel its only fair to tell the board that I've had it up to here with the shit we get from the so-called christians here.

I made the mistake of reaching out my hand in friendship to a "christian" on this board and she has made my life miserable ever since.

She hears voices, she talks to imaginary creatures, she speaks in tongues - in short, she is 100% delusional and I have been on the receiving end of her shit for some months now.

She wrote me that she she decided I'm gay, in a gay relationship and would tell the board. She has made up lies about my religion. She has said more really crazy crap and I've ignore all of it.

I've been nice. I've been quiet. I haven't said even a fraction of what I feel avout this damn ditz. I did notify cereal_killer some months back but haven't said anything since. I'll cc him this post.

So, point is, don't expect me to be Mr. Nice Guy any more.

You wanna know who is doing the bidding of this imaginary god, "satan" - its the nutter fundies and others who believe he is real.
We have specific examples of God asking people to sacrifice children, was okay with slavery, mass murdered by way of the flood, and gave soldiers the go ahead to rape. (thank you Hollie for providing this verse)

Numbers 31:17-18

17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. 18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

I'm counting on you Biblical experts to show specific examples of Satan's evildoing's. All I know about Satan was he/she talked Eve into eating an apple, and was thrown out of heaven for rebelling against God.

Maybe Satan rebelled because he/she didn't want to take part in mass murder???

I'm looking for specific examples.

Thank you in advance!

Perhaps you should grasp the idea that God doesn't look upon the death of our flesh bodies in this earthly life as of significant importance. Yes, he destroyed Sodom but they will live again in the flesh in a time when Satan will have no influence. If God spared not his own son from the death of his earthy existence, why then should he spare anyone? It is one's spiritual death God is most concerned with.

As far as what Satan actually did we are only told that he rebelled. Some say he tried to usurp God himself. I have no idea. I do know Satan continues to have access to the throne though.

So, you're saying that we only have evidence of God spreading misery, pain, and death of flesh bodies on the very people he/she created.

If you took this case to court, who would win?

Maybe Satan is just misunderstood.

What, did you really expect the most powerful being in the Universe to never kill anyone?

The Christian Bible says men, women, children, and unborn fetuses is who he/she murdered. Is it asking too much that an all loving God not murder his/her children? These people were supposed to be evil, but we do know babies are incapable of sin.

Already tried to explain it to you. The babies will live again.
BTW, I feel its only fair to tell the board that I've had it up to here with the shit we get from the so-called christians here.

I made the mistake of reaching out my hand in friendship to a "christian" on this board and she has made my life miserable ever since.

She hears voices, she talks to imaginary creatures, she speaks in tongues - in short, she is 100% delusional and I have been on the receiving end of her shit for some months now.

She wrote me that she she decided I'm gay, in a gay relationship and would tell the board. She has made up lies about my religion. She has said more really crazy crap and I've ignore all of it.

I've been nice. I've been quiet. I haven't said even a fraction of what I feel avout this damn ditz. I did notify cereal_killer some months back but haven't said anything since. I'll cc him this post.

So, point is, don't expect me to be Mr. Nice Guy any more.

You wanna know who is doing the bidding of this imaginary god, "satan" - its the nutter fundies and others who believe he is real.

Guess what. There are "nuts" even among Christians. Believe it or not, there are a few "nuts" even among atheists.
Well , if anyone had any doubts that the OP has mental issues, this should clear that up.

But yes, the Old Testament God was an asshole. No denying that.
What, did you really expect the most powerful being in the Universe to never kill anyone?
Good point. Now we're talkin' the God of Islam. He's a malevolent bastard...if he's out there at all.


YOUR god is just as vicious.

Just like you.
Don't you talk about my loving and forgiving God like that or I'll chop your fucking head off.

You're welcome to your beliefs but , really, you're just silly little twerp and you're not very smart.

BTW, I feel its only fair to tell the board that I've had it up to here with the shit we get from the so-called christians here.

I made the mistake of reaching out my hand in friendship to a "christian" on this board and she has made my life miserable ever since.

She hears voices, she talks to imaginary creatures, she speaks in tongues - in short, she is 100% delusional and I have been on the receiving end of her shit for some months now.

She wrote me that she she decided I'm gay, in a gay relationship and would tell the board. She has made up lies about my religion. She has said more really crazy crap and I've ignore all of it.

I've been nice. I've been quiet. I haven't said even a fraction of what I feel avout this damn ditz. I did notify cereal_killer some months back but haven't said anything since. I'll cc him this post.

So, point is, don't expect me to be Mr. Nice Guy any more.

You wanna know who is doing the bidding of this imaginary god, "satan" - its the nutter fundies and others who believe he is real.
We have specific examples of God asking people to sacrifice children, was okay with slavery, mass murdered by way of the flood, and gave soldiers the go ahead to rape. (thank you Hollie for providing this verse)

Numbers 31:17-18

17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. 18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

I'm counting on you Biblical experts to show specific examples of Satan's evildoing's. All I know about Satan was he/she talked Eve into eating an apple, and was thrown out of heaven for rebelling against God.

Maybe Satan rebelled because he/she didn't want to take part in mass murder???

I'm looking for specific examples.

Thank you in advance!

Perhaps you should grasp the idea that God doesn't look upon the death of our flesh bodies in this earthly life as of significant importance. Yes, he destroyed Sodom but they will live again in the flesh in a time when Satan will have no influence. If God spared not his own son from the death of his earthy existence, why then should he spare anyone? It is one's spiritual death God is most concerned with.

As far as what Satan actually did we are only told that he rebelled. Some say he tried to usurp God himself. I have no idea. I do know Satan continues to have access to the throne though.

So, you're saying that we only have evidence of God spreading misery, pain, and death of flesh bodies on the very people he/she created.

If you took this case to court, who would win?

Maybe Satan is just misunderstood.

What, did you really expect the most powerful being in the Universe to never kill anyone?

The Christian Bible says men, women, children, and unborn fetuses is who he/she murdered. Is it asking too much that an all loving God not murder his/her children? These people were supposed to be evil, but we do know babies are incapable of sin.

Already tried to explain it to you. The babies will live again.

They were supposedly killed because they were evil. Where are they going to live?
Well , if anyone had any doubts that the OP has mental issues, this should clear that up.

But yes, the Old Testament God was an asshole. No denying that.

Perhaps just unfamiliar with the subject matter. The Bible itself requires a tremendous amount of careful study just as any subject does. Taking a verse or chapter from here and there simply will not suffice.
BTW, I feel its only fair to tell the board that I've had it up to here with the shit we get from the so-called christians here.

I made the mistake of reaching out my hand in friendship to a "christian" on this board and she has made my life miserable ever since.

She hears voices, she talks to imaginary creatures, she speaks in tongues - in short, she is 100% delusional and I have been on the receiving end of her shit for some months now.

She wrote me that she she decided I'm gay, in a gay relationship and would tell the board. She has made up lies about my religion. She has said more really crazy crap and I've ignore all of it.

I've been nice. I've been quiet. I haven't said even a fraction of what I feel avout this damn ditz. I did notify cereal_killer some months back but haven't said anything since. I'll cc him this post.

So, point is, don't expect me to be Mr. Nice Guy any more.

You wanna know who is doing the bidding of this imaginary god, "satan" - its the nutter fundies and others who believe he is real.
Perhaps you should grasp the idea that God doesn't look upon the death of our flesh bodies in this earthly life as of significant importance. Yes, he destroyed Sodom but they will live again in the flesh in a time when Satan will have no influence. If God spared not his own son from the death of his earthy existence, why then should he spare anyone? It is one's spiritual death God is most concerned with.

As far as what Satan actually did we are only told that he rebelled. Some say he tried to usurp God himself. I have no idea. I do know Satan continues to have access to the throne though.

So, you're saying that we only have evidence of God spreading misery, pain, and death of flesh bodies on the very people he/she created.

If you took this case to court, who would win?

Maybe Satan is just misunderstood.

What, did you really expect the most powerful being in the Universe to never kill anyone?

The Christian Bible says men, women, children, and unborn fetuses is who he/she murdered. Is it asking too much that an all loving God not murder his/her children? These people were supposed to be evil, but we do know babies are incapable of sin.

Already tried to explain it to you. The babies will live again.

They were supposedly killed because they were evil. Where are they going to live?

Why don't you read a Bible and discover for yourself? Wouldn't do you any harm. I promise you it won't bite you.
We have specific examples of God asking people to sacrifice children, was okay with slavery, mass murdered by way of the flood, and gave soldiers the go ahead to rape. (thank you Hollie for providing this verse)

Numbers 31:17-18

17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. 18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

I'm counting on you Biblical experts to show specific examples of Satan's evildoing's. All I know about Satan was he/she talked Eve into eating an apple, and was thrown out of heaven for rebelling against God.

Maybe Satan rebelled because he/she didn't want to take part in mass murder???

I'm looking for specific examples.

Thank you in advance!

Perhaps you should grasp the idea that God doesn't look upon the death of our flesh bodies in this earthly life as of significant importance. Yes, he destroyed Sodom but they will live again in the flesh in a time when Satan will have no influence. If God spared not his own son from the death of his earthy existence, why then should he spare anyone? It is one's spiritual death God is most concerned with.

As far as what Satan actually did we are only told that he rebelled. Some say he tried to usurp God himself. I have no idea. I do know Satan continues to have access to the throne though.

So, you're saying that we only have evidence of God spreading misery, pain, and death of flesh bodies on the very people he/she created.

If you took this case to court, who would win?

Maybe Satan is just misunderstood.
Neither 'satan' nor 'god' exist as perceived by theists.
We have specific examples of God asking people to sacrifice children, was okay with slavery, mass murdered by way of the flood, and gave soldiers the go ahead to rape. (thank you Hollie for providing this verse)

Numbers 31:17-18

17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. 18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

I'm counting on you Biblical experts to show specific examples of Satan's evildoing's. All I know about Satan was he/she talked Eve into eating an apple, and was thrown out of heaven for rebelling against God.

Maybe Satan rebelled because he/she didn't want to take part in mass murder???

I'm looking for specific examples.

Thank you in advance!

Perhaps you should grasp the idea that God doesn't look upon the death of our flesh bodies in this earthly life as of significant importance. Yes, he destroyed Sodom but they will live again in the flesh in a time when Satan will have no influence. If God spared not his own son from the death of his earthy existence, why then should he spare anyone? It is one's spiritual death God is most concerned with.

As far as what Satan actually did we are only told that he rebelled. Some say he tried to usurp God himself. I have no idea. I do know Satan continues to have access to the throne though.

So, you're saying that we only have evidence of God spreading misery, pain, and death of flesh bodies on the very people he/she created.

If you took this case to court, who would win?

Maybe Satan is just misunderstood.

I don't speculate on "maybes" and hypotheticals. I'll leave that to you. Yes, we have evidence that God killed many of his creation. He also sent His Son to save them all in the final outcome. It's not my understanding that is skewed, it is yours. Study up on it some more.

So, he had is son murdered too! I'm glad I didn't take parenting lessons from God.
We have specific examples of God asking people to sacrifice children, was okay with slavery, mass murdered by way of the flood, and gave soldiers the go ahead to rape. (thank you Hollie for providing this verse)

Numbers 31:17-18

17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. 18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

I'm counting on you Biblical experts to show specific examples of Satan's evildoing's. All I know about Satan was he/she talked Eve into eating an apple, and was thrown out of heaven for rebelling against God.

Maybe Satan rebelled because he/she didn't want to take part in mass murder???

I'm looking for specific examples.

Thank you in advance!

Perhaps you should grasp the idea that God doesn't look upon the death of our flesh bodies in this earthly life as of significant importance. Yes, he destroyed Sodom but they will live again in the flesh in a time when Satan will have no influence. If God spared not his own son from the death of his earthy existence, why then should he spare anyone? It is one's spiritual death God is most concerned with.

As far as what Satan actually did we are only told that he rebelled. Some say he tried to usurp God himself. I have no idea. I do know Satan continues to have access to the throne though.

So, you're saying that we only have evidence of God spreading misery, pain, and death of flesh bodies on the very people he/she created.

If you took this case to court, who would win?

Maybe Satan is just misunderstood.

I don't speculate on "maybes" and hypotheticals. I'll leave that to you. Yes, we have evidence that God killed many of his creation. He also sent His Son to save them all in the final outcome. It's not my understanding that is skewed, it is yours. Study up on it some more.

So, he had is son murdered too! I'm glad I didn't take parenting lessons from God.

If you already had the answers you wanted, why bother to start the thread under false pretenses?
Well , if anyone had any doubts that the OP has mental issues, this should clear that up.

But yes, the Old Testament God was an asshole. No denying that.

Perhaps just unfamiliar with the subject matter. The Bible itself requires a tremendous amount of careful study just as any subject does. Taking a verse or chapter from here and there simply will not suffice.

Oh come on.

God actually had a conversation that went something like this

"Hey, hey you - do you love your Lord?"

"Yes Lord, I do love You"

"Well, I don't really believe you, even though I am omnipotent and should at least theoretically be able to read your mind, I'm afraid I'm gonna need some proof"

"What kind of proof Lord?"

"You see your son down there tending the sheep?"

"Yes Lord, I see him"

"Good, I want you to go down there, grab him up and bring him up here where you can sacrifice him to me"

"What Lord?"

"Do you want to burn in the pits of hell forever?"

"No Lord"

"Then go get him"

"Yes Lord"

watches as son is prepared for sacrifice

as knife is plunging towards throat

"Hey you"

"Yes Lord"

"I was just kidding, you don't have to sacrifice your son, I believe you love me

for now"

Yeah, that's an asshole.
BTW, I feel its only fair to tell the board that I've had it up to here with the shit we get from the so-called christians here.

I made the mistake of reaching out my hand in friendship to a "christian" on this board and she has made my life miserable ever since.

She hears voices, she talks to imaginary creatures, she speaks in tongues - in short, she is 100% delusional and I have been on the receiving end of her shit for some months now.

She wrote me that she she decided I'm gay, in a gay relationship and would tell the board. She has made up lies about my religion. She has said more really crazy crap and I've ignore all of it.

I've been nice. I've been quiet. I haven't said even a fraction of what I feel avout this damn ditz. I did notify cereal_killer some months back but haven't said anything since. I'll cc him this post.

So, point is, don't expect me to be Mr. Nice Guy any more.

You wanna know who is doing the bidding of this imaginary god, "satan" - its the nutter fundies and others who believe he is real.

Guess what. There are "nuts" even among Christians. Believe it or not, there are a few "nuts" even among atheists.

Uh no ...

ALL christians are crazy. It comes with the territory.. How else can one explain their instane beliefs?

Be that as it may, I really don't care - AS LONG AS THEY LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE.
Iblis/ Shaitan refused to bow down to Adam when YHWH commanded him and the Angels to do so.

YHWH didn't even cast Satan into Hell.

As the god of this Earth, Satan has until Judgment Day to direct as many human's souls to Hell as possible, after which he'll be "cast into the lake of fire".

But... considering that this happened at the moment humanity was created, and that YHWH did not destroy Satan then and there, I believe that Satan/ Iblis is an important part of YHWH's overall vision for humanity, and that YHWH knew exactly what would happen when Iblis and the Angels were commanded to prostrate before Adam, and even when Adam and Eve were commanded not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowlege of good and evil.

I mean, how could YHWH not know?

Personally, I believe that one day, a long time from now... everything will be One again. YHWH, and the angels, the demons and djinn, humanity, the Devil... everything will return to the Source and become One.


Everything will begin again in another Way.

You talk about this like everything in there is fact. We all know that there is no magical sky wizard and the Bible is just a fairy tale, so why do you imply that any of it is real? You don't actually believe the ridiculous lies of the patriarchy, do you, systyr?

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