We Know God Mass Murdered, But What Specifically Did Satan Ever Do?

So, point is, don't expect me to be Mr. Nice Guy any more.

Ah shit, and I was just getting used to your warm fuzzy side. :splat:

If you have the unwanted attention of someone, or anyone that is Christian, ask them nicely to refrain. If that doesn't work, tell them to refrain, and ask them how many people Christ stalked.

I wasn't very clear and I apologize for that.

I did ask, very nicely, for her to cease and desist. That lasted for a short time but soon, she was back at it. She has attempted to "blackmail" me with her asssinine lies and she has harassed me via email. She is honestly and truly delusional.

When she first started, I wrote c_k about it, told him I was not asking him to take any action, only that I wanted him to know. Now she has started up again and I decided I'm not going out of my way for her any more.

So, now I'm talking openly about her on the board. Maybe it will finally stop her.

Do you mean to tell me you can't keep certain members from sending you private messages?

Not what I wrote at all.
We have, it provided overwhelming evidence that religion and 'god' are creations of man; indeed, the bible is the great repository of man's ignorance, fear, and hate.

Don't know when you became plural, but reading the Bible and understanding it are two different things. Here, read this:

The tympanic membrane of the ear is a three-layer structure. The outer and inner layers consist of epithelium cells. Perforations occur as a result of defects in the middle layer, which contains elastic collagen fibers. Small perforations usually heal spontaneously. However, if the defect is relatively large, or if there is a poor blood supply or an infection during the healing process, spontaneous repair may be hindered. Eardrums may also be perforated as a result of trauma, such as an object in the ear, a slap on the ear, or an explosion.
The purpose of tympanoplasty is to repair the perforated eardrum, and sometimes the middle ear bones (ossicles) that consist of the incus, malleus, and stapes. Tympanic membrane grafting may be required. If needed, grafts are usually taken from a vein or fascia (muscle sheath) tissue on the lobe of the ear. Synthetic materials may be used if patients have had previous surgeries and have limited graft availability.

Are you now qualified to perform surgery, or would a little studying be in order before you become an expert on the ear?

If the Bible was written by man then man can duplicate it. What ever man wrote it told me what countries would be the next invaders of Israel. And the man told me who would be leading the charge. Of course you can name the countries because you read it. Without google, let's discuss the possible validity of the prophesy. Russia as an invader? Who'd of thunk it.

Or better yet, predict for me. Who will be the next Pope?

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