We Know God Mass Murdered, But What Specifically Did Satan Ever Do?

So, point is, don't expect me to be Mr. Nice Guy any more.

Ah shit, and I was just getting used to your warm fuzzy side. :splat:

If you have the unwanted attention of someone, or anyone that is Christian, ask them nicely to refrain. If that doesn't work, tell them to refrain, and ask them how many people Christ stalked.
Well , if anyone had any doubts that the OP has mental issues, this should clear that up.

But yes, the Old Testament God was an asshole. No denying that.

God was an asshole, but I have mental problems for pointing that out? LOL! Okay.

Where did I say you mental problems? I said the OP had mental problems, that's a fact.

I'll consider the source.

I didn't offer an opinion. I stated a fact. If you didn't understand what Obama had to do with my post, you are illiterate.
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Well , if anyone had any doubts that the OP has mental issues, this should clear that up.

But yes, the Old Testament God was an asshole. No denying that.

Perhaps just unfamiliar with the subject matter. The Bible itself requires a tremendous amount of careful study just as any subject does. Taking a verse or chapter from here and there simply will not suffice.

Well, I'm waiting for you to clear up any confusion.

Keep waiting. I had thought your OP was genuine, but now I see it to be just another God and Christian bashing thread. Goodbye.

The question in the OP is easy, and it's a valid question. I asked for specific examples of Satan's evil deeds, and the only one anyone can come up with is that he was insubordinate.

Now, if we compare that to mass murder, slavery, and rape...who's the bad guy/girl?

I'd like to see this case go before Judge Judy. :biggrin:
Well , if anyone had any doubts that the OP has mental issues, this should clear that up.

But yes, the Old Testament God was an asshole. No denying that.

God was an asshole, but I have mental problems for pointing that out? LOL! Okay.

Where did I say you mental problems? I said the OP had mental problems, that's a fact.

You might want to check who wrote the OP.

Or maybe not.
Well , if anyone had any doubts that the OP has mental issues, this should clear that up.

But yes, the Old Testament God was an asshole. No denying that.

God was an asshole, but I have mental problems for pointing that out? LOL! Okay.

Where did I say you mental problems? I said the OP had mental problems, that's a fact.

I'll consider the source.

I didn't offer an opinion. I stated a fact. If you didn't understand what Obama had to do with my post, you are illiterate.

I wasn't even replying to you, Doofus. See, you're not even as smart as the average bear.
Well , if anyone had any doubts that the OP has mental issues, this should clear that up.

But yes, the Old Testament God was an asshole. No denying that.

God was an asshole, but I have mental problems for pointing that out? LOL! Okay.

Where did I say you mental problems? I said the OP had mental problems, that's a fact.

I'll consider the source.

I didn't offer an opinion. I stated a fact. If you didn't understand what Obama had to do with my post, you are illiterate.

I wasn't even replying to you, Doofus. See, you're not even as smart as the average bear.

If you weren't replying to me , then why pray tell did you QUOTE me?

Oh that's right, illiteracy.
Well , if anyone had any doubts that the OP has mental issues, this should clear that up.

But yes, the Old Testament God was an asshole. No denying that.

God was an asshole, but I have mental problems for pointing that out? LOL! Okay.

Where did I say you mental problems? I said the OP had mental problems, that's a fact.

You might want to check who wrote the OP.

Or maybe not.

Yep, my bad...
BTW, I feel its only fair to tell the board that I've had it up to here with the shit we get from the so-called christians here.

I made the mistake of reaching out my hand in friendship to a "christian" on this board and she has made my life miserable ever since.

She hears voices, she talks to imaginary creatures, she speaks in tongues - in short, she is 100% delusional and I have been on the receiving end of her shit for some months now.

She wrote me that she she decided I'm gay, in a gay relationship and would tell the board. She has made up lies about my religion. She has said more really crazy crap and I've ignore all of it.

I've been nice. I've been quiet. I haven't said even a fraction of what I feel avout this damn ditz. I did notify cereal_killer some months back but haven't said anything since. I'll cc him this post.

So, point is, don't expect me to be Mr. Nice Guy any more.

You wanna know who is doing the bidding of this imaginary god, "satan" - its the nutter fundies and others who believe he is real.
So, you're saying that we only have evidence of God spreading misery, pain, and death of flesh bodies on the very people he/she created.

If you took this case to court, who would win?

Maybe Satan is just misunderstood.

What, did you really expect the most powerful being in the Universe to never kill anyone?

The Christian Bible says men, women, children, and unborn fetuses is who he/she murdered. Is it asking too much that an all loving God not murder his/her children? These people were supposed to be evil, but we do know babies are incapable of sin.

Already tried to explain it to you. The babies will live again.

They were supposedly killed because they were evil. Where are they going to live?

Why don't you read a Bible and discover for yourself? Wouldn't do you any harm. I promise you it won't bite you.
We have, it provided overwhelming evidence that religion and 'god' are creations of man; indeed, the bible is the great repository of man's ignorance, fear, and hate.
Carla Danger on religion is like listening to a drunk about sobriety.

And so far, the only answer is that when God murders, gives the go ahead for rape, and condones slavery, it's all good.

Satan is guilty of being insubordinate, and obviously that's much worse.
BTW, I feel its only fair to tell the board that I've had it up to here with the shit we get from the so-called christians here.

I made the mistake of reaching out my hand in friendship to a "christian" on this board and she has made my life miserable ever since.

She hears voices, she talks to imaginary creatures, she speaks in tongues - in short, she is 100% delusional and I have been on the receiving end of her shit for some months now.

She wrote me that she she decided I'm gay, in a gay relationship and would tell the board. She has made up lies about my religion. She has said more really crazy crap and I've ignore all of it.

I've been nice. I've been quiet. I haven't said even a fraction of what I feel avout this damn ditz. I did notify cereal_killer some months back but haven't said anything since. I'll cc him this post.

So, point is, don't expect me to be Mr. Nice Guy any more.

You wanna know who is doing the bidding of this imaginary god, "satan" - its the nutter fundies and others who believe he is real.

Guess what. There are "nuts" even among Christians. Believe it or not, there are a few "nuts" even among atheists.

Uh no ...

ALL christians are crazy. It comes with the territory.. How else can one explain their instane beliefs?

Be that as it may, I really don't care - AS LONG AS THEY LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE.
To paraphrase Gandhi, the problem with Christianity is Christians.
So, point is, don't expect me to be Mr. Nice Guy any more.

Ah shit, and I was just getting used to your warm fuzzy side. :splat:

If you have the unwanted attention of someone, or anyone that is Christian, ask them nicely to refrain. If that doesn't work, tell them to refrain, and ask them how many people Christ stalked.

I wasn't very clear and I apologize for that.

I did ask, very nicely, for her to cease and desist. That lasted for a short time but soon, she was back at it. She has attempted to "blackmail" me with her asssinine lies and she has harassed me via email. She is honestly and truly delusional.

When she first started, I wrote c_k about it, told him I was not asking him to take any action, only that I wanted him to know. Now she has started up again and I decided I'm not going out of my way for her any more.

So, now I'm talking openly about her on the board. Maybe it will finally stop her.
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If you weren't replying to me , then why pray tell did you QUOTE me?

Oh that's right, illiteracy.

Are you always this confused? I didn't quote you. Is your name Liberalmedia? See, the first comment is from Luddly, the next is from Liberalmedia, and then there's me, responding to Liberalmedia.

ALL christians are crazy. It comes with the territory.. How else can one explain their instane beliefs?

I absolutely agree, systyr! How can anyone believe in any higher power than President Obama and still call themselves sane? It's completely ridiculous. All their bullshit about loving thy neighbor, doing charitable deeds, etc. is just a cover for their more deranged practices, and it's not even like they do a good job of sticking to their cover.

What the hell does President Obama have to do with this thread? Are you suffering from ODS? Do you want me to start you an "I Hate Obama" thread so you can stay on topic?
Well , if anyone had any doubts that the OP has mental issues, this should clear that up.

But yes, the Old Testament God was an asshole. No denying that.

God was an asshole, but I have mental problems for pointing that out? LOL! Okay.

Where did I say you mental problems? I said the OP had mental problems, that's a fact.

After reading the Bible, many people are mystified as to why grown, otherwise intelligent adults would believe that it is the direct communication or the "inspired Word" of an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-good being. To many people, it seems absolutely incredible that any reasonable person could maintain this belief in the face of our current scientific knowledge and the contemporary understanding of history, religion and mythology. To outsiders, the phenomenon of Christian belief is a puzzlement.

However, after a bit of research and reflection, the mystery is resolved. It soon becomes apparent that the whole bizarre Christian belief system is predicated, to a large degree, on two compelling ideas. The first idea is that maintaining faith in Bible claims is the most morally virtuous act one can perform and will be rewarded with an eternal life of bliss. The second belief is that doubting biblical claims represents the greatest evil imaginable and will be punished with an eternity of torture. These linchpin beliefs make it possible for Christians to accept thoroughly ridiculous biblical assertions not merely in the absence of evidence, but against the evidence-against reason.

The sanctification of "faith" and demonization of doubt short-circuits the thinking process. Since it is continually drilled into Christians' brains that faith must be maintained at all costs, anything which contradicts a Bible claim is automatically rationalized away as the arrogance of the "wise," as a ploy of Satan, or as a test of faith from God himself. So when it is explained and demonstrated to a Christian that the Bible is simply a collection of ancient writings masquerading as the "Word of God," this is dismissed as the delusion of unbelievers blinded by their sin. (Seethe wisdom of the world) When scientific discoveries are shown to clearly, directly and unambiguously contradict biblical pronouncements, these scientific discoveries are interpreted by the Christian as satanic trickery. If it is patiently and painstakingly evinced to the Christian that the Bible is filled from one end to the other with obscene cruelty and violence, pagan mythology and superstition, blatant contradictions, ludicrous claims and outrageous, blithering idiocy, the Christian smiles in the face of this, confident that his faith is being tested by God and that he will be rewarded accordingly in the Age To Come.

It must be understood that in the Alice-in-Wonderland Christian world view, the more difficult it is to believe in a biblical claim, the more one is glorified for believing it. Faith, believing no matter what the facts say, is the highest manifestation of moral righteousness. Developing and maintaining one's faith in the preposterous and the incomprehensible becomes the ultimate purpose of life. Tertullian's declaration, "I believe because it is impossible," is the boast of a man who celebrates his irrationality. While liberal Christians today may pay lip service to the notion of a reasonable faith, the sentiment of Tertullin's inane "I believe because it is impossible" is alive and well and continues to be spouted from church pulpits on Sunday mornings: "Brethren, did not Paul say that God will make foolish the wisdom of the world, and choose that which is foolish to shame the wise of the world? Brothers and Sisters, did not JEEEZ-ZUSS tell us that unless we become as little children we will never enter the kingdom of heaven, that God has chosen to hide his light from the eyes of the wise and reveal himself to babes?" Reason and knowledge are ridiculed while biblical absurdities are held aloft as bless-ed revelation. This is how Christianity sustains itself. It is the only way that it can.

Thus the Christian faith's invisible attributes are now clearly to be seen. Behind all the sacraments and the rituals, the organ music and the angelic choirs, the praying lips and the arms thrust heavenward, behind all this, propping it all up, is the monstrous doctrine that gullibility and ignorance are divine.

Please don't try to explain this to a Christian though, for it has been most assuredly foretold that he would be mocked and persecuted for Jesus' sake by the "wise" of a fallen, perishing world. Yea, lo, verily, for it has been written...

*1. Tertullian, The Prescription Against the Heretics, quoted in Classical Statements on Faith and Reason, edited by L. Miller, 1970, Random House, New York, pages 3-10

*2. Smith, Homer W., Man and his Gods, 1957, Grossett and Dunlap, New York, page 227.

Why Christians Just Don t Get It or why faith is bogus

That is right on the money.
So, point is, don't expect me to be Mr. Nice Guy any more.

Ah shit, and I was just getting used to your warm fuzzy side. :splat:

If you have the unwanted attention of someone, or anyone that is Christian, ask them nicely to refrain. If that doesn't work, tell them to refrain, and ask them how many people Christ stalked.

I wasn't very clear and I apologize for that.

I did ask, very nicely, for her to cease and desist. That lasted for a short time but soon, she was back at it. She has attempted to "blackmail" me with her asssinine lies and she has harassed me via email. She is honestly and truly delusional.

When she first started, I wrote c_k about it, told him I was not asking him to take any action, only that I wanted him to know. Now she has started up again and I decided I'm not going out of my way for her any more.

So, now I'm talking openly about her on the board. Maybe it will finally stop her.

Do you mean to tell me you can't keep certain members from sending you private messages?
But yes, the Old Testament God was an asshole. No denying that.

So you think the New Testament is much better?

In Luke, it says God treats people, the way people treat their slaves.

That doesn't sound like good news to me.

Unless you understand that God expected His people to treat slaves like they were family members and remember them in doling out inheritances.

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