We lost, and farewell.

Most murders aren’t racial...unless you are a racist.

I did say in my OP that many in the West despise racist opinions more than actual violence, or loss of our culture.

Thanks for proving this as correct.

if you think Whites are so racist, and have a history of it, why is it even a good idea to bring in all these non-White immigrants?

How do you figure that Balkanization leads to any way or form less prejudices, or less ethnic turmoil?

That's truly ridiculous, most Liberals clearly aren't thinking straight, but are tools of the Globalist manipulations.

I don't think "whites" are so racist. I think individuals can be. Do you understand the difference?

Do you understand how dangerous that kind of hatred can be? Let me clue you in: mass graves.

Most of these "Mass Graves" are in Balkanized settings where ethnic struggles for dominance lead to genocide, or in Colonial settings where greed lead to genocide.
Then there's Communist settings of genocide too, which was state power to stomp out Capitalism.

In what way, or form does importing in ethnic groups together, some how limit prejudices, or ethnic tensions?

Judging by Balkanized tensions in history, all over the frigging place, then no this mode of THOUGHT YOU HAVE is what promotes genocide, by bringing together groups which will fight for dominance, and survival.

What ethnic groups are being "imported"? You do realize, don't you...that roughly a quarter of America was originally settled by spanish speaking people and/or part of Mexico...? These are not foreign cultures by any means. They are as American as the English cultures.

Most Mexicans aren't the same ones which were there back nearly 200 years ago, in fact even during the Texan Revolution most of Texas was majority Anglo, not Mexican.

The truth is there were few Spanish speaking settlers in these territories.

But, the issue you foster is a lot of Mexicans hate both Whites, and Blacks, they often just hate Americans, and the same goes for Whites, and Blacks often hating Mexicans.

This is a cause of prejudices, and conflict, that you support.

If there is massive conflict, be it Riots, Pogroms, Massacres, or Genocide between Whites, and Mexicans in the U.S South-West, we know people like you are to blame for bringing them here.

I don't think that is the truth at all. Look at the culture, cuisine, place names, etc and you would realize that.
I did say in my OP that many in the West despise racist opinions more than actual violence, or loss of our culture.

Thanks for proving this as correct.

if you think Whites are so racist, and have a history of it, why is it even a good idea to bring in all these non-White immigrants?

How do you figure that Balkanization leads to any way or form less prejudices, or less ethnic turmoil?

That's truly ridiculous, most Liberals clearly aren't thinking straight, but are tools of the Globalist manipulations.

I don't think "whites" are so racist. I think individuals can be. Do you understand the difference?

Do you understand how dangerous that kind of hatred can be? Let me clue you in: mass graves.

Most of these "Mass Graves" are in Balkanized settings where ethnic struggles for dominance lead to genocide, or in Colonial settings where greed lead to genocide.
Then there's Communist settings of genocide too, which was state power to stomp out Capitalism.

In what way, or form does importing in ethnic groups together, some how limit prejudices, or ethnic tensions?

Judging by Balkanized tensions in history, all over the frigging place, then no this mode of THOUGHT YOU HAVE is what promotes genocide, by bringing together groups which will fight for dominance, and survival.

What ethnic groups are being "imported"? You do realize, don't you...that roughly a quarter of America was originally settled by spanish speaking people and/or part of Mexico...? These are not foreign cultures by any means. They are as American as the English cultures.

Most Mexicans aren't the same ones which were there back nearly 200 years ago, in fact even during the Texan Revolution most of Texas was majority Anglo, not Mexican.

The truth is there were few Spanish speaking settlers in these territories.

But, the issue you foster is a lot of Mexicans hate both Whites, and Blacks, they often just hate Americans, and the same goes for Whites, and Blacks often hating Mexicans.

This is a cause of prejudices, and conflict, that you support.

If there is massive conflict, be it Riots, Pogroms, Massacres, or Genocide between Whites, and Mexicans in the U.S South-West, we know people like you are to blame for bringing them here.

I don't think that is the truth at all. Look at the culture, cuisine, place names, etc and you would realize that.

Later the immigration was stopped. The Mexican government grew alarmed at the immigration threatening to engulf the province. Military troops were moved to the border to enforce the policy. Still there was illegal immigration. Immigrants crossed the border easily and by 1835 there were ten times as many Americans (30,000) as Mexicans. The settlers demanded greater representation and more power from the Mexican Government. Revolts broke out in 1832 and 1833. Instead, General Santa Anna, dissolved the national congress late in 1834, and became dictator in Mexico.

Texas 1821-1836 < Anglo-American colonization in Texas - Kjetil Ersdal < 1801-1900 < Essays < American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond
There's been enough amnesty granted in America already. No more!

Reagan granted amnesty in exchange for a wall that never materialized. Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us.

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