We may need a revolution or secession

Of course that is gibberish.Since Raygun, only half as much investment in infrastructure. Worst inequality poverty and homelessness ever anywhere and you vote for it.
Only gibberish to you. Any thinking adult with more than 2 working brain cells knows it to be true. It doesn't agree with your communist narrative, so of course you call it gibberish. My suggestion? Get off of your lazy ass, use your head and save and purchase your home as people have done for at least 10 generations of Americans until you parasitical scumbags decided the world owed you something.
If they don't cause havoc, they aren't my problem.

In my town, we have a lot of druggies who have been banned from homeless shelters and crisis housing because of their violent tendencies
Yes, there are people like that. There should be laws allowing the government to institutionalize violent drug addicts who refuse to rehab themselves. The ones that aren't violent or crapping on the floor, writing their names with poop on the wall, aren't a problem and can be housed, but the drug addicts that are like you're describing need to be institutionalized. We need to bring back that system, where they can receive inpatient psychiatric treatment.
That's one of my criticisms of Dems. They generally offer more services than Republicans but they don't go far enough and end up creating the mess we see now in San Francisco. The Republicans point at the Dem-run cities that are being inundated with vagrants, conveniently ignoring the fact that their draconian laws which criminalize the homeless, lead to the Dem-run municipalities offering services to those who were forced out of conservative-run cities. As you mentioned, the Dems aren't doing enough, not to speak of the Republicans who are even worse than the Dems. At least the Dems are generally more humane.

I give credit to where it's due. There were some thoughtful Republicans in Utah, who supported the Housing First program, which pretty much eliminated homelessness in Salt Lake City and several other cities in Utah, for about eight years. They also had a good follow-up program, with committed social workers and medical professionals which offered addicts a way out of their substance abuse, through AA and NA meetings and a host of supportive resources, that proved to be effective in getting people out of those destructive patterns of behavior.

They had great success but then unfortunately a few conservatives started complaining about how these people don't deserve this type of assistance and the Housing First program fell apart around 2017/2018.

Here in NYC, we have a Housing First program for homeless veterans that is proving to be extremely effective. The VA with NYC-DHS is getting these veterans housed and treated for their substance abuse issues, helping them get back on their feet. That's what we need for everyone, not just veterans. This is the way to get rid of homelessness and drug addiction.

Except the dems are kicking the veterans out in favor of illegal aliens
If they don't cause havoc, they aren't my problem.

In my town, we have a lot of druggies who have been banned from homeless shelters and crisis housing because of their violent tendencies
Worst inequality poverty homelessness ever anywhere in the modern world. Great job GOP!

Maybe we s
Either you're a Fascist or you think the lack of Democratic Principles in the US is just fine as it is.
Nobody knows wtf you're talking about except other brainwashed functional moron GOP base ignoramuses.... election conspiracy nut job? Pure bs....
Only gibberish to you. Any thinking adult with more than 2 working brain cells knows it to be true. It doesn't agree with your communist narrative, so of course you call it gibberish. My suggestion? Get off of your lazy ass, use your head and save and purchase your home as people have done for at least 10 generations of Americans until you parasitical scumbags decided the world owed you something.
Happily retired at home, dupe....
Ohhh I see, it's not so much about the border, its about you not wanting America to live up to the promises we've made to Ukraine when they agreed to give up their nuclear arms in exchange for security assurances.

Well I've got news for you bub, American majority still has enough sense to support Ukraine. Aid will be passed without you getting ANYTHING on the border, so fuck all you usefull idiots.

Enjoy the status quo on the border while Democrats will beat you loser Trumptards upside the head all the way to the voting booth for turning down the bipartisan FIX BORDER NOW bill.
We have no national interest in keeping
Ohhh I see, it's not so much about the border, its about you not wanting America to live up to the promises we've made to Ukraine when they agreed to give up their nuclear arms in exchange for security assurances.

Well I've got news for you bub, American majority still has enough sense to support Ukraine. Aid will be passed without you getting ANYTHING on the border, so fuck all you usefull idiots.

Enjoy the status quo on the border while Democrats will beat you loser Trumptards upside the head all the way to the voting booth for turning down the bipartisan FIX BORDER NOW bill.
we have no interest in keeping the corrupt Ukraine government in place and preventing Ukraine from reuniting with Russia. it was part of Russia for decades and many Ukrainians want to reunite with Russia. The only reason we keep sending billions to the corrupt Ukraine government is so the bribes to Biden and the other deep state traitors can continue. You are very naive and uninformed if you buy into the BS on that bill. Biden could, and has the authority, to reseal our southern border today, but he doesn't want it sealed because he is in league with the drug cartels that are killing our kids with Chinese fentanyl every day.
It seems obvious that the MAGA morons want to secede only to form some type of monarchy rather than a Democratic Republic.

Many are already saying that Trump was ordained by God. Just like a King.

It's apparent that the attempt to overthrow Democracy on Jan. 6, 2021, proves that they are very much against a Democratic Republic.
total bullshit. Jan 6 was nothing but patriotic american citizens demanding that the evidence of vote fraud be presented to congress and the american people. The entry into the capital building was coordinated by Pelosi and the capital police who made no attempts to secure the capital and Pelosi refused national guard protection when offered by Trump. The only victim was an innocent unarmed female veteran who was murdered by a capital cop who now walks free. Our country is in deep shit. If the lib/dems retain control, the USA is history.
yes, many idiots still support senile, corrupt, lying Biden. the ignorance of most americans is a sad commentary on our educational system.
Surada disagrees, so tell us Surada, is biden not senile? is he not corrupt? The evidence of both is substantial and easily available.
we have no interest in keeping the corrupt Ukraine government in place and preventing Ukraine from reuniting with Russia.


Cool story useful idiot, but most of America knows Russian propaganda bullshit when they hear it.

Ukraine funding bill will pass and you Kremlin propping nutters will get nothing for it. Smart moves.
Spokane, WA--Minimum wage $16.89 ($22 starting wages at McD's), government mandated vacations, sick leaves, FMLA, SS, Disability and Unemployment insurance. Next.

So, you're saying that the McDonalds in Spokane, WA is ready to hire every homeless person in WA, right?

So, you're saying that the McDonalds in Spokane, WA is ready to hire every homeless person in WA, right?

I cited one easily available example. Are you so slow that you can't figure out that if McDs is hiring at $22, that there are many other jobs available. No wonder you're talking nonsense. No critical thinking skills.
It seems obvious that the MAGA morons want to secede only to form some type of monarchy rather than a Democratic Republic.
This is really ignorant. I'm not a fan of trump, but would consider myself fiscally and constitutionally conservative with moderate social ideas. But the idea that MAGAs or Republicans want a monarchy is sensationalist hyperbole and the exact opposite of conservatism. I have never once heard an actual Trumper say they want to establish a monarchy. And if they have, they don't speak for the majority of conservatives in this country.
Many are already saying that Trump was ordained by God. Just like a King.
Because they are idiots. The Republican/Conservative connection to Christianity is absurd, and there are plenty who believe the same thing I do. Unfortunately, politicians, both left and right latch on to the absurd and report and campaign on the absurd for votes or propaganda.
It's apparent that the attempt to overthrow Democracy on Jan. 6, 2021, proves that they are very much against a Democratic Republic.
Not an overthrow. Not an insurrection. A protest, yes. Don't believe the propaganda machine of our MSM.

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