We may need a revolution or secession

Medicaid is administered by the states according to FEDERAL rules.
And since you're a retard you're unaware of the fact that conservative states refuse to use the extra federal government funding for Medicaid and extend it to every individual based on their income. Being an ignorant shithead, that's why you continue to post your imbecilic posts, pretending otherwise. Conservative states can get the funding from the US Federal Government to extend Medicaid to everyone who is of modest means but since they're pathetic punks like you, who serve the rich at the expense of the public good, they refuse to do that. That's typical Republican conservative scumbaggery.
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It seems obvious that the MAGA morons want to secede only to form some type of monarchy rather than a Democratic Republic.

Many are already saying that Trump was ordained by God. Just like a King.

It's apparent that the attempt to overthrow Democracy on Jan. 6, 2021, proves that they are very much against a Democratic Republic.
They're mentally ill.
Magic fix for homelessness? Simple. Get off of your lazy ass, put the crack pipe down, quit taking fentanyl, get a job and gain some self respect. I would hazard a guess that this would do away with 75% of ALL legal resident homelessness. This charitable country and their religious and civic charities have always done well for the remaining 25%.

O.K. that sounds good. But tell me, is the private sector ready to give all those homeless people jobs at a living wage and reasonable benefits?

It's easy enough to say "Get a Job", but that means there has to be jobs available - and ones that actually pay a living wage.
It seems obvious that the MAGA morons want to secede only to form some type of monarchy rather than a Democratic Republic.

Many are already saying that Trump was ordained by God. Just like a King.

It's apparent that the attempt to overthrow Democracy on Jan. 6, 2021, proves that they are very much against a Democratic Republic.
Observing what they say, they think they had all but "lost the country", and then Trump came along.

This is their Hail Mary to save the country from Satan. No rules, no standards, no regret, just war. As Trump has said repeatedly, "The Final Battle".

It's Biblical. Even for the phony Christians.

He could definitely pull this off. If he does, we deserve what we get.
Observing what they say, they think they had all but "lost the country", and then Trump came along.

This is their Hail Mary to save the country from Satan. No rules, no standards, no regret, just war. As Trump has said repeatedly, "The Final Battle".

It's Biblical. Even for the phony Christians.

He could definitely pull this off. If he does, we deserve what we get.

It's funny that this all really started when a Black Liberal was elected. They just couldn't stomach that.

Their having "Lost the Country" is nothing more than their child's eye view of the world being shattered.

Yes, a Black liberal can be elected. Sorry of that turns their whole world upside down.
Well, they're fed apocalyptic, paranoia-inducing hyperbole, 24/7/365, on their "media".

So whatever they believe on their own is multiplied a zillion-fold by the voices they trust.

The one consistency in their beliefs is that 'Liberals' are pure evil. It isn't what they are for, it's what they're against that defines them.

That's the same basis for Mussolini's fascist philosophy.
The one consistency in their beliefs is that 'Liberals' are pure evil. It isn't what they are for, it's what they're against that defines them.

That's the same basis for Mussolini's fascist philosophy.
And they really do believe the "evil" thing.

This is a mix of Mussolini and Jihadism. All surrounding a celebrity con man.
Conservatives criminalize homelessness and don't offer any social services.

The vast majority of homeless are chronic drug or alcohol addicts who would only benefit from involuntary committal where they would benefit from a clean, well-fed, therapeutic environment.

Unfortunately, due to "well-meaning" social services, that option no longer exists.
I don't know how to communicate with stuff like this. These people have been conditioned to believe, and they sure as hell DO believe, that if you don't think just like they do, you are a violent, Satan-worshipping commie pedophile who wants to destroy America. They block out the fact that people from across the political spectrum are horrified at what has happened.

To compound things, they are so insulated and encased in this that they don't have the capacity to explain it. They can't articulate their thought processes beyond the most shallow and rote platitudes. They're like miniature versions of the Incredible Hulk -- just SMASH and roar. They refuse to (or can't) see any nuance or complexity in a nuanced and complex world.

I guess anything can happen, but it sure doesn't seem like this is going to improve any time soon.
Unfortunately for White6, there were protests for George Floyd in Tennessee. And what YOU should be appalled at is the willingness of people to denigrate those who protest the state murder of citizens by police.

What has happened is that people are beginning to reject the pretend America that has been forced upon the majority of the people. This nation has lived a lie and the reckoning is coming.
O.K. that sounds good. But tell me, is the private sector ready to give all those homeless people jobs at a living wage and reasonable benefits?
Spokane, WA--Minimum wage $16.89 ($22 starting wages at McD's), government mandated vacations, sick leaves, FMLA, SS, Disability and Unemployment insurance. Next.
The vast majority of homeless are chronic drug or alcohol addicts who would only benefit from involuntary committal where they would benefit from a clean, well-fed, therapeutic environment.

Unfortunately, due to "well-meaning" social services, that option no longer exists.
That's one of my criticisms of Dems. They generally offer more services than Republicans but they don't go far enough and end up creating the mess we see now in San Francisco. The Republicans point at the Dem-run cities that are being inundated with vagrants, conveniently ignoring the fact that their draconian laws which criminalize the homeless, lead to the Dem-run municipalities offering services to those who were forced out of conservative-run cities. As you mentioned, the Dems aren't doing enough, not to speak of the Republicans who are even worse than the Dems. At least the Dems are generally more humane.

I give credit to where it's due. There were some thoughtful Republicans in Utah, who supported the Housing First program, which pretty much eliminated homelessness in Salt Lake City and several other cities in Utah, for about eight years. They also had a good follow-up program, with committed social workers and medical professionals which offered addicts a way out of their substance abuse, through AA and NA meetings and a host of supportive resources, that proved to be effective in getting people out of those destructive patterns of behavior.

They had great success but then unfortunately a few conservatives started complaining about how these people don't deserve this type of assistance and the Housing First program fell apart around 2017/2018.

Here in NYC, we have a Housing First program for homeless veterans that is proving to be extremely effective. The VA with NYC-DHS is getting these veterans housed and treated for their substance abuse issues, helping them get back on their feet. That's what we need for everyone, not just veterans. This is the way to get rid of homelessness and drug addiction.
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