We may need a revolution or secession

All you right-wing MAGA-hats would do is hand the country to the wealthy elites and the working class would be in an even worse position concerning their rights and finances. You would turn this country into a complete and utter hell-hole, where workers are treated like chattel slaves and the cost of living would force working-class families to live in shanty-towns like this:
Working-class people can forget about owning a home and having full or even partial medical coverage (Medicaid and Medicare, social security, unemployment insurance/benefits will be out the window, forget about forming a labor-union and having rights at work). You MAGA hats will deregulate and privatize everything, placing it in the hands of the rich at the expense of the public good. You would truly destroy this country if you were fully in charge, resulting in an actual people's revolution. You will never be able to carry out your right-wing fantasy revolution. All we leftists have to do is take out the popcorn and watch the authorities pulverize you violent, delusional country bumpkins waving your confederate-crap flags, like a bunch of brain-dead buffoons.
Nice photo. What blue shithole city is that from? Are you unaware of the homeless encampments in LA? SF? Portland? Seattle? Spokane? Wake up.
is that why they pay the majority of the taxes in this country? cause they aren't taxed? What do they do give those funds to the US treasury?

All you right-wing MAGA-hats would do is hand the country to the wealthy elites and the working class would be in an even worse position concerning their rights and finances. You would turn this country into a complete and utter hell-hole, where workers are treated like chattel slaves and the cost of living would force working-class families to live in shanty-towns like this:
Working-class people can forget about owning a home and having full or even partial medical coverage (Medicaid and Medicare, social security, unemployment insurance/benefits will be out the window, forget about forming a labor-union and having rights at work). You MAGA hats will deregulate and privatize everything, placing it in the hands of the rich at the expense of the public good. You would truly destroy this country if you were fully in charge, resulting in an actual people's revolution. You will never be able to carry out your right-wing fantasy revolution. All we leftists have to do is take out the popcorn and watch the authorities pulverize you violent, delusional country bumpkins waving your confederate-crap flags, like a bunch of brain-dead buffoons.

Ummmm, the demofascists that you support ARE doing that.

Dumb dumb.
Nice photo. What blue shithole city is that from? Are you unaware of the homeless encampments in LA? SF? Portland? Seattle? Spokane? Wake up.

Where do you think the homeless in conversation-run cities and towns go? Another country or planet? They end up in Democrat-run towns and cities that offer them more social services. The problem with most Democrat-managed municipalities is that they don't do enough to eliminate homelessness. Ironically, Utah which is mostly a conservative, Republican enclave, eliminated homelessness for about eight years, when they had their "Housing First" policy, which housed the homeless in clean, well-equipped, and supervised apartments.

These homeless people had social workers and medical professionals helping them, they had to regularly attend AA and NA meetings if they had a substance abuse problem, and they had access to job training and employment opportunities. I was amazed that this program was adopted by mostly conservative Republicans in Utah, and they were doing great, eliminating homelessness and saving the state money. Homelessness is much more expensive (In crime, property damage, expensive court costs, medical emergencies, indigent people harassing shoppers and undermining local businesses..etc).

As a leftist I was impressed, saying "Finally there are a few right-wing, religious conservatives that get it, and they're doing a great job eliminating homelessness. Maybe they will inspire their fellow conservative colleagues around the country to adopt the same policies", but unfortunately, the right-wing conservative demon got the best of them and they folded. They eliminated the program around 2018. Now homelessness is back in full force in Salt Lake City and throughout Utah. Some conservatives started complaining that it's not fair to help the homeless this way, when hard-working people, who haven't messed up with drugs or booze, aren't getting the same benefits and help. It's the most asinine way of thinking because homelessness hurts them too.

Democrats don't do enough, but they do enough to attract the homeless to their cities and towns, and the conservatives just kick everybody out. They make conditions so "draconian", and so harsh, that people feel forced to leave for a more liberal part of the state or country. That's why Democratic cities are being overwhelmed with the homeless. Democrats don't do enough and the Republicans do absolutely nothing but just kick the homeless out of their cities and towns.
Utah which is mostly a conservative, Republican enclave, eliminated homelessness for about eight years, when they had their "Housing First" policy, which housed the homeless in clean, well-equipped, and supervised apartments.
Thank you for agreeing the problem is democrat leadership. You'll find that most, if not all, Republican controlled areas are devoid of homeless enclaves.
If you've got a better idea for gov't than what we've got now, I'd like to hear it. Or from anybody else for that matter. IMHO, it ain't the system, it's the people running it.
All Republics Go Bananas

Let us, the people, run the system through referendums. Electing means giving up our right to vote on the issues to some sheltered and pre-owned politician. The common sense from the common experience of the common people is far superior to the opinions of these imaginary "wise stewards."

The ruling class's Constitution was a plutocratic plot devised behind closed doors. To protect the guilty, the 1% also controls all debates on all matters, leading the 99% to bicker over false alternatives. All parties think of the 99% as party-crashers. The candy-dates are father-figures for those who have been orphaned by this system and submissively seek adoption by them.

For example, the Popular Vote would have been completely different under a system where we could have voted on who else here could vote and who could come here and become voters.
Thank you for agreeing the problem is democrat leadership. You'll find that most, if not all, Republican controlled areas are devoid of homeless enclaves.
You kick them out and then the Dems have to deal with them. Where do you expect these homeless people to go? Another planet? You're not solving the problem by kicking them out and forcing Dems to deal with it.
Where do you think the homeless in conversation-run cities and towns go? Another country or planet? They end up in Democrat-run towns and cities that offer them more social services. The problem with most Democrat-managed municipalities is that they don't do enough to eliminate homelessness. Ironically, Utah which is mostly a conservative, Republican enclave, eliminated homelessness for about eight years, when they had their "Housing First" policy, which housed the homeless in clean, well-equipped, and supervised apartments.

These homeless people had social workers and medical professionals helping them, they had to regularly attend AA and NA meetings if they had a substance abuse problem, and they had access to job training and employment opportunities. I was amazed that this program was adopted by mostly conservative Republicans in Utah, and they were doing great, eliminating homelessness and saving the state money. Homelessness is much more expensive (In crime, property damage, expensive court costs, medical emergencies, indigent people harassing shoppers and undermining local businesses..etc).

As a leftist I was impressed, saying "Finally there are a few right-wing, religious conservatives that get it, and they're doing a great job eliminating homelessness. Maybe they will inspire their fellow conservative colleagues around the country to adopt the same policies", but unfortunately, the right-wing conservative demon got the best of them and they folded. They eliminated the program around 2018. Now homelessness is back in full force in Salt Lake City and throughout Utah. Some conservatives started complaining that it's not fair to help the homeless this way, when hard-working people, who haven't messed up with drugs or booze, aren't getting the same benefits and help. It's the most asinine way of thinking because homelessness hurts them too.

Democrats don't do enough, but they do enough to attract the homeless to their cities and towns, and the conservatives just kick everybody out. They make conditions so "draconian", and so harsh, that people feel forced to leave for a more liberal part of the state or country. That's why Democratic cities are being overwhelmed with the homeless. Democrats don't do enough and the Republicans do absolutely nothing but just kick the homeless out of their cities and towns.
I typed "conversation-run" cities and towns. I meant "conservative-run". It's a typo and unfortunately, after an hour we can't fix it.
Trump had the border all but closed. Obummerbiden opened the border back up on his very first day.

So, you are wrong.
Fleas Flee

There are 20 million immigration criminals here who were not part of this latest wave of invaders. Shoot a few and the rest will run for their lives:


Inca dinks: 9,000 unevolved Indigians
Whites: 168 Conquistadors

Savages' casualties: 2,000 dead, 7,000 captured
Whites' casualties: None
I can't see the military or any portion thereof allowing itself to be under any civilian power.

I was under the impression that The Commander in Chief, regardless of party, is a civilian. Certainly no US President has ever been in uniform while in office.
You kick them out and then the Dems have to deal with them
Please show where any red state has kicked anyone out. Dem shitholes offer ne'er-do-wells free rides and excuses for their own stupidity and laziness. That is what attracts those homeless. Not what conservatives do. Conservatives offer equal opportunity to anyone who has the ambition to claim it.

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