We may need a revolution or secession

Serfs Licking Their Chains

Those who believe we should let the grave-robbing sons dominate us from their unearned positions hate their own Daddies for not getting rich and spoiling them. I quit having Daddy issues when I grew up.

Just out of very morbid curiosity...

... when someone dies with wealth they accumulated by a lifetime of work ...

... WHO do you believe has a right to determine who has a claim to that wealth?
Thank you for agreeing the problem is democrat leadership. You'll find that most, if not all, Republican controlled areas are devoid of homeless enclaves.

So, should we just ship all the homeless people to the Republican areas and the Republicans will magically fix the homelessness problem?

Sounds great to me!
So, should we just ship all the homeless people to the Republican areas and the Republicans will magically fix the homelessness problem?

Sounds great to me!
You already tried that in TX and then whined and cried when they forced NYC, LA, Martha's Vineyard, Chicago etc to share the load. You speak out of both sides of your mouth. Democrats are the major contributors to homeless in America. Every time you fools open your mouths and point fingers there are four fingers pointing at the real problem. YOU.

"We may need a revolution or secession"

You already tried that in TX and then whined and cried when they forced NYC, LA, Martha's Vineyard, Chicago etc to share the load. You speak out of both sides of your mouth. Democrats are the major contributors to homeless in America. Every time you fools open your mouths and point fingers there are four fingers pointing at the real problem. YOU.

Homelessness and illegal immigration are 2 different issues.

If the Republicans were so great at fixing the homeless problem, they'd happily keep the illegal immigrants in Texas - and invite the rest of the nations homeless in as well.
Homelessness and illegal immigration are 2 different issues.

If the Republicans were so great at fixing the homeless problem, they'd happily keep the illegal immigrants in Texas - and invite the rest of the nations homeless in as well.
If the democrats were serious about the homeless problem, they wouldn't open the borders to MILLIONS of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to exacerbate the problem.
[We may need a revolution or secession]

They mean the same thing. What we need are a lot less people demanding some shit from other people who will never buy in to their crazyness. One of them has to take is foot off the gas and the other his foot off the brakes.
Please show where any red state has kicked anyone out. Dem shitholes offer ne'er-do-wells free rides and excuses for their own stupidity and laziness. That is what attracts those homeless. Not what conservatives do. Conservatives offer equal opportunity to anyone who has the ambition to claim it.
Conservatives criminalize homelessness and don't offer any social services. Whatever assistance is available for the homeless in conservative-run communities is done by the Christian missions, assuming there is one. Those religious Christian homeless shelters don't resolve the homeless problem. You can deny it but for those of us who work with the homeless and have been homeless ourselves, we know how conservatives treat the homeless. They just criminalize the homeless, making the situation worse.
Homelessness and illegal immigration are 2 different issues.

If the Republicans were so great at fixing the homeless problem, they'd happily keep the illegal immigrants in Texas - and invite the rest of the nations homeless in as well.
Not really. Squeezing millions of people into a country without the infrastructure to support them causes.....wait for it.....

The same social services are offered everywhere in the US, moron. Welfare and Medicaid are federal programs. Educate yourself. You may be a conservative and not even know it.
Medicaid and other social services aren't offered in the same way in many conservative-run states as it is in Dem states and cities. In Florida and Texas if you're poor, that's not enough to qualify for Medicaid. You need to have a diagnosed disability and be eligible for SSD (Social Security Disability) or else you won't qualify. There are a few conservative, Republican states that aren't like that. Arizona and Utah are two of them, but in general, Republican states don't allow you to get Medicaid unless you're clinically disabled. The hurdles apply for SNAP/Food-Stamps and other programs as well in these Repub states, not for Medicaid.

So it's you who is the pathetic punk and "moron", for assuming otherwise.
So, you're saying the Republicans do not have a magic fix for homelessness?

You'd better tell Concerned American
Magic fix for homelessness? Simple. Get off of your lazy ass, put the crack pipe down, quit taking fentanyl, get a job and gain some self respect. I would hazard a guess that this would do away with 75% of ALL legal resident homelessness. This charitable country and their religious and civic charities have always done well for the remaining 25%.
Medicaid and other social services aren't offered in the same way in many conservative-run states as it is in Dem states and cities. In Florida and Texas if you're poor, that's not enough to qualify for Medicaid. You need to have a diagnosed disability and be eligible for SSD (Social Security Disability) or else you won't qualify. There are a few conservative, Republican states that aren't like that. Arizona and Utah are two of them, but in general, Republican states don't allow you to get Medicaid unless you're clinically disabled. The hurdles apply for SNAP/Food-Stamps and other programs. So it's you who is the pathetic punk and "moron", for assuming otherwise.
Medicaid is administered by the states according to FEDERAL rules.
Sadly, those may be the only options to save this country as a free democratic republic. I don't want either, but neither did the partiots of 1776. Should history repeat itself?

It seems obvious that the MAGA morons want to secede only to form some type of monarchy rather than a Democratic Republic.

Many are already saying that Trump was ordained by God. Just like a King.

It's apparent that the attempt to overthrow Democracy on Jan. 6, 2021, proves that they are very much against a Democratic Republic.

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