We may need a revolution or secession

That's one of my criticisms of Dems. They generally offer more services than Republicans but they don't go far enough and end up creating the mess we see now in San Francisco. The Republicans point at the Dem-run cities that are being inundated with vagrants, conveniently ignoring the fact that their draconian laws which criminalize the homeless, lead to the Dem-run municipalities offering services to those who were forced out of conservative-run cities. As you mentioned, the Dems aren't doing enough, not to speak of the Republicans who are even worse than the Dems. At least the Dems are generally more humane.

I give credit to where it's due. There were some thoughtful Republicans in Utah, who supported the Housing First program, which pretty much eliminated homelessness in Salt Lake City and several other cities in Utah, for about eight years. They also had a good follow-up program, with committed social workers and medical professionals which offered addicts a way out of their substance abuse, through AA and NA meetings and a host of supportive resources, that proved to be effective in getting people out of those destructive patterns of behavior.

They had great success but then unfortunately a few conservatives started complaining about how these people don't deserve this type of assistance and the Housing First program fell apart around 2017/2018.

Here in NYC, we have a Housing First program for homeless veterans that is proving to be extremely effective. The VA with NYC-DHS is getting these veterans housed and treated for their substance abuse issues, helping them get back on their feet. That's what we need for everyone, not just veterans. This is the way to get rid of homelessness and drug addiction.
Solution? Tax the rich again and invest in America again so the Dems can do what is needed for chrissake....
You can only get rid of drug and alcohol addiction if someone genuinely wants to break the addiction.

If that isn't the case, all the counseling in the world will be a complete waste of time.
There are still some that use drugs, but they have to follow the rules of the "housing unit". There are people still shooting heroin and smoking crack, but you'd be surprised how these addicts despite the unhealthy consequences of their addiction, still keep their housing units in order. They value not being homeless and they actually don't end up shitting on the floor and destroying the building. I volunteer as a caseworker and I get access to all of these facilities. I help them get connected to the programs and resources to provide them with the assistance they need to get back on their feet.

Sometimes but rarely, there's a mentally ill drug addict that ends up damaging their housing unit and section (each section has four to eight housing units). They share a bathroom or two, and a kitchen. You'd be surprised how many units and sections are well kept and the bathrooms are clean, the kitchens have their microwaves and even expensive appliances, that you would expect a drug addict to steal and pawn for drugs, and they don't do it.

I used to volunteer at the Borden Ave Salvation Army, Veterans Residents in the early 2000s, before they installed all of the "housing cubicles". It was a warehouse full of beds and lockers. These homeless addicts (BTW not all of the homeless are addicts), would keep valuable items on top of their lockers, sometimes even leaving their lockers open and no one would steal.

One might argue that these homeless addicts are veterans, and hence are different. Not really, in Utah, based upon what I read, they managed to keep these homeless people (Veterans or not), from destroying the housing units and creating havoc. My personal experience is that when these homeless people, irrespective of their substance abuse, get housed, they value their housing and take care of it. They're not as dumb and out of control as many like to portray them.
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You can only get rid of drug and alcohol addiction if someone genuinely wants to break the addiction.

If that isn't the case, all the counseling in the world will be a complete waste of time.
Or invest in low income housing again along with the rest of our infrastructure for crying out loud....
Wtf are you talking about, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus? Why is housing so expensive in dupe world?
Because of assholes like you who vote for politicians who serve the rich at the expense of the public good. Do humanity a favor and go find the nearest cliff.
Or invest in low income housing again along with the rest of our infrastructure for crying out loud....

Being given housing comes with conditions...

... don't assault or harass your neighbors
... don't use it as a crack house
... don't destroy it or burn it to the ground

If you don't deal with the substance addiction, you can give everyone a free mansion and it won't fix the issue.
volunteer as a caseworker and I get access to all of these facilities.

I'm employed as a cop and I go to these facilities every day when they assault their neighbors, trade homeless kids drugs for sex, and burn the places to the ground.

If someone is taking drugs or alcohol and still keeping up their home, they don't have a substance abuse issue. They are just a recreational user.
I'm employed as a cop and I go to these facilities every day when they assault their neighbors, trade homeless kids drugs for sex, and burn the places to the ground.

If someone is taking drugs or alcohol and still keeping up their home, they don't have a substance abuse issue. They are just a recreational user.
That's not my experience. I know several drug addicts and alcoholics who maintain their housing units and aren't causing havoc.
Being given housing comes with conditions...

... don't assault or harass your neighbors
... don't use it as a crack house
... don't destroy it or burn it to the ground

If you don't deal with the substance addiction, you can give everyone a free mansion and it won't fix the issue.
There are ways of dealing with it without abandoning people out in the street. Homelessness just makes the situation worse and more expensive. The Housing First program worked in Utah, and it was people with your attitude that destroyed it and now the situation is back to the horrible conditions they were before.
That's not my experience. I know several drug addicts and alcoholics who maintain their housing units and aren't causing havoc.

If they don't cause havoc, they aren't my problem.

In my town, we have a lot of druggies who have been banned from homeless shelters and crisis housing because of their violent tendencies

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