We may need a revolution or secession

If folks worried less about "defeating" the "enemy" and more about collaborating and innovating, this wouldn't be a topic.

When both sides have input, they both have skin in the game, and they both want ideas to work. Instead of sabotaging everything and hoping for the worst.

But it appears that collaboration and innovation are just too difficult for some. So they just want to wreck the whole thing.
... when someone dies with wealth he accumulated by a lifetime of work ...

... WHO do you believe has a right to determine who has a claim to that wealth?

It's dishonest to intentionally make it only about the money. Unearned inheritance, trust funds, and controlling stock sets up incompetent and conceited brats halfway to the finish line. The public owns the competitive field of the next generation, not the sons of previous winners. So the public determines that no dead HeirDad gets to bribe the officials.

Limiting inheritance to $100,000 and confiscating trust funds will end the income tax, probably the corporate tax, and pay off the National Debt. Another dishonest scare story is that it will only be transferred from the Daddy-moochers to other moochers.
We have no national interest in keeping

we have no interest in keeping the corrupt Ukraine government in place and preventing Ukraine from reuniting with Russia. it was part of Russia for decades and many Ukrainians want to reunite with Russia. The only reason we keep sending billions to the corrupt Ukraine government is so the bribes to Biden and the other deep state traitors can continue. You are very naive and uninformed if you buy into the BS on that bill. Biden could, and has the authority, to reseal our southern border today, but he doesn't want it sealed because he is in league with the drug cartels that are killing our kids with Chinese fentanyl every day.
It is proven that US citizens are doing most of the fentanyl smuggling duhhh. So forget that bs....tax the rich again and help latin America too!

So pass the damn immigration bill, GOP hypocrites and dupes....
And that is relevant to what? I submit that 100% of fentanyl smugglers into the US are Americans. So what. Get your blue DOJ and Homeland Security off of their collective asses and secure the border. That takes care of both the fentanyl and illegal immigration issues. Now quit trying to distract from the original issue that you failed at---homelessness. Your last position in post #358 was inequality poverty and homelessness. Are you Joe Biden's sock--you can't keep track of a conversation. STFU
Worst inequality poverty homelessness ever anywhere in the modern world. Great job GOP!

Maybe we s

Nobody knows wtf you're talking about except other brainwashed functional moron GOP base ignoramuses.... election conspiracy nut job? Pure bs....

Who's President TODAY? Who had Congress his first 2 years?
And that is relevant to what? I submit that 100% of fentanyl smugglers into the US are Americans. So what. Get your blue DOJ and Homeland Security off of their collective asses and secure the border. That takes care of both the fentanyl and illegal immigration issues. Now quit trying to distract from the original issue that you failed at---homelessness. Your last position in post #358 was inequality poverty and homelessness. Are you Joe Biden's sock--you can't keep track of a conversation. STFU
Damn hard to stop. And has NOTHING to do with asylum seekers, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus seditionist pos conspiracy nut job... lol
And that is relevant to what? I submit that 100% of fentanyl smugglers into the US are Americans. So what. Get your blue DOJ and Homeland Security off of their collective asses and secure the border. That takes care of both the fentanyl and illegal immigration issues. Now quit trying to distract from the original issue that you failed at---homelessness. Your last position in post #358 was inequality poverty and homelessness. Are you Joe Biden's sock--you can't keep track of a conversation. STFU
Tax the rich again and invest in America again duhh
total bullshit. Jan 6 was nothing but patriotic american citizens demanding that the evidence of vote fraud be presented to congress and the american people. The entry into the capital building was coordinated by Pelosi and the capital police who made no attempts to secure the capital and Pelosi refused national guard protection when offered by Trump. The only victim was an innocent unarmed female veteran who was murdered by a capital cop who now walks free. Our country is in deep shit. If the lib/dems retain control, the USA is history.

Jan. 6 was a riot done by a bunch of traitorous lunatics who intended an insurrection against the Constitution.

The vast majority knew damn well that the election was not stolen by Biden and the Democrats. You know that as well.

The insurrection was planned by Trump and his cronies.

Your gas-lighting FAILS!
This is really ignorant. I'm not a fan of trump, but would consider myself fiscally and constitutionally conservative with moderate social ideas. But the idea that MAGAs or Republicans want a monarchy is sensationalist hyperbole and the exact opposite of conservatism. I have never once heard an actual Trumper say they want to establish a monarchy. And if they have, they don't speak for the majority of conservatives in this country.

Because they are idiots. The Republican/Conservative connection to Christianity is absurd, and there are plenty who believe the same thing I do. Unfortunately, politicians, both left and right latch on to the absurd and report and campaign on the absurd for votes or propaganda.

Not an overthrow. Not an insurrection. A protest, yes. Don't believe the propaganda machine of our MSM.


'Hang Mike Pence' didn't give you a clue?

It was obvious that the MAGA mob were going to stop the peaceful transfer of the Presidency. They were, as many have admitted, instructed to do so by Trump.

They as well as Trump knew that if they could prevent the electoral college from certifying Biden as President, the Constitution called for the Presidency being decided by a vote of the House of Representatives. Trump would have won that vote.

It was an insurrection intended to overthrow the legal, lawful and rightful winner of the 2020 election. It was an attempt to disenfranchise the majority of American and illegally seize power.

It was a fascist coup. Mussolini would have been proud.

It may be that Trump's MAGA idiots are too stupid to even realize that they are trying to install a monarch and a tyrant, but the rest of us are not.

Doesn't the fact that Trump is trying to have himself legally declared to have absolute immunity, mean anything to you?

That's what a Tyrannical King has - absolute immunity.

Get a clue!
They as well as Trump knew that if they could prevent the electoral college from certifying Biden as President, the Constitution called for the Presidency being decided by a vote of the House of Representatives. Trump would have won that vote.
SMH, Please educate yourself. The 116th congress ended on Jan. 3, 2021--the house had a democrat majority. The 117th congress' balance of power favored the democrats 220 to 213. How, pray tell, did Trump or anyone else think that he would have prevailed in a vote of the house. Try again. 117th United States Congress

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