We might survive the coup this time.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
No one wants to be swept up in what is happening with our country. I recall sitting in a high school Comparative Government class in 1962 and being warned about exactly what is taking place. Demoralization, destabilization, and normalization. That is how it was done in Russia and the result was the Soviet State.

I wish I had been a better student of history. Like many who grew up in freedom, my greatest sin is sloth and my punishment could be to watch this beautiful country go down under Joe Biden. While we watch cities burn, it becomes clear that we are teetering on the brink of an attempted revolution. American intelligentsia, the dissatisfied and frustrated faculties of colleges and universities, have been dispensing poison for decades, and now elderly citizens are bludgeoned in full view while it is considered necessary for a better world.

This is not new of course, and neither is the near-total collapse of unbiased media attached to the BLM movement. The tragedy of bad education is nowhere more revealing than in the transition of American journalism to propaganda platforms. This could be due in part to the meteoric rise of internet social media sites that resemble Hitler’s beer hall putsch in the 1920’s. The lowest common denominator (useful idiots) in society make great foot soldiers to foment a revolution to hold onto power that is slipping away.

The parallels of frustration and dissatisfaction at Trump’s election underlying the BLM movement are undeniable when compared to the Nazi distaste of the Treaty of Versailles, so indignant, resentful intellectuals in American education can be aptly compared there as well. Recruiting Brownshirts is a tested method to inflict bedlam and intimidate citizens while propagandized media justifies the carnage as good and needed.

Trump really pulled the lid off a can of worms when he got elected and American intellectuals feared a power shift that threatened to leave them out in the cold. Impeachment planning began on the night Trump won.

The pandemic slammed a booming economy and that should have sealed Trump’s fate but the wicked were taking no chances. So, they concocted existential racism for a banner to march under. But the violence was a bridge too far. Trump’s numbers are starting to surge, and the revolution is running out of steam.

It looks like America might survive the coup this time. We must be eternally vigilant to preserve democracy.
Trump is still the president as cities burn and 10% unemployment is the norm while the stock market expands to the benefit of a very few.
Blue cities that won't allow the feds to come in and stop it.....they allowed Obama to send in troops in 2015 and 2016 so WTF man....wake up you are sounding dumber and dumber every day.....you use to have more common sense...I guess TDS is really debilitating over time....
Trump is still the president as cities burn and 10% unemployment is the norm while the stock market expands to the benefit of a very few.

To the benefit of very few?

Just because you are a loser with no stocks, does not mean most Americans are.

Get a job and stop posting desperate nonsense on the board. For God's sake, this amount of whinery is not healthy.
Trump is still the president as cities burn and 10% unemployment is the norm while the stock market expands to the benefit of a very few.
Blue cities that won't allow the feds to come in and stop it.....they allowed Obama to send in troops in 2015 and 2016 so WTF man....wake up you are sounding dumber and dumber every day.....you use to have more common sense...I guess TDS is really debilitating over time....

Have you looked at the GOP cities, there are not much of them, most can't handle diversity, but there are 30 or so of them and they have high crime rates.:mad: Take a look at them, you look so foolish sprouting tramp words.
Trump is still the president as cities burn and 10% unemployment is the norm while the stock market expands to the benefit of a very few.
Blue cities that won't allow the feds to come in and stop it.....they allowed Obama to send in troops in 2015 and 2016 so WTF man....wake up you are sounding dumber and dumber every day.....you use to have more common sense...I guess TDS is really debilitating over time....

Have you looked at the GOP cities, there are not much of them, most can't handle diversity, but there are 30 or so of them and they have high crime rates.:mad: Take a look at them, you look so foolish sprouting tramp words.

The larger a city gets the more slums you have ergo the more Democratic voters. Pretty simple really.
Trump is still the president as cities burn and 10% unemployment is the norm while the stock market expands to the benefit of a very few.


Yes he is and when the mayors and governors who let those cities be devastated cry for federal money to rebuild Trump needs to say...



Trump is still the president as cities burn and 10% unemployment is the norm while the stock market expands to the benefit of a very few.
Blue cities that won't allow the feds to come in and stop it.....they allowed Obama to send in troops in 2015 and 2016 so WTF man....wake up you are sounding dumber and dumber every day.....you use to have more common sense...I guess TDS is really debilitating over time....
If Trump can claim the good during his presidency of which he doesn't control then he can take the bad.
Trump is still the president as cities burn and 10% unemployment is the norm while the stock market expands to the benefit of a very few.

To the benefit of very few?

Just because you are a loser with no stocks, does not mean most Americans are.

Get a job and stop posting desperate nonsense on the board. For God's sake, this amount of whinery is not healthy.
Why should I get a job when I don't have to work if I don't want to? Yet, I still do part time, can't you think of a better insult to show yer civility?
I consider stocks to profit rich people and the middlemen, I do invest yet not in stocks or bonds but in the Earth itself.
No one wants to be swept up in what is happening with our country. I recall sitting in a high school Comparative Government class in 1962 and being warned about exactly what is taking place. Demoralization, destabilization, and normalization. That is how it was done in Russia and the result was the Soviet State.

I wish I had been a better student of history. Like many who grew up in freedom, my greatest sin is sloth and my punishment could be to watch this beautiful country go down under Joe Biden. While we watch cities burn, it becomes clear that we are teetering on the brink of an attempted revolution. American intelligentsia, the dissatisfied and frustrated faculties of colleges and universities, have been dispensing poison for decades, and now elderly citizens are bludgeoned in full view while it is considered necessary for a better world.

This is not new of course, and neither is the near-total collapse of unbiased media attached to the BLM movement. The tragedy of bad education is nowhere more revealing than in the transition of American journalism to propaganda platforms. This could be due in part to the meteoric rise of internet social media sites that resemble Hitler’s beer hall putsch in the 1920’s. The lowest common denominator (useful idiots) in society make great foot soldiers to foment a revolution to hold onto power that is slipping away.

The parallels of frustration and dissatisfaction at Trump’s election underlying the BLM movement are undeniable when compared to the Nazi distaste of the Treaty of Versailles, so indignant, resentful intellectuals in American education can be aptly compared there as well. Recruiting Brownshirts is a tested method to inflict bedlam and intimidate citizens while propagandized media justifies the carnage as good and needed.

Trump really pulled the lid off a can of worms when he got elected and American intellectuals feared a power shift that threatened to leave them out in the cold. Impeachment planning began on the night Trump won.

The pandemic slammed a booming economy and that should have sealed Trump’s fate but the wicked were taking no chances. So, they concocted existential racism for a banner to march under. But the violence was a bridge too far. Trump’s numbers are starting to surge, and the revolution is running out of steam.

It looks like America might survive the coup this time. We must be eternally vigilant to preserve democracy.
The biggest coup attempt will be the civil war that i think will start in the months following President Trump's reelection. :smoke:
Trump is still the president as cities burn and 10% unemployment is the norm while the stock market expands to the benefit of a very few.
Blue cities that won't allow the feds to come in and stop it.....they allowed Obama to send in troops in 2015 and 2016 so WTF man....wake up you are sounding dumber and dumber every day.....you use to have more common sense...I guess TDS is really debilitating over time....
If Trump can claim the good during his presidency of which he doesn't control then he can take the bad.
Only if the bad is on him...riots are all on the dems until they allow the feds in....the economy is coming back and the Chinese are to blame for covid....or did you think we forgot.....
Trump is still the president as cities burn and 10% unemployment is the norm while the stock market expands to the benefit of a very few.
Blue cities that won't allow the feds to come in and stop it.....they allowed Obama to send in troops in 2015 and 2016 so WTF man....wake up you are sounding dumber and dumber every day.....you use to have more common sense...I guess TDS is really debilitating over time....
If Trump can claim the good during his presidency of which he doesn't control then he can take the bad.
Only if the bad is on him...riots are all on the dems until they allow the feds in....the economy is coming back and the Chinese are to blame for covid....or did you think we forgot.....
The feds may go in at anytime the president wants to declare martial law...Is Trump scared to declare martial law?
Trump is still the president as cities burn and 10% unemployment is the norm while the stock market expands to the benefit of a very few.
Blue cities that won't allow the feds to come in and stop it.....they allowed Obama to send in troops in 2015 and 2016 so WTF man....wake up you are sounding dumber and dumber every day.....you use to have more common sense...I guess TDS is really debilitating over time....
If Trump can claim the good during his presidency of which he doesn't control then he can take the bad.
Only if the bad is on him...riots are all on the dems until they allow the feds in....the economy is coming back and the Chinese are to blame for covid....or did you think we forgot.....
The feds may go in at anytime the president wants to declare martial law...Is Trump scared to declare martial law?
They must be invited in...martial law must have an agreement between the state and the feds to prevent tragic mistakes....they must coordinate.....besides...its helping Trump get re elected....so why go in and save the blue hellholes from themselves?....

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