We Must Protect This Nation from the Folly of Democracy

There is no Democrat Party in the USA, the is a Democratic Party.
So any DNC Convention { Democrat National Committee } is not
merely false advertising but an outright attempt to capitalize
on name recognition.I guess it beats the name ... The Whig Party.
Historian Frank Towers wrote that " Democrats stood for the
' sovereignty of the people ' as expressed in popular demonstrations,
constitutional conventions and majority rule as a general rule of
governing,whereas Whigs advocated the rule of law,written and
unchanging constitutions,and protections for minorities interests
against majority tyranny. "
Plus no respectable Whig would ever sit down to dine { eat }
without using a big fluffy napkin around their collar.
Like in the movie ... - Inherit the Wind - { 1960 } where
Lawyer Matthew Brady was a big eater.Had to scarf down
fried chicken like a Hog during breaks in the Trial.
KInda like Joe Biden and Ice Cream cones.
Nobody is claiming that.

A pure Democracy was incredibly impractical in a country the size of the USA even during the founders days. Communication was too slow.

Nevertheless, a Democracy it is.
I still say that calling this nation a democracy is like calling a firearm magazine a clip. It is technically wrong.

I understand what you are saying and mean. I just like to use the correct terminology when discussing our government.

If we had a real democracy we would not have the Electoral College. Presidential candidates would not even bother to visit the states with lower population as they would be considered totally unimportant.
We know what Dems mean by DEMocracy...MOB rule of a simple majority.
MOB rule by teabaggers is a simple opinion of one simple man.

The world's global government is not only a collection of child molesters, but also sadistic maniacs. They literally want to torture us if you don't agree with the Priests of Democracy.
"Once we understand the mechanisms that cause pain, we will use them in the legal system."
No, it's not torture, it's "pain-inducing mechanisms." The funny animals continue to invent a new language.
I still say that calling this nation a democracy is like calling a firearm magazine a clip. It is technically wrong.

I understand what you are saying and mean. I just like to use the correct terminology when discussing our government.

If we had a real democracy we would not have the Electoral College. Presidential candidates would not even bother to visit the states with lower population as they would be considered totally unimportant.
Where you are wrong in the extreme is simple simon.
That is why specifically in the brillance of our Great Founders,each state
no matter how big/populated each have 2 and ONLY TWO Senators.
One such dramatic example to discount yer entire premise about
use of the word " Democracy ".
Unless you think great men like Aristotle have no bidness
expressing views on Life,men and Government.
" Democracy,for example,arises out of the notion that those
who are equal in any respect are equal in all respects,
men are equally free,they claim to be absolutely equal. "
The world's global government is not only a collection of child molesters, but also sadistic maniacs. They literally want to torture us if you don't agree with the Priests of Democracy.
"Once we understand the mechanisms that cause pain, we will use them in the legal system."
No, it's not torture, it's "pain-inducing mechanisms." The funny animals continue to invent a new language.

Gee Golly Gosh I don't done believe that's what :
- Mister Rodgers Neighborhood - was trying to
They want an American Pinochet, and they think this is their best opportunity.
What kind of Pinochet would a Biden make.
One who dances with tulips and plays a smaller
version of Tiny Tim's ukulele.Plus tries to grow his hair
out.Wasn't Biden called " Plugs " a few decade ago.
MOB rule by teabaggers is a simple opinion of one simple man.

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Count on yer fingers { try as you will } how many in the Big Apple
have places like Trump Tower.Or his Washington D.C. Waldorf-Astoria
restaurant.Or Mar-a-Lago.
The problemo with you nutbags is you thunk it's cute to
get cute w/o being funny or rational.Like the cesspool of
Democrat adoring Late Night TV hosts/comics.
Where you are wrong in the extreme is simple simon.
That is why specifically in the brillance of our Great Founders,each state
no matter how big/populated each have 2 and ONLY TWO Senators.
One such dramatic example to discount yer entire premise about
use of the word " Democracy ".
Unless you think great men like Aristotle have no bidness
expressing views on Life,men and Government.
" Democracy,for example,arises out of the notion that those
who are equal in any respect are equal in all respects,
men are equally free,they claim to be absolutely equal. "
I’ll stick with the term the CIA World Factbook uses for the type of government we have. They call our government a constitutional federal

Count on yer fingers { try as you will } how many in the Big Apple
have places like Trump Tower.Or his Washington D.C. Waldorf-Astoria
restaurant.Or Mar-a-Lago.
A lot, you just don't hear about them, Trump brags a lot.
If my father left me over $400 million, I could parlay that into properties without loans, like Trump did.

The problemo with you nutbags is you thunk it's cute to
get cute w/o being funny or rational.Like the cesspool of
Democrat adoring Late Night TV hosts/comics.
"Count on yer fingers"?
On one hand.
You would need to, to find the number of times republicans DIDN'T bend over for Trump.
What is everyone arguing about???
Its a Republican form of government with voters choosing their representatives via local district or statewide election.
On the Federal basis it includes a "House of Lords" (the Senate) that is setup to protect small states or states with little population.

Whether or not you like it is up for debate, but that is what the US. So again, whats the issue?

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