We Must Protect This Nation from the Folly of Democracy

Wow the ability of people to twist anything so that it suits their personal political agenda is amazing.
Exactly. Republicans have given up on trying to win over enough voters to have a majority. Their policies preclude that.
Climate change
You name it, they’re on the wrong side of every issue

This is all about trying to promote minority rule
No. It’s about stopping leftists from destroying the country.
Actually no. I don't think most of them do. The voters vote. Sometimes for a person, sometimes for a party. The winner of that vote then has to form a government. Usually by combining the vote tally of several party's.
I stated democratic country.

You can see a LOT of them aren't and don't.

Elections by country


https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Elections_by_country
For each de jure and de facto sovereign state and dependent territory an article on elections in that entity has been included and information on the way ...
We are not a democracy according to the CIA World Facebook.



Country name

conventional long form: United States of America

conventional short form: United States

abbreviation: US or USA

etymology: the name America is derived from that of Amerigo VESPUCCI (1454-1512) - Italian explorer, navigator, and cartographer - using the Latin form of his name, Americus, feminized to America

Government type

constitutional federal republic

Democracy or Republic: What's the difference?​

https://www.merriam-webster.com › grammar › democra...

The short answer is that democracy and republic are frequently used to mean the same thing: a government in which the people vote for their leaders. This was ...

This was the important distinction at the time of the founding of the United States, in direct contrast with the rule of a king, or monarchy, in Great Britain. In part because that context was clear to everyone involved in the American Revolution, these terms were used interchangeably in the late 1700s. Both democracy and republic meant that the power to govern was held by the people rather than a monarch.

At the same time, it’s true that there is nuance and difference between these words, according to their historical use and etymology: democracy comes from the Greek roots meaning “rule by the people,” and the most basic understanding of the word’s original meaning refers to the direct democracy of ancient Greece.

Republic comes from the Latin roots meaning “public good” or “public affair,” used in ancient Rome to mean simply “state” or “country” with reference to the representative democracy of the Roman Republic. The elected representatives in Congress are a contemporary example of this kind of government.
The United States of America is a Constitutional Representative Republic nation. The word "democracy" is NOWHERE to be found in our Constitution.
Nor the Declaration of Independence. Sadly, though, the left has turned our constitutional republic into a democracy.

It's a democracy now. Hence the vocal blatherings and violence from the malcontents.
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Do you directly vote for president? No.

Do you directly vote for laws or do you vote for the people who make the laws?

We are not a democracy. In a true democracy, the majority can remove the rights of the minority. Our constitution prevents that.

A Republic is a form of democracy.

Every time one of you idiots parrots this right wing lie, you prove your abject ignorance,
We are not a democracy. In a true democracy, the majority can remove the rights of the minority. Our constitution prevents that.
In this country, the minority has disproportional power over the majority. What do you call that?
You are a stupid human being with no understanding of history, politics or humanity. Typical dimocrap scumbag.

No democracy has ever worked in this world. Plenty of Republics have. Rome comes to mind. It worked for 300+ years before their version of dimocrap scum tanked it (Emperors)

Why don't you go March on a Synagogue somewhere and leave us alone. Better yet, hand out some National Socialist literature; that's more your style.
You're nothing but the turd a punchbowl. Our Constitution guarantees a Republican form of government.
The question I have is, if we are not a form of democracy, in what other system of government are people given the right to vote for its representatives in a free and open environment?

Please be specific.
Do you directly vote for president? No.

Do you directly vote for laws or do you vote for the people who make the laws?

We are not a democracy. In a true democracy, the majority can remove the rights of the minority. Our constitution prevents that.
" Democracy is the worst form of government.
It is the most inefficient,the most clumsy,the most
unpractical ....It reduces wisdom to impotence and secures
the triumph of folly,ignorance,clap-trap and demagogy ....
democracy is the only form of social order admissable,
because it is the only one consistent with

Robert Briffault

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The question I have is, if we are not a form of democracy, in what other system of government are people given the right to vote for its representatives in a free and open environment?

Please be specific.
The key behind Democracy is how the Economy will function.

Democracy + Private Ownership = Capitalism
Democracy + Public Ownership = Socialism
Dictatorship + Private Ownership = Fascism
Dictatorship + Public Ownership = Communism
Well that statement was patronizingly pathetic. We have a Democratic-Republic, we use Democratic means to elect representation for the Republic.
You've fallen into a trap.
Democracy + Public Ownership = Socialism

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