We Need a Foreign Legion


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
No, I don't mean geo get a bunch of Frogs, I mean lets create a brigade or two or three composed entirely of those who volunteer to fight in those units, volunteers from civilian life or other military. These men would go to any fight the President sends them to without the necessity of a declaration of war for as long as the President thinks it is needed. If at any time they request a transfer out, they get it after a one month processing out.

History has plenty of examples of elites who WANT to be in a fight being more effective than many times their number, and they have the advantages of easier logistical support, fewer casualties and higher morale.

These men would be like US Army Rangers for all services and trained to be deployed like SEALS and to fight by hit and run raids, guided air dropped munitions and quick evac where necessary. They would fight for the sole purpose of killing as many of the enemy as possible by any means and not to hold ground or engage in any asinine rebuilding. Just blow shit up, kill lots of bad guys and break as many things as possible. Rabid dogs on a short leash comes to mind.

If we had just one brigade of such men, we could wipe out ISIL in very little time.

Boots on the ground by their own choice and love of country.

Sounds like a winner to me.

Why the hell not?
We dont need ways to get around the Constitution.

Not talking about war here, but only a limited engagement similar to what Jefferson did with the pirates of Tripoli.

Or do you think Jefferson trampled the Constitution as well??
no not me , I wouldn't want this idea done . Reminds me of brownshirts paid money to carry out the wishes of a king / tyrant .
thing is that the naval privateers used to fight Barbary pirates was on the sea and not doing the work of a president , king , tyrant in the USA .
We Need a Foreign Legion

You can't be serious.

But given your other bizarre and consistently wrong posts, perhaps you are.

It would be composed of American citizens who volunteer specifically to fight in conflicts the President designates as critical to American interests for a short period of time.

This goes all the way back to Jefferson and the War against the Barbary Pirates, so stop acting the fool like it is a bizarre idea or anything, fraud.
no not me , I wouldn't want this idea done . Reminds me of brownshirts paid money to carry out the wishes of a king / tyrant .

The Brown shirts were a civilian thuggery, not professional American soldiers.
You want a permanent unit of Foreign troops to party wherever you want despite what Congress or the people think......would you trust Obama with such a unit.......

I would trust Obama with a brigade size element, yes.

Do you have any idea what size of force that is, Einstein?
You want a permanent unit of Foreign troops to party wherever you want despite what Congress or the people think......would you trust Obama with such a unit.......

I would trust Obama with a brigade size element, yes.

Do you have any idea what size of force that is, Einstein?

Interesting, though so far the Golden Hawks are better than we had ANY time in the war. Still, hired troops insult US troops, and Congress would need to approve a departure from the US Armed Forces. The JCS MIGHT object.
professional soldiers are not my idea of a good military JIM , professional soldiers work for money and follow the orders of the guy that pays them . I'd prefer enlistees and a draft but that's just me .
You want a permanent unit of Foreign troops to party wherever you want despite what Congress or the people think......would you trust Obama with such a unit.......

I would trust Obama with a brigade size element, yes.

Do you have any idea what size of force that is, Einstein?

Interesting, though so far the Golden Hawks are better than we had ANY time in the war. Still, hired troops insult US troops, and Congress would need to approve a departure from the US Armed Forces. The JCS MIGHT object.

Yes, to set this up, Congress would have to authorize the formation of such a unit, once again, composed of all US citizens and all volunteers to the unit.

The President needs to have a larger force to commit to emergency situations around the world in the interest of US interests that does not constitute a full scale war, but would not require Congressional approval first, an d that could be gotten later.

Some things are simply too time sensitive to wait on Congress to get their shit together.

And a small force like a brigade size element would pose no threat of a coup and would still be effective against forces like ISIS. Also, not finding anything on the Golden Hawks other than a Canadian aviation unit; can you help a slow boy out some?

BTW, is it ISIS or ISIL? I wish the talking heads would settle on ONE acronym, lol.
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