we need a special counsel to investigate the Mueller investigation

In almost two years you have found nothing ! You are on a witch hunt and you are a disgrace to your profession! We won't ever forget what u have tried to do to our President or the people close to him!

put up or shut up, Bob!
Mueller probe is a political counter-revolution to overthrow Trump -- It must be defeated
If you are a deplorable, covfefe, trumpster, patriot, antiestablishment, conservative, who believes in the Lord, the Wall, our Country, Legal Process, no monkey business, no illegal immigration, no abortion, love for all, all lives matter...I salute you!
where's the case? where's the damn case? nobody's produced a scintilla of evidence!
Is there a republican conspiracy to get rid of Trump?


You should know by now that the 'conspiracy' against the orange deplorable in chief isn't a republican/democrat thing but simply the deep state swamp not wanting to lose control....

And the objective is not to get rid of Trump, it's to get him to do what they want

For example, did you notice that when he shoots beautiful missiles at Syria the MSM doesn't call him a war criminal but they are praising him?

"Mueller needs to approach Trump like a hunter stalking a deer in the woods, so as not to scare him at first."

liberals have lost it!
The only folks against The Donald are butthurt snowflakes.

That's the gist of it right there. The man got tired of the bullshit and decided he needed to do something for the country.

Apparently the leftists don't like that, but he really hasn't done anything I wouldn't do.. EXCEPT caving and bombing Syria's unpopulated places for the MIC.

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