We need hard evidence for aliens


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
We need a smoking gun

Yes the videos show the ufos moving at several times the speed of sound and with several hundred G force

Still , we need a crashed one or high resolution images
We have video evidence ...

The concept most people have of space-faring aliens is highly unlikely. practical FTL travel is probably impossible. If these things people are seeing are from somewhere else it's far more likely it's some kind of autonomous machines on some incomprehensible mission of their own. Maybe we are just not that interesting to a robotic probe sent out to find other machine civilizations.
The concept most people have of space-faring aliens is highly unlikely. practical FTL travel is probably impossible. If these things people are seeing are from somewhere else it's far more likely it's some kind of autonomous machines on some incomprehensible mission of their own. Maybe we are just not that interesting to a robotic probe sent out to find other machine civilizations.

The EXTREME Distances between habitable planets and the difficulty of evolving intelligent life mean a visit from an alien species will take decades or lifetimes
We need a smoking gun

Yes the videos show the ufos moving at several times the speed of sound and with several hundred G force

Still , we need a crashed one or high resolution images
Got them!
Thing is they are held by USA-DoD and not for general public access, use, consumption, etc.

Consider, that in most cases such are highly implying anti-gravity tech* and this is even more powerful, and dangerous, than nuclear tech.

* Or sometimes referred to as zero-point energy and again something closely watched and sequestered once on the "radar" of DoD and related Intel/Security Guv'mint orgs.

The Hunt For Zero Point - NickCook.Works

The Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Tec

FTL Is not impossible
Only impossible for us
Sorry to tell you but practical FTL seems to be an impossibility. It does not preclude aliens traveling here it would just take thousands of years with no possibility of a round trip. When they got here it would be to move in after exterminating the native biosphere. No sneaking around, no anal probes, no prime directive. But even that is unlikely. An alien race that can live in space indefinitely does not need planets. They may recoil from the very thought of existing at the bottom of a gravity well.
If you look at the closest genetic relative to humans (The Chimp) then humans share 99% identical DNA with chimps but human beings are smarter than a chimps.

Let’s invent a measure of intelligence.

Let’s say intelligence is your ability to compose poetry, symphonies, do art, math and science, Chimps can’t do any of that. Yet humans share 99% identical DNA.

Here’s what concerns me deeply.

Everything that distinguishes humans from chimps emerges from that 1% difference in DNA. It has to because that’s the difference. The Hubble telescope, Electricity, Cars, Planes, Internet, Oil all of that from that 1% difference.

Now Imagine another life form. That’s 1% different from humans ? In the direction that humans are different from the chimps ?

That's scary shit.

Humans have 1% difference from chimps but humans are building the Hubble telescope. Go another 1%. What are human beings to aliens ? Human beings would be drooling, blithering idiots in their presence.

Stephen Hawking astrophysics would laughed at and seen as cute because toddlers in their culture do that on their refrigerator door,

"So, the question that human beings are gonna find some intelligent life and have a conversation with it?"

When was the last time you stopped to have a conversation with a bird or a worm ? To believe that some intelligent other species is gonna be interested in humans, enough to have a conversation, they’ll look at humans Hubble telescope and say, “isn’t that quaint… look at what they’re doing"
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To believe that some intelligent other species is gonna be interested in us, enough to have a conversation, they’ll look at our Hubble telescope and say, “isn’t that quaint… look at what they’re doing"
Intelligent life in the universe is rare. Rare and light years away from other intelligent life.
Most life in the universe would be of the complexity of slime or maybe single cell life. Finding a culture capable of building a Hubble telescope or splitting the atom would be quite a discovery

If they were to locate us, they would stay and contact us.
It is light years away from the next possible planet that can sustain life
Intelligent life in the universe is rare. Rare and light years away from other intelligent life.
Most life in the universe would be of the complexity of slime or maybe single cell life. Finding a culture capable of building a Hubble telescope or splitting the atom would be quite a discovery

If they were to locate us, they would stay and contact us.
It is light years away from the next possible planet that can sustain life
I disagree. I think this solar system (The Milky Way) is over flowing with life. See this


That dot which is circled is earth. It was taken by the Voyager 1 space probe in 1990. The distance was 3.6 billion miles away.

Every person that has ever lived and died did so on that dot. Every war, species, invention all happened on that pale dot,

There are hundreds of billions of planets (dots) in our galaxy and there are hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe, each with hundreds of billions of planets (dots)

The idea that a single dot in the vastness of the cosmos is the only planet with life is just…nonsensical.

The search for extra terrestrial life relies on radio telescopes. Radio waves travel at the speed of light and humans have been broadcasting them for the better part of a century. So, how much distance has been covered in that 100 year period? This will help:


That blue dot in the cutaway section is around 200 light years in diameter. So basically human's have only been able to broadcast 100 light years away in any direction. The center of our galaxy is 26,000 light years away.

Needless to say, humans radio waves have not gone very far.

And if something was there to receive the message and respond, it would take 52,000 light years to get back. Feel free to wait.

And in order for humans to receive a radio wave from an alien world, humans radio telescope(s) have to be pointed directly at the spot in which a radio wave might be picked up, on the exact date and time in which that radio wave will reach earth.

Also what if that alien civilization is far more advanced than human's are and they don’t use radio waves anymore ? What their planet has gone extinct? Or, they are more primitive than humans are and have not yet discovered radio waves ? The X factor is endless.

It's a bit premature to make claims that life does not exist anywhere else in the universe. If life can evolve here using the most abundant elements in the cosmos, life can evolve elsewhere.

Life on Earth is made up of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen. Those four elements, along with helium, are found throughout the macrocosm in abundant supply.
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