We need hard evidence for aliens

Time dilation effect on those traveling at any fraction or multiple of the speed of light makes it worthless to do. Nobody on this planet is that altruistic.
We need a smoking gun

Yes the videos show the ufos moving at several times the speed of sound and with several hundred G force

Still , we need a crashed one or high resolution images
Start with the concept of an inter-stellar colony ship that carries thousands or more of colonists, plus their gear/equipment/pre-fabs, etc.

Then consider how big such might be.

Than consider it may have come this way perhaps 4-700,000 years ago, or more.

Maybe an initial colony on Mars, back then ...
... followed by later colony efforts on Terra/Kia/Earth.

Throw in a few intra and inter-stellar "disasters" to muck things up, and here we are ...

... a star/planet system with a history from ...
"Long ago and far, far away ..." (From the Home World/Systems) ...
1st of a six part series of rather long and involved articles, but perhaps the real key to it all ...

Moon with a View:

Or, What Did Arthur Know… and When Did He Know it?

Part 1

NOTE: the hexagonal substructuring to the surface of this planetoid ...
Better yet, view here;
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