We Need More Immigrants Without Politics While Stopping Illegals at the Border


Gold Member
Apr 12, 2011
from: To Solve Our Immigration Problems, We Need More Reason, Less Politics

DENNIS NIXON 3/21/2017

The issue of immigration and border security is more complex than the political debate in Washington and on cable television would lead the public to believe. It is also easier and far less costly to solve than many of the plans introduced by leading politicians and pundits.

The current reality on the Texas-Mexican border as well as much of the border outside of Texas is that the flow of immigrants who illegally enter the U.S. has declined dramatically in recent decades, from 1.6 million to about 400,000.

Today, the border is still faced with an illegal entry problem...

...there's a much greater and more real threat to American prosperity and national security. The U.S. is now at around 1.9 births per female, well below replacement level. And with 10,000 baby boomers retiring every day, the demographic outlook is bleak.

Without population growth and the prospect of new workers, economic growth is just not likely...

...there are two things the U.S. Border Patrol seeks along the Texas-Mexico border: visibility of the river and access to the river. Both can be easily achieved simply by cleaning up the riverbank along the Rio Grande...

...with modern technology such as motion detectors and infrared sensors, this enhanced natural buffer zone is a far more effective barrier to entry than any man-made barrier...

...cases of children and families from Central America seeking asylum has led to the further escalation of wait times...

...Congress would need to double the number of immigration judges...

... we must look to reasonable and productive solutions that benefit the United States and Mexico. As Texas' largest trading partner and our neighbor, we must support a border security plan with Mexico that continues to foster economic development and our good-neighbor policies that have been in place for generations.

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Somehow I don't see any way around these conclusions; anyone see something I'm missing?
even if your number are correct , course they could be bogus and spin , i say feck immigration . i am looking for a Pause , a very long pause of all immigration especially third world and their families immigration into the USA EXPat !!
We need merit-based immigration for vetted, skilled workers who can financially provide for themselves when they get here.

We need food stamps/welfare reform for the long-term unemployed who should be required to volunteer 20 hours per week working in the fields or for a government or non-profit agency so long as they receive food stamps/welfare.

For any shortages of unskilled labor working in the fields, use temporary, seasonal work visas for vetted, legal immigrants.
We need less Chink babes and less Indian/Pakistani guys on H1B's.

They are taking up most of the jobs and they are also proving to be incompetent at the work they do.

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