We need to clean America of the guns !

Can’t anyone here think independently
Only a few seem to be independent
1/4 here is far leftist Bolsheviks
2/3 is far right extremist
The rest seem to have an open mind
Get rid of these guns
Be a civilized society
What more do you need than a shotgun and revolver
Are you stupid enough to think that criminals won't have all the firepower you're saying honest people should be prohibited from owning.

BTW, the 2nd Amendment is not about a need to have guns. It's about the right to have them.
I said just shotguns and revolvers only
Doesn't matter. The needs of people vary. I can imagine that there are many thousands of US citizens in each category listed below:
  • owns no firearms
  • owns only a small caliber revolver
  • owns only a shotgun
  • owns both a revolver and a shotgun
  • owns more than two of each
  • owns a semi-automatic pistol
  • owns multiple semi-automatic pistols
  • owns a bolt action hunting rifle
  • owns a lever action rifle
  • owns a semi-automatic rifle
  • owns one of each of ALL OF THE ABOVE
  • owns several of each of the above
  • owns a gun store
The 2nd Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms. (Arms is the PLURAL of arm) It doesn't say we can bear a sidearm. It doesn't say that we can bear a shot gun and a revolver. I can bear any number and any type of weapon that is available to an infantryman in the US military, with exception of fully automatic weapons such as machine guns and machine pistols. Since I have passed a background check, if my firearm du jour is small enough, I can conceal it on my person or in my glove box...fully loaded and ready to fire. And my permit is a Weapons Carry License...includes knives of any length, swords, pistols, revolvers, shotguns, rifles, baseball bats, boat paddles (actually a wicked weapon...especially if you strike with the edge of the flat end), ball peen hammers, screwdrivers, sharpened #2 pencils...the list is endless.

Need is a subjective term. Right is an objective term and is clearly defined. I have the right to bear arms. That right is guaranteed to me by the 2nd Amendment. It is not granted to me by the constitution...it is PROTECTED by the constitution no matter what you think my needs may be.
Second amend does not guarantee an AR 15 or 20-30 mag clip

First of all, let's not confuse Federal Restrictions with States Rights. Then we have individual rights. Those are not inclusive.

The 2A is a restriction on the Feds. At the time it was written, the Founding Fathers had an extreme fear of having the Federal Government going rogue and becoming a military despot regime. We just had a war over that. Putting that in your mind, reread the 2nd Amendment. It has an entire new meaning. With the way it's written, I even question the validity of the 1934 Federal Firearms Act. Oh, I see the need in it but is it legal? The Founding Fathers even went as far as limiting the number of Federal Troops in the US Army (not the Navy) to 75,000. In those days, a single state could not muster a 75,000 man army and equip them but 3 states could more than do that. That ensured that the Federal Government could not militarily take over the States. Considering the weapons available were available to all, it kept things pretty much on an even keel. But the Civil War changed all that for the weapons and the need of having a larger standing army was changed by the Spanish American War as well as the cost and lethality of the weapons. Hence the need for something like the 1934 Firearms Act. But the modern Courts have been quite conservative in their rulings. Not conservative in what many think of today's Party of the Rump way of thinking. Conservative as in not rocking the boat. The ONLY reason Heller V D.C was done by the Supreme Court was that there was no lower court to hear it. So they pitched a softball and came up with the modification of the "Reasonable" on having a handgun in your home. And there has been a few cases where that ruling has been used since.

The Feds have no right to Ban a thing. But the State, County, Metro, etc. does as long as it's deemed outside the "Reasonable" guidelines. And it has to be very specific in it's wording. The fact remains, you can't ban all weapons. You must leave an avenue for citizens to obtain the ability to obtain, store and own "Reasonable" weapons. And it's up to the Courts to decide what is NOT "Reasonable". And the AR has been found to fall outside the "Reasonable" guidelines. But a state can deem them reasonable and that is the right of the state. And this has nothing to do with the 2A. This is strictly States Rights.
These large mags need to be banned.

No, YOU need to be banned.

First they were mag clips and now you call them mags. You don't know your gluteus from third base.
I'm a rifle expert, so certified by the U.S. Army. You need to learn a very great deal, junior.
Goodbye. My Ignore List just grew by you.
Too much. No more.

ciao brutto
You’re on my iggy !! Gun nut
Any Assault Style Long gun should be banned

You only need a shotgun and revolver for home defense!!
Get rid of big mags and pistols
Concealed guns must be illegal as well

This is the most violent nation in the history of the modern world

Think about that last sentence when you consider how you might enforce the anti-Constitutional sentences that preceded it.
I am an independent!! I am not here to win over friends .
The Dems are correct on guns
I am still voting T
Any Assault Style Long gun should be banned

You only need a shotgun and revolver for home defense!!
Get rid of big mags and pistols
Concealed guns must be illegal as well

This is the most violent nation in the history of the modern world
Come take them.

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