We Need to Make it Much harder to get a Gun

Wakey wakey y'all

Just in case. :mad-61:

Be afraid, very AFRAID, the GOP and NRA mantra for decades.
NO, you idiot.
The NG could have taken care of them, along with the BLMer's too.
Airstrikes wouldn't be a bad idea for the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and 3%ers clubhouse and playgrounds, where they play wannabe, "soldiers", hellbent on destroying the government.
You know bombing civilians with military aircraft is illegal. Right?

And the anti-gun morons wonder why we want to keep our guns...lol
You know bombing civilians with military aircraft is illegal. Right?
SO, would, ya' know, trying to take the US government over.
And the anti-gun morons wonder why we want to keep our guns...lol
NOT anti-gun.
Anti- gun nuts who can't shoot, gun nuts.
If the imbeciles need 500 rounds to wound a turtle, they shouldn't be within 500 yards of ANY weapon that shoots bullets.
NO, you idiot.
The NG could have taken care of them, along with the BLMer's too.
Airstrikes wouldn't be a bad idea for the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and 3%ers clubhouse and playgrounds, where they play wannabe, "soldiers", hellbent on destroying the government.
A Tyrannical Government
SO, would, ya' know, trying to take the US government over.

NOT anti-gun.
Anti- gun nuts who can't shoot, gun nuts.
If the imbeciles need 500 rounds to wound a turtle, they shouldn't be within 500 yards of ANY weapon that shoots bullets.
But MS13 & eMe and The Black & Asian gangs are expert marksmen
Teabaggers think their gun will fight a tyrannical government
Your pea shooter isn't going to help you against an RPG, tanks or bombs.
SO, why can't people own them, without a license, background check and registration?

Then comparing gun deaths to car deaths.
Cars are meant for transport, a gun was meant for killing.

"Those weapons you would not allow anyone to own cause less deaths than hands and feet".
So, a person is going to kill 4 or more people at a school, mall or party than a gun would?
Tell everyone, WHEN did THAT happen?

Then they yap about "mental illness" causing gun deaths, I agree, but Trump and his cult, made it easier for them too.

It did not attract a ton of attention at the time (nothing does these days) but about a year ago on February 28, 2017, Congress passed and Donald Trump signed a law revoking an Obama-era regulatory initiative that made it harder for people with mental illness to buy a gun.

Yet despite this effort to roll back even a very modest effort to restrain the ability of seriously incapacitated people from obtaining deadly weapons, this morning Trump tweeted that there were “so many signs that the Florida shooter was mentally disturbed,” implying that someone should have done something to report him.

Specifically, what Obama did was order to Social Security Administration to take the list of people who were deemed so severely mentally ill that they are unfit to handle their own disability benefits and forward it to the FBI. The FBI was then supposed to incorporate that list in the background checks used to disqualify people from gun ownership.

If a person commits a crime I am not responsible for it.

This idea that law abiding people should have their rights curbed because some defective might commit a crime is an anathema to our entire philosophy of justice where one is innocent until proven guilty.

Maybe we should force you to be chemically castrated because men with penises rape women? ( assuming you are a man that is)
You're FOS.

Here are the requirements for owning a machine gun in the United States:

  • Must not be classified as a “prohibited person.”
  • Be at least 21 years of age to purchase a machine gun from the current owner.
  • Be a legal resident of the United States.
  • Be legally eligible to purchase a firearm.
  • Pass a BATFE background check with a typical process time of 8 to 10 months.
  • Pay a one time $200 transfer tax. (You’ll need a stamp for each machine gun.)

RPG-7 Rocket Launcher

View attachment 779848
Atlantic Firearms
https://atlanticfirearms.com › rpg-7-rocket-launcher
You can own one of these Iconic Weapons and they are completely legal. Original RPG-7 rocket launcher has been made fully inert. It measures approximately 37-1/ ...

Machine guns have their own set of rules above and beyond everyday civilian arms
Nobody wants to take away guns from responsible owners, but there are way too many irresponsible owners out there, and it is way too easy to get a gun. In some states you can just go to the store or a private sale, or a gun show, and instantly buy one. Online sales are a free for all.

That needs to stop. A Gun license needs to be like a drivers license. We need to track and monitor all guns and sales like cars, and all gun owners just like vehicle owners.

Cars kill if used irresponsibly and we have a whole slew of laws and policies designed to keep people safe from irresponsible drivers.

Guns kill way more than cars and are substantially more dangerous, yet most people can easily get one. That needs to stop, because too many innocent kids die.

They need to close all the major loop holes like private sales, online sales, and hun show sales, and they need to get serious about keeping us safe.

Despite your denials of being anti honest gun owner your headline gives you away

Why didnt you say “ lets keep guns out of the hands of criminals?”

You could take a big step toward that with a zero tolerance for illegal carry

Criminals are picked up all the time with illegal guns or guns that as convicted criminals they are prohibited from having

Throw them in jail for 3-5 years no questions asked

When you remove criminals from the streets you are making the streets safer
Funny how you have such animosity towards the NRA as all those classes states require for permits are NRA courses since the NRA is the premier gun safety training organization in the country.
They USED to be 30 YEARS ago, I was a member for 13 years, until 1995.

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