"We need to redistribute wealth among Americans" WTF...why does this always sound so retarded to me?

End our wars on crime, drugs, and terror to end our income tax, right wingers. Be brave.

You're trying to change the subject again. You said we should tax the rich to pay down the debt. I showed you why that's a fool's errand. Now you want to pretend you never said that?

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It is even more foolish to expect the poor to pay for it with reduced benefits.

How is that a reason?

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dear, it is Why taxes are based on Ability to Pay.

Now go back to your original idea, that we can reduce the debt by taxing the rich more and address the failings I pointed out.

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End our wars on crime, drugs, and terror to end our income tax, right wingers. Be brave.
You're trying to change the subject again. You said we should tax the rich to pay down the debt. I showed you why that's a fool's errand. Now you want to pretend you never said that?

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It is even more foolish to expect the poor to pay for it with reduced benefits.

How is that a reason?

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dear, it is Why taxes are based on Ability to Pay.

Now go back to your original idea, that we can reduce the debt by taxing the rich more and address the failings I pointed out.

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End our wars on crime, drugs, and terror to end our income tax, right wingers. Be brave.

Translation: you got nothing. Bye bye.

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It is even more foolish to expect the poor to pay for it with reduced benefits.

How is that a reason?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
dear, it is Why taxes are based on Ability to Pay.

Now go back to your original idea, that we can reduce the debt by taxing the rich more and address the failings I pointed out.

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End our wars on crime, drugs, and terror to end our income tax, right wingers. Be brave.

Translation: you got nothing. Bye bye.

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lol. this IS my political position statement, right wingers.

End our wars on crime, drugs, and terror to end our income tax, right wingers. Be brave.

That is more than just repeal; which the only thing the right wing has.
Liberals seeking to punish the productive and their emotive "reasons" for doing so show how much danger this country is facing should their insanity ever become policy
Liberals seeking to punish the productive and their emotive "reasons" for doing so show how much danger this country is facing should their insanity ever become policy

Paying taxes is not punishment
Liberals seeking to punish the productive and their emotive "reasons" for doing so show how much danger this country is facing should their insanity ever become policy

Paying taxes is not punishment
If you earn and are being taxed to pay for those who won't or don't earn then punishment is exactly what it is

No, you are being taxed to provide revenue to the US Government

Your elected representatives decide how that revenue will be spent. Some of that will go for a military or war you may or may not support, some may go for roads and infrastructure you do not use, some may go to help people you wish would just die

That is not punishment
Believing that the very wealthy are your "most productive positive contributors" is a value judgement offensive to the working poor in America. What is needed is a different economic system which values all citizens and allows all to enjoy the wealth of the nation.

Word games again. Nevertheless if the word "productive" means anything at all brokeloser was correct in using it to describe people who create value.
An economic system which Values all citizens" misvalues the majority and all are poor. Economic systems dont value. They punish when you break the laws of economics or reward when you work with them.
I prefer an economic system with allows all citizens the opportunity to produce value and enjoy the fruits of their labor.
You have been brainwashed.
Productive means producing something such as a washing machine, TV, car, beer, and so on. It is the workers who produce. Those spivs who produce nothing but paper wealth in trading other people's money in stocks and shares, playing international currency markets, offering so-called financial services in banking speculation, are leeches who produce nothing but a paper value because the capitalist system rewards these greedy operators. They bring shame upon America.

It has gotten out of hand to a great extent...but only so far as marxism has been introduced. Your working class hero spiel sounded good in the mouth of Martin Sheen in Wall Street. But it is a Hollywood oversimplification. Trading is necessary for production. All the great capitalist economies (read the economies which produced wealth for their citizens) began as trading economies. I cant put money in stocks without somebody taking a commission and I cant sell the stocks to enjoy the fruits of thrift without a trader. No crime there. ...
And not much heavy lifting. Shameless leeches.
Liberals seeking to punish the productive and their emotive "reasons" for doing so show how much danger this country is facing should their insanity ever become policy

Paying taxes is not punishment
If you earn and are being taxed to pay for those who won't or don't earn then punishment is exactly what it is

No, you are being taxed to provide revenue to the US Government

Your elected representatives decide how that revenue will be spent. Some of that will go for a military or war you may or may not support, some may go for roads and infrastructure you do not use, some may go to help people you wish would just die

That is not punishment
Poor dodge attempt that did not work
Try earning an income and see how willing you are to have it confiscated to pay for those who won't or don't work or irresponsibly put themselves behind the 8 ball. Try and stomach being told that you make So much and they have So little
Punishment it assuredly is but I guess you are a participant rather than an objector
Believing that the very wealthy are your "most productive positive contributors" is a value judgement offensive to the working poor in America. What is needed is a different economic system which values all citizens and allows all to enjoy the wealth of the nation.

Word games again. Nevertheless if the word "productive" means anything at all brokeloser was correct in using it to describe people who create value.
An economic system which Values all citizens" misvalues the majority and all are poor. Economic systems dont value. They punish when you break the laws of economics or reward when you work with them.
I prefer an economic system with allows all citizens the opportunity to produce value and enjoy the fruits of their labor.
You have been brainwashed.
Productive means producing something such as a washing machine, TV, car, beer, and so on. It is the workers who produce. Those spivs who produce nothing but paper wealth in trading other people's money in stocks and shares, playing international currency markets, offering so-called financial services in banking speculation, are leeches who produce nothing but a paper value because the capitalist system rewards these greedy operators. They bring shame upon America.

Believing that the very wealthy are your "most productive positive contributors" is a value judgement offensive to the working poor in America. What is needed is a different economic system which values all citizens and allows all to enjoy the wealth of the nation.

Word games again. Nevertheless if the word "productive" means anything at all brokeloser was correct in using it to describe people who create value.
An economic system which Values all citizens" misvalues the majority and all are poor. Economic systems dont value. They punish when you break the laws of economics or reward when you work with them.
I prefer an economic system with allows all citizens the opportunity to produce value and enjoy the fruits of their labor.
Then explain to me why Americans working 40 hours a week can barely make rent.

This is not the economy of the past. People are working extremely hard, and STILL can't make ends meet.

Thirty per cent goes to taxes..Plus 71/2% to social security. If they drive they pay outrageous gasoline taxes. There is a tax on their phone bill to give out free phones to non workers and a tax on their water bill and a tax on their cable bill to give free cable to inner cities. They have a little left...but to spend it face a sales tax of up to ten per cent on everything else. If they want a raise the Mexican who just floated over the border will do the job for half price.
Only the little people pay taxes in modern America. The wealthy have their money in British overseas territories known as tax havens.

"Productive means producing something such as a washing machine, TV, car, beer, and so on. It is the workers who produce."
NEGATIVE....see, you've been brainwashed. You honestly believe that one must "build" something in order to be "productive". That's some funny shit...haha
  1. producing or able to produce large amounts of goods, crops, or other commodities.
    "the most productive employees"
    synonyms: fertile, fruitful, rich, fecund
    "productive land"
    • relating to or engaged in the production of goods, crops, or other commodities.
      "the country's productive capacity"
    • achieving or producing a significant amount or result.
      "a long and productive career"
      synonyms: prolific, inventive, creative

      "Only the little people pay taxes in modern America. The wealthy have their money in British overseas territories known as tax havens."

      NEGATIVE. Try again.
      "In 2014, people with adjusted gross income, or AGI, above $250,000 paid just over half (51.6%) of all individual income taxes, though they accounted for only 2.7% of all returns filed, according to our analysis of preliminary IRS data. Their average tax rate (total taxes paid divided by cumulative AGI) was 25.7%. By contrast, people with incomes of less than $50,000 accounted for 62.3% of all individual returns filed, but they paid just 5.7% of total taxes. Their average tax rate was 4.3%." -
      High-income Americans pay most income taxes, but enough to be ‘fair’?

      "An estimated 45.3 percent of American households — roughly 77.5 million — will pay no federal individual income tax, according to data for the 2015 tax year from the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan Washington-based research group. (Note that this does not necessarily mean they won’t owe their states income tax.)

      Roughly half pay no federal income tax because they have no taxable income, and the other roughly half get enough tax breaks to erase their tax liability, explains Roberton Williams, a senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center." -
Unlike you, I would not insult a worker by calling what financial speculators do work.
If you earn and are being taxed to pay for those who won't or don't earn then punishment is exactly what it is

What do you call the enormous wealth redistribution we're doing down in Texas. They're one of the richest states, and the government is going to redistribute another $60 to $120 billion dollars to them.

And after that, comes another wealth redisstribution to Florida.

When will it end?
If you earn and are being taxed to pay for those who won't or don't earn then punishment is exactly what it is

What do you call the enormous wealth redistribution we're doing down in Texas. They're one of the richest states, and the government is going to redistribute another $60 to $120 billion dollars to them.

And after that, comes another wealth redisstribution to Florida.

When will it end?

Like Tony Soprano suggests ends in planned bankruptcy. Im watching a family now struggle not with floodwaters but what to do with the money pouring into their accounts. They cant decide whether to fish or cut bait.
Im watching a family now struggle not with floodwaters but what to do with the money pouring into their accounts. They cant decide whether to fish or cut bait.

Oh... if only I had those problems. Reminds me of Steve Martin in "the jerk". He bought a fur lined sink, a gold plated toilet. And then he bought some stupid stuff.
Im watching a family now struggle not with floodwaters but what to do with the money pouring into their accounts. They cant decide whether to fish or cut bait.

Oh... if only I had those problems. Reminds me of Steve Martin in "the jerk". He bought a fur lined sink, a gold plated toilet. And then he bought some stupid stuff.

Haha. Yeah. This family has bought huge piles of dvds and portable players as a first priority. Two iPads that I know of. But they have decades of experience with government handouts. This is a learned skill son...passed on from single mother to pregnant teenage daughter and through the generations.
Liberals seeking to punish the productive and their emotive "reasons" for doing so show how much danger this country is facing should their insanity ever become policy
Don't like paying taxes; don't work. Don't whine about it.
Liberals seeking to punish the productive and their emotive "reasons" for doing so show how much danger this country is facing should their insanity ever become policy

Paying taxes is not punishment
If you earn and are being taxed to pay for those who won't or don't earn then punishment is exactly what it is
End our wars on crime, drugs, and terror to end our income tax, right wingers. Be brave.
Liberals seeking to punish the productive and their emotive "reasons" for doing so show how much danger this country is facing should their insanity ever become policy

Paying taxes is not punishment
If you earn and are being taxed to pay for those who won't or don't earn then punishment is exactly what it is

No, you are being taxed to provide revenue to the US Government

Your elected representatives decide how that revenue will be spent. Some of that will go for a military or war you may or may not support, some may go for roads and infrastructure you do not use, some may go to help people you wish would just die

That is not punishment
Poor dodge attempt that did not work
Try earning an income and see how willing you are to have it confiscated to pay for those who won't or don't work or irresponsibly put themselves behind the 8 ball. Try and stomach being told that you make So much and they have So little
Punishment it assuredly is but I guess you are a participant rather than an objector
I earn much more than you do loser

There are many things my tax dollar pays for that I don't agree with. But that is our system

Stop whining loser

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