We need to stop birthright citizenship IMMEDIATELY!

We need to stop birthright citizenship IMMEDIATELY!

Those who state that the 14th was intended to guarantee citizenship to recently freed slaves are absolutely right. When this amendment was pushed through in the extra-constitutional manner in which it was that was the plan.
Applying it to anchor babies is a recent phenomenon.

That said, the wording of the damn thing is plain and clear, regardless of the intent of the radicals that pushed it through.

Fix it or accept it, there is no going around it.

Personally I think it should have had a sunset provision - say 100 years, generally guaranteeing that the last person born into slavery had passed away.

Amend it through the normal process. While you are at it, clarify the status of those born to a US citizen outside the borders of the nation.
If they wanted it to apply only to former slaves then they could have said so
They understood the English language
In 1868 they didn't have the anchor baby tourism issue that we have now with the Chinese and Russians making US citizens as a cottage industry. No other major countries have such dumb laws.
it is not an invasion. it is a humanitarian issue.

Sure it is, and according to you....so was the lying about Kavanaugh, the Dem voter fraud and all Dem issues that can damage the USA

Yeah, we get it

What you get is not framed by reality, in the sense that your reality is built on the digested bull food produced by the faux directors collected from the bullshit distributor Lush Limppaw.
We need to stop birthright citizenship IMMEDIATELY!

Those who state that the 14th was intended to guarantee citizenship to recently freed slaves are absolutely right. When this amendment was pushed through in the extra-constitutional manner in which it was that was the plan.
Applying it to anchor babies is a recent phenomenon.

That said, the wording of the damn thing is plain and clear, regardless of the intent of the radicals that pushed it through.

Fix it or accept it, there is no going around it.

Personally I think it should have had a sunset provision - say 100 years, generally guaranteeing that the last person born into slavery had passed away.

Amend it through the normal process. While you are at it, clarify the status of those born to a US citizen outside the borders of the nation.
If they wanted it to apply only to former slaves then they could have said so
They understood the English language
In 1868 they didn't have the anchor baby tourism issue that we have now with the Chinese and Russians making US citizens as a cottage industry. No other major countries have such dumb laws.
US Citizens are US Citizens. Only the right wing complains about it.
This is an emergency, day by day America is being conquered. No wonder a literal invasion has gathered on our doorstep.

How is this crazy law still in the book? No serious nation could allow anything of the sort. Even the republicans haven't paid any attention to the issue fully endorsing the crazy. What a disappointment. Only the man with balls, that is Trump has finally put some attention to the issue after 4D chessing the supreme court for his support. Just tells how completely useless our politicians are.

We need more real men with balls, more people like the God Emperor. Can't go wrong with that message going into the election. Just imagine if we had more people with common sense making the shots. Take back our country!

Good. I now declare that you are no longer a citizen and should be deported.
We have had birthright citizenship for 150 years
Why the sudden urgency to stop it?

With all due respect (none, and excuse my French, but).....
You and people who think like you are some really stupid motherfuckers.
Here's why dumbass....

19 charged in Chinese 'birth tourism' crackdown: US prosecutors
19 charged in Chinese 'birth tourism' crackdown: US prosecutors

Federal authorities charged 19 people on Thursday in the first crackdown on birth tourism businesses, which prosecutors say bring hundreds of pregnant women from China to the United States.

Among the arrested were Dongyuan Li, 41, whose business was called “You Win USA,” which coached pregnant Chinese women on how to get into the United States to deliver babies. Those infants would then enjoy all the benefits of American citizenship. Over two years, she raked in millions through her business, where mothers-to-be paid between $40,000 and $80,000 each to come to California, stay in an upscale apartment and give birth, authorities said.

Jing Dong, 42, and Michael Wei Yueh Liu, 53, who allegedly operated “USA Happy Baby,” also were arrested.

More than a dozen others, including the operator of another such business, also face charges but are believed to have returned to China, said the U.S. attorney’s office in Los Angeles.

“America’s way of life is not for sale,” said Joseph Macias, special agent in charge of Homeland Security Investigations Los Angeles, in a statement to Fox News. Homeland Security “will aggressively target those who would make a mockery of our laws and our values to benefit and enrich themselves."
We have had birthright citizenship for 150 years
Why the sudden urgency to stop it?

With all due respect (none, and excuse my French, but).....
You and people who think like you are some really stupid motherfuckers.
Here's why dumbass....

19 charged in Chinese 'birth tourism' crackdown: US prosecutors
19 charged in Chinese 'birth tourism' crackdown: US prosecutors

Federal authorities charged 19 people on Thursday in the first crackdown on birth tourism businesses, which prosecutors say bring hundreds of pregnant women from China to the United States.

Among the arrested were Dongyuan Li, 41, whose business was called “You Win USA,” which coached pregnant Chinese women on how to get into the United States to deliver babies. Those infants would then enjoy all the benefits of American citizenship. Over two years, she raked in millions through her business, where mothers-to-be paid between $40,000 and $80,000 each to come to California, stay in an upscale apartment and give birth, authorities said.

Jing Dong, 42, and Michael Wei Yueh Liu, 53, who allegedly operated “USA Happy Baby,” also were arrested.

More than a dozen others, including the operator of another such business, also face charges but are believed to have returned to China, said the U.S. attorney’s office in Los Angeles.

“America’s way of life is not for sale,” said Joseph Macias, special agent in charge of Homeland Security Investigations Los Angeles, in a statement to Fox News. Homeland Security “will aggressively target those who would make a mockery of our laws and our values to benefit and enrich themselves."

I think I mentioned this in the very thread.

There is zero reason to not have babies in the USA as we are handing citizenships like candy.
Agreed that the US needs to manage immigration more like the rest of the world. No more bogus "asylum" seekers. No more catch & release. No more chain migration. It will be "merit based" immigration going forward.
Trumps family benefited from chain migration....it should've been abolished we wouldnt have a prissy grabber qnd a gold digger whore in the white house.
I think I mentioned this in the very thread.
There is zero reason to not have babies in the USA as we are handing citizenships like candy.

It's total, absolute insanity.
We're giving sworn enemies of the US the PERFECT path to easily come here and kick Americans out.

In all honesty, it's too late. Look at this forum and the number of people who in some way imply "Death to America" is a good thing in every post, thousands of times a day.
The number of people sworn to destroy America already outnumbers Americans....and those already here are joining Congress and making the path here easier and easier for more sworn to crush America to arrive monthly. We're in a death spiral now.

The US is simply being overwhelmed. I see nothing to stop the bleeding on the horizon.

Eventually they'll just make it "Federal Law" to provide China and Russia with all our secrets.
Probably make being of true American lineage a capital crime.

Madness of epic proportions.
This is an emergency, day by day America is being conquered. No wonder a literal invasion has gathered on our doorstep.

How is this crazy law still in the book? No serious nation could allow anything of the sort. Even the republicans haven't paid any attention to the issue fully endorsing the crazy. What a disappointment. Only the man with balls, that is Trump has finally put some attention to the issue after 4D chessing the supreme court for his support. Just tells how completely useless our politicians are.

We need more real men with balls, more people like the God Emperor. Can't go wrong with that message going into the election. Just imagine if we had more people with common sense making the shots. Take back our country!

I posted the article last night (with link) showing how the FBI just made an arrest of over 100 people, exposing the fact that Illegal 'US Birth Naturalization' is now part of the 'TOURISM TRADE'.

That's right, forget dangerously walking thousands of miles, dodging Border Patrol Agents, and climbing over barb-wire fencing just to walk 20 feet onto US soil, squat down, and push out a little illegal soon-to-be-naturalized American.... Illegals / foreigners have discovered a new way:

If you are an illegal or foreigner, just go on VACATION to the US just before you have a baby, deliver the baby in the US, and .... badda-boom, badda-bing... you, too, can have access to tax-payer-funded Medical, Welfare, Food Stamps, Unemployment, and everything else Liberals can possibly take from the American people and give to you, am illegal / foreigner.

Here's another story on 'Maternity Tourism'...

Birth Tourism: A Controversial Road to Citizenship

Out immigration system is BEYOND broken, and our Liberal politicians have to be the dumbest in the world...

Criminals are treating us like the morons Liberals have made us into, taking advantage of us in every way possible.
I think I mentioned this in the very thread.
There is zero reason to not have babies in the USA as we are handing citizenships like candy.

It's total, absolute insanity.
We're giving sworn enemies of the US the PERFECT path to easily come here and kick Americans out.

In all honesty, it's too late. Look at this forum and the number of people who in some way imply "Death to America" is a good thing in every post, thousands of times a day.
The number of people sworn to destroy America already outnumbers Americans....and those already here are joining Congress and making the path here easier and easier for more sworn to crush America to arrive monthly. We're in a death spiral now.

The US is simply being overwhelmed. I see nothing to stop the bleeding on the horizon.

Eventually they'll just make it "Federal Law" to provide China and Russia with all our secrets.
Probably make being of true American lineage a capital crime.

Madness of epic proportions.

Yes the anti-Americanism has gone off the charts,as the conquerors are taking over the country with the loser leftists cheering along the way.

It does not look like peaceful solution out of the mess exists.
This is an emergency, day by day America is being conquered. No wonder a literal invasion has gathered on our doorstep.

How is this crazy law still in the book? No serious nation could allow anything of the sort. Even the republicans haven't paid any attention to the issue fully endorsing the crazy. What a disappointment. Only the man with balls, that is Trump has finally put some attention to the issue after 4D chessing the supreme court for his support. Just tells how completely useless our politicians are.

We need more real men with balls, more people like the God Emperor. Can't go wrong with that message going into the election. Just imagine if we had more people with common sense making the shots. Take back our country!

Yeah, it scares us when an a first born infant has been anointed a United States Citizen. Right away that infant is planning his or her first rape or murder. Just ask Donald Trump. He's prepared to use lethal force if that child dares to throw a rattle at him.

Just by being born on American soil does not make one American. The Chinese are flying their people in just to have babies in America, because for some reason, we have a retarded policy. These babies are supposedly every bit as American as actual American citizens.

You definitely are not an American. You WANT the invasion to cross over the border. Why any Americans should listen to such anti-American nonsense is beyond me.
The Chinese are building an army of American citizen Chinese Patriots. They will return to conquest. There is nothing anyone can do about it.

U.S. charges 19 in Chinese 'birth tourism' scheme in California | Reuters
Pretty sure that's the deal with Schumer, Pelosi and most people who call themselves "Democrats" or "Progressives".

These are American born people born and raised sworn to America's downfall.
The Chinese are building an army of American citizen Chinese Patriots. They will return to conquest. There is nothing anyone can do about it.
U.S. charges 19 in Chinese 'birth tourism' scheme in California | Reuters

the Left is doing something about it.....
Working 24/7 to disarm Americans in preparation.

There was a time Patriots could have risen up and stopped this insanity.
But putting it off for decades has brought us to the point of no return.
What would have been relatively easy two decades ago, is now exponentially harder and growing more so by the day as the invaders take over government itself.

Looks like the grand finale will show that Edmund Burke was correct.
"All that was required for evil men to prevail was for good men to do nothing."

all I can say is....they day they take your guns is the day you signed your own certificate, accepted the cuffs & collars and quietly laid your head on the block.
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This is an emergency, day by day America is being conquered. No wonder a literal invasion has gathered on our doorstep.

How is this crazy law still in the book? No serious nation could allow anything of the sort. Even the republicans haven't paid any attention to the issue fully endorsing the crazy. What a disappointment. Only the man with balls, that is Trump has finally put some attention to the issue after 4D chessing the supreme court for his support. Just tells how completely useless our politicians are.

We need more real men with balls, more people like the God Emperor. Can't go wrong with that message going into the election. Just imagine if we had more people with common sense making the shots. Take back our country!
So you wouldn’t be a citizen any longer?

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