We need to stop birthright citizenship IMMEDIATELY!

Yeah, just waiting for Russia and China to send over enough citizens, claiming they are refugees, dropping millions of babies trained to be loyal to their home countries....to take the nation without firing a shot.

Seriously? Send over two hard line loyal Communist on visas....they enjoy American life, get pregnant and have multiple babies....ALL legally American citizens.... if that's not the definition of insanity what is?

Has ANYONE considered that's what's happening TODAY? Maybe millions of these Communist babies born in America have now come of voting age and are full filling their purposes?

No matter HOW you look at it.....it's a stupid if not extremely dangerous thing in modern times.

You'll claim that these outdated immigration laws that put the nation at risk should be upheld.....
then in the same breath, argue furiously that the 2nd is outdated and should be eliminated.

And then see no problem at all with the twisted thinking

Fear Mongering + Hate Mongering defines Trumpism.
Those who echo trump's lack of sagacious thinking on problematic issues have exacerbated real honest debate on solutions.

The zero sum game policy used by Trump is doomed to fail and the MAGA hat talking point can never be realized under an executive who has no clue, and seems unable to learn from experience.
it's original intent was to give ALL PERSONS under our jurisdiction, the birthright citizenship we already were giving to children of white foreigners living here.
No.....it was to keep Democrats from screwing over Blacks after the Civil War.
that's true, the confederates in the south were trying left and right to screw them by keeping citizenship from them in various evil ways, and trying to deport them as non citizens to the Caribbean Islands... thus the 14th made them equal to us white folk, and what us white folk already had as a "right" thru common law for hundreds of years already, jus soli.... birthright citizenship.... and prevented the Confederates from being able to keep the once slaves down and keep them from actually receiving LIBERTY.... liberty to buy land, liberty to move freely, liberty to work etc etc etc....

The 14th applied to all slaves, but it also applied and included us white folk and replaced the Common Law we were previously guided by, and gave this right to all foreigners.... as PROVEN in the US vs. Ark Supreme Court case.

The Amendment specifically states ALL PERSONS, subject to the jurisdiction of..... etc.... with 2 exceptions, births to those who we were at war with of a foreign nation on our soil, and diplomats of foreign countries, both of who are under the jurisdiction of the foreign country they come from....with Diplomats it is called Diplomatic Immunity. And we have SC rulings that show that foreigners are under our jurisdiction,(with the exceptions listed above) and what jurisdiction is defined as... and why it would be mayhem in this Nation if those who are not citizens, are not under our jurisdiction.

View attachment 226428
Misrepresentation of Wong Kim Ark decision

Prove it.
Over 100 years of birthright citizenship since that case

You Lose
Yeah, just waiting for Russia and China to send over enough citizens, claiming they are refugees, dropping millions of babies trained to be loyal to their home countries....to take the nation without firing a shot.

Seriously? Send over two hard line loyal Communist on visas....they enjoy American life, get pregnant and have multiple babies....ALL legally American citizens.... if that's not the definition of insanity what is?

Has ANYONE considered that's what's happening TODAY? Maybe millions of these Communist babies born in America have now come of voting age and are full filling their purposes?

No matter HOW you look at it.....it's a stupid if not extremely dangerous thing in modern times.

You'll claim that these outdated immigration laws that put the nation at risk should be upheld.....
then in the same breath, argue furiously that the 2nd is outdated and should be eliminated.

And then see no problem at all with the twisted thinking

Fear Mongering + Hate Mongering defines Trumpism.
Those who echo trump's lack of sagacious thinking on problematic issues have exacerbated real honest debate on solutions.

The zero sum game policy used by Trump is doomed to fail and the MAGA hat talking point can never be realized under an executive who has no clue, and seems unable to learn from experience.
which sides makes a living demonizing people who dont agree with them? thatcwould be the left.

cut it out. :)
The right’s unwarranted contempt for the Citizenship Clause is further proof of the fear, ignorance, hate, bigotry, and nativism common to most conservatives.

Conservatives believe – incorrectly – that to no longer recognize the citizenship of persons born in the United States would act as a ‘disincentive’ to immigration, with fewer ‘brown people’ who speak Spanish coming into the country.

The thread premise is yet another example of the authoritarian right’s fear of change, diversity, and inclusion.
What does it mean to be a moderate, conservative, progressive or being on the left or right?

I’m just curious because I don’t know where I fit in.

Yeah, just waiting for Russia and China to send over enough citizens, claiming they are refugees, dropping millions of babies trained to be loyal to their home countries....to take the nation without firing a shot.

Seriously? Send over two hard line loyal Communist on visas....they enjoy American life, get pregnant and have multiple babies....ALL legally American citizens.... if that's not the definition of insanity what is?

Has ANYONE considered that's what's happening TODAY? Maybe millions of these Communist babies born in America have now come of voting age and are full filling their purposes?

No matter HOW you look at it.....it's a stupid if not extremely dangerous thing in modern times.

You'll claim that these outdated immigration laws that put the nation at risk should be upheld.....
then in the same breath, argue furiously that the 2nd is outdated and should be eliminated.

And then see no problem at all with the twisted thinking

Fear Mongering + Hate Mongering defines Trumpism.
Those who echo trump's lack of sagacious thinking on problematic issues have exacerbated real honest debate on solutions.

The zero sum game policy used by Trump is doomed to fail and the MAGA hat talking point can never be realized under an executive who has no clue, and seems unable to learn from experience.
which sides makes a living demonizing people who dont agree with them? thatcwould be the left.

cut it out. :)
Vs those who demonize those of a different race, religion, sexual orientation, sex

Thatwouldbethe right
Invaders with bad intent don't fall under our jurisdiction. They are no different than the people we send to GITMO. We don't have to accept them and give them rights.

Illegals trafficking drugs into the USA kills 42,000 Americans each year, 115 people a day. That's like an airliner crashing every other day.
the right wing prefers to waste money on an alleged drug war they refuse to pay for with drug war Tax Rates.

115 Americans are dying each day.
How many foreigners are dying due to our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; the right wing refuses to pay wartime tax rates for.

115 Americans are dying each day, due to drugs trafficked into the USA by illegals. Illegals are no friend of the USA.
the right wing doesn't care about natural rights or fiscal responsibility. or, they would insist on real times of drug war Tax Rates, not tax cut economics.
Illegals trafficking drugs into the USA kills 42,000 Americans each year, 115 people a day. That's like an airliner crashing every other day.
the right wing prefers to waste money on an alleged drug war they refuse to pay for with drug war Tax Rates.

115 Americans are dying each day.
How many foreigners are dying due to our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; the right wing refuses to pay wartime tax rates for.

115 Americans are dying each day, due to drugs trafficked into the USA by illegals. Illegals are no friend of the USA.
the right wing doesn't care about natural rights or fiscal responsibility. or, they would insist on real times of drug war Tax Rates, not tax cut economics.

"natural rights" are you making shit up again? :auiqs.jpg:
the right wing prefers to waste money on an alleged drug war they refuse to pay for with drug war Tax Rates.

115 Americans are dying each day.
How many foreigners are dying due to our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; the right wing refuses to pay wartime tax rates for.

115 Americans are dying each day, due to drugs trafficked into the USA by illegals. Illegals are no friend of the USA.
the right wing doesn't care about natural rights or fiscal responsibility. or, they would insist on real times of drug war Tax Rates, not tax cut economics.

"natural rights" are you making shit up again? :auiqs.jpg:
only the right wing, never gets it.
115 Americans are dying each day.
How many foreigners are dying due to our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; the right wing refuses to pay wartime tax rates for.

115 Americans are dying each day, due to drugs trafficked into the USA by illegals. Illegals are no friend of the USA.
the right wing doesn't care about natural rights or fiscal responsibility. or, they would insist on real times of drug war Tax Rates, not tax cut economics.

"natural rights" are you making shit up again? :auiqs.jpg:
only the right wing, never gets it.

I'm exercising my natural right to hate the left.
How many foreigners are dying due to our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; the right wing refuses to pay wartime tax rates for.

115 Americans are dying each day, due to drugs trafficked into the USA by illegals. Illegals are no friend of the USA.
the right wing doesn't care about natural rights or fiscal responsibility. or, they would insist on real times of drug war Tax Rates, not tax cut economics.

"natural rights" are you making shit up again? :auiqs.jpg:
only the right wing, never gets it.

I'm exercising my natural right to hate the left.
forgot your morals or ethics?
115 Americans are dying each day, due to drugs trafficked into the USA by illegals. Illegals are no friend of the USA.
the right wing doesn't care about natural rights or fiscal responsibility. or, they would insist on real times of drug war Tax Rates, not tax cut economics.

"natural rights" are you making shit up again? :auiqs.jpg:
only the right wing, never gets it.

I'm exercising my natural right to hate the left.
forgot your morals or ethics?

Its not immoral to hate satin worshipers.
the right wing doesn't care about natural rights or fiscal responsibility. or, they would insist on real times of drug war Tax Rates, not tax cut economics.

"natural rights" are you making shit up again? :auiqs.jpg:
only the right wing, never gets it.

I'm exercising my natural right to hate the left.
forgot your morals or ethics?

Its not immoral to hate satin worshipers.
it is if you have no morals, to begin with.
yes they are citizens just like any person who is born on our soil and under our jurisdiction, unless they are Diplomats and have Diplomatic Immunity, where they do not answer to our jurisdiction/laws. Giving babies born here citizenship, was the way our founders got non-citizens to come and live here... it was an incentive for non citizens from Europe to come and populate our nation.... before the 14th Amendment gave that birthright to Slaves.

A. Graham, "The Original Congressional Debate on Birthright Citizenship" | Counter-Currents Publishing

"The minutes of the 1866 congressional debate over the citizenship clause of the Fourteenth Amendment make for interesting reading. The clause is proposed by Senator Jacob Howard, who adds that “persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers” are excluded from it as dictated by the phrase “subject to the jurisdiction thereof.”[1]"

the way you are saying is completely wrong as per the people who wrote the amendment. you can argue with them if you'd like but if you're going to use the constitution as proof, use it as intended, not as you may wish for it to be.

the SC ruled on it back in the day - so the liberals need to stop changing it cause they want votes, or for whatever reason they feel the need to today.

"The Supreme Court stated in the Slaughterhouse Cases of 1873 that the phrase “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” excluded “children of ministers, consuls, and citizens or subjects of foreign states born within the United States.” This was dismissed as an obiter dictum in United States v. Wong Kim Ark (1898), but it was the prevailing interpretation up to that point. This was again confirmed in Elk v. Wilkins (1884), in which the Court decided that an Indian who had severed his tribal ties was nonetheless not a citizen due to the fact that he owed allegiance to his tribe at the time of his birth."
nope, you are reading it wrong.... completely wrong..... alien, foreign, children and family of diplomats and diplomats is one specific group of people.

if the 14th amendment was meant in any other way, then all the white European Scottish and Irish and Italian and German etc.children born here of parents not citizens, would not be citizens and subjected to deportation and that IS NOT what they wanted.

give it up, i ain't buying your bullshit. this was debated and decided upon by the supreme court to NOT apply to the anchor baby situation. your not liking it and or inability to comprehend it doesn't change it.

if you are not a citizen of this country then you are an alien. ergo - your babies are as well. i found you a very specific example, several of them actually, that spells this out under no uncertain terms. you're now trying to interpret what they wanted and or didn't want *after* they told you. you want cred for this then do as i did and offer views from the people who wrote, debated and judged on this AT THE TIME to address your views. you incessant NO NO NO ITS MY WAY is not proof that you are right. just that you WANT to be.

check and mate.
:lol: no, it was not decided in the mannr you are making up....

I AM QUOTING what the Supreme Court SAID on it in their decision/opinion on it in US vs Ark.... silly one!


Regarding birth rights in the 14th amendment is very clear, there is no fudge room.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

Under the 5th amendment to the Constitution.

The only way to change, rewrite, repeal or add an amendment to the Constitution, requires 2/3's of the Senate, 2/3's of the House, and then it has to be ratified by 3/4's of the states.
What does it take to repeal a constitutional amendment? - National Constitution Center

You'll note that the President has no say in this process.


Democrats change the Constitution all the time. All it takes is a court decision.
We need to stop birthright citizenship IMMEDIATELY!

Those who state that the 14th was intended to guarantee citizenship to recently freed slaves are absolutely right. When this amendment was pushed through in the extra-constitutional manner in which it was that was the plan.
Applying it to anchor babies is a recent phenomenon.

That said, the wording of the damn thing is plain and clear, regardless of the intent of the radicals that pushed it through.

Fix it or accept it, there is no going around it.

Personally I think it should have had a sunset provision - say 100 years, generally guaranteeing that the last person born into slavery had passed away.

Amend it through the normal process. While you are at it, clarify the status of those born to a US citizen outside the borders of the nation.
We need to stop birthright citizenship IMMEDIATELY!

Those who state that the 14th was intended to guarantee citizenship to recently freed slaves are absolutely right. When this amendment was pushed through in the extra-constitutional manner in which it was that was the plan.
Applying it to anchor babies is a recent phenomenon.

That said, the wording of the damn thing is plain and clear, regardless of the intent of the radicals that pushed it through.

Fix it or accept it, there is no going around it.

Personally I think it should have had a sunset provision - say 100 years, generally guaranteeing that the last person born into slavery had passed away.

Amend it through the normal process. While you are at it, clarify the status of those born to a US citizen outside the borders of the nation.
The solution is to help the rest of world not experience mass exoduses. The right wing doesn't like it, Because there is not enough high profit in it like there is with weapons of micro and mass destruction.
This is an emergency, day by day America is being conquered. No wonder a literal invasion has gathered on our doorstep.

How is this crazy law still in the book? No serious nation could allow anything of the sort. Even the republicans haven't paid any attention to the issue fully endorsing the crazy. What a disappointment. Only the man with balls, that is Trump has finally put some attention to the issue after 4D chessing the supreme court for his support. Just tells how completely useless our politicians are.

We need more real men with balls, more people like the God Emperor. Can't go wrong with that message going into the election. Just imagine if we had more people with common sense making the shots. Take back our country!
I sense you have already capitulated..
We need to stop birthright citizenship IMMEDIATELY!

Those who state that the 14th was intended to guarantee citizenship to recently freed slaves are absolutely right. When this amendment was pushed through in the extra-constitutional manner in which it was that was the plan.
Applying it to anchor babies is a recent phenomenon.

That said, the wording of the damn thing is plain and clear, regardless of the intent of the radicals that pushed it through.

Fix it or accept it, there is no going around it.

Personally I think it should have had a sunset provision - say 100 years, generally guaranteeing that the last person born into slavery had passed away.

Amend it through the normal process. While you are at it, clarify the status of those born to a US citizen outside the borders of the nation.
How recent?
the right wing doesn't care about natural rights or fiscal responsibility. or, they would insist on real times of drug war Tax Rates, not tax cut economics.

"natural rights" are you making shit up again? :auiqs.jpg:
only the right wing, never gets it.

I'm exercising my natural right to hate the left.
forgot your morals or ethics?

Its not immoral to hate satin worshipers.
Yes it is since Christ said to love yer enemies and pray for them.
We need to stop birthright citizenship IMMEDIATELY!

Those who state that the 14th was intended to guarantee citizenship to recently freed slaves are absolutely right. When this amendment was pushed through in the extra-constitutional manner in which it was that was the plan.
Applying it to anchor babies is a recent phenomenon.

That said, the wording of the damn thing is plain and clear, regardless of the intent of the radicals that pushed it through.

Fix it or accept it, there is no going around it.

Personally I think it should have had a sunset provision - say 100 years, generally guaranteeing that the last person born into slavery had passed away.

Amend it through the normal process. While you are at it, clarify the status of those born to a US citizen outside the borders of the nation.
The solution is to help the rest of world not experience mass exoduses. The right wing doesn't like it, Because there is not enough high profit in it like there is with weapons of micro and mass destruction.
The spate of Middle East and North African refugees, and the Hondurans are directly attributable to Obama and Shitlery actions in those regions.

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