We need to stop over-reacting to the Coronavirus.

It’s a huge difference.

Yes, but it was obviously a mistake. Yet you guys harp on it like its the end of the world.

You don't want people to have confidence in Trump because your main goal is to get rid of him in November.

And if it takes a little pandemic for you to get it, so be it.

How can you have confidence in a man who turned down test kits from WHO over a month ago and possibly China because we'll make our own and they are just getting out in some states and only after the Governor's have taken their own action?

He did that personally? or did the FDA follow its rather strict procedures for test kits?

And since in our Federal System the States have the "boots on the ground" responsibility for things like this, Governors by design will have to "take their own actions". The Feds are limited by law to support and control of the borders. If state border shutdowns are required, they would have to approve of them as well.

It's why NY is using its own National Guard to help with the quarantine in New Rochelle, not federal troops.
dude, that fk doesn't understand our country.

Ordinarily the federal government would be instrumental in handling something like this.

Otherwise known as the good old days.
What Newt Gingrich is saying from Italy:

Newt Gingrich: I am in Italy amid the coronavirus crisis. America must act now—and act big | Opinion

"I have watched first-hand as the Italian government has worked hard to contain the coronavirus by imposing strong public health measures to try to get the epidemic under control.

"These measures will lead to significant economic challenges.

"As I write:

  • "All schools are closed in all of Italy.
  • All churches are closed (including St. Peter's Basilica).
  • All weddings and funerals are postponed.
  • All restaurants are closed.
  • In fact, all stores except grocery stores and pharmacies are closed.
  • People are urged to work from home unless they work in special designated factories
"The streets are almost empty.

"These steps are not an overreaction"
3,774 cases now.
and for the flu

CDC estimates* that, from October 1, 2019, through March 7, 2020, there have been:
36,000,000 – 51,000,000
flu illnesses


17,000,000 – 24,000,000
flu medical visits


370,000 – 670,000
flu hospitalizations


22,000 – 55,000
flu deaths

Why do you believe this is being treated differently than the flu WORLDWIDE?
Do you have the teleprompter readout?

incredible...you’re pathetic

Evidently not.

Even if that got on the teleprompter, it was a mistake. They are waiving copays on testing, which was something dems were complaining about.

Yet a miswording and you guys get to bitch about even that.
It’s a huge difference.

But in the end it doesn't make any difference. It's just something for people who don't like Trump to nit-pick about.
Does confidence in the president not make any difference?

Of course it does, but most progressives can't get past the chance this provides to get rid of him in November to stop being partisan about the situation, and Trump's actions during it.

In NYC I hate DiBlasio with a passion, but I am not actively criticising his actions with regards to the crisis, even though the bar ban to me smacks of overreacting.

I am willing to let it go for a few weeks before I decide to oppose it actively.
It’s a huge difference.

Yes, but it was obviously a mistake. Yet you guys harp on it like its the end of the world.

You don't want people to have confidence in Trump because your main goal is to get rid of him in November.

And if it takes a little pandemic for you to get it, so be it.

How can you have confidence in a man who turned down test kits from WHO over a month ago and possibly China because we'll make our own and they are just getting out in some states and only after the Governor's have taken their own action?

He did that personally? or did the FDA follow its rather strict procedures for test kits?

And since in our Federal System the States have the "boots on the ground" responsibility for things like this, Governors by design will have to "take their own actions". The Feds are limited by law to support and control of the borders. If state border shutdowns are required, they would have to approve of them as well.

It's why NY is using its own National Guard to help with the quarantine in New Rochelle, not federal troops.
dude, that fk doesn't understand our country.

Ordinarily the federal government would be instrumental in handling something like this.

Doing what?

FEMA, CDC and other agencies are SUPPORT agencies, the boots on the ground work is always done at the State level in health emergencies.

The only exceptions are border controls, and anything happening on MIlitary or Federal land.
Also known as a lie he read right off of a teleprompter.

Do you have the teleprompter readout?

incredible...you’re pathetic

Evidently not.

Even if that got on the teleprompter, it was a mistake. They are waiving copays on testing, which was something dems were complaining about.

Yet a miswording and you guys get to bitch about even that.

It was a lie. Plain and simple. You just can’t be critical of your master

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"

That lie hurt me.

This situation was mis-speaking.

while every medical professional on the planet is recommending social distancing, your blob has produced this scene at airports in several states.


Mis-speaking my ass.
3,774 cases now.
and for the flu

CDC estimates* that, from October 1, 2019, through March 7, 2020, there have been:
36,000,000 – 51,000,000
flu illnesses


17,000,000 – 24,000,000
flu medical visits


370,000 – 670,000
flu hospitalizations


22,000 – 55,000
flu deaths

Neat, comparing an entire year of a less lethal disease to a new pandemic.

You're either dumb or intentionally misleading.

Let's hope you're smart enough to commit to social distancing.
too funny, flu isn't lethal. so for you 55,000 is peanuts.
It’s a huge difference.

Yes, but it was obviously a mistake. Yet you guys harp on it like its the end of the world.

You don't want people to have confidence in Trump because your main goal is to get rid of him in November.

And if it takes a little pandemic for you to get it, so be it.

How can you have confidence in a man who turned down test kits from WHO over a month ago and possibly China because we'll make our own and they are just getting out in some states and only after the Governor's have taken their own action?

He did that personally? or did the FDA follow its rather strict procedures for test kits?

And since in our Federal System the States have the "boots on the ground" responsibility for things like this, Governors by design will have to "take their own actions". The Feds are limited by law to support and control of the borders. If state border shutdowns are required, they would have to approve of them as well.

It's why NY is using its own National Guard to help with the quarantine in New Rochelle, not federal troops.
dude, that fk doesn't understand our country.

Ordinarily the federal government would be instrumental in handling something like this.
good thing they are. canceling flights to and from China was brilliant.
Last edited:
Do you have the teleprompter readout?

incredible...you’re pathetic

Evidently not.

Even if that got on the teleprompter, it was a mistake. They are waiving copays on testing, which was something dems were complaining about.

Yet a miswording and you guys get to bitch about even that.

It was a lie. Plain and simple. You just can’t be critical of your master

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"

That lie hurt me.

This situation was mis-speaking.

while every medical professional on the planet is recommending social distancing, your blob has produced this scene at airports in several states.

View attachment 312760

Mis-speaking my ass.
Gee, too bad we are not following WHO recommendations

Travel and trade restrictions are not recommended
Masks are not necessary
I would never have predicted that Americans on the whole would become so easily manipulated by media scare tactics.

The CDC, WHO, and government have been consistent on how little danger this is from this virus, but will the media run that?

CDC just recommended cancelling events with more than 50 people....

CDC recommends canceling events with 50 or more people for the next eight weeks throughout US
Yep. This will cut our all of the Republican events, but the Democrats should be okay.
Do you have the teleprompter readout?

incredible...you’re pathetic

Evidently not.

Even if that got on the teleprompter, it was a mistake. They are waiving copays on testing, which was something dems were complaining about.

Yet a miswording and you guys get to bitch about even that.

It was a lie. Plain and simple. You just can’t be critical of your master

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"

That lie hurt me.

This situation was mis-speaking.

while every medical professional on the planet is recommending social distancing, your blob has produced this scene at airports in several states.

View attachment 312760

Mis-speaking my ass.
he bought all of their tickets? wow. where was the sign up?
3,774 cases now.
and for the flu

CDC estimates* that, from October 1, 2019, through March 7, 2020, there have been:
36,000,000 – 51,000,000
flu illnesses


17,000,000 – 24,000,000
flu medical visits


370,000 – 670,000
flu hospitalizations


22,000 – 55,000
flu deaths

Why do you believe this is being treated differently than the flu WORLDWIDE?
nothing was shut down, no sporting events were canceled.
Yes, but it was obviously a mistake. Yet you guys harp on it like its the end of the world.

You don't want people to have confidence in Trump because your main goal is to get rid of him in November.

And if it takes a little pandemic for you to get it, so be it.

How can you have confidence in a man who turned down test kits from WHO over a month ago and possibly China because we'll make our own and they are just getting out in some states and only after the Governor's have taken their own action?

He did that personally? or did the FDA follow its rather strict procedures for test kits?

And since in our Federal System the States have the "boots on the ground" responsibility for things like this, Governors by design will have to "take their own actions". The Feds are limited by law to support and control of the borders. If state border shutdowns are required, they would have to approve of them as well.

It's why NY is using its own National Guard to help with the quarantine in New Rochelle, not federal troops.
dude, that fk doesn't understand our country.

Ordinarily the federal government would be instrumental in handling something like this.

Doing what?

FEMA, CDC and other agencies are SUPPORT agencies, the boots on the ground work is always done at the State level in health emergencies.

The only exceptions are border controls, and anything happening on MIlitary or Federal land.
They aren’t supporting.
How can you have confidence in a man who turned down test kits from WHO over a month ago and possibly China because we'll make our own and they are just getting out in some states and only after the Governor's have taken their own action?

He did that personally? or did the FDA follow its rather strict procedures for test kits?

And since in our Federal System the States have the "boots on the ground" responsibility for things like this, Governors by design will have to "take their own actions". The Feds are limited by law to support and control of the borders. If state border shutdowns are required, they would have to approve of them as well.

It's why NY is using its own National Guard to help with the quarantine in New Rochelle, not federal troops.
dude, that fk doesn't understand our country.

Ordinarily the federal government would be instrumental in handling something like this.

Doing what?

FEMA, CDC and other agencies are SUPPORT agencies, the boots on the ground work is always done at the State level in health emergencies.

The only exceptions are border controls, and anything happening on MIlitary or Federal land.
They aren’t supporting.

Evidence of this?

Most of what they do is background work, which you won't see or hear about.
He did that personally? or did the FDA follow its rather strict procedures for test kits?

And since in our Federal System the States have the "boots on the ground" responsibility for things like this, Governors by design will have to "take their own actions". The Feds are limited by law to support and control of the borders. If state border shutdowns are required, they would have to approve of them as well.

It's why NY is using its own National Guard to help with the quarantine in New Rochelle, not federal troops.
dude, that fk doesn't understand our country.

Ordinarily the federal government would be instrumental in handling something like this.

Doing what?

FEMA, CDC and other agencies are SUPPORT agencies, the boots on the ground work is always done at the State level in health emergencies.

The only exceptions are border controls, and anything happening on MIlitary or Federal land.
They aren’t supporting.

Evidence of this?

Most of what they do is background work, which you won't see or hear about.

I would see and hear it. I haven’t. The CDC is farming this out to states health departments. Everyone is on their own.
good thing they are. canceling flights to and from China was brilliant.

Sorry, but you're opinion on what is and isn't effective is hilariously uninformed.
so you think that wasn't necessary? just checking.

how about quarantining those who were in affected area? that was meaningless too?
It wasn’t effective.
how do you know? our country is the one globally with the most travel around the globe. Look at the numbers per populous and you're point is wrong.
6500 deaths world wide in a population of over seven billion. Hardly the apocalypse.
dude, that fk doesn't understand our country.

Ordinarily the federal government would be instrumental in handling something like this.

Doing what?

FEMA, CDC and other agencies are SUPPORT agencies, the boots on the ground work is always done at the State level in health emergencies.

The only exceptions are border controls, and anything happening on MIlitary or Federal land.
They aren’t supporting.

Evidence of this?

Most of what they do is background work, which you won't see or hear about.

I would see and hear it. I haven’t. The CDC is farming this out to states health departments. Everyone is on their own.

The State health departments are the ones with jurisdiction in their States. They are the point agencies for dealing with this in conjunction with local medical facilities, both public and private.

The CDC doesn't have staff nor the mandate to do the grunt work with patients and local medical facilities, despite what you saw in the movies.

FEMA would be brought in to provide things like temp beds, and quarantine facilities.

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