We need to stop over-reacting to the Coronavirus.

Still waiting for a panel of 10+ experts to be in the same room at the same time and state-“it is an inordinately dangerous time for us to be around each other so stay at home”
Why would they need to be in the same room at the same time? stupid.

We are all waiting for you to produce a source for your baseless doubts, other than your own rectum .


Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.

We had some people fighting for the toilet paper at my local grocery store. Another person overpaid for about 80 rolls. Also, place was packed with people, some products completely out of stock.

I think we've had 1 person total die from this. Everyone is anticipating the national quarantine. It's oversold, over promoted by MSM (especially in the U.S who want to hurt Trump and keep any focus away from Biden) and people become irrational.
The only things I stocked upon are bourbon, beer and vodka.

I told the guy at the liquor store I decided to go on a liquid diet so I won't need toilet paper
What the CDC is recommending for two months for over 50 people is insane
Now, on a daily basis something like that would Always and Hugely reduce communicable disease. What is So devastatingly different and lethal about corona and the situation that surrounds it?
We know the media has a President to unseat and a population to spook but let’s go beyond that
At this point, it seems that in the US covid - 19 is less dangerous than the seasonal flu. While the virus is devastating to EU countries that did not take a proactive approach as the US did here in the US the mortality rate for confirmed cases of covid - 19 is 1.7% and will probably fall to less than 1% as more testing is done and mild cases that have not been reported are included, in Italy, the mortality rate among confirmed cases is about 7%.
You act like the virus is somehow being contained????

This thing is running rampant and we will soon have 10,000+ cases and much more deaths, we don't even have the testing capabilities to know how many people are infected. In typical wacko fashion you try and play victim... always with the victim card... and blame the media, but the media didn't just recommend banning gatherings over 50 people...
What is your response going to be when the cases increase all throughout this week???

You people are living in a fantasy land, enjoy the SPY to 200 I have my shorts in.
It is being contained in the US. That's why our infection rate and death rate is so dramatically lower than in the EU countries. Banning travel and gatherings is the means by which it is being contained.
The travel ban came weeks AFTER the virus was in the country. So utterly useless in that regard. Weak and feckless.

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
What the CDC is recommending for two months for over 50 people is insane
Now, on a daily basis something like that would Always and Hugely reduce communicable disease. What is So devastatingly different and lethal about corona and the situation that surrounds it?
We know the media has a President to unseat and a population to spook but let’s go beyond that
At this point, it seems that in the US covid - 19 is less dangerous than the seasonal flu. While the virus is devastating to EU countries that did not take a proactive approach as the US did here in the US the mortality rate for confirmed cases of covid - 19 is 1.7% and will probably fall to less than 1% as more testing is done and mild cases that have not been reported are included, in Italy, the mortality rate among confirmed cases is about 7%.
You act like the virus is somehow being contained????

This thing is running rampant and we will soon have 10,000+ cases and much more deaths, we don't even have the testing capabilities to know how many people are infected. In typical wacko fashion you try and play victim... always with the victim card... and blame the media, but the media didn't just recommend banning gatherings over 50 people...
What is your response going to be when the cases increase all throughout this week???

You people are living in a fantasy land, enjoy the SPY to 200 I have my shorts in.
It is being contained in the US. That's why our infection rate and death rate is so dramatically lower than in the EU countries. Banning travel and gatherings is the means by which it is being contained.
The travel ban came weeks AFTER the virus was in the country. So utterly useless in that regard. Weak and feckless.

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk

So we should have banned travel before the virus got here?

Don't be stupid
Chinese death rates are not definitive of what rest of world will experience.
Really? How so? Poor countries will do better? or did you mean worse?

China hospitalized every single case they found. Do we plan to do that? No? Then how will our death rate be lower?
Americans aren't undernourished for one....all been explained on multiple threads...... Whole lot of fearmongoring going on.
Americans are largely overweight and obese and suffer from terrible diets. Not a good formula for fighting disease.

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
Now, with potentially thousands of businesses about to close and collectively millions of people about to be (or already) fired from their jobs, where do those business owners and their employees go to get their livelihoods back?

Can they — and should they — be allowed to enter into a class-action lawsuit against those who willingly created a panic for ratings, ad revenue and political advantage.

I submit it’s a very legitimate question. The Media-Induced Coronavirus Panic Is Worse Than The Disease
Care to post just ONE example of this "media incitement" you speak of?

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
Now, with potentially thousands of businesses about to close and collectively millions of people about to be (or already) fired from their jobs, where do those business owners and their employees go to get their livelihoods back?

Can they — and should they — be allowed to enter into a class-action lawsuit against those who willingly created a panic for ratings, ad revenue and political advantage.

I submit it’s a very legitimate question. The Media-Induced Coronavirus Panic Is Worse Than The Disease
Care to post just ONE example of this "media incitement" you speak of?

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
It's not the media it's the politicians that are fomenting panic.

The media just happens to be owned by the same people who own the politicians
What’s worse, doctors fear the virus will mutate.







Get a hold of yourself bitch, you're acting hysterical.

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
What the CDC is recommending for two months for over 50 people is insane
Now, on a daily basis something like that would Always and Hugely reduce communicable disease. What is So devastatingly different and lethal about corona and the situation that surrounds it?
We know the media has a President to unseat and a population to spook but let’s go beyond that
At this point, it seems that in the US covid - 19 is less dangerous than the seasonal flu. While the virus is devastating to EU countries that did not take a proactive approach as the US did here in the US the mortality rate for confirmed cases of covid - 19 is 1.7% and will probably fall to less than 1% as more testing is done and mild cases that have not been reported are included, in Italy, the mortality rate among confirmed cases is about 7%.
You act like the virus is somehow being contained????

This thing is running rampant and we will soon have 10,000+ cases and much more deaths, we don't even have the testing capabilities to know how many people are infected. In typical wacko fashion you try and play victim... always with the victim card... and blame the media, but the media didn't just recommend banning gatherings over 50 people...
What is your response going to be when the cases increase all throughout this week???

You people are living in a fantasy land, enjoy the SPY to 200 I have my shorts in.
It is being contained in the US. That's why our infection rate and death rate is so dramatically lower than in the EU countries. Banning travel and gatherings is the means by which it is being contained.
The travel ban came weeks AFTER the virus was in the country. So utterly useless in that regard. Weak and feckless. Trump has been utterly incompetent throughout this entire ordeal. And its costing American's lives.

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk

So we should have banned travel before the virus got here?

Don't be stupid
Yes. Its called being PROACTIVE.

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.
You mean like Republicans showed us how to do it during the Ebola flare-up?

There's other videos that show's how truly reprehensible and kraven Republicans are, but did you mean like that OP?

Obama excuse was why close the barn door when the horses are already out. How about N1H1?
At this point, it seems that in the US covid - 19 is less dangerous than the seasonal flu. While the virus is devastating to EU countries that did not take a proactive approach as the US did here in the US the mortality rate for confirmed cases of covid - 19 is 1.7% and will probably fall to less than 1% as more testing is done and mild cases that have not been reported are included, in Italy, the mortality rate among confirmed cases is about 7%.
You act like the virus is somehow being contained????

This thing is running rampant and we will soon have 10,000+ cases and much more deaths, we don't even have the testing capabilities to know how many people are infected. In typical wacko fashion you try and play victim... always with the victim card... and blame the media, but the media didn't just recommend banning gatherings over 50 people...
What is your response going to be when the cases increase all throughout this week???

You people are living in a fantasy land, enjoy the SPY to 200 I have my shorts in.
It is being contained in the US. That's why our infection rate and death rate is so dramatically lower than in the EU countries. Banning travel and gatherings is the means by which it is being contained.
The travel ban came weeks AFTER the virus was in the country. So utterly useless in that regard. Weak and feckless.

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk

So we should have banned travel before the virus got here?

Don't be stupid
Yes. Its called being PROACTIVE.

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk

So every time there is a virus outbreak in another country you want to shut down this country?

see that's called being stupid
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.
You mean like Republicans showed us how to do it during the Ebola flare-up?

There's other videos that show's how truly reprehensible and kraven Republicans are, but did you mean like that OP?

Obama excuse was why close the barn door when the horses are already out. How about N1H1?
Go on, what about it?

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.
You mean like Republicans showed us how to do it during the Ebola flare-up?

There's other videos that show's how truly reprehensible and kraven Republicans are, but did you mean like that OP?

Obama excuse was why close the barn door when the horses are already out. How about N1H1?
Go on, what about it?

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk

Over 14,000 deaths no panic
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.
You mean like Republicans showed us how to do it during the Ebola flare-up?

There's other videos that show's how truly reprehensible and kraven Republicans are, but did you mean like that OP?

Obama excuse was why close the barn door when the horses are already out. How about N1H1?
Go on, what about it?

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk

Over 14,000 deaths no panic

14000 out of over 7 BILLION

no need to panic
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

I think you don't understand the context of the Flu Pandemic of 1918.

The reason why we call it the "Spanish Flu" is not because it originated in Spain. It didn't. It was that it broke out during World War I, but MOST of the major beligerents in the war had strict press censorship, and outbreaks weren't reported. In short, government action and a lack of media coverage ACTUALLY MADE IT WORSE.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

Not really comparable, as this was a time where millions of people died of diseases every year- measles, smallpox, polio... "Oh, another disease" was simply not as scary. Also, human life wasn't considered as valuable back in the day, so there was that.

Nope. This is a profound failure on the part of Trump... I know that with "What about Obama and H1N! is failing, you are moving to "What about Wilson and Spanish Flu">
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.
You mean like Republicans showed us how to do it during the Ebola flare-up?

There's other videos that show's how truly reprehensible and kraven Republicans are, but did you mean like that OP?

Obama excuse was why close the barn door when the horses are already out. How about N1H1?
Go on, what about it?

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk

Over 14,000 deaths no panic

14000 out of over 7 BILLION

no need to panic

And how many Americans have died from the Coronavirus that caused the panic we have now??
FYI there aren't 7 billion America's.
We're at 3,244 known cases now.

We're on a crappy curve to be sure. And still no coherent testing or any other plan. Gonna get way worse before it gets better.

Just pray we're not Italy
Social distancing to flatten the curve will hopefully help. Closing schools here. I can't find hand sanitizer anywhere, so I'll have to hope the herd immunity thing applies. Everyone apparently has at least three bottles of it, except for me.

They are STILL saying, if you have been exposed and you are showing symptoms, call your doctor. We apparently still haven't got enough test kits to test the people exposed until they get sick?
Obviously a misstatement by the President.

Bonus for TDS sufferers, it allows you to be disappointed by the companies waiving copays for the tests.

Also known as a lie he read right off of a teleprompter.

Do you have the teleprompter readout?

incredible...you’re pathetic

Evidently not.

Even if that got on the teleprompter, it was a mistake. They are waiving copays on testing, which was something dems were complaining about.

Yet a miswording and you guys get to bitch about even that.
It’s a huge difference.

But in the end it doesn't make any difference. It's just something for people who don't like Trump to nit-pick about.

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