We need to stop over-reacting to the Coronavirus.

I would never have predicted that Americans on the whole would become so easily manipulated by media scare tactics.

having observed how conservatives are so easily manipulated by conservative media scare tactics I am NOT so surprised!

"liberals love TERRORISTS!"
"liberals HATE GOD (but only the christian god)
"liberals want to take away ALL of your rights and destroy the constitution!"

conservatives are easily manipulated by lies and fear and hate

Obama? No panic buying, stocks remained high, Americans are calm. Under control.

Trump? Discombobulations and chaos as what you see right now. Very busy pointing fingers.

Yesterday Pelosi just save Trump incompetent ass came out with a plan to help Americans with the support of impotent Republicans. Trump said he will sign it.
The deal was negotiated by Pelosi and Mnuchin. Trump was not involved.

I didn’t see any in that bill about abortions. Why do you lie?

While Pelosi and Dems work madly with Steve Munchkin on an emergency bill, Moscow Mitch McTurtle and his do-nothing cohorts dither and enjoy a nice long weekend.

Actually what I read from Tuesday Trump had a lunch with the GOPs Mitch the Russian boy told him go talk to Pelosi.

Trump is so scared of Pelosi so he sent Munchkin.
I would never have predicted that Americans on the whole would become so easily manipulated by media scare tactics.
It is a classic example of mob mentality. Once you get a small group going in one direction, it is easy to panic almost all of them into doing what you want.

This is why mob rule, or the popular vote, should be banned in this country.

The media has far to much power and they can panic this nation any time they wish.

The CDC, WHO, and government have been consistent on how little danger this is from this virus, but will the media run that?


They have a President to unseat.
The CDC, WHO, and government have been consistent on how little danger this is from this virus
Utter nonsense. The CDC and WHO are you ding alarm bells, due to the quick spread of the virus, it's prolonged illness, and the high rate of hospitalization due to the virus.
The CDC, WHO, and government have been consistent on how little danger this is from this virus
Utter nonsense. The CDC and WHO are you ding alarm bells, due to the quick spread of the virus, it's prolonged illness, and the high rate of hospitalization due to the virus.
Maybe you should actually listen to them.

They warn about the elderly and others with health issues.

They say that the fatality rate could be 3.6% but as more cases are confirmed, they expect that rate to drop to between 1 and 1.5%.

They are saying and HAVE BEEN saying that normal healthy adults and healthy children can expect mild symptoms with a few that could get to influence level.

In other words, this virus is NOT a threat to healthy among us.

They have been saying this consistently for weeks.

The media either refuses to report on it, or they are sure to downplay it in favor of helping China get rid of Trump.

Real people are being harmed by the fearmongering that is being foisted upon us by the media.

I hope they get held to account for it.
The media either refuses to report on it
Stupid lie. Everything you just stated, I heard/read in the media.

You seem to be completely missing the point. For example, we aren't shutting down schools because of any fantasy you have that the media is saying the virus is dangerous to children. It is being done to slow the spread, so that our healthcare infrastructure is not overwhelmed with people requiring inpatient care.
What the CDC is recommending for two months for over 50 people is insane
Now, on a daily basis something like that would Always and Hugely reduce communicable disease. What is So devastatingly different and lethal about corona and the situation that surrounds it?
We know the media has a President to unseat and a population to spook but let’s go beyond that
What the CDC is recommending for two months for over 50 people is insane
Now, on a daily basis something like that would Always and Hugely reduce communicable disease. What is So devastatingly different and lethal about corona and the situation that surrounds it?
We know the media has a President to unseat and a population to spook but let’s go beyond that
At this point, it seems that in the US covid - 19 is less dangerous than the seasonal flu. While the virus is devastating to EU countries that did not take a proactive approach as the US did here in the US the mortality rate for confirmed cases of covid - 19 is 1.7% and will probably fall to less than 1% as more testing is done and mild cases that have not been reported are included, in Italy, the mortality rate among confirmed cases is about 7%.
What the CDC is recommending for two months for over 50 people is insane
Now, on a daily basis something like that would Always and Hugely reduce communicable disease. What is So devastatingly different and lethal about corona and the situation that surrounds it?
We know the media has a President to unseat and a population to spook but let’s go beyond that
At this point, it seems that in the US covid - 19 is less dangerous than the seasonal flu. While the virus is devastating to EU countries that did not take a proactive approach as the US did here in the US the mortality rate for confirmed cases of covid - 19 is 1.7% and will probably fall to less than 1% as more testing is done and mild cases that have not been reported are included, in Italy, the mortality rate among confirmed cases is about 7%.
This simply does not match the emotional overreaction and as such must be disregarded.
Liberals are giddy about us maybe all being locked in our house over two weeks.
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.
So you're saying you care more about money than human life. Don't tell me, let me guess. You're also a Trump supporter. Only at the intersection of Greed Avenue and Ignorance Street could we find you and our leadership.
At this point, it seems that in the US covid - 19 is less dangerous than the seasonal flu.
By what standard? This is not what epidemiologists and virologists say. By what research or experience do you claim they are wrong, and it is you who should be trusted?
At this point, it seems that in the US covid - 19 is less dangerous than the seasonal flu.
By what standard? This is not what epidemiologists and virologists say. By what research or experience do you claim they are wrong, and it is you who should be trusted?
My mistake. It is much lower than the mortality rate of the swine flu or any of the other recent flus we have experienced.
What the CDC is recommending for two months for over 50 people is insane
Now, on a daily basis something like that would Always and Hugely reduce communicable disease. What is So devastatingly different and lethal about corona and the situation that surrounds it?
We know the media has a President to unseat and a population to spook but let’s go beyond that
At this point, it seems that in the US covid - 19 is less dangerous than the seasonal flu. While the virus is devastating to EU countries that did not take a proactive approach as the US did here in the US the mortality rate for confirmed cases of covid - 19 is 1.7% and will probably fall to less than 1% as more testing is done and mild cases that have not been reported are included, in Italy, the mortality rate among confirmed cases is about 7%.
You act like the virus is somehow being contained????

This thing is running rampant and we will soon have 10,000+ cases and much more deaths, we don't even have the testing capabilities to know how many people are infected. In typical wacko fashion you try and play victim... always with the victim card... and blame the media, but the media didn't just recommend banning gatherings over 50 people...
What is your response going to be when the cases increase all throughout this week???

You people are living in a fantasy land, enjoy the SPY to 200 I have my shorts in.
At this point, it seems that in the US covid - 19 is less dangerous than the seasonal flu.
By what standard? This is not what epidemiologists and virologists say. By what research or experience do you claim they are wrong, and it is you who should be trusted?
At this point, it seems that in the US covid - 19 is less dangerous than the seasonal flu.
By what standard? This is not what epidemiologists and virologists say. By what research or experience do you claim they are wrong, and it is you who should be trusted?
My mistake. It is much lower than the mortality rate of the swine flu or any of the other recent flus we have experienced.

Mortality rates in China of the flu vs. COVID-19

What the CDC is recommending for two months for over 50 people is insane
Now, on a daily basis something like that would Always and Hugely reduce communicable disease. What is So devastatingly different and lethal about corona and the situation that surrounds it?
We know the media has a President to unseat and a population to spook but let’s go beyond that
At this point, it seems that in the US covid - 19 is less dangerous than the seasonal flu. While the virus is devastating to EU countries that did not take a proactive approach as the US did here in the US the mortality rate for confirmed cases of covid - 19 is 1.7% and will probably fall to less than 1% as more testing is done and mild cases that have not been reported are included, in Italy, the mortality rate among confirmed cases is about 7%.
You act like the virus is somehow being contained????

This thing is running rampant and we will soon have 10,000+ cases and much more deaths, we don't even have the testing capabilities to know how many people are infected. In typical wacko fashion you try and play victim... always with the victim card... and blame the media, but the media didn't just recommend banning gatherings over 50 people...
What is your response going to be when the cases increase all throughout this week???

You people are living in a fantasy land, enjoy the SPY to 200 I have my shorts in.
It is being contained in the US. That's why our infection rate and death rate is so dramatically lower than in the EU countries. Banning travel and gatherings is the means by which it is being contained.
What the CDC is recommending for two months for over 50 people is insane
Now, on a daily basis something like that would Always and Hugely reduce communicable disease. What is So devastatingly different and lethal about corona and the situation that surrounds it?
We know the media has a President to unseat and a population to spook but let’s go beyond that
At this point, it seems that in the US covid - 19 is less dangerous than the seasonal flu. While the virus is devastating to EU countries that did not take a proactive approach as the US did here in the US the mortality rate for confirmed cases of covid - 19 is 1.7% and will probably fall to less than 1% as more testing is done and mild cases that have not been reported are included, in Italy, the mortality rate among confirmed cases is about 7%.
You act like the virus is somehow being contained????

This thing is running rampant and we will soon have 10,000+ cases and much more deaths, we don't even have the testing capabilities to know how many people are infected. In typical wacko fashion you try and play victim... always with the victim card... and blame the media, but the media didn't just recommend banning gatherings over 50 people...
What is your response going to be when the cases increase all throughout this week???

You people are living in a fantasy land, enjoy the SPY to 200 I have my shorts in.
It is being contained in the US. That's why our infection rate and death rate is so dramatically lower than in the EU countries. Banning travel and gatherings is the means by which it is being contained.

Haven't tested enough to know if it's contained or even close to containment.

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