We need to stop over-reacting to the Coronavirus.

I would never have predicted that Americans on the whole would become so easily manipulated by media scare tactics.

having observed how conservatives are so easily manipulated by conservative media scare tactics I am NOT so surprised!

"liberals love TERRORISTS!"
"liberals HATE GOD (but only the christian god)
"liberals want to take away ALL of your rights and destroy the constitution!"

conservatives are easily manipulated by lies and fear and hate

Obama? No panic buying, stocks remained high, Americans are calm. Under control.

Trump? Discombobulations and chaos as what you see right now. Very busy pointing fingers.

Yesterday Pelosi just save Trump incompetent ass came out with a plan to help Americans with the support of impotent Republicans. Trump said he will sign it.
The deal was negotiated by Pelosi and Mnuchin. Trump was not involved.

I didn’t see any in that bill about abortions. Why do you lie?
I would never have predicted that Americans on the whole would become so easily manipulated by media scare tactics.

having observed how conservatives are so easily manipulated by conservative media scare tactics I am NOT so surprised!

"liberals love TERRORISTS!"
"liberals HATE GOD (but only the christian god)
"liberals want to take away ALL of your rights and destroy the constitution!"

conservatives are easily manipulated by lies and fear and hate

Obama? No panic buying, stocks remained high, Americans are calm. Under control.

Trump? Discombobulations and chaos as what you see right now. Very busy pointing fingers.

Yesterday Pelosi just save Trump incompetent ass came out with a plan to help Americans with the support of impotent Republicans. Trump said he will sign it.
The deal was negotiated by Pelosi and Mnuchin. Trump was not involved.

I didn’t see any in that bill about abortions. Why do you lie?
i stated further examples of conservatives being easily manipulated by lies and fear and hate.
We need to stop under reacting to the virus in ways Trump keeps telling us to do. Above all else, stop listening to his lies.

If ya wanna know just how dangerous President Poopstain is and those who believe his lies are - This pretty much says it all.

Democrats are more likely than Republicans to be taking precautionary measures in response to the spread of the coronavirus in the United States, a new Reuters/Ipsos poll has found.

In the survey, conducted from March 2 to 3, about 48 percent of Democratic respondents said they washed their hands more often to prevent transmission of the virus, 10 percentage points higher than the same share of Republicans.

Twenty-one percent of Democrats reported taking steps to avoid physical contact with others, 7 percentage points higher than Republicans who report the same. And 8 percent of Democrats have recently altered travel plans, nearly three times the share of Republicans who have also done so.

In fact, 54 percent of Republicans said they haven't changed their daily routine whatsoever, compared with just 40 percent of Democrats who say they haven't.​

Democrats taking more precautions than Republicans amid coronavirus spread, poll shows

This proved what Krugman was talking about.

Nobel Economist Nails Why Right-Wingers' Coronavirus Tactics Are Scarily Familiar

Nobel Economist Nails Why Right-Wingers' Coronavirus Tactics Are Scarily Familiar

“In 2020 we’re relearning the lessons of 2008 — namely, that America’s right-wingers can’t handle the truth," warned Paul Krugman.
By Lee Moran
03/10/2020 04:00 AM ET

If you set out to design the worst possible leader for a crisis, it would be Trump. Aggressively ignorant, lashes out at anyone who tells him what he doesn't want to hear and — tragically — with a large following of Americans who believe what he says
I would never have predicted that Americans on the whole would become so easily manipulated by media scare tactics.

having observed how conservatives are so easily manipulated by conservative media scare tactics I am NOT so surprised!

"liberals love TERRORISTS!"
"liberals HATE GOD (but only the christian god)
"liberals want to take away ALL of your rights and destroy the constitution!"

conservatives are easily manipulated by lies and fear and hate

Obama? No panic buying, stocks remained high, Americans are calm. Under control.

Trump? Discombobulations and chaos as what you see right now. Very busy pointing fingers.

Obama? Media portrays him as the Messiah. He cannot make mistakes.

Trump? Media ignores all facts to push the Democrats' obsession to unseat Trump.

Note that Cuomo and Newsom have praised Trump's action in this matter.
We need to stop under reacting to the virus in ways Trump keeps telling us to do. Above all else, stop listening to his lies.

If ya wanna know just how dangerous President Poopstain is and those who believe his lies are - This pretty much says it all.

Democrats are more likely than Republicans to be taking precautionary measures in response to the spread of the coronavirus in the United States, a new Reuters/Ipsos poll has found.

In the survey, conducted from March 2 to 3, about 48 percent of Democratic respondents said they washed their hands more often to prevent transmission of the virus, 10 percentage points higher than the same share of Republicans.

Twenty-one percent of Democrats reported taking steps to avoid physical contact with others, 7 percentage points higher than Republicans who report the same. And 8 percent of Democrats have recently altered travel plans, nearly three times the share of Republicans who have also done so.

In fact, 54 percent of Republicans said they haven't changed their daily routine whatsoever, compared with just 40 percent of Democrats who say they haven't.​

Democrats taking more precautions than Republicans amid coronavirus spread, poll shows

This proved what Krugman was talking about.

Nobel Economist Nails Why Right-Wingers' Coronavirus Tactics Are Scarily Familiar

Nobel Economist Nails Why Right-Wingers' Coronavirus Tactics Are Scarily Familiar

“In 2020 we’re relearning the lessons of 2008 — namely, that America’s right-wingers can’t handle the truth," warned Paul Krugman.
By Lee Moran
03/10/2020 04:00 AM ET

If you set out to design the worst possible leader for a crisis, it would be Trump. Aggressively ignorant, lashes out at anyone who tells him what he doesn't want to hear and — tragically — with a large following of Americans who believe what he says
I would never have predicted that Americans on the whole would become so easily manipulated by media scare tactics.

having observed how conservatives are so easily manipulated by conservative media scare tactics I am NOT so surprised!

"liberals love TERRORISTS!"
"liberals HATE GOD (but only the christian god)
"liberals want to take away ALL of your rights and destroy the constitution!"

conservatives are easily manipulated by lies and fear and hate

Obama? No panic buying, stocks remained high, Americans are calm. Under control.

Trump? Discombobulations and chaos as what you see right now. Very busy pointing fingers.

Yesterday Pelosi just save Trump incompetent ass came out with a plan to help Americans with the support of impotent Republicans. Trump said he will sign it.
The deal was negotiated by Pelosi and Mnuchin. Trump was not involved.

I didn’t see any in that bill about abortions. Why do you lie?
i stated further examples of conservatives being easily manipulated by lies and fear and hate.

Meaning you posted lie. I gave you a real facts.
You can’t counter. You were just kidding. LOL.
Is that means all your post are just lies?
We need to stop under reacting to the virus in ways Trump keeps telling us to do. Above all else, stop listening to his lies.

If ya wanna know just how dangerous President Poopstain is and those who believe his lies are - This pretty much says it all.

Democrats are more likely than Republicans to be taking precautionary measures in response to the spread of the coronavirus in the United States, a new Reuters/Ipsos poll has found.

In the survey, conducted from March 2 to 3, about 48 percent of Democratic respondents said they washed their hands more often to prevent transmission of the virus, 10 percentage points higher than the same share of Republicans.

Twenty-one percent of Democrats reported taking steps to avoid physical contact with others, 7 percentage points higher than Republicans who report the same. And 8 percent of Democrats have recently altered travel plans, nearly three times the share of Republicans who have also done so.

In fact, 54 percent of Republicans said they haven't changed their daily routine whatsoever, compared with just 40 percent of Democrats who say they haven't.​

Democrats taking more precautions than Republicans amid coronavirus spread, poll shows

This proved what Krugman was talking about.

Nobel Economist Nails Why Right-Wingers' Coronavirus Tactics Are Scarily Familiar

Nobel Economist Nails Why Right-Wingers' Coronavirus Tactics Are Scarily Familiar

“In 2020 we’re relearning the lessons of 2008 — namely, that America’s right-wingers can’t handle the truth," warned Paul Krugman.
By Lee Moran
03/10/2020 04:00 AM ET

If you set out to design the worst possible leader for a crisis, it would be Trump. Aggressively ignorant, lashes out at anyone who tells him what he doesn't want to hear and — tragically — with a large following of Americans who believe what he says

Truth hurts eh buddy. Enjoy your last 8 months with your messiah.
I.e. paranoid instead of proportionately rational
By what standard? Your gut feeling? The experts recommend completely refraining from gatherings for about 8 weeks. Not one city or school has yet followed that recommendation. Yet here you are, calling the merely partial measures "paranoid" and "irrational". Where are you getting your expert advice?
We need to stop under reacting to the virus in ways Trump keeps telling us to do. Above all else, stop listening to his lies.

If ya wanna know just how dangerous President Poopstain is and those who believe his lies are - This pretty much says it all.

Democrats are more likely than Republicans to be taking precautionary measures in response to the spread of the coronavirus in the United States, a new Reuters/Ipsos poll has found.

In the survey, conducted from March 2 to 3, about 48 percent of Democratic respondents said they washed their hands more often to prevent transmission of the virus, 10 percentage points higher than the same share of Republicans.

Twenty-one percent of Democrats reported taking steps to avoid physical contact with others, 7 percentage points higher than Republicans who report the same. And 8 percent of Democrats have recently altered travel plans, nearly three times the share of Republicans who have also done so.

In fact, 54 percent of Republicans said they haven't changed their daily routine whatsoever, compared with just 40 percent of Democrats who say they haven't.​

Democrats taking more precautions than Republicans amid coronavirus spread, poll shows

This proved what Krugman was talking about.

Nobel Economist Nails Why Right-Wingers' Coronavirus Tactics Are Scarily Familiar

Nobel Economist Nails Why Right-Wingers' Coronavirus Tactics Are Scarily Familiar

“In 2020 we’re relearning the lessons of 2008 — namely, that America’s right-wingers can’t handle the truth," warned Paul Krugman.
By Lee Moran
03/10/2020 04:00 AM ET

If you set out to design the worst possible leader for a crisis, it would be Trump. Aggressively ignorant, lashes out at anyone who tells him what he doesn't want to hear and — tragically — with a large following of Americans who believe what he says

Truth hurts eh buddy. Enjoy your last 8 months with your messiah.

Didn't you hear? ;)

I would never have predicted that Americans on the whole would become so easily manipulated by media scare tactics.

having observed how conservatives are so easily manipulated by conservative media scare tactics I am NOT so surprised!

"liberals love TERRORISTS!"
"liberals HATE GOD (but only the christian god)
"liberals want to take away ALL of your rights and destroy the constitution!"

conservatives are easily manipulated by lies and fear and hate

Obama? No panic buying, stocks remained high, Americans are calm. Under control.

Trump? Discombobulations and chaos as what you see right now. Very busy pointing fingers.

Yesterday Pelosi just save Trump incompetent ass came out with a plan to help Americans with the support of impotent Republicans. Trump said he will sign it.
The deal was negotiated by Pelosi and Mnuchin. Trump was not involved.

I didn’t see any in that bill about abortions. Why do you lie?

While Pelosi and Dems work madly with Steve Munchkin on an emergency bill, Moscow Mitch McTurtle and his do-nothing cohorts dither and enjoy a nice long weekend.
"Mistakes" under these circumstances are inexcusable. Pure incompetence.

did you say that when Obama did nothing as thousands of americans died from H1N1? The hypocrisy of you libs has no limits.

Did nothing?


did obozo block travel from affected countries? Did he cancel events? Did he increase funding for testing and treatment? NO, he did nothing, the media ignored it, and like all these other end of the world catastrophies, it went away. This one will too. But your lying hypocrisy will remain.
Did he increase funding for testing and treatment?
Over 7 billion was allocated.

did obozo block travel from affected countries?
I read it started here. Who do we block?
It started in China. They all do. Look it up. Use the internet
Listen up: We were both wrong. It started in Mexico, came from a herd of pigs originally. Then it spread to the US (first in California). Per CDC. It took researchers a long time to figure it out.

2009 swine flu pandemic originated in Mexico, researchers discover
June 27, 2016
The Mount Sinai Hospital / Mount Sinai School of Medicine
The 2009 swine H1N1 flu pandemic -- responsible for more than 17,000 deaths worldwide -- originated in pigs from a very small region in central Mexico, a research team is reporting.The scientists say their findings represent the first time that the origin of an influenza pandemic virus has been determined in such detail.

2009 swine flu pandemic originated in Mexico, researchers discover
I.e. paranoid instead of proportionately rational
By what standard? Your gut feeling? The experts recommend completely refraining from gatherings for about 8 weeks. Not one city or school has yet followed that recommendation. Yet here you are, calling the merely partial measures "paranoid" and "irrational". Where are you getting your expert advice?
By all statistical standards that your panicked emotional overreactice nature chooses to ignore.
By all statistical standards that your panicked emotional overreactice nature chooses to ignore.
What statistical standards are those? And do you really think the career scientists who recommend even stronger measures than anyone is taking are ignorant of these statistics? You're still not really saying anything. Using more syllables and cracking open your thesaurus to impress yourself doesn't really make your case.

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