We need to stop over-reacting to the Coronavirus.

My mistake. It is much lower than the mortality rate of the swine flu
By what data? This is not what the scientists say. Or the data.

H1N1: 0.001–0.007%

The modelling on covid-19 yields about 1%. 140-1000 times higher, per my abacus.

So, again I ask: By what research, what data, what authority, or what expertise do you claim to know better? You kind of dodged that one.
A lot of lives would be saved if cars went 40mph tops
You have to weight shutting the USA down over this. We could be a lot less infected a lot more of the time with a variety of isolation techniques. Is one life saved via no corona more valuable than the many who will die from pneumonia who likely Would Not Have Died if we lived a quarantined or so restricted life
We choose not to and We should or at least should be allowed to chose not to here.
What the CDC is recommending for two months for over 50 people is insane
Now, on a daily basis something like that would Always and Hugely reduce communicable disease. What is So devastatingly different and lethal about corona and the situation that surrounds it?
We know the media has a President to unseat and a population to spook but let’s go beyond that
At this point, it seems that in the US covid - 19 is less dangerous than the seasonal flu. While the virus is devastating to EU countries that did not take a proactive approach as the US did here in the US the mortality rate for confirmed cases of covid - 19 is 1.7% and will probably fall to less than 1% as more testing is done and mild cases that have not been reported are included, in Italy, the mortality rate among confirmed cases is about 7%.
You act like the virus is somehow being contained????

This thing is running rampant and we will soon have 10,000+ cases and much more deaths, we don't even have the testing capabilities to know how many people are infected. In typical wacko fashion you try and play victim... always with the victim card... and blame the media, but the media didn't just recommend banning gatherings over 50 people...
What is your response going to be when the cases increase all throughout this week???

You people are living in a fantasy land, enjoy the SPY to 200 I have my shorts in.
It is being contained in the US. That's why our infection rate and death rate is so dramatically lower than in the EU countries. Banning travel and gatherings is the means by which it is being contained.

Haven't tested enough to know if it's contained or even close to containment.
It will never be 100% contained, just as the flu will never be 100% contained but it is in the process of being contained. By now epidemiologists have a pretty good idea of how to estimate how many unconfirmed cases there are for every confirmed case, so they have a good idea of the infection rate.
My mistake. It is much lower than the mortality rate of the swine flu
By what data? This is not what the scientists say. Or the data.

H1N1: 0.001–0.007%

The modelling on covid-19 yields about 1%. 140-1000 times higher, per my abacus.

So, again I ask: By what research, what data, what authority, or what expertise do you claim to know better? You kind of dodged that one.
In 2009, a new H1N1 influenza virus cropped up out of season, in late spring. Because of genetic similarities to influenza viruses in pigs, it became known as a “swine flu,” even though there is no evidence the virus spread between pigs or pigs to humans.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were about 60.8 million cases of infection with the novel type of influenza virus in the U.S. between April 2009 and April 2010, with a total of approximately 274,304 hospitalizations and 12,469 deaths.

Trump’s H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic Spin

12,469 deaths/ 60.8 million cases of infection = 2.05%
Chinese death rates are not definitive of what rest of world will experience.
Really? How so? Poor countries will do better? or did you mean worse?

China hospitalized every single case they found. Do we plan to do that? No? Then how will our death rate be lower?
Americans aren't undernourished for one....all been explained on multiple threads...... Whole lot of fearmongoring going on.
Now, with potentially thousands of businesses about to close and collectively millions of people about to be (or already) fired from their jobs, where do those business owners and their employees go to get their livelihoods back?

Can they — and should they — be allowed to enter into a class-action lawsuit against those who willingly created a panic for ratings, ad revenue and political advantage.

I submit it’s a very legitimate question. The Media-Induced Coronavirus Panic Is Worse Than The Disease
12,469 deaths/ 60.8 million cases of infection = 2.05%
Okay I will stand corrected on that, as the US numbers are what we want to look at. (though, looking back at the pandemic, actually 0.02% overall: Study puts global 2009 pandemic H1N1 infection rate at 24%)

The current range estimates in the US for morbidity of covid-19, from the CDC, is 0.25% - 3.0%. The biggest factor of why it will be high, in places, is because of lack access to proper care. This is exactly why we need to slow the spread, so that our healthcare infrastructure is not overwhelmed.. We can literally control the death rate, by slowing the spread. You see?

And this virus is more contagious., The low-end estimates are at 20%, which translates to 80 million. We should not be preparing for the low end estimate. And, again, we can literally have some control over that number by what we do. And covid-19 is more infectious than the flu. So we will reach that low end 80 million faster.
What the CDC is recommending for two months for over 50 people is insane
Now, on a daily basis something like that would Always and Hugely reduce communicable disease. What is So devastatingly different and lethal about corona and the situation that surrounds it?
We know the media has a President to unseat and a population to spook but let’s go beyond that
At this point, it seems that in the US covid - 19 is less dangerous than the seasonal flu. While the virus is devastating to EU countries that did not take a proactive approach as the US did here in the US the mortality rate for confirmed cases of covid - 19 is 1.7% and will probably fall to less than 1% as more testing is done and mild cases that have not been reported are included, in Italy, the mortality rate among confirmed cases is about 7%.
You act like the virus is somehow being contained????

This thing is running rampant and we will soon have 10,000+ cases and much more deaths, we don't even have the testing capabilities to know how many people are infected. In typical wacko fashion you try and play victim... always with the victim card... and blame the media, but the media didn't just recommend banning gatherings over 50 people...
What is your response going to be when the cases increase all throughout this week???

You people are living in a fantasy land, enjoy the SPY to 200 I have my shorts in.
It is being contained in the US. That's why our infection rate and death rate is so dramatically lower than in the EU countries. Banning travel and gatherings is the means by which it is being contained.
How's that expression go... oh yeah another one's born every minute! Stop watching fake Fox news you sheep it rots your brain, as we can see.
Influenza kills more people than coronavirus so everyone is overreacting, right? Wrong — and here’s why

So what are the differences between coronavirus and the flu? For starters, there is no vaccine for COVID-19 and it could take many months or years to get one to market, and, unlike the influenza viruses for which there are several vaccines, humans have not built up an immunity over multiple generations. What’s worse, doctors fear the virus will mutate.

Of course, there are similarities between influenza and COVID-19. Both viruses are untreatable with antibiotics, and they have almost identical symptoms — fever, coughing, night sweats, aching bones, tiredness and, in more severe cases of both viruses, nausea and even diarrhea. They can be spread by touching your face, coughing and sneezing.

But doctors say their differences are just as varied. “It’s a little simple to think the novel coronavirus is just like flu,” Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the John Hopkins Center for Health Security and a spokesman for the Infectious Diseases Society of America, told MarketWatch.

“We don’t want another flu,” he said. “This is additive, not in place of. Yes, the flu kills thousands of people every year, but we’re going to have more deaths.”


Much More: Influenza kills more people than coronavirus so everyone is overreacting, right? Wrong — and here’s why

Food for thought. Good article.


An Outbreak of NCIP (2019-nCoV) Infection in China — Wuhan, Hubei Province, 2019−2020

A cluster of cases of viral pneumonia of unknown etiology (VPUE), now known as novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia (NCIP), occurred in Wuhan, Hubei Province

If the people 'cured' is 10x greater...'Cured' what does that mean
If I get a cold, I've been 'infected' by a virus
when the cold runs its course am I 'cured'

The common cold is a viral infectious disease that infects the upper respiratory system. It is also known as acute viral rhinopharyngitis and acute coryza. It is the most common infectious disease in humans and is mainly caused by coronaviruses or rhinoviruses.

More than 200 types lead to your misery, but the most common one is the rhinovirus, which is thought to be responsible for at least 50% of colds. Other viruses that can cause colds include coronavirus, respiratory syncytial virus, influenza and parainfluenza.


All patients ^ had pneumonia but the overwhelming majority
of people that tested 'positive' for CoV don't develop pneumonia

If everyone was dying, I'd get it, but that's not the case

We have yet, another outbreak that started in China
If nations can dictate who has nuclear weapons
then we should be able to dictate who can tinker in BIO

I didn't know shit about China...
The history of outbreak originations, the cruel treatment
and culling of animals, the wet markets(poor koala bears)
silencing the masses, history of lying concerning outbreaks.....

I want to know why the fuck we deal with them AT ALL
I want to know why they are not sanctioned
I want to know why we are importing food from China
I want to know why companies are doing business with China
I want to know why consumers don't use their collective weight
I want to know why China owns the majority of our debt
I want to know why people and leaders ARE NOT
12,469 deaths/ 60.8 million cases of infection = 2.05%
Okay I will stand corrected on that, as the US numbers are what we want to look at. (though, looking back at the pandemic, actually 0.02% overall: Study puts global 2009 pandemic H1N1 infection rate at 24%)

The current range estimates in the US for morbidity of covid-19, from the CDC, is 0.25% - 3.0%. The biggest factor of why it will be high, in places, is because of lack access to proper care. This is exactly why we need to slow the spread, so that our healthcare infrastructure is not overwhelmed.. We can literally control the death rate, by slowing the spread. You see?

And this virus is more contagious., The low-end estimates are at 20%, which translates to 80 million. We should not be preparing for the low end estimate. And, again, we can literally have some control over that number by what we do. And covid-19 is more infectious than the flu. So we will reach that low end 80 million faster.

2009 flu pandemic in the United States - Wikipedia

2009 H1N1 Influenza epidemic counting United States for the year of 2009

Infected = 115,318
Hospitalized = 27,632
Dead = 3,433

2.977% death rate
What’s worse, doctors fear the virus will mutate.







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We had some people fighting for the toilet paper at my local grocery store. Another person overpaid for about 80 rolls
The Great Covid 19Toilet Paper riots will sweep the cities as liberals will be driven beyond TDS insanity with mud butt.
Cities will burn.
View attachment 312054

Toilet paper will become so valuable the Federal Reserve in order to save the economy will declare it the new fiat currency replacing the dollar.

Stores are rationing toilet paper. What have people been wiping themselves with all years? It also seems that people haven’t been using hand sanitizer or soap either. I am no longer going to shake hands with anyone ever again! :)
I.e. paranoid instead of proportionately rational
By what standard? Your gut feeling? The experts recommend completely refraining from gatherings for about 8 weeks. Not one city or school has yet followed that recommendation. Yet here you are, calling the merely partial measures "paranoid" and "irrational". Where are you getting your expert advice?
Via Hannity & Limbaugh of course. One of which has limited time left on this mortal coil.

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