We need to stop over-reacting to the Coronavirus.

how do you know?

Are you a head of emergency medicine/infectious disease at a hospital?

Because our health department has been communicating extensively with us and that’s what’s going on.

Nothing more than generic hearsay on your part, and considering you have an axe to grind against Trump, I doubt your objectivity on this subject.

I don’t care what you think. I know what’s true. You’re not a part of this so you’re claims aren’t even based on hearsay, just guessing and hoping, a lot like Trump’s response until very recently.

If the spread is halted or slowed, it’ll be because people did things that the right has been making fun of them for doing. Much of the Trump base tried to minimize the risk. Some still are. The country is more rational than these people.

I have a degree in Engineering, which allows me to see the situation as a problem, with given data, assumptions, and outcomes. Epidemiology is more statistics than medicine, so your being an MD, an RN, and LPN or even a medical biller doesn't give you the added insight you think it does.

^Dunning-Kruger at it's worst.

And what are your qualifications with regards to this situation?
Chinese death rates are not definitive of what rest of world will experience.
Really? How so? Poor countries will do better? or did you mean worse?

China hospitalized every single case they found. Do we plan to do that? No? Then how will our death rate be lower?
Americans aren't undernourished for one....all been explained on multiple threads...... Whole lot of fearmongoring going on.
Americans are largely overweight and obese and suffer from terrible diets. Not a good formula for fighting disease.

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
you should go work out like many millions do to stay healthy. it works. stop using your food stamps for junk food.
Can't make this stupid folks. You just can't.


Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
Because our health department has been communicating extensively with us and that’s what’s going on.

Nothing more than generic hearsay on your part, and considering you have an axe to grind against Trump, I doubt your objectivity on this subject.

I don’t care what you think. I know what’s true. You’re not a part of this so you’re claims aren’t even based on hearsay, just guessing and hoping, a lot like Trump’s response until very recently.

If the spread is halted or slowed, it’ll be because people did things that the right has been making fun of them for doing. Much of the Trump base tried to minimize the risk. Some still are. The country is more rational than these people.

I have a degree in Engineering, which allows me to see the situation as a problem, with given data, assumptions, and outcomes. Epidemiology is more statistics than medicine, so your being an MD, an RN, and LPN or even a medical biller doesn't give you the added insight you think it does.

^Dunning-Kruger at it's worst.

And what are your qualifications with regards to this situation?

I'm listening to the health experts at the CDC and elsewhere. I'm not trying to invent an expertise I don' have.
Also known as a lie he read right off of a teleprompter.

Do you have the teleprompter readout?

incredible...you’re pathetic

Evidently not.

Even if that got on the teleprompter, it was a mistake. They are waiving copays on testing, which was something dems were complaining about.

Yet a miswording and you guys get to bitch about even that.

It was a lie. Plain and simple. You just can’t be critical of your master

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"

That lie hurt me.

This situation was mis-speaking.
You simply can't fix this stupid folks. You can't.

#LOLGOP #TooFunny

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
3,774 cases now.
and for the flu

CDC estimates* that, from October 1, 2019, through March 7, 2020, there have been:
36,000,000 – 51,000,000
flu illnesses


17,000,000 – 24,000,000
flu medical visits


370,000 – 670,000
flu hospitalizations


22,000 – 55,000
flu deaths

Neat, comparing an entire year of a less lethal disease to a new pandemic.

You're either dumb or intentionally misleading.

Let's hope you're smart enough to commit to social distancing.
You can't fix that level of stupid. The fool has the dunce cap WELDED on to his skull.

#LOLGOP #TooFunny

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
Nothing more than generic hearsay on your part, and considering you have an axe to grind against Trump, I doubt your objectivity on this subject.

I don’t care what you think. I know what’s true. You’re not a part of this so you’re claims aren’t even based on hearsay, just guessing and hoping, a lot like Trump’s response until very recently.

If the spread is halted or slowed, it’ll be because people did things that the right has been making fun of them for doing. Much of the Trump base tried to minimize the risk. Some still are. The country is more rational than these people.

I have a degree in Engineering, which allows me to see the situation as a problem, with given data, assumptions, and outcomes. Epidemiology is more statistics than medicine, so your being an MD, an RN, and LPN or even a medical biller doesn't give you the added insight you think it does.

^Dunning-Kruger at it's worst.

And what are your qualifications with regards to this situation?

I'm listening to the health experts at the CDC and elsewhere. I'm not trying to invent an expertise I don' have.

You are selectively taking the information in a way to confirm your own biases.

I am not claiming to be an expert, merely giving parts of my education and background that would allow me to understand the issues involved.

I've had relatives call me to get my view on this, because I am one of the more educated members of my family.
Do you have the teleprompter readout?

incredible...you’re pathetic

Evidently not.

Even if that got on the teleprompter, it was a mistake. They are waiving copays on testing, which was something dems were complaining about.

Yet a miswording and you guys get to bitch about even that.

It was a lie. Plain and simple. You just can’t be critical of your master

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"

That lie hurt me.

This situation was mis-speaking.
You simply can't fix this stupid folks. You can't.

#LOLGOP #TooFunny

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk

Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.
I don’t care what you think. I know what’s true. You’re not a part of this so you’re claims aren’t even based on hearsay, just guessing and hoping, a lot like Trump’s response until very recently.

If the spread is halted or slowed, it’ll be because people did things that the right has been making fun of them for doing. Much of the Trump base tried to minimize the risk. Some still are. The country is more rational than these people.

I have a degree in Engineering, which allows me to see the situation as a problem, with given data, assumptions, and outcomes. Epidemiology is more statistics than medicine, so your being an MD, an RN, and LPN or even a medical biller doesn't give you the added insight you think it does.

^Dunning-Kruger at it's worst.

And what are your qualifications with regards to this situation?

I'm listening to the health experts at the CDC and elsewhere. I'm not trying to invent an expertise I don' have.

You are selectively taking the information in a way to confirm your own biases.

I am? Specifically, how?

I am not claiming to be an expert, merely giving parts of my education and background that would allow me to understand the issues involved.

I've had relatives call me to get my view on this, because I am one of the more educated members of my family.

When Trump said it was no big deal and other people near the president who also weren't' experts were claiming this was 'practically airtight', I bet you're expertise allowed you to buy into that 100%.

You're here to defend the president no matter what. At least be honest about it.
incredible...you’re pathetic

Evidently not.

Even if that got on the teleprompter, it was a mistake. They are waiving copays on testing, which was something dems were complaining about.

Yet a miswording and you guys get to bitch about even that.
It’s a huge difference.

But in the end it doesn't make any difference. It's just something for people who don't like Trump to nit-pick about.
Does confidence in the president not make any difference?

Of course it does, but most progressives can't get past the chance this provides to get rid of him in November to stop being partisan about the situation, and Trump's actions during it.

In NYC I hate DiBlasio with a passion, but I am not actively criticising his actions with regards to the crisis, even though the bar ban to me smacks of overreacting.

I am willing to let it go for a few weeks before I decide to oppose it actively.
There's nothing to oppose, so your argument is moot. Unless you're saying everyone in NYC should be gallivanting about as if nothing is happening.

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.

i have begun wondering why militant conservatives who stockpile food and weapons in preparation for an upcoming civil war keep telling EVERYONE ELSE to STOP stockpiling supplies?

perhaps conservatives want YOU to buy 2 weeks supply of toilet paper why they take all the rest?
I have a degree in Engineering, which allows me to see the situation as a problem, with given data, assumptions, and outcomes. Epidemiology is more statistics than medicine, so your being an MD, an RN, and LPN or even a medical biller doesn't give you the added insight you think it does.

^Dunning-Kruger at it's worst.

And what are your qualifications with regards to this situation?

I'm listening to the health experts at the CDC and elsewhere. I'm not trying to invent an expertise I don' have.

You are selectively taking the information in a way to confirm your own biases.

I am? Specifically, how?

I am not claiming to be an expert, merely giving parts of my education and background that would allow me to understand the issues involved.

I've had relatives call me to get my view on this, because I am one of the more educated members of my family.

When Trump said it was no big deal and other people near the president who also weren't' experts were claiming this was 'practically airtight', I bet you're expertise allowed you to buy into that 100%.

You're here to defend the president no matter what. At least be honest about it.
Do you have the teleprompter readout?

incredible...you’re pathetic

Evidently not.

Even if that got on the teleprompter, it was a mistake. They are waiving copays on testing, which was something dems were complaining about.

Yet a miswording and you guys get to bitch about even that.

It was a lie. Plain and simple. You just can’t be critical of your master

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"

That lie hurt me.

This situation was mis-speaking.

while every medical professional on the planet is recommending social distancing, your blob has produced this scene at airports in several states.

View attachment 312760

Mis-speaking my ass.
Trump's reckless actions have already done irreparable damage to, not only Americans, but nationals from countless other countries.

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
^Dunning-Kruger at it's worst.

And what are your qualifications with regards to this situation?

I'm listening to the health experts at the CDC and elsewhere. I'm not trying to invent an expertise I don' have.

You are selectively taking the information in a way to confirm your own biases.

I am? Specifically, how?

I am not claiming to be an expert, merely giving parts of my education and background that would allow me to understand the issues involved.

I've had relatives call me to get my view on this, because I am one of the more educated members of my family.

When Trump said it was no big deal and other people near the president who also weren't' experts were claiming this was 'practically airtight', I bet you're expertise allowed you to buy into that 100%.

You're here to defend the president no matter what. At least be honest about it.
View attachment 312780

Are we still only able to speak in memes? Pretty sad.
If treating Wall Street first is over reacting, then we certainly are.
A major part of the problem is that we under reacted a long time ago by not providing a civilized, modern health care system.
Obviously, money is more important than people.
I have a degree in Engineering, which allows me to see the situation as a problem, with given data, assumptions, and outcomes. Epidemiology is more statistics than medicine, so your being an MD, an RN, and LPN or even a medical biller doesn't give you the added insight you think it does.

^Dunning-Kruger at it's worst.

And what are your qualifications with regards to this situation?

I'm listening to the health experts at the CDC and elsewhere. I'm not trying to invent an expertise I don' have.

You are selectively taking the information in a way to confirm your own biases.

I am? Specifically, how?

I am not claiming to be an expert, merely giving parts of my education and background that would allow me to understand the issues involved.

I've had relatives call me to get my view on this, because I am one of the more educated members of my family.

When Trump said it was no big deal and other people near the president who also weren't' experts were claiming this was 'practically airtight', I bet you're expertise allowed you to buy into that 100%.

You're here to defend the president no matter what. At least be honest about it.

I am merely observing what is going on when progressives "listen" to health experts and the CDC, and then figure out ways yo use that info to blame trump.

He was trying to calm the public. Did Roosevelt say the Japanese were going to kill us all after Pearl harbor?
Evidently not.

Even if that got on the teleprompter, it was a mistake. They are waiving copays on testing, which was something dems were complaining about.

Yet a miswording and you guys get to bitch about even that.
It’s a huge difference.

But in the end it doesn't make any difference. It's just something for people who don't like Trump to nit-pick about.
Does confidence in the president not make any difference?

Of course it does, but most progressives can't get past the chance this provides to get rid of him in November to stop being partisan about the situation, and Trump's actions during it.

In NYC I hate DiBlasio with a passion, but I am not actively criticising his actions with regards to the crisis, even though the bar ban to me smacks of overreacting.

I am willing to let it go for a few weeks before I decide to oppose it actively.
There's nothing to oppose, so your argument is moot. Unless you're saying everyone in NYC should be gallivanting about as if nothing is happening.

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk

Binary thinking. The situation at hand is not reliant on "all or nothing" responses. For example they haven't shut interstate or even interboro travel, they haven't called for all non-essential workers to stay home, they haven't applied a curfew yet.

Unless you expect a vaccine in the next 1-2 months you actually WANT some people to catch this, thus spreading out the curve of cases, both mundane and life threatening.
And what are your qualifications with regards to this situation?

I'm listening to the health experts at the CDC and elsewhere. I'm not trying to invent an expertise I don' have.

You are selectively taking the information in a way to confirm your own biases.

I am? Specifically, how?

I am not claiming to be an expert, merely giving parts of my education and background that would allow me to understand the issues involved.

I've had relatives call me to get my view on this, because I am one of the more educated members of my family.

When Trump said it was no big deal and other people near the president who also weren't' experts were claiming this was 'practically airtight', I bet you're expertise allowed you to buy into that 100%.

You're here to defend the president no matter what. At least be honest about it.
View attachment 312780

Are we still only able to speak in memes? Pretty sad.
I can't dumb down my communication far enough for you to comprehend what I am saying.
^Dunning-Kruger at it's worst.

And what are your qualifications with regards to this situation?

I'm listening to the health experts at the CDC and elsewhere. I'm not trying to invent an expertise I don' have.

You are selectively taking the information in a way to confirm your own biases.

I am? Specifically, how?

I am not claiming to be an expert, merely giving parts of my education and background that would allow me to understand the issues involved.

I've had relatives call me to get my view on this, because I am one of the more educated members of my family.

When Trump said it was no big deal and other people near the president who also weren't' experts were claiming this was 'practically airtight', I bet you're expertise allowed you to buy into that 100%.

You're here to defend the president no matter what. At least be honest about it.

I am merely observing what is going on when progressives "listen" to health experts and the CDC, and then figure out ways yo use that info to blame trump.

He was trying to calm the public. Did Roosevelt say the Japanese were going to kill us all after Pearl harbor?

He was trying to calm the public by telling them they had nothing to worry about when they do? Now a week later and the recommendation by the CDC is to shut the country down more or less. You don't calm a country down by lying and being counterproductive to the information health experts are trying to convey. Is that Trump's fault? Of course it is.

Take your so called 'expertise' and shove it up your ass, it didn't help when you bought every word Trump told you and it's not helping now.
I'm listening to the health experts at the CDC and elsewhere. I'm not trying to invent an expertise I don' have.

You are selectively taking the information in a way to confirm your own biases.

I am? Specifically, how?

I am not claiming to be an expert, merely giving parts of my education and background that would allow me to understand the issues involved.

I've had relatives call me to get my view on this, because I am one of the more educated members of my family.

When Trump said it was no big deal and other people near the president who also weren't' experts were claiming this was 'practically airtight', I bet you're expertise allowed you to buy into that 100%.

You're here to defend the president no matter what. At least be honest about it.
View attachment 312780

Are we still only able to speak in memes? Pretty sad.
I can't dumb down my communication far enough for you to comprehend what I am saying.

Right, what you're doing, it's pointless right now.

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