We need to stop over-reacting to the Coronavirus.

6500 deaths world wide in a population of over seven billion. Hardly the apocalypse.
especially with these numbers regarding flu just here in the US.

CDC estimates* that, from October 1, 2019, through March 7, 2020, there have been:
36,000,000 – 51,000,000
flu illnesses


17,000,000 – 24,000,000
flu medical visits


370,000 – 670,000
flu hospitalizations


22,000 – 55,000
flu deaths
3,774 cases now.
and for the flu

CDC estimates* that, from October 1, 2019, through March 7, 2020, there have been:
36,000,000 – 51,000,000
flu illnesses


17,000,000 – 24,000,000
flu medical visits


370,000 – 670,000
flu hospitalizations

, 22,000 – 55,000
flu deaths

Why do you believe this is being treated differently than the flu WORLDWIDE?

Nothing really to treat it and more lethal than the flu, seems to spread more easily.
incredible...you’re pathetic

Evidently not.

Even if that got on the teleprompter, it was a mistake. They are waiving copays on testing, which was something dems were complaining about.

Yet a miswording and you guys get to bitch about even that.

It was a lie. Plain and simple. You just can’t be critical of your master

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"

That lie hurt me.

This situation was mis-speaking.

while every medical professional on the planet is recommending social distancing, your blob has produced this scene at airports in several states.

View attachment 312760

Mis-speaking my ass.
he bought all of their tickets? wow. where was the sign up?

Wow. You’re stupid.
good thing they are. canceling flights to and from China was brilliant.

Sorry, but you're opinion on what is and isn't effective is hilariously uninformed.
so you think that wasn't necessary? just checking.

how about quarantining those who were in affected area? that was meaningless too?
It wasn’t effective.
how do you know? our country is the one globally with the most travel around the globe. Look at the numbers per populous and you're point is wrong.


That’s how. Our exponential curve matches that of most other countries affected.
Ordinarily the federal government would be instrumental in handling something like this.

Doing what?

FEMA, CDC and other agencies are SUPPORT agencies, the boots on the ground work is always done at the State level in health emergencies.

The only exceptions are border controls, and anything happening on MIlitary or Federal land.
They aren’t supporting.

Evidence of this?

Most of what they do is background work, which you won't see or hear about.

I would see and hear it. I haven’t. The CDC is farming this out to states health departments. Everyone is on their own.

The State health departments are the ones with jurisdiction in their States. They are the point agencies for dealing with this in conjunction with local medical facilities, both public and private.

The CDC doesn't have staff nor the mandate to do the grunt work with patients and local medical facilities, despite what you saw in the movies.

FEMA would be brought in to provide things like temp beds, and quarantine facilities.
Not asking for grunt work. Asking for guidance. The CDC is the best funded and most expert, or at least they should be.
Doing what?

FEMA, CDC and other agencies are SUPPORT agencies, the boots on the ground work is always done at the State level in health emergencies.

The only exceptions are border controls, and anything happening on MIlitary or Federal land.
They aren’t supporting.

Evidence of this?

Most of what they do is background work, which you won't see or hear about.

I would see and hear it. I haven’t. The CDC is farming this out to states health departments. Everyone is on their own.

The State health departments are the ones with jurisdiction in their States. They are the point agencies for dealing with this in conjunction with local medical facilities, both public and private.

The CDC doesn't have staff nor the mandate to do the grunt work with patients and local medical facilities, despite what you saw in the movies.

FEMA would be brought in to provide things like temp beds, and quarantine facilities.
Not asking for grunt work. Asking for guidance. The CDC is the best funded and most expert, or at least they should be.

They have been giving guidance.
They aren’t supporting.

Evidence of this?

Most of what they do is background work, which you won't see or hear about.

I would see and hear it. I haven’t. The CDC is farming this out to states health departments. Everyone is on their own.

The State health departments are the ones with jurisdiction in their States. They are the point agencies for dealing with this in conjunction with local medical facilities, both public and private.

The CDC doesn't have staff nor the mandate to do the grunt work with patients and local medical facilities, despite what you saw in the movies.

FEMA would be brought in to provide things like temp beds, and quarantine facilities.
Not asking for grunt work. Asking for guidance. The CDC is the best funded and most expert, or at least they should be.

They have been giving guidance.

Not to the degree that we have been looking for. And I mean we as medical professionals.
6500 deaths world wide in a population of over seven billion. Hardly the apocalypse.
especially with these numbers regarding flu just here in the US.

CDC estimates* that, from October 1, 2019, through March 7, 2020, there have been:
36,000,000 – 51,000,000
flu illnesses


17,000,000 – 24,000,000
flu medical visits


370,000 – 670,000
flu hospitalizations


22,000 – 55,000
flu deaths
Ignore the coronavirus. go out in public & Trump Rallies.

PLEASE GO. Get the virus so I can laugh my ass off.
Evidence of this?

Most of what they do is background work, which you won't see or hear about.

I would see and hear it. I haven’t. The CDC is farming this out to states health departments. Everyone is on their own.

The State health departments are the ones with jurisdiction in their States. They are the point agencies for dealing with this in conjunction with local medical facilities, both public and private.

The CDC doesn't have staff nor the mandate to do the grunt work with patients and local medical facilities, despite what you saw in the movies.

FEMA would be brought in to provide things like temp beds, and quarantine facilities.
Not asking for grunt work. Asking for guidance. The CDC is the best funded and most expert, or at least they should be.

They have been giving guidance.

Not to the degree that we have been looking for. And I mean we as medical professionals.

You should be getting direction from your local health departments, the CDC should be advising those departments. You don't skip down the chain of command. and please clarify your position as a "medical professional"
I would see and hear it. I haven’t. The CDC is farming this out to states health departments. Everyone is on their own.

The State health departments are the ones with jurisdiction in their States. They are the point agencies for dealing with this in conjunction with local medical facilities, both public and private.

The CDC doesn't have staff nor the mandate to do the grunt work with patients and local medical facilities, despite what you saw in the movies.

FEMA would be brought in to provide things like temp beds, and quarantine facilities.
Not asking for grunt work. Asking for guidance. The CDC is the best funded and most expert, or at least they should be.

They have been giving guidance.

Not to the degree that we have been looking for. And I mean we as medical professionals.

You should be getting direction from your local health departments, the CDC should be advising those departments.

Yeah. That’s the bit that isn’t happening.
The State health departments are the ones with jurisdiction in their States. They are the point agencies for dealing with this in conjunction with local medical facilities, both public and private.

The CDC doesn't have staff nor the mandate to do the grunt work with patients and local medical facilities, despite what you saw in the movies.

FEMA would be brought in to provide things like temp beds, and quarantine facilities.
Not asking for grunt work. Asking for guidance. The CDC is the best funded and most expert, or at least they should be.

They have been giving guidance.

Not to the degree that we have been looking for. And I mean we as medical professionals.

You should be getting direction from your local health departments, the CDC should be advising those departments.

Yeah. That’s the bit that isn’t happening.

how do you know?

Are you a head of emergency medicine/infectious disease at a hospital?
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.
You mean like Republicans showed us how to do it during the Ebola flare-up?

There's other videos that show's how truly reprehensible and kraven Republicans are, but did you mean like that OP?

Obama excuse was why close the barn door when the horses are already out. How about N1H1?
Go on, what about it?

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Over 14,000 deaths no panic

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Not asking for grunt work. Asking for guidance. The CDC is the best funded and most expert, or at least they should be.

They have been giving guidance.

Not to the degree that we have been looking for. And I mean we as medical professionals.

You should be getting direction from your local health departments, the CDC should be advising those departments.

Yeah. That’s the bit that isn’t happening.

how do you know?

Are you a head of emergency medicine/infectious disease at a hospital?

Because our health department has been communicating extensively with us and that’s what’s going on.
They have been giving guidance.

Not to the degree that we have been looking for. And I mean we as medical professionals.

You should be getting direction from your local health departments, the CDC should be advising those departments.

Yeah. That’s the bit that isn’t happening.

how do you know?

Are you a head of emergency medicine/infectious disease at a hospital?

Because our health department has been communicating extensively with us and that’s what’s going on.

Nothing more than generic hearsay on your part, and considering you have an axe to grind against Trump, I doubt your objectivity on this subject.
Not to the degree that we have been looking for. And I mean we as medical professionals.

You should be getting direction from your local health departments, the CDC should be advising those departments.

Yeah. That’s the bit that isn’t happening.

how do you know?

Are you a head of emergency medicine/infectious disease at a hospital?

Because our health department has been communicating extensively with us and that’s what’s going on.

Nothing more than generic hearsay on your part, and considering you have an axe to grind against Trump, I doubt your objectivity on this subject.

I don’t care what you think. I know what’s true. You’re not a part of this so you’re claims aren’t even based on hearsay, just guessing and hoping, a lot like Trump’s response until very recently.

If the spread is halted or slowed, it’ll be because people did things that the right has been making fun of them for doing. Much of the Trump base tried to minimize the risk. Some still are. The country is more rational than these people.
You should be getting direction from your local health departments, the CDC should be advising those departments.

Yeah. That’s the bit that isn’t happening.

how do you know?

Are you a head of emergency medicine/infectious disease at a hospital?

Because our health department has been communicating extensively with us and that’s what’s going on.

Nothing more than generic hearsay on your part, and considering you have an axe to grind against Trump, I doubt your objectivity on this subject.

I don’t care what you think. I know what’s true. You’re not a part of this so you’re claims aren’t even based on hearsay, just guessing and hoping, a lot like Trump’s response until very recently.

If the spread is halted or slowed, it’ll be because people did things that the right has been making fun of them for doing. Much of the Trump base tried to minimize the risk. Some still are. The country is more rational than these people.

I have a degree in Engineering, which allows me to see the situation as a problem, with given data, assumptions, and outcomes. Epidemiology is more statistics than medicine, so your being an MD, an RN, and LPN or even a medical biller doesn't give you the added insight you think it does.
Yeah. That’s the bit that isn’t happening.

how do you know?

Are you a head of emergency medicine/infectious disease at a hospital?

Because our health department has been communicating extensively with us and that’s what’s going on.

Nothing more than generic hearsay on your part, and considering you have an axe to grind against Trump, I doubt your objectivity on this subject.

I don’t care what you think. I know what’s true. You’re not a part of this so you’re claims aren’t even based on hearsay, just guessing and hoping, a lot like Trump’s response until very recently.

If the spread is halted or slowed, it’ll be because people did things that the right has been making fun of them for doing. Much of the Trump base tried to minimize the risk. Some still are. The country is more rational than these people.

I have a degree in Engineering, which allows me to see the situation as a problem, with given data, assumptions, and outcomes. Epidemiology is more statistics than medicine, so your being an MD, an RN, and LPN or even a medical biller doesn't give you the added insight you think it does.

How many epidemiology classes did you take?
No one has given the American people the kind of reassurance that is needed to for us to keep calm and carry on. If Americans are over-reacting it's because we know in our hearts our health care system cannot handle this effectively.

Trump caused havoc when he said he wanted better numbers and them implemented an ineffective testing...

Tump (I don't think intentionally ) undermined the Federal Government.

The is why Biden looks so good, he just wants the Federal government to run properly, Trump has hired too many people too incompetent or wilfully destructive to be in government.

The Europe ban is a simple example. This is a time when we need a global effort. He could picked up the phone and even explained his reasoning, instead he got Stephen Miller to write something. Speech was a mess and totally uncoordinated. UK and Ireland were off this list because Trump was meeting a 6'4" Gay Irish PM, who is a Doctor, far most educated in this matter... Trump was scared of him..
Yeah. That’s the bit that isn’t happening.

how do you know?

Are you a head of emergency medicine/infectious disease at a hospital?

Because our health department has been communicating extensively with us and that’s what’s going on.

Nothing more than generic hearsay on your part, and considering you have an axe to grind against Trump, I doubt your objectivity on this subject.

I don’t care what you think. I know what’s true. You’re not a part of this so you’re claims aren’t even based on hearsay, just guessing and hoping, a lot like Trump’s response until very recently.

If the spread is halted or slowed, it’ll be because people did things that the right has been making fun of them for doing. Much of the Trump base tried to minimize the risk. Some still are. The country is more rational than these people.

I have a degree in Engineering, which allows me to see the situation as a problem, with given data, assumptions, and outcomes. Epidemiology is more statistics than medicine, so your being an MD, an RN, and LPN or even a medical biller doesn't give you the added insight you think it does.

^Dunning-Kruger at it's worst.
how do you know?

Are you a head of emergency medicine/infectious disease at a hospital?

Because our health department has been communicating extensively with us and that’s what’s going on.

Nothing more than generic hearsay on your part, and considering you have an axe to grind against Trump, I doubt your objectivity on this subject.

I don’t care what you think. I know what’s true. You’re not a part of this so you’re claims aren’t even based on hearsay, just guessing and hoping, a lot like Trump’s response until very recently.

If the spread is halted or slowed, it’ll be because people did things that the right has been making fun of them for doing. Much of the Trump base tried to minimize the risk. Some still are. The country is more rational than these people.

I have a degree in Engineering, which allows me to see the situation as a problem, with given data, assumptions, and outcomes. Epidemiology is more statistics than medicine, so your being an MD, an RN, and LPN or even a medical biller doesn't give you the added insight you think it does.

How many epidemiology classes did you take?

I took two semesters of statistics, plus a semester of emergency management with regards to chemical facilities and municipal treatment facilities.

How many epidemiology classes did you take? and I notice you have not clarified what level of "medical professional" you are.

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