We need to stop over-reacting to the Coronavirus.

You should call me, sir.
Covid-19 is new, dope. Hence the term, novel.

Excuse me DB, Sir

Provide a link showing that Covid-19 is not a member of the coronavirus family and that the present tests can distinguish the different coronavirus strains.

I won't hold my breath.

You're an idiot.
I never said it wasn't a corona virus. I said it was a new corona virus. A novel virus, new to humans who have no natural immunity.
COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic has a natural origin

The current test does indeed test for the RNA markers specific to this strain.
How do the new coronavirus tests work? | Live Science

Stop being a dope and educate yourself.
The only thing that makes it novel are a couple proteins on the outer shell it still shares characteristics of other related Corona viruses

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
No, dope.
By definition a novel virus is new to humans. As it has never existed in the human body previously, humans have no natural immunity.


Of course the is no natural immunity.

I was referring to HERD IMMUNITY

Herd immunity (also called herd effect, community immunity, population immunity, or social immunity) is a form of indirect protection from infectious disease that occurs when a large percentage of a population has become immune to an infection, whether through previous infections or vaccination, thereby providing a measure of protection for individuals who are not immune.


Further evidence that the powers-that-be have no idea what the fuck they are talking about - Azithromycin in an ANTIBIOTIC which means that covid-19 may not be a virus

But Why Are Antibiotics & Not Anti-Virals Quelling The COVID-19 Coronavirus? Is It Really A Virus?

  • Antibiotics cannot be used for viruses. If a virus, then why aren’t antiviral drugs working but antibiotics are?
  • COVID-19 coronavirus may just be a “passenger virus,” not the primary microbial organism that kills by filling the lower lungs with fluid.

You shouldn't be embracing nut job sites like lewrockwell....Good grief, next you'll be quoting Alex Jones...

If Lewrockwell is a "nut site" then you will be able to easily rebut or refute their assertions.


I guess "nut site" may be a little harsh, but clearly Rockwell is advocating just letting the virus run its course...I think that is irresponsible...

Who is going to provide you the information when

the CDC is owned by Big Pharma who wants a government grant to develop a vaccine then earn a gazillion dollars providing the vaccines

The UK is presently using Herd Immunity without any deleterious effects - Herd immunity was the only immunity available for thousands of years - vaccines usually kill more people than the disease

Trump had months to prepare for Coronavirus, but did nothing but blame everyone else! India has 1.4 billion citizens, is next door to China, but has very few infected and only 4 deaths. We are only 24% that size but have 26,000 infected with ~400 dead and soaring. Trump & the repubtards have the worst record on the planet after Itay. China had no warning, Trump had 3 months!!! - Trump / Pence = EPIC FAIL!!!

This should show you more than any other example I can think of, that big, centeralized government, and bloated bureaucracies are not effective in combating things like this...

On the contrary. Central governments exist because back during the black death local governments and petty kingdoms collapsed and there was a need for a civil authority to restore order. The nations of Europe were founded in the power vacuum created by the breakdown of local authority.

So, you think government should be bigger, and have more control? Really?

It serves to promote and protect social order during widespread crisis and war. That is the purpose of having a central government instead of every town and city being left to fend for itself. If you didn't know this I suggest further study so you don't continue to look stupid.

Further evidence that the powers-that-be have no idea what the fuck they are talking about - Azithromycin in an ANTIBIOTIC which means that covid-19 may not be a virus

But Why Are Antibiotics & Not Anti-Virals Quelling The COVID-19 Coronavirus? Is It Really A Virus?

  • Antibiotics cannot be used for viruses. If a virus, then why aren’t antiviral drugs working but antibiotics are?
  • COVID-19 coronavirus may just be a “passenger virus,” not the primary microbial organism that kills by filling the lower lungs with fluid.

You shouldn't be embracing nut job sites like lewrockwell....Good grief, next you'll be quoting Alex Jones...

If Lewrockwell is a "nut site" then you will be able to easily rebut or refute their assertions.


I guess "nut site" may be a little harsh, but clearly Rockwell is advocating just letting the virus run its course...I think that is irresponsible...

...the CDC is owned by Big Pharma...

LOL....You need to provide fact to back up that crazy assertion....
Trump had months to prepare for Coronavirus, but did nothing but blame everyone else! India has 1.4 billion citizens, is next door to China, but has very few infected and only 4 deaths. We are only 24% that size but have 26,000 infected with ~400 dead and soaring. Trump & the repubtards have the worst record on the planet after Itay. China had no warning, Trump had 3 months!!! - Trump / Pence = EPIC FAIL!!!

This should show you more than any other example I can think of, that big, centeralized government, and bloated bureaucracies are not effective in combating things like this...

On the contrary. Central governments exist because back during the black death local governments and petty kingdoms collapsed and there was a need for a civil authority to restore order. The nations of Europe were founded in the power vacuum created by the breakdown of local authority.

So, you think government should be bigger, and have more control? Really?

It serves to promote and protect social order during widespread crisis and war. That is the purpose of having a central government instead of every town and city being left to fend for itself. If you didn't know this I suggest further study so you don't continue to look stupid.

Then maybe you should move to a more suitable country that has the government you prefer in place already....The US will never be a Socialist country.
Trump had months to prepare for Coronavirus, but did nothing but blame everyone else! India has 1.4 billion citizens, is next door to China, but has very few infected and only 4 deaths. We are only 24% that size but have 26,000 infected with ~400 dead and soaring. Trump & the repubtards have the worst record on the planet after Itay. China had no warning, Trump had 3 months!!! - Trump / Pence = EPIC FAIL!!!

This should show you more than any other example I can think of, that big, centeralized government, and bloated bureaucracies are not effective in combating things like this...

On the contrary. Central governments exist because back during the black death local governments and petty kingdoms collapsed and there was a need for a civil authority to restore order. The nations of Europe were founded in the power vacuum created by the breakdown of local authority.

So, you think government should be bigger, and have more control? Really?

It serves to promote and protect social order during widespread crisis and war. That is the purpose of having a central government instead of every town and city being left to fend for itself. If you didn't know this I suggest further study so you don't continue to look stupid.

Then maybe you should move to a more suitable country that has the government you prefer in place already....The US will never be a Socialist country.

Are you retarded or something? Since when is the ever present need for a strong national defense a socialist ideal? You're stupid. Go out in public and touch stuff.
Trump had months to prepare for Coronavirus, but did nothing but blame everyone else! India has 1.4 billion citizens, is next door to China, but has very few infected and only 4 deaths. We are only 24% that size but have 26,000 infected with ~400 dead and soaring. Trump & the repubtards have the worst record on the planet after Itay. China had no warning, Trump had 3 months!!! - Trump / Pence = EPIC FAIL!!!

This should show you more than any other example I can think of, that big, centeralized government, and bloated bureaucracies are not effective in combating things like this...

On the contrary. Central governments exist because back during the black death local governments and petty kingdoms collapsed and there was a need for a civil authority to restore order. The nations of Europe were founded in the power vacuum created by the breakdown of local authority.

So, you think government should be bigger, and have more control? Really?

It serves to promote and protect social order during widespread crisis and war. That is the purpose of having a central government instead of every town and city being left to fend for itself. If you didn't know this I suggest further study so you don't continue to look stupid.

Then maybe you should move to a more suitable country that has the government you prefer in place already....The US will never be a Socialist country.

Excellent advice !
Well at least there are a few things we can all agree is "under-reacting." ...

For much of this week, revelers continued to cram four and five to a hotel room, swarm beaches over hundreds of miles of coastline, and then gather shoulder-to-shoulder in bars and clubs – almost a model process for spreading contagious diseases...

Contumacious writes:
"Assuming that these spring breakers are not immunocompromised or malnourished they are doing NOTHING wrong..."
".... viruses do not like saline water, heat, sun, fresh air or alcohol..."

Every year the beaches are open, and some dumb drunken and roudy students "avoid viruses" by drowning, or require emergency services in local hospitals after overdosing. Locals understand this and local businesses do normally welcome the students. Normally there are few serious problems. But at this time of Covid-19 threat, our Republican Governor acted reasonably to protect his constituents and the nation and most students did not come or went home peaceably. But many others -- perhaps as irresponsible as you -- hung around sitting on sidewalks downtown getting drunk and throwing up on the pavement, until ordered to leave. Just patriotic Americans no doubt, "defending their rights and freedoms" .... at great risk to others.

You are not a scientist, nor am I. I don't presume to know exactly what every Governor or Mayor should do in this huge country. Any more than I know when Korea or Japan should or shouldn't close their auto factories or public cinemas. But your crackpot irrationality and selfishness, your arrogance and prejudice ... is crystal clear.
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What the fuck is wrong with you people who care less about the content of the message than you do the political party of the messenger?
Might as well spit in the wind. Nobody hears you. The collective IQ of this nation has dropped to about 12.

I get the feeling we have been set up by some outside group intent on destroying us (Russia?) and they are just sitting back laughing as they watch us do to ourselves what all their armies couldn't do.

And without firing a single shot nor losing a single soldier.
You should call me, sir.
Covid-19 is new, dope. Hence the term, novel.

Excuse me DB, Sir

Provide a link showing that Covid-19 is not a member of the coronavirus family and that the present tests can distinguish the different coronavirus strains.

I won't hold my breath.

You're an idiot.
I never said it wasn't a corona virus. I said it was a new corona virus. A novel virus, new to humans who have no natural immunity.
COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic has a natural origin

The current test does indeed test for the RNA markers specific to this strain.
How do the new coronavirus tests work? | Live Science

Stop being a dope and educate yourself.
The only thing that makes it novel are a couple proteins on the outer shell it still shares characteristics of other related Corona viruses

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
No, dope.
By definition a novel virus is new to humans. As it has never existed in the human body previously, humans have no natural immunity.

By definition it is a corona virus and related to all other corona viruses and differs from other corona viruses that infect humans like SARS by a very small sequence of its genome

In this case there is a specific protein projection on the virus that was not found in SARS but COVID 19 has a 96% genetic similarity to other know corona viruses

Mutation Which Makes Coronavirus Extremely Infectious

“The mutation could not be found in Sars, Mers or Bat-CoVRaTG13, a bat coronavirus that was considered the original source of the new coronavirus with 96 percent similarity in genes”
You should call me, sir.
Covid-19 is new, dope. Hence the term, novel.

Excuse me DB, Sir

Provide a link showing that Covid-19 is not a member of the coronavirus family and that the present tests can distinguish the different coronavirus strains.

I won't hold my breath.

You're an idiot.
I never said it wasn't a corona virus. I said it was a new corona virus. A novel virus, new to humans who have no natural immunity.
COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic has a natural origin

The current test does indeed test for the RNA markers specific to this strain.
How do the new coronavirus tests work? | Live Science

Stop being a dope and educate yourself.
The only thing that makes it novel are a couple proteins on the outer shell it still shares characteristics of other related Corona viruses

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
No, dope.
By definition a novel virus is new to humans. As it has never existed in the human body previously, humans have no natural immunity.

By definition it is a corona virus and related to all other corona viruses and differs from other corona viruses that infect humans like SARS by a very small sequence of its genome

In this case there is a specific protein projection on the virus that was not found in SARS but COVID 19 has a 96% genetic similarity to other know corona viruses

Mutation Which Makes Coronavirus Extremely Infectious

“The mutation could not be found in Sars, Mers or Bat-CoVRaTG13, a bat coronavirus that was considered the original source of the new coronavirus with 96 percent similarity in genes”

Irrelevant nonsense. It's a novel virus, dope.
No one has a natural immunity. Heard or otherwise.
Last edited:
Excuse me DB, Sir

Provide a link showing that Covid-19 is not a member of the coronavirus family and that the present tests can distinguish the different coronavirus strains.

I won't hold my breath.

You're an idiot.
I never said it wasn't a corona virus. I said it was a new corona virus. A novel virus, new to humans who have no natural immunity.
COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic has a natural origin

The current test does indeed test for the RNA markers specific to this strain.
How do the new coronavirus tests work? | Live Science

Stop being a dope and educate yourself.
The only thing that makes it novel are a couple proteins on the outer shell it still shares characteristics of other related Corona viruses

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
No, dope.
By definition a novel virus is new to humans. As it has never existed in the human body previously, humans have no natural immunity.

By definition it is a corona virus and related to all other corona viruses and differs from other corona viruses that infect humans like SARS by a very small sequence of its genome

In this case there is a specific protein projection on the virus that was not found in SARS but COVID 19 has a 96% genetic similarity to other know corona viruses

Mutation Which Makes Coronavirus Extremely Infectious

“The mutation could not be found in Sars, Mers or Bat-CoVRaTG13, a bat coronavirus that was considered the original source of the new coronavirus with 96 percent similarity in genes”

Irrelevant nonsense. It's a novel virus, dope.
No on has a natural immunity. Heard or otherwise.

Yeah it's novel in the sense that it it just a little different from other corona viruses. It is a mutation of a virus that has already been in existence. The differences do not have to be great but since it is a corona virus it's genome is very similar to other corona viruses so we have a starting place in the research for either a vaccine or a treatment

Every year the flu virus mutates and it is never the same as the year before so technically the new mutations of the flu virus are novel too but they are similar enough to past flu viruses

you really are thick
OK once again you senile fuck I didn't vote for Trump. I am not a republican I am not a democrat. In fact I am probably the most nonpolitical person here.

You are the one that is utterly incapable of seeing the world without your political agenda.

I bet you won't take your car to a mechanic that voted for Trump so again I say

I won't give my money to ANYONE I know voted for Trump. (I'll happily take their money, though.)

Point is, there are no "innocent bystanders" when incompetent fascists take over your country.
OK once again you senile fuck I didn't vote for Trump. I am not a republican I am not a democrat. In fact I am probably the most nonpolitical person here.

You are the one that is utterly incapable of seeing the world without your political agenda.

I bet you won't take your car to a mechanic that voted for Trump so again I say

I won't give my money to ANYONE I know voted for Trump. (I'll happily take their money, though.)

Point is, there are no "innocent bystanders" when incompetent fascists take over your country.

Yeah if a republican offered you water in the desert you would rather die of thirst.

Like I said you can't understand anything unless you are told by your political party what it means
This is a killer virus... It kills at 20 - 40 times higher than the flu.

With all due respects, ted, that's a load of shit.

Flu deaths FAR EXCEED those caused by the Obama-Biden Plague by many fold.

Many thousands of Americans assumed room temperature every year, courtesy of Influenza. The CV has only a handful of deaths in comparison.
Polishprince must be a Russian agent spreading false information that will stongly harm the US. Spreading false information is treasonous. It can hurt the US worse than Islamist extremist terrorists. How to stop false information that will harm the US. Treason is a crime that carries the death penalty.
Below is the difference between the common flu and the coronavirus.

Seasonal flu is an “all human virus”. The DNA/RNA chains that make up the virus are recognized by the human immune system. This means that your body has some immunity to it before it comes around each year... you get immunity two ways...through exposure to a virus, or by getting a flu shot.

Novel viruses, come from animals.... the WHO tracks novel viruses in animals, (sometimes for years watching for mutations). Usually these viruses only transfer from animal to animal (pigs in the case of H1N1) (birds in the case of the Spanish flu). But once, one of these animal viruses mutates, and starts to transfer from animals to humans... then it’s a problem, Why? Because we have no natural or acquired immunity.. the RNA sequencing of the genes inside the virus isn’t human, and the human immune system doesn’t recognize it so, we can’t fight it off.

Now.... sometimes, the mutation only allows transfer from animal to human, for years it’s only transmission is from an infected animal to a human before it finally mutates so that it can now transfer human to human... once that happens..we have a new contagion phase. And depending on the fashion of this new mutation, thats what decides how contagious, or how deadly it’s gonna be..

H1N1 was deadly....but it did not mutate in a way that was as deadly as the Spanish flu. It’s RNA was slower to mutate and it attacked its host differently, too.

Fast forward.

Now, here comes this Coronavirus... it existed in animals only, for nobody knows how long...but one day, at an animal market, in Wuhan China, in December 2019, it mutated and made the jump from animal to people. At first, only animals could give it to a person... But here is the scary part.... in just TWO WEEKS it mutated again and gained the ability to jump from human to human. Scientists call this quick ability, “slippery”

This Coronavirus, not being in any form a “human” virus (whereas we would all have some natural or acquired immunity). Took off like a rocket. And this was because, Humans have no known immunity...doctors have no known medicines for it.

And it just so happens that this particular mutated animal virus, changed itself in such a way the way that it causes great damage to human lungs..

That’s why Coronavirus is different from seasonal flu, or H1N1 or any other type of influenza.... this one is slippery AF. And it’s a lung eater...And, it’s already mutated AGAIN, so that we now have two strains to deal with, strain s, and strain L....which makes it twice as hard to develop a vaccine.

We really have no tools in our shed, with this. History has shown that fast and immediate closings of public places has helped in the past pandemics. Philadelphia and Baltimore were reluctant to close events in 1918 and they were the hardest hit in the US during the Spanish Flu.

Factoid: Henry VIII stayed in his room and allowed no one near him, till the Black Plague passed...(honestly...I understand him so much better now). Just like us, he had no tools in his shed, except social isolation...

And let me end by saying....right now it’s hitting older folks harder... but this genome is so slippery...if it mutates again (and it will). Who is to say, what it will do next.

Be smart folks... acting like you’re unafraid is so not sexy right now.

#flattenthecurve. Stay home folks... and share this to those that just are not catching on. (I copied this, it makes alot of sense as to why we need to worry more about this then the flu. I suggest taking the self isolation seriously - not panic, but serious)
More people will numerically infected. That’s what happens when anything spreads across any Nation.
Liberals are again blending hard numbers and percentages
If the virus is dominant in an area of 2,000,000 and 5,000 become infected then spreads to an area of 4,000,000 and 10,000 become infected then that’s not an increase; it’s proportionate.
And how many hospital beds? How are the severely ill all going to get care?

How is it that, after all this time, you appear to know exactly fuck all about any of this?

So far, the severely ill are not in great enough numbers to tax our resources. And trying to prevent those numbers from growing to that level all at once is the whole point of all this quarantining and social distancing, in case you missed it.

the dem/lib comments on this are not aimed at finding ways to curb or stop the spread of the virus. they are solely political bullshit aimed at trying to make Trump look bad and help elect old senile corrupt incompetent Biden
fk dude, even the doctors that come on the tv to give their updates. where the fk is their responsibility in all of this? Why didn't their hospitals reach out for supplies? WTF, throw over the fence and say hey the president didn't tell us? WTF. I'm done listening to nonsense from Dr.s that are politicizing this. it's almost everyone of them. They should be Offering advice recommendations, helping getting material for their local medical personnel not getting on tv and bitching that they need shit. Go fking get it. You know what they'll find, none was manufactured at a volume for the demand. And, that isn't trump's fault. The CDC's or anyone in the fed gov. Nope, the local hospitals set the volume based on their volume. they only maintained two weeks of inventory. Don't they have any responsibility to think about an outbreak? why is this only trump?
Its crystal clear to see, that you have COMPLETELY lost your cotton-pickin' mind.

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
Okay, would you believe I got sent home from work early today because of a potential coronavirus contact?

The office I work in is a small office in a single-story building of about ten small offices, all of which open onto an indoor hallway and have communal bathrooms we share. According to the maintenance supervisor (as he was starting to clean and disinfect the hallway) some genius walked into one of the other office where his sister worked to tell her that he had just left the hospital, where he had been diagnosed with coronavirus.

As you can imagine, the entire building freaked and cleared out like cockroaches when you turn on the lights. We don't know yet whether or not we're resuming work on Monday after the poor maintenance guys scrub down the entire building.

I wish I was more surprised, but I have great faith in the stupidity of humans.
But Democrats are causing hysteria and Coronavirus is a "hoax", right?

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
Okay, would you believe I got sent home from work early today because of a potential coronavirus contact?
The proper course of action. Especially a denier like you. They should just lock you down.

A denier? Are you really expecting me to feel shamed by some half-assed accusation thrown by a peabrain I don't respect enough to piss on if he were on fire? Just like "racist" does not mean "people who don't agree with my bullshit", your new label doesn't mean that, either.

And, lest I haven't said it clearly enough, I wouldn't take the good opinion of the likes of you if you offered to pay me to.
That's precisely why you're a bonafide fool!

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk

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