We now have more takers then makers in this society

Let's look at the points you're making here.

First of all, I agree that it's likely that we've turned a corner, that we've peaked, that we've passed the tipping point. Our culture has changed, and now we're going to pay the price. I don't like it, but no one asked me, and I'm going to make the best of it.

But I notice that you didn't bring up abortion, contraception, gay rights, immigration, or the place of Christianity in America. Your points are about motivating people, taxing success, etc.

So why did the Republicans allow themselves to be sucked into the social issues when the unemployment rate is at 7.9%? How in the world were people like Todd Akin put on ballots? Why did the GOP allow themselves to be put on the defensive on the above issues by the Democrats?

The GOP absolutely refuses to acknowledge the number of Americans who are fiscally conservative and socially moderate. Fine, that's their call. We'll see if those who are denial continue to control the party going forward. And those voters who are fiscally conservative and socially moderate will continue to vote for other people.


What else were the repugs gonna sell besides social issues Mac?

I waited and waited for Mittens or Ryan to expound upon their economic message.

And all I heard was the same ole tired bullshit that Bush sold us.

Cut taxes on the ultra wealthy, then they will tinkle down on the rest of us
Start a war and increase military spending.
Cut everything that benefits those who are not ultra wealthy.

Enough Americans saw through that bull shit to keep us out of the repeat cycle.

And when you have a defective product like the rethugs do, well you got to sell something else. So the rethugs went with social issues.

And they will again. And they will lose again if the don't change.

I mean think about it. Rethugs lost to a black guy with 8%UE and a mountain of debt.
And they LOST. LMAO again.

My guess, and I sure as hell could be wrong, is that a candidate who leans right on fiscal issues and leans left on social issues would do just great.

And notice I wrote "leans". Absolutists turn people off, and I suspect we saw that happen on Tuesday. If the GOP doubles down, it's gonna be ugly. I want two strong parties.


Seems to me that the rethugs were not concerned with social issues as they applied to real people in real need.

And Karl Marx Rove is not gonna solicit millions of dollars and not proclaim that social issues will win the day.

IF the rethugs do not talk about social issues they have nothing to talk about. Their economic ideas suck.

And as to a left on social issues right on fiscal policy.. let me introduce you to the just elected POTUS, President Obama.
People on the dole complaining about people on the dole.

Hypocrisy at its finest.
bucs90 pounded his chest like a gorilla and growled:

Oh...I forgot...you have your own private military, private police dept, private fire dept, your own home school...and you went out and build your own private roads to everywhere you work, shop, play....and you built your own personal outhouse so you dont need a sewer system, and you build a private windmill for power infrastructure.

Yeah...you dont get assistance from the government at all.

First of all, our military is an all volunteer military, the government is not forcing people into the military. And yes, I am aware of a few past drafts, but outside of those select few times, it is the government that relies on volunteers. Just thought I would let you know.

Police, fire department, schoools, roads, again, it is people that apply for these jobs, not government forcing them in to these positions.

You seem to think people like Lovebear are completely anti-government, which is completely wrong. What people like Lovebear and me are, are limited government. Of course we need government for military and police and some other things, that is a given. What we don't need is your version of government, which is a socialist utopia tellling us how to live our lives from cradle to grave. Believe it or not, people can actually think for themselves and don't need government to hold their hand and instruct them how to get to work, how to lift a fork to their mouth and how to live their lives. Just thought I would run that by you since you are completely oblivious to these simple facts.
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This is all very sound discussion, but I'm crushed that no one got the Mxyzptlk reference.

Am I really that old or are you all really that dense?

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