We only kill black people

I'd do what she did. Cops do shoot people in traffic stops.

The dumb b1tch was being a n1gger. The people who get shot are the ones who resist the police, just what she was doing. The ones who get shot are the ones who make the cops nervous or frustrated, if not worried about their own safety.

If you do what she did, you need an IQ check.
This nation has gone off the deep end. Had a black cop said they only killed white people to a black person do you think the outcome would have been the same?


He would be invited to lecture at Harvard, and put on the Democratic Party's list of possible Presidential candidates.
Statistically, blacks are far, far, far more dangerous than cops. Imagine if this libtard woman had expressed the same kind of hate and prejudice against blacks as she did against this cop.

But, it's okay to hate and be prejudice against whites, males, Christians, and cops.
They're still trying to find evidence of that Big Giant War On Black Yoofs the cops are supposedly conducting. Still no luck with that so far.
There are more whites than blacks.


I am really trying to work on my self control and I need to practice it as often as possible.

I just managed to refrain from screaming, "No Shit Sherlock!" loud enough for my neighbors to hear, and I managed somehow to restrain myself.

I want to thank you for that learning opportunity.
It was uncalled for. He should of been professional, instead of being a smartass.

The bitch was being a bitch. Some sarcasm was certainly understandable.
I don't blame her for being afraid. Cops do shoot people in traffic stops.
I think she was giving him a hard time, to be honest. But I guess it's possible she was that anxious.

The officer should be lectured, but lose his job over this, NO.
The bitch was being snarky. He got snarky back. She was probably BLM or Antifa.

He should get his job back. Shame on the ones that fired him.

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