We righties need to be prepared for a Trump loss

.5% of the U.S population is over 1 million. You're cool with over a million people dying so you don't have to wear a mask?

Do you really believe that wearing masks would save 1 million people, especially since the last report showed that most of the people who died from Covid were avid mask wearers?

From what I've been reading many doctors say masks are bad for your health.

I wear one when I absolutely have to.
You haven't been reading any such thing from credible doctors. Maybe you did from a witch doctor that believes demons cause illnesses or from a Fox News radiologist, but you didn't "read that" from infectious disease experts.

If you think a mask protects YOU, wear it, sleep with it, shower with it, drive with it, rebreathe your CO2 and bacteria growing in the mask. I choose to live my life as I choose, I am willing to take risks which are part of every day life.

If you are protected by your mask why does anyone else need one to protect YOU? That is the question that none of you masklibs can answer. If your mask does not protect YOU, whats the point of wearing it? and don't come back with the BS about wearing it to protect others, if you don't have it how can you spread it?

A friend of mine is undergoing cancer treatment, his immune system is compromised, so his doctors told him to wear a mask to protect HIM. Why does that logic not apply to covid? answer: it does.
.5% of the U.S population is over 1 million. You're cool with over a million people dying so you don't have to wear a mask?

Do you really believe that wearing masks would save 1 million people, especially since the last report showed that most of the people who died from Covid were avid mask wearers?

From what I've been reading many doctors say masks are bad for your health.

I wear one when I absolutely have to.
You haven't been reading any such thing from credible doctors. Maybe you did from a witch doctor that believes demons cause illnesses or from a Fox News radiologist, but you didn't "read that" from infectious disease experts.

Sure they were. Look it up.
From what I've been reading many doctors say masks are bad for your health.

I wear one when I absolutely have to.

I wear one but only in public. Friends and family I don't bother. I'm not about to have Thanksgiving with my family wearing a mask. My sister hosts all the family gatherings, and I told her if she's worried about the holidays with the virus, don't celebrate the holidays. We can stay home one year. She works in a hospital so I think she's afraid of having it and giving it to the rest of us--not the other way around.
From what I've been reading many doctors say masks are bad for your health.

I wear one when I absolutely have to.

I wear one but only in public. Friends and family I don't bother. I'm not about to have Thanksgiving with my family wearing a mask. My sister hosts all the family gatherings, and I told her if she's worried about the holidays with the virus, don't celebrate the holidays. We can stay home one year. She works in a hospital so I think she's afraid of having it and giving it to the rest of us--not the other way around.

Same with me. I wear it to go into the grocery store and where I have to and that's it. Most places will let you know if you need to wear one or not.

I don't plan to wear one for Thanksgiving either.
Same with me. I wear it to go into the grocery store and where I have to and that's it. Most places will let you know if you need to wear one or not.

I don't plan to wear one for Thanksgiving either.

Between my age and comorbidity, my Doctor highly recommended that I wear one in public whenever possible, so that's what I do. My niece made a mask for everybody in the family, and that's the only one I use. I figure she graduated college with a biology degree, so if anybody knows how to make a mask, it's her. I also place a layer of tissue paper behind the mask for extra protection.

Does this do any good or not, I really don't know. When this is all over with, they will continue research on it. Perhaps in a few years from now, they will claim wearing the mask was the worst possible thing we ever could have done. Who knows?
Not saying its gonna happen BUT as we all know you are wise to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Personally I think a Biden administration would be an economic disaster and truth be told that is virtually all I care about, hence my Trump vote.
Having said that I am not so narrow minded as to assume that others think like me. Anything can happen and the wise person does their best to prepare for it.
I hope to God we don't see any unhinged responses from the right like we did from the left when Hillary lost.

Keep your composure if the worst happens and for God's sake don't come on here......

My biggest concern is Rs losing the Senate. If Dems get the White House and all of Congress, things will get ugly in a hurry.

not going to happen, republicans will hold the senate and possibly retake the house, and Trump will win big, he may even take NY this time.
Sure man.

Ok, I have a blanket bet for every liberal democrat on the forum. I will leave the forum forever if Biden wins, will you leave if Trump wins? Put up or shut up. NOW!

Nah...lame bet and absolutely zero fun. I don't want anyone to leave the forum, especially not YOU little Fish. You are one of the most fun to play with because you get so...pissy I guess is a good word. :lol:

Make a more fun bet. Some embarrassing signature line or avatar. I'm all in on that bet.

OK, lets do this.

If Trump wins your new sig line will be: I am a liberal who voted for the loser senile Joe and the Ho

If Biden wins my new sig line will be: I wish I had voted for Biden, he will save the country.


Sorry sugar britches, you don't get to choose my sig line for you. This is the bet, take it or leave it. If Trump wins I will put whatever signature line you choose in my profile for one month. If Biden wins, you do the same. Deal?

NO, either we agree on the language before hand, or no bet. I fully understand why you won't commit, because I actually think you are smarter than you appear.

Fine Pussy Fishy, if you are too cowardly to agree beforehand, I agree to your choice of signature. Here is mine for you should Biden win:

"I am so excited for the future. Vice President Harris is a beautiful, smart, accomplished African American woman who will make a fine President someday".


NO, I made an offer and you were too much of a pussy to accept it, I fully understand, you have zero confidence in senile joe and the ho. I get it. So here is an alternative offer. if Trump wins you leave the forum, if Biden wins I leave. Put up of shut up.
I accepted your signature choice, you won’t accept mine. That makes you a cowardly pussy that knows Trump the Chump is going to lose.
That isn't what the "last report" showed.

Do you notice how you don’t link to the actual CDC study? The CDC study did not come to the conclusion that is being claimed by Captain COVID the super spreader.
.5% of the U.S population is over 1 million. You're cool with over a million people dying so you don't have to wear a mask?

Do you really believe that wearing masks would save 1 million people, especially since the last report showed that most of the people who died from Covid were avid mask wearers?

From what I've been reading many doctors say masks are bad for your health.

I wear one when I absolutely have to.
You haven't been reading any such thing from credible doctors. Maybe you did from a witch doctor that believes demons cause illnesses or from a Fox News radiologist, but you didn't "read that" from infectious disease experts.

Sure they were. Look it up.
There is nothing to “look up”. There are no infectious disease specialist or epidemiologists telling you not to wear masks. There are Fox News radiologists telling you not to wear masks and crazy which doctors that believe demons cause disease tell you not to wear masks but credible doctors are not.
.5% of the U.S population is over 1 million. You're cool with over a million people dying so you don't have to wear a mask?

Do you really believe that wearing masks would save 1 million people, especially since the last report showed that most of the people who died from Covid were avid mask wearers?

From what I've been reading many doctors say masks are bad for your health.

I wear one when I absolutely have to.
You haven't been reading any such thing from credible doctors. Maybe you did from a witch doctor that believes demons cause illnesses or from a Fox News radiologist, but you didn't "read that" from infectious disease experts.

If you think a mask protects YOU, wear it, sleep with it, shower with it, drive with it, rebreathe your CO2 and bacteria growing in the mask. I choose to live my life as I choose, I am willing to take risks which are part of every day life.

If you are protected by your mask why does anyone else need one to protect YOU? That is the question that none of you masklibs can answer. If your mask does not protect YOU, whats the point of wearing it? and don't come back with the BS about wearing it to protect others, if you don't have it how can you spread it?

A friend of mine is undergoing cancer treatment, his immune system is compromised, so his doctors told him to wear a mask to protect HIM. Why does that logic not apply to covid? answer: it does.
We wear the mask to protect others, not ourselves. A cowardly, selfish piece of shit like you wouldn’t understand that.
.5% of the U.S population is over 1 million. You're cool with over a million people dying so you don't have to wear a mask?

Do you really believe that wearing masks would save 1 million people, especially since the last report showed that most of the people who died from Covid were avid mask wearers?

From what I've been reading many doctors say masks are bad for your health.

I wear one when I absolutely have to.
You haven't been reading any such thing from credible doctors. Maybe you did from a witch doctor that believes demons cause illnesses or from a Fox News radiologist, but you didn't "read that" from infectious disease experts.

Sure they were. Look it up.
There is nothing to “look up”. There are no infectious disease specialist or epidemiologists telling you not to wear masks. There are Fox News radiologists telling you not to wear masks and crazy which doctors that believe demons cause disease tell you not to wear masks but credible doctors are not.

There are doctors who have said masks can be harmful. If you weren't such an ass you would look it up for yourself. In fact One of the poster, Ray from Cleveland put it up dumbass.
Do you notice how you don’t link to the actual CDC study? The CDC study did not come to the conclusion that is being claimed by Captain COVID the super spreader.

Okay class, we're going to learn something new about the internet today. These are called hyperlinks. Hyperlink colors are different from the rest of the text indicating you can click on it to take you to another site, usually to a source of information where an article was based on. They're extremely easy to spot.

How can you miss a hyperlink? By looking at the source, criticizing it without even opening it up, and you won't be able to see those hyperlinks.
.5% of the U.S population is over 1 million. You're cool with over a million people dying so you don't have to wear a mask?

Do you really believe that wearing masks would save 1 million people, especially since the last report showed that most of the people who died from Covid were avid mask wearers?

From what I've been reading many doctors say masks are bad for your health.

I wear one when I absolutely have to.
You haven't been reading any such thing from credible doctors. Maybe you did from a witch doctor that believes demons cause illnesses or from a Fox News radiologist, but you didn't "read that" from infectious disease experts.

If you think a mask protects YOU, wear it, sleep with it, shower with it, drive with it, rebreathe your CO2 and bacteria growing in the mask. I choose to live my life as I choose, I am willing to take risks which are part of every day life.

If you are protected by your mask why does anyone else need one to protect YOU? That is the question that none of you masklibs can answer. If your mask does not protect YOU, whats the point of wearing it? and don't come back with the BS about wearing it to protect others, if you don't have it how can you spread it?

A friend of mine is undergoing cancer treatment, his immune system is compromised, so his doctors told him to wear a mask to protect HIM. Why does that logic not apply to covid? answer: it does.
We wear the mask to protect others, not ourselves. A cowardly, selfish piece of shit like you wouldn’t understand that.

No shit sherlock. Doesn't alter the fact that the masks can harm you.

Only a cowardly, selfish, stupid piece of shit like you wouldn't understand that.

What a dumbass.
Do you notice how you don’t link to the actual CDC study? The CDC study did not come to the conclusion that is being claimed by Captain COVID the super spreader.

Okay class, we're going to learn something new about the internet today. These are called hyperlinks. Hyperlink colors are different from the rest of the text indicating you can click on it to take you to another site, usually to a source of information where an article was based on. They're extremely easy to spot.

How can you miss a hyperlink? By looking at the source, criticizing it without even opening it up, and you won't be able to see those hyperlinks.

Oh! I LOVE hyperlinks! They are SO much fun and have been for me for almost a quarter of a century now! Some times they take you to porn and sometimes they take you to words! It's neat-o!
.5% of the U.S population is over 1 million. You're cool with over a million people dying so you don't have to wear a mask?

Do you really believe that wearing masks would save 1 million people, especially since the last report showed that most of the people who died from Covid were avid mask wearers?

From what I've been reading many doctors say masks are bad for your health.

I wear one when I absolutely have to.
You haven't been reading any such thing from credible doctors. Maybe you did from a witch doctor that believes demons cause illnesses or from a Fox News radiologist, but you didn't "read that" from infectious disease experts.

Sure they were. Look it up.
There is nothing to “look up”. There are no infectious disease specialist or epidemiologists telling you not to wear masks. There are Fox News radiologists telling you not to wear masks and crazy which doctors that believe demons cause disease tell you not to wear masks but credible doctors are not.

There are doctors who have said masks can be harmful. If you weren't such an ass you would look it up for yourself. In fact One of the poster, Ray from Cleveland put it up dumbass.

No he didn’t. Ray posted a misrepresentation of a CDC report. There are simply not any credible doctors that are saying not to wear a mask during this global pandemic.
Do you notice how you don’t link to the actual CDC study? The CDC study did not come to the conclusion that is being claimed by Captain COVID the super spreader.

Okay class, we're going to learn something new about the internet today. These are called hyperlinks. Hyperlink colors are different from the rest of the text indicating you can click on it to take you to another site, usually to a source of information where an article was based on. They're extremely easy to spot.

How can you miss a hyperlink? By looking at the source, criticizing it without even opening it up, and you won't be able to see those hyperlinks.
Did you bother to visit the CDC report? What was the summary findings of that CDC report? I’ll give you a little hint, it isn’t that you shouldn’t wear a mask.
Did you bother to visit the CDC report? What was the summary findings of that CDC report? I’ll give you a little hint, it isn’t that you shouldn’t wear a mask.

It never said that. What it said is that most of the people who got the virus wore masks.
No, it didn’t. You should really try reading the actual CDC report and not some right wing misrepresentation of it.

What is already known about the topic?

Community and close contact exposures contribute to the spread of COVID-19.

What is added by this report?

Findings from a case-control investigation of symptomatic outpatients from 11 U.S. health care facilities found that close contact with persons with known COVID-19 or going to locations that offer on-site eating and drinking options were associated with COVID-19 positivity. Adults with positive SARS-CoV-2 test results were approximately twice as likely to have reported dining at a restaurant than were those with negative SARS-CoV-2 test results.

What are the implications for public health practice?

Eating and drinking on-site at locations that offer such options might be important risk factors associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Efforts to reduce possible exposures where mask use and social distancing are difficult to maintain, such as when eating and drinking, should be considered to protect customers, employees, and communities.
Did you bother to visit the CDC report? What was the summary findings of that CDC report? I’ll give you a little hint, it isn’t that you shouldn’t wear a mask.

It never said that. What it said is that most of the people who got the virus wore masks.
No, it didn’t. You should really try reading the actual CDC report and not some right wing misrepresentation of it.

What is already known about the topic?

Community and close contact exposures contribute to the spread of COVID-19.

What is added by this report?

Findings from a case-control investigation of symptomatic outpatients from 11 U.S. health care facilities found that close contact with persons with known COVID-19 or going to locations that offer on-site eating and drinking options were associated with COVID-19 positivity. Adults with positive SARS-CoV-2 test results were approximately twice as likely to have reported dining at a restaurant than were those with negative SARS-CoV-2 test results.

What are the implications for public health practice?

Eating and drinking on-site at locations that offer such options might be important risk factors associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Efforts to reduce possible exposures where mask use and social distancing are difficult to maintain, such as when eating and drinking, should be considered to protect customers, employees, and communities.

So how does that change anything?

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