We righties need to be prepared for a Trump loss

Actually, that’s exactly why I voted for Joe Biden, because he cares too...unlike Trump. Trump only cares about Trump.

Okay, so you care so much that when the cost of fuel doubles or more, and people no longer have money, that's caring? Will you say you care with more businesses closing up because of those fuel costs, moving out of the country because of the inflation the new minimum wage will bring, or more investments in automation costing us millions of jobs? When the stock market stagnates due to increased capital gains taxes, or even reverses, will you say you did that because you cared so much about your fellow Americans? What about when suburban people lose half of their property value because of Biden's plan to move high-crime lowlifes into those neighborhoods? Are you going to tell me you care about those people?
How can you call yourself a Trump supporter? Wearing a mask that doesn't protect you, sanitizing, and washing hands your hands is for pussies. I'll bet you even follow your mayor and your governor's guidelines. You know you're going to lose your Red Trump hat if you keep this up.

BTW You don't need antibacterial soap. Washing with any hand soap for 20 secs does the deed. The 20 seconds is important.

Simply making the point that I do all these things while at the same time, reject the notion it should be mandated by government. Another point that shoots down your (and every other liberal) argument is that we Trump supporters do as he says and march in lockstep, and that's why Trump is responsible for all these cases and deaths. We are not liberals. We think for ourselves.

The CDC reported that most of the Covid infections were with people who wore masks. There are credible medical professionals who have stated masks are a waste of time, and may even do you harm if worn for a prolonged period of time. As I mentioned earlier, even the WHO came out with a statement that lockdowns are not the solution.

What we on the right do is weigh our particular circumstance, and make our own decisions. One size does not fit all, especially with a virus we've only begun to do research on.
With the exception of N95 mask which have been professionally fitted, masks provide protection for others but very limited protection for the wearer. We knew that last March. The only way to stop or slow down an airborne epidemic without a vaccine is by putting a barrier between the carrier and others. Masks, distancing, and quarantining work well in slowing down transmission. Countries that follow the guidelines have done well. Those that haven't have done poorer.

In March there was a picture of Trump wearing a masks. However, after Redfield said they protected others not the wearer, we rarely saw Trump in a mask. I guess he though if didn't protect me, it was worthless. So many of our problems we face such as, coronavirus, poverty, homelessness, global warming, etc are due to a lack of social conciseness.
if mask work why did Harris and Biden staffers get covid 19?
Probably from the same place other people that wear masks get it, dining out or from a close personal contact.
Stop crying. Get it and recover. Booo hooo it’s a virus with a. 99.96% survival rate
It’s a virus that has killed over 200,000 Americans. You gonna tell their families “boo hoo, suck it up”?

Typical un-American Trumpster.
Yep. Average age of death is 78. Booo hooo. F you, bitch.
Hmm..tell me..how important are seniors in Florida? What do you imagine their average age is?

It is your attitude..reflected by Trump, that is peeling voters off of the Trump side. So..please do go on taking their lives lightly.

Marcelo Montesinos voted for President Donald Trump in 2016 because he said he saw "a man who would bring a lot of change."
Four years later, after losing a family member to the coronavirus, Montesinos, 72, is one of many seniors who now say they can no longer support the president because of his handling of the pandemic.
"He knew everything all the way back in February and he didn't take the precautions ... he didn't believe in science. He doesn't believe in doctors," Montesinos said. "He always tries to blame somebody else, like a little kid."

Montesinos, who is from West Palm Beach, Florida, said he still plans to vote for Republicans in other races.
"It hurt me so much" to hear the president recently dismiss the pandemic by saying Americans were "pandemic-ed out," Montesinos added.
Trump is attempting a repeat of his first stunning victory by banding together a base that's still mostly white, largely male, less educated and older.
Underpinning Trump's success in 2016 was, in part, an army of seniors that made up a large slice of the electorate and backed him by 7 percentage points over Hillary Clinton, according to national exit poll data. Older voters are among the most likely to vote and have sided with Republican nominees in every presidential election since 2004, reinforcing Trump four years ago and helping tilt key battleground states in his favor.

But this cycle, former Vice President Joe Biden is cutting into Trump's coalition, making significant gains with older voters across the U.S., particularly in must-win states for Trump. A recent ABC News/Washington Post poll found the two men running even among likely voters 65 and older nationally -- 48% to 49%.

Trump campaign aides have grown weary of the president's declining support among older Americans, a group they know is critical to his reelection chances, especially in states like Florida and North Carolina, sources told ABC News. Perhaps the most telling sign of concern in Trump circles over seniors is the president's campaign schedule, with a rally set for Friday in The Villages, a sprawling mecca for retirees in a conservative pocket of central Florida.
"With the President at the helm," Trump campaign spokesperson Ken Farnaso said in a statement, "seniors can rest assured their voice will be heard in Washington."

In follow-up interviews with more than a dozen independent and Republican voters over 65 who participated in recent ABC News/Washington Post polls in Florida and North Carolina, including some who voted for Trump in 2016, most said they're repelled by the president after four years. His fumbled response to the pandemic and derogatory rhetoric outweigh his much-touted economic gains, the voters said.
Dont care. Not sure how many more times I can tell you this. Biden when he was VP messed up H1N1 and if it were as deadly and contagious as COVID there would have been 700k deaths. Seniors can do as they wish.

Trumps only mistake was not bringing economic and psychological experts to the forefront along with Fauci and Birx. The cure cannot be worse than the disease. We are losing many to depression and suicides but the fake news media won’t report that. Hell my kids are stuck at home on Zoom calls. All for what? A 99.96% recovery rate? Spare me your leftist bullshit.
As we are in the political forum..I was looking at this politically---and it's not a good sign for Trump in Florida.

As for Trump's 'only' mistake..if I have to pick one..it's...once again, failing to keep his yap shut. That's what we get..when we elect an anti-intellectual as President. Dumb statements...dumb actions and inactions---impotent anger as his opinions are continually at odds with the experts--and the inability to discern BS from the real deal.

Oh...oops..you did say just one, right? My bad.
You didn’t dispute anything I wrote because you know I am correct. Lockdowns and fear mongering over a virus with a 99.96% survival rate is bad too and that’s the message Trump needs to be stronger with. Hopefully he wins again because Biden is an idiot and would literally try to end the oil and gas industry. My house is heated with gas, I live in Boston. Pretty cold here in the winter. Will I be forced to use firewood? Crazy. LOL
How can you call yourself a Trump supporter? Wearing a mask that doesn't protect you, sanitizing, and washing hands your hands is for pussies. I'll bet you even follow your mayor and your governor's guidelines. You know you're going to lose your Red Trump hat if you keep this up.

BTW You don't need antibacterial soap. Washing with any hand soap for 20 secs does the deed. The 20 seconds is important.

Simply making the point that I do all these things while at the same time, reject the notion it should be mandated by government. Another point that shoots down your (and every other liberal) argument is that we Trump supporters do as he says and march in lockstep, and that's why Trump is responsible for all these cases and deaths. We are not liberals. We think for ourselves.

The CDC reported that most of the Covid infections were with people who wore masks. There are credible medical professionals who have stated masks are a waste of time, and may even do you harm if worn for a prolonged period of time. As I mentioned earlier, even the WHO came out with a statement that lockdowns are not the solution.

What we on the right do is weigh our particular circumstance, and make our own decisions. One size does not fit all, especially with a virus we've only begun to do research on.
With the exception of N95 mask which have been professionally fitted, masks provide protection for others but very limited protection for the wearer. We knew that last March. The only way to stop or slow down an airborne epidemic without a vaccine is by putting a barrier between the carrier and others. Masks, distancing, and quarantining work well in slowing down transmission. Countries that follow the guidelines have done well. Those that haven't have done poorer.

In March there was a picture of Trump wearing a masks. However, after Redfield said they protected others not the wearer, we rarely saw Trump in a mask. I guess he though if didn't protect me, it was worthless. So many of our problems we face such as, coronavirus, poverty, homelessness, global warming, etc are due to a lack of social conciseness.
if mask work why did Harris and Biden staffers get covid 19?
Probably from the same place other people that wear masks get it, dining out or from a close personal contact.
Stop crying. Get it and recover. Booo hooo it’s a virus with a. 99.96% survival rate
It’s a virus that has killed over 200,000 Americans. You gonna tell their families “boo hoo, suck it up”?

Typical un-American Trumpster.
Yep. Average age of death is 78. Booo hooo. F you, bitch.
Hmm..tell me..how important are seniors in Florida? What do you imagine their average age is?

It is your attitude..reflected by Trump, that is peeling voters off of the Trump side. So..please do go on taking their lives lightly.

Marcelo Montesinos voted for President Donald Trump in 2016 because he said he saw "a man who would bring a lot of change."
Four years later, after losing a family member to the coronavirus, Montesinos, 72, is one of many seniors who now say they can no longer support the president because of his handling of the pandemic.
"He knew everything all the way back in February and he didn't take the precautions ... he didn't believe in science. He doesn't believe in doctors," Montesinos said. "He always tries to blame somebody else, like a little kid."

Montesinos, who is from West Palm Beach, Florida, said he still plans to vote for Republicans in other races.
"It hurt me so much" to hear the president recently dismiss the pandemic by saying Americans were "pandemic-ed out," Montesinos added.
Trump is attempting a repeat of his first stunning victory by banding together a base that's still mostly white, largely male, less educated and older.
Underpinning Trump's success in 2016 was, in part, an army of seniors that made up a large slice of the electorate and backed him by 7 percentage points over Hillary Clinton, according to national exit poll data. Older voters are among the most likely to vote and have sided with Republican nominees in every presidential election since 2004, reinforcing Trump four years ago and helping tilt key battleground states in his favor.

But this cycle, former Vice President Joe Biden is cutting into Trump's coalition, making significant gains with older voters across the U.S., particularly in must-win states for Trump. A recent ABC News/Washington Post poll found the two men running even among likely voters 65 and older nationally -- 48% to 49%.

Trump campaign aides have grown weary of the president's declining support among older Americans, a group they know is critical to his reelection chances, especially in states like Florida and North Carolina, sources told ABC News. Perhaps the most telling sign of concern in Trump circles over seniors is the president's campaign schedule, with a rally set for Friday in The Villages, a sprawling mecca for retirees in a conservative pocket of central Florida.
"With the President at the helm," Trump campaign spokesperson Ken Farnaso said in a statement, "seniors can rest assured their voice will be heard in Washington."

In follow-up interviews with more than a dozen independent and Republican voters over 65 who participated in recent ABC News/Washington Post polls in Florida and North Carolina, including some who voted for Trump in 2016, most said they're repelled by the president after four years. His fumbled response to the pandemic and derogatory rhetoric outweigh his much-touted economic gains, the voters said.
Dont care. Not sure how many more times I can tell you this. Biden when he was VP messed up H1N1 and if it were as deadly and contagious as COVID there would have been 700k deaths. Seniors can do as they wish.

Trumps only mistake was not bringing economic and psychological experts to the forefront along with Fauci and Birx. The cure cannot be worse than the disease. We are losing many to depression and suicides but the fake news media won’t report that. Hell my kids are stuck at home on Zoom calls. All for what? A 99.96% recovery rate? Spare me your leftist bullshit.
As we are in the political forum..I was looking at this politically---and it's not a good sign for Trump in Florida.

As for Trump's 'only' mistake..if I have to pick one..it's...once again, failing to keep his yap shut. That's what we get..when we elect an anti-intellectual as President. Dumb statements...dumb actions and inactions---impotent anger as his opinions are continually at odds with the experts--and the inability to discern BS from the real deal.

Oh...oops..you did say just one, right? My bad.
You didn’t dispute anything I wrote because you know I am correct. Lockdowns and fear mongering over a virus with a 99.96% survival rate is bad too and that’s the message Trump needs to be stronger with. Hopefully he wins again because Biden is an idiot and would literally try to end the oil and gas industry. My house is heated with gas, I live in Boston. Pretty cold here in the winter. Will I be forced to use firewood? Crazy. LOL
I didn't dispute anything you wrote....well, other that the things that I did..because the issue is a lot more nuanced than that..and you are correct some places and some times..and incorrect other places and other times.

For example..your survival rate may well be correct--statistically--how many millions of dead does that .04% translate too? How many lost hours of productivity..how much of a strain on the supply chain? Does mortality tell the whole story? Does it take into account the number of people who get very sick...and recover? I live in Idaho..we have counties that are dropping mask mandates and eating out..while the county hospital is at 99% capacity and the infection rate is climbing.
We have other counties where it's been business as usual for months now...and the few cases hardly matter..other than the rare funeral.

Fossil fuel are whole nuther conversation. As a finite resource..they'll be gone someday..like it or not..so it only make sense to plan for that day when the gas stops coming to your house, eh? "I'll be dead then." isn't really a plan, you know?
How can you call yourself a Trump supporter? Wearing a mask that doesn't protect you, sanitizing, and washing hands your hands is for pussies. I'll bet you even follow your mayor and your governor's guidelines. You know you're going to lose your Red Trump hat if you keep this up.

BTW You don't need antibacterial soap. Washing with any hand soap for 20 secs does the deed. The 20 seconds is important.

Simply making the point that I do all these things while at the same time, reject the notion it should be mandated by government. Another point that shoots down your (and every other liberal) argument is that we Trump supporters do as he says and march in lockstep, and that's why Trump is responsible for all these cases and deaths. We are not liberals. We think for ourselves.

The CDC reported that most of the Covid infections were with people who wore masks. There are credible medical professionals who have stated masks are a waste of time, and may even do you harm if worn for a prolonged period of time. As I mentioned earlier, even the WHO came out with a statement that lockdowns are not the solution.

What we on the right do is weigh our particular circumstance, and make our own decisions. One size does not fit all, especially with a virus we've only begun to do research on.
With the exception of N95 mask which have been professionally fitted, masks provide protection for others but very limited protection for the wearer. We knew that last March. The only way to stop or slow down an airborne epidemic without a vaccine is by putting a barrier between the carrier and others. Masks, distancing, and quarantining work well in slowing down transmission. Countries that follow the guidelines have done well. Those that haven't have done poorer.

In March there was a picture of Trump wearing a masks. However, after Redfield said they protected others not the wearer, we rarely saw Trump in a mask. I guess he though if didn't protect me, it was worthless. So many of our problems we face such as, coronavirus, poverty, homelessness, global warming, etc are due to a lack of social conciseness.
if mask work why did Harris and Biden staffers get covid 19?
Probably from the same place other people that wear masks get it, dining out or from a close personal contact.
Stop crying. Get it and recover. Booo hooo it’s a virus with a. 99.96% survival rate
It’s a virus that has killed over 200,000 Americans. You gonna tell their families “boo hoo, suck it up”?

Typical un-American Trumpster.
Yep. Average age of death is 78. Booo hooo. F you, bitch.
Hmm..tell me..how important are seniors in Florida? What do you imagine their average age is?

It is your attitude..reflected by Trump, that is peeling voters off of the Trump side. So..please do go on taking their lives lightly.

Marcelo Montesinos voted for President Donald Trump in 2016 because he said he saw "a man who would bring a lot of change."
Four years later, after losing a family member to the coronavirus, Montesinos, 72, is one of many seniors who now say they can no longer support the president because of his handling of the pandemic.
"He knew everything all the way back in February and he didn't take the precautions ... he didn't believe in science. He doesn't believe in doctors," Montesinos said. "He always tries to blame somebody else, like a little kid."

Montesinos, who is from West Palm Beach, Florida, said he still plans to vote for Republicans in other races.
"It hurt me so much" to hear the president recently dismiss the pandemic by saying Americans were "pandemic-ed out," Montesinos added.
Trump is attempting a repeat of his first stunning victory by banding together a base that's still mostly white, largely male, less educated and older.
Underpinning Trump's success in 2016 was, in part, an army of seniors that made up a large slice of the electorate and backed him by 7 percentage points over Hillary Clinton, according to national exit poll data. Older voters are among the most likely to vote and have sided with Republican nominees in every presidential election since 2004, reinforcing Trump four years ago and helping tilt key battleground states in his favor.

But this cycle, former Vice President Joe Biden is cutting into Trump's coalition, making significant gains with older voters across the U.S., particularly in must-win states for Trump. A recent ABC News/Washington Post poll found the two men running even among likely voters 65 and older nationally -- 48% to 49%.

Trump campaign aides have grown weary of the president's declining support among older Americans, a group they know is critical to his reelection chances, especially in states like Florida and North Carolina, sources told ABC News. Perhaps the most telling sign of concern in Trump circles over seniors is the president's campaign schedule, with a rally set for Friday in The Villages, a sprawling mecca for retirees in a conservative pocket of central Florida.
"With the President at the helm," Trump campaign spokesperson Ken Farnaso said in a statement, "seniors can rest assured their voice will be heard in Washington."

In follow-up interviews with more than a dozen independent and Republican voters over 65 who participated in recent ABC News/Washington Post polls in Florida and North Carolina, including some who voted for Trump in 2016, most said they're repelled by the president after four years. His fumbled response to the pandemic and derogatory rhetoric outweigh his much-touted economic gains, the voters said.
Dont care. Not sure how many more times I can tell you this. Biden when he was VP messed up H1N1 and if it were as deadly and contagious as COVID there would have been 700k deaths. Seniors can do as they wish.

Trumps only mistake was not bringing economic and psychological experts to the forefront along with Fauci and Birx. The cure cannot be worse than the disease. We are losing many to depression and suicides but the fake news media won’t report that. Hell my kids are stuck at home on Zoom calls. All for what? A 99.96% recovery rate? Spare me your leftist bullshit.
As we are in the political forum..I was looking at this politically---and it's not a good sign for Trump in Florida.

As for Trump's 'only' mistake..if I have to pick one..it's...once again, failing to keep his yap shut. That's what we get..when we elect an anti-intellectual as President. Dumb statements...dumb actions and inactions---impotent anger as his opinions are continually at odds with the experts--and the inability to discern BS from the real deal.

Oh...oops..you did say just one, right? My bad.
You didn’t dispute anything I wrote because you know I am correct. Lockdowns and fear mongering over a virus with a 99.96% survival rate is bad too and that’s the message Trump needs to be stronger with. Hopefully he wins again because Biden is an idiot and would literally try to end the oil and gas industry. My house is heated with gas, I live in Boston. Pretty cold here in the winter. Will I be forced to use firewood? Crazy. LOL
I didn't dispute anything you wrote....well, other that the things that I did..because the issue is a lot more nuanced than that..and you are correct some places and some times..and incorrect other places and other times.

For example..your survival rate may well be correct--statistically--how many millions of dead does that .04% translate too? How many lost hours of productivity..how much of a strain on the supply chain? Does mortality tell the whole story? Does it take into account the number of people who get very sick...and recover? I live in Idaho..we have counties that are dropping mask mandates and eating out..while the county hospital is at 99% capacity and the infection rate is climbing.
We have other counties where it's been business as usual for months now...and the few cases hardly matter..other than the rare funeral.

Fossil fuel are whole nuther conversation. As a finite resource..they'll be gone someday..like it or not..so it only make sense to plan for that day when the gas stops coming to your house, eh? "I'll be dead then." isn't really a plan, you know?
--- At that survival rate its 132k deaths; Average age is 78. Average age of death no COVID is 78.8;
--- Strains are worse due to lockdowns and lack of employment;
--- Mortality doesn't but the media plays that 99.9% of the time. Need business experts to consistently opine as well as psychology experts. Cure cannot be worse than the disease.
--- Hospitals are always at that capacity, well ERs are. Why? Margins are thin. What is happening if you want to argue that point is that COVID patients are taking space from say cancer patients or those who need elective surgery. But we are all adults and if you want to take that risk then do it. We don't ban smoking, drinking or eating really bad foods. We are the fattest and unhealthiest developed nation on Earth. #1 killer is heart disease. We don't ban burgers.
--- FF may be gone someday but that is a multi billion dollar industry and you cannot just say "I am going to end it". We are also 90+ years away from truly being able to replace it. Right now we have enough gas to last ~92 years. No need to ban it by 2025 or even 2035.
How can you call yourself a Trump supporter? Wearing a mask that doesn't protect you, sanitizing, and washing hands your hands is for pussies. I'll bet you even follow your mayor and your governor's guidelines. You know you're going to lose your Red Trump hat if you keep this up.

BTW You don't need antibacterial soap. Washing with any hand soap for 20 secs does the deed. The 20 seconds is important.

Simply making the point that I do all these things while at the same time, reject the notion it should be mandated by government. Another point that shoots down your (and every other liberal) argument is that we Trump supporters do as he says and march in lockstep, and that's why Trump is responsible for all these cases and deaths. We are not liberals. We think for ourselves.

The CDC reported that most of the Covid infections were with people who wore masks. There are credible medical professionals who have stated masks are a waste of time, and may even do you harm if worn for a prolonged period of time. As I mentioned earlier, even the WHO came out with a statement that lockdowns are not the solution.

What we on the right do is weigh our particular circumstance, and make our own decisions. One size does not fit all, especially with a virus we've only begun to do research on.
With the exception of N95 mask which have been professionally fitted, masks provide protection for others but very limited protection for the wearer. We knew that last March. The only way to stop or slow down an airborne epidemic without a vaccine is by putting a barrier between the carrier and others. Masks, distancing, and quarantining work well in slowing down transmission. Countries that follow the guidelines have done well. Those that haven't have done poorer.

In March there was a picture of Trump wearing a masks. However, after Redfield said they protected others not the wearer, we rarely saw Trump in a mask. I guess he though if didn't protect me, it was worthless. So many of our problems we face such as, coronavirus, poverty, homelessness, global warming, etc are due to a lack of social conciseness.
if mask work why did Harris and Biden staffers get covid 19?
Probably from the same place other people that wear masks get it, dining out or from a close personal contact.
Stop crying. Get it and recover. Booo hooo it’s a virus with a. 99.96% survival rate
It’s a virus that has killed over 200,000 Americans. You gonna tell their families “boo hoo, suck it up”?

Typical un-American Trumpster.
Yep. Average age of death is 78. Booo hooo. F you, bitch.
Hmm..tell me..how important are seniors in Florida? What do you imagine their average age is?

It is your attitude..reflected by Trump, that is peeling voters off of the Trump side. So..please do go on taking their lives lightly.

Marcelo Montesinos voted for President Donald Trump in 2016 because he said he saw "a man who would bring a lot of change."
Four years later, after losing a family member to the coronavirus, Montesinos, 72, is one of many seniors who now say they can no longer support the president because of his handling of the pandemic.
"He knew everything all the way back in February and he didn't take the precautions ... he didn't believe in science. He doesn't believe in doctors," Montesinos said. "He always tries to blame somebody else, like a little kid."

Montesinos, who is from West Palm Beach, Florida, said he still plans to vote for Republicans in other races.
"It hurt me so much" to hear the president recently dismiss the pandemic by saying Americans were "pandemic-ed out," Montesinos added.
Trump is attempting a repeat of his first stunning victory by banding together a base that's still mostly white, largely male, less educated and older.
Underpinning Trump's success in 2016 was, in part, an army of seniors that made up a large slice of the electorate and backed him by 7 percentage points over Hillary Clinton, according to national exit poll data. Older voters are among the most likely to vote and have sided with Republican nominees in every presidential election since 2004, reinforcing Trump four years ago and helping tilt key battleground states in his favor.

But this cycle, former Vice President Joe Biden is cutting into Trump's coalition, making significant gains with older voters across the U.S., particularly in must-win states for Trump. A recent ABC News/Washington Post poll found the two men running even among likely voters 65 and older nationally -- 48% to 49%.

Trump campaign aides have grown weary of the president's declining support among older Americans, a group they know is critical to his reelection chances, especially in states like Florida and North Carolina, sources told ABC News. Perhaps the most telling sign of concern in Trump circles over seniors is the president's campaign schedule, with a rally set for Friday in The Villages, a sprawling mecca for retirees in a conservative pocket of central Florida.
"With the President at the helm," Trump campaign spokesperson Ken Farnaso said in a statement, "seniors can rest assured their voice will be heard in Washington."

In follow-up interviews with more than a dozen independent and Republican voters over 65 who participated in recent ABC News/Washington Post polls in Florida and North Carolina, including some who voted for Trump in 2016, most said they're repelled by the president after four years. His fumbled response to the pandemic and derogatory rhetoric outweigh his much-touted economic gains, the voters said.
Dont care. Not sure how many more times I can tell you this. Biden when he was VP messed up H1N1 and if it were as deadly and contagious as COVID there would have been 700k deaths. Seniors can do as they wish.

Trumps only mistake was not bringing economic and psychological experts to the forefront along with Fauci and Birx. The cure cannot be worse than the disease. We are losing many to depression and suicides but the fake news media won’t report that. Hell my kids are stuck at home on Zoom calls. All for what? A 99.96% recovery rate? Spare me your leftist bullshit.
As we are in the political forum..I was looking at this politically---and it's not a good sign for Trump in Florida.

As for Trump's 'only' mistake..if I have to pick one..it's...once again, failing to keep his yap shut. That's what we get..when we elect an anti-intellectual as President. Dumb statements...dumb actions and inactions---impotent anger as his opinions are continually at odds with the experts--and the inability to discern BS from the real deal.

Oh...oops..you did say just one, right? My bad.
You didn’t dispute anything I wrote because you know I am correct. Lockdowns and fear mongering over a virus with a 99.96% survival rate is bad too and that’s the message Trump needs to be stronger with. Hopefully he wins again because Biden is an idiot and would literally try to end the oil and gas industry. My house is heated with gas, I live in Boston. Pretty cold here in the winter. Will I be forced to use firewood? Crazy. LOL
I didn't dispute anything you wrote....well, other that the things that I did..because the issue is a lot more nuanced than that..and you are correct some places and some times..and incorrect other places and other times.

For example..your survival rate may well be correct--statistically--how many millions of dead does that .04% translate too? How many lost hours of productivity..how much of a strain on the supply chain? Does mortality tell the whole story? Does it take into account the number of people who get very sick...and recover? I live in Idaho..we have counties that are dropping mask mandates and eating out..while the county hospital is at 99% capacity and the infection rate is climbing.
We have other counties where it's been business as usual for months now...and the few cases hardly matter..other than the rare funeral.

Fossil fuel are whole nuther conversation. As a finite resource..they'll be gone someday..like it or not..so it only make sense to plan for that day when the gas stops coming to your house, eh? "I'll be dead then." isn't really a plan, you know?
--- At that survival rate its 132k deaths; Average age is 78. Average age of death no COVID is 78.8;
--- Strains are worse due to lockdowns and lack of employment;
--- Mortality doesn't but the media plays that 99.9% of the time. Need business experts to consistently opine as well as psychology experts. Cure cannot be worse than the disease.
--- Hospitals are always at that capacity, well ERs are. Why? Margins are thin. What is happening if you want to argue that point is that COVID patients are taking space from say cancer patients or those who need elective surgery. But we are all adults and if you want to take that risk then do it. We don't ban smoking, drinking or eating really bad foods. We are the fattest and unhealthiest developed nation on Earth. #1 killer is heart disease. We don't ban burgers.
--- FF may be gone someday but that is a multi billion dollar industry and you cannot just say "I am going to end it". We are also 90+ years away from truly being able to replace it. Right now we have enough gas to last ~92 years. No need to ban it by 2025 or even 2035.
Hmmm...I must be missing something here...You're saying 132k deaths at that percentage, yet over 200k have died thus far..with the expected final total getting close to 550K.

BTW....we all know that the real issue with the FF industry is not what is best for the country..but what is best for the industry. Power could be a lot cheaper were it to be distributed efficiently

Fossil fuel are whole nuther conversation. As a finite resource..they'll be gone someday..like it or not..so it only make sense to plan for that day when the gas stops coming to your house, eh? "I'll be dead then." isn't really a plan, you know?

There is nothing wrong with alternative fuel, there is something wrong with choking off the fuel we have to force us to use this much more expensive energy. As we advance in that goal, eventually we will switch over to alternative fuel when it becomes affordable, reliable, and beats the price of fossil fuel. But it has to come at it's own time, not government forcing it down our throats.
How can you call yourself a Trump supporter? Wearing a mask that doesn't protect you, sanitizing, and washing hands your hands is for pussies. I'll bet you even follow your mayor and your governor's guidelines. You know you're going to lose your Red Trump hat if you keep this up.

BTW You don't need antibacterial soap. Washing with any hand soap for 20 secs does the deed. The 20 seconds is important.

Simply making the point that I do all these things while at the same time, reject the notion it should be mandated by government. Another point that shoots down your (and every other liberal) argument is that we Trump supporters do as he says and march in lockstep, and that's why Trump is responsible for all these cases and deaths. We are not liberals. We think for ourselves.

The CDC reported that most of the Covid infections were with people who wore masks. There are credible medical professionals who have stated masks are a waste of time, and may even do you harm if worn for a prolonged period of time. As I mentioned earlier, even the WHO came out with a statement that lockdowns are not the solution.

What we on the right do is weigh our particular circumstance, and make our own decisions. One size does not fit all, especially with a virus we've only begun to do research on.
With the exception of N95 mask which have been professionally fitted, masks provide protection for others but very limited protection for the wearer. We knew that last March. The only way to stop or slow down an airborne epidemic without a vaccine is by putting a barrier between the carrier and others. Masks, distancing, and quarantining work well in slowing down transmission. Countries that follow the guidelines have done well. Those that haven't have done poorer.

In March there was a picture of Trump wearing a masks. However, after Redfield said they protected others not the wearer, we rarely saw Trump in a mask. I guess he though if didn't protect me, it was worthless. So many of our problems we face such as, coronavirus, poverty, homelessness, global warming, etc are due to a lack of social conciseness.
if mask work why did Harris and Biden staffers get covid 19?
Probably from the same place other people that wear masks get it, dining out or from a close personal contact.
Stop crying. Get it and recover. Booo hooo it’s a virus with a. 99.96% survival rate
It’s a virus that has killed over 200,000 Americans. You gonna tell their families “boo hoo, suck it up”?

Typical un-American Trumpster.
Yep. Average age of death is 78. Booo hooo. F you, bitch.
Hmm..tell me..how important are seniors in Florida? What do you imagine their average age is?

It is your attitude..reflected by Trump, that is peeling voters off of the Trump side. So..please do go on taking their lives lightly.

Marcelo Montesinos voted for President Donald Trump in 2016 because he said he saw "a man who would bring a lot of change."
Four years later, after losing a family member to the coronavirus, Montesinos, 72, is one of many seniors who now say they can no longer support the president because of his handling of the pandemic.
"He knew everything all the way back in February and he didn't take the precautions ... he didn't believe in science. He doesn't believe in doctors," Montesinos said. "He always tries to blame somebody else, like a little kid."

Montesinos, who is from West Palm Beach, Florida, said he still plans to vote for Republicans in other races.
"It hurt me so much" to hear the president recently dismiss the pandemic by saying Americans were "pandemic-ed out," Montesinos added.
Trump is attempting a repeat of his first stunning victory by banding together a base that's still mostly white, largely male, less educated and older.
Underpinning Trump's success in 2016 was, in part, an army of seniors that made up a large slice of the electorate and backed him by 7 percentage points over Hillary Clinton, according to national exit poll data. Older voters are among the most likely to vote and have sided with Republican nominees in every presidential election since 2004, reinforcing Trump four years ago and helping tilt key battleground states in his favor.

But this cycle, former Vice President Joe Biden is cutting into Trump's coalition, making significant gains with older voters across the U.S., particularly in must-win states for Trump. A recent ABC News/Washington Post poll found the two men running even among likely voters 65 and older nationally -- 48% to 49%.

Trump campaign aides have grown weary of the president's declining support among older Americans, a group they know is critical to his reelection chances, especially in states like Florida and North Carolina, sources told ABC News. Perhaps the most telling sign of concern in Trump circles over seniors is the president's campaign schedule, with a rally set for Friday in The Villages, a sprawling mecca for retirees in a conservative pocket of central Florida.
"With the President at the helm," Trump campaign spokesperson Ken Farnaso said in a statement, "seniors can rest assured their voice will be heard in Washington."

In follow-up interviews with more than a dozen independent and Republican voters over 65 who participated in recent ABC News/Washington Post polls in Florida and North Carolina, including some who voted for Trump in 2016, most said they're repelled by the president after four years. His fumbled response to the pandemic and derogatory rhetoric outweigh his much-touted economic gains, the voters said.
Dont care. Not sure how many more times I can tell you this. Biden when he was VP messed up H1N1 and if it were as deadly and contagious as COVID there would have been 700k deaths. Seniors can do as they wish.

Trumps only mistake was not bringing economic and psychological experts to the forefront along with Fauci and Birx. The cure cannot be worse than the disease. We are losing many to depression and suicides but the fake news media won’t report that. Hell my kids are stuck at home on Zoom calls. All for what? A 99.96% recovery rate? Spare me your leftist bullshit.
As we are in the political forum..I was looking at this politically---and it's not a good sign for Trump in Florida.

As for Trump's 'only' mistake..if I have to pick one..it's...once again, failing to keep his yap shut. That's what we get..when we elect an anti-intellectual as President. Dumb statements...dumb actions and inactions---impotent anger as his opinions are continually at odds with the experts--and the inability to discern BS from the real deal.

Oh...oops..you did say just one, right? My bad.
You didn’t dispute anything I wrote because you know I am correct. Lockdowns and fear mongering over a virus with a 99.96% survival rate is bad too and that’s the message Trump needs to be stronger with. Hopefully he wins again because Biden is an idiot and would literally try to end the oil and gas industry. My house is heated with gas, I live in Boston. Pretty cold here in the winter. Will I be forced to use firewood? Crazy. LOL
I didn't dispute anything you wrote....well, other that the things that I did..because the issue is a lot more nuanced than that..and you are correct some places and some times..and incorrect other places and other times.

For example..your survival rate may well be correct--statistically--how many millions of dead does that .04% translate too? How many lost hours of productivity..how much of a strain on the supply chain? Does mortality tell the whole story? Does it take into account the number of people who get very sick...and recover? I live in Idaho..we have counties that are dropping mask mandates and eating out..while the county hospital is at 99% capacity and the infection rate is climbing.
We have other counties where it's been business as usual for months now...and the few cases hardly matter..other than the rare funeral.

Fossil fuel are whole nuther conversation. As a finite resource..they'll be gone someday..like it or not..so it only make sense to plan for that day when the gas stops coming to your house, eh? "I'll be dead then." isn't really a plan, you know?
--- At that survival rate its 132k deaths; Average age is 78. Average age of death no COVID is 78.8;
--- Strains are worse due to lockdowns and lack of employment;
--- Mortality doesn't but the media plays that 99.9% of the time. Need business experts to consistently opine as well as psychology experts. Cure cannot be worse than the disease.
--- Hospitals are always at that capacity, well ERs are. Why? Margins are thin. What is happening if you want to argue that point is that COVID patients are taking space from say cancer patients or those who need elective surgery. But we are all adults and if you want to take that risk then do it. We don't ban smoking, drinking or eating really bad foods. We are the fattest and unhealthiest developed nation on Earth. #1 killer is heart disease. We don't ban burgers.
--- FF may be gone someday but that is a multi billion dollar industry and you cannot just say "I am going to end it". We are also 90+ years away from truly being able to replace it. Right now we have enough gas to last ~92 years. No need to ban it by 2025 or even 2035.
Hmmm...I must be missing something here...You're saying 132k deaths at that percentage, yet over 200k have died thus far..with the expected final total getting close to 550K.

BTW....we all know that the real issue with the FF industry is not what is best for the country..but what is best for the industry. Power could be a lot cheaper were it to be distributed efficiently

That is because Cuomo in his infinite wisdom along with Murphy killed so many early with their creative nursing home strategy. We'll see how many deaths happen now going forward. Those %s are for people under 70.

If you're 70+ the percentage is 94%....so yes it drops but people die on average at the age of 78.8 here...not even 79. Tough to really blame it solely on COVID. How much do you pay for your power? Mine isn't bad at all. MassSave comes in gives you a free efficiency check up. They replace all your bulbs and such and make recommendations. I will be replacing my furnace in March. I get a 7-year interest free loan and ~$3k off the project because it will make my home more efficient and now my bill during the coldest months is around ~$400 per month. Not terrible.

Cali tried to go all efficient and people are moving out in droves. Blackouts, etc. I support progress, what I don't support is rushing it before its ready. Nearly 90% of our goods are still distributed by trucks, we are no where near making trucks 100% electric. Same with airplanes. If Biden said 2075, OK but 2025? He is DREAMING!
How can you call yourself a Trump supporter? Wearing a mask that doesn't protect you, sanitizing, and washing hands your hands is for pussies. I'll bet you even follow your mayor and your governor's guidelines. You know you're going to lose your Red Trump hat if you keep this up.

BTW You don't need antibacterial soap. Washing with any hand soap for 20 secs does the deed. The 20 seconds is important.

Simply making the point that I do all these things while at the same time, reject the notion it should be mandated by government. Another point that shoots down your (and every other liberal) argument is that we Trump supporters do as he says and march in lockstep, and that's why Trump is responsible for all these cases and deaths. We are not liberals. We think for ourselves.

The CDC reported that most of the Covid infections were with people who wore masks. There are credible medical professionals who have stated masks are a waste of time, and may even do you harm if worn for a prolonged period of time. As I mentioned earlier, even the WHO came out with a statement that lockdowns are not the solution.

What we on the right do is weigh our particular circumstance, and make our own decisions. One size does not fit all, especially with a virus we've only begun to do research on.
With the exception of N95 mask which have been professionally fitted, masks provide protection for others but very limited protection for the wearer. We knew that last March. The only way to stop or slow down an airborne epidemic without a vaccine is by putting a barrier between the carrier and others. Masks, distancing, and quarantining work well in slowing down transmission. Countries that follow the guidelines have done well. Those that haven't have done poorer.

In March there was a picture of Trump wearing a masks. However, after Redfield said they protected others not the wearer, we rarely saw Trump in a mask. I guess he though if didn't protect me, it was worthless. So many of our problems we face such as, coronavirus, poverty, homelessness, global warming, etc are due to a lack of social conciseness.
if mask work why did Harris and Biden staffers get covid 19?
Probably from the same place other people that wear masks get it, dining out or from a close personal contact.
Stop crying. Get it and recover. Booo hooo it’s a virus with a. 99.96% survival rate
It’s a virus that has killed over 200,000 Americans. You gonna tell their families “boo hoo, suck it up”?

Typical un-American Trumpster.
Yep. Average age of death is 78. Booo hooo. F you, bitch.
Hmm..tell me..how important are seniors in Florida? What do you imagine their average age is?

It is your attitude..reflected by Trump, that is peeling voters off of the Trump side. So..please do go on taking their lives lightly.

Marcelo Montesinos voted for President Donald Trump in 2016 because he said he saw "a man who would bring a lot of change."
Four years later, after losing a family member to the coronavirus, Montesinos, 72, is one of many seniors who now say they can no longer support the president because of his handling of the pandemic.
"He knew everything all the way back in February and he didn't take the precautions ... he didn't believe in science. He doesn't believe in doctors," Montesinos said. "He always tries to blame somebody else, like a little kid."

Montesinos, who is from West Palm Beach, Florida, said he still plans to vote for Republicans in other races.
"It hurt me so much" to hear the president recently dismiss the pandemic by saying Americans were "pandemic-ed out," Montesinos added.
Trump is attempting a repeat of his first stunning victory by banding together a base that's still mostly white, largely male, less educated and older.
Underpinning Trump's success in 2016 was, in part, an army of seniors that made up a large slice of the electorate and backed him by 7 percentage points over Hillary Clinton, according to national exit poll data. Older voters are among the most likely to vote and have sided with Republican nominees in every presidential election since 2004, reinforcing Trump four years ago and helping tilt key battleground states in his favor.

But this cycle, former Vice President Joe Biden is cutting into Trump's coalition, making significant gains with older voters across the U.S., particularly in must-win states for Trump. A recent ABC News/Washington Post poll found the two men running even among likely voters 65 and older nationally -- 48% to 49%.

Trump campaign aides have grown weary of the president's declining support among older Americans, a group they know is critical to his reelection chances, especially in states like Florida and North Carolina, sources told ABC News. Perhaps the most telling sign of concern in Trump circles over seniors is the president's campaign schedule, with a rally set for Friday in The Villages, a sprawling mecca for retirees in a conservative pocket of central Florida.
"With the President at the helm," Trump campaign spokesperson Ken Farnaso said in a statement, "seniors can rest assured their voice will be heard in Washington."

In follow-up interviews with more than a dozen independent and Republican voters over 65 who participated in recent ABC News/Washington Post polls in Florida and North Carolina, including some who voted for Trump in 2016, most said they're repelled by the president after four years. His fumbled response to the pandemic and derogatory rhetoric outweigh his much-touted economic gains, the voters said.
Dont care. Not sure how many more times I can tell you this. Biden when he was VP messed up H1N1 and if it were as deadly and contagious as COVID there would have been 700k deaths. Seniors can do as they wish.

Trumps only mistake was not bringing economic and psychological experts to the forefront along with Fauci and Birx. The cure cannot be worse than the disease. We are losing many to depression and suicides but the fake news media won’t report that. Hell my kids are stuck at home on Zoom calls. All for what? A 99.96% recovery rate? Spare me your leftist bullshit.
As we are in the political forum..I was looking at this politically---and it's not a good sign for Trump in Florida.

As for Trump's 'only' mistake..if I have to pick one..it's...once again, failing to keep his yap shut. That's what we get..when we elect an anti-intellectual as President. Dumb statements...dumb actions and inactions---impotent anger as his opinions are continually at odds with the experts--and the inability to discern BS from the real deal.

Oh...oops..you did say just one, right? My bad.
You didn’t dispute anything I wrote because you know I am correct. Lockdowns and fear mongering over a virus with a 99.96% survival rate is bad too and that’s the message Trump needs to be stronger with. Hopefully he wins again because Biden is an idiot and would literally try to end the oil and gas industry. My house is heated with gas, I live in Boston. Pretty cold here in the winter. Will I be forced to use firewood? Crazy. LOL
I didn't dispute anything you wrote....well, other that the things that I did..because the issue is a lot more nuanced than that..and you are correct some places and some times..and incorrect other places and other times.

For example..your survival rate may well be correct--statistically--how many millions of dead does that .04% translate too? How many lost hours of productivity..how much of a strain on the supply chain? Does mortality tell the whole story? Does it take into account the number of people who get very sick...and recover? I live in Idaho..we have counties that are dropping mask mandates and eating out..while the county hospital is at 99% capacity and the infection rate is climbing.
We have other counties where it's been business as usual for months now...and the few cases hardly matter..other than the rare funeral.

Fossil fuel are whole nuther conversation. As a finite resource..they'll be gone someday..like it or not..so it only make sense to plan for that day when the gas stops coming to your house, eh? "I'll be dead then." isn't really a plan, you know?
--- At that survival rate its 132k deaths; Average age is 78. Average age of death no COVID is 78.8;
--- Strains are worse due to lockdowns and lack of employment;
--- Mortality doesn't but the media plays that 99.9% of the time. Need business experts to consistently opine as well as psychology experts. Cure cannot be worse than the disease.
--- Hospitals are always at that capacity, well ERs are. Why? Margins are thin. What is happening if you want to argue that point is that COVID patients are taking space from say cancer patients or those who need elective surgery. But we are all adults and if you want to take that risk then do it. We don't ban smoking, drinking or eating really bad foods. We are the fattest and unhealthiest developed nation on Earth. #1 killer is heart disease. We don't ban burgers.
--- FF may be gone someday but that is a multi billion dollar industry and you cannot just say "I am going to end it". We are also 90+ years away from truly being able to replace it. Right now we have enough gas to last ~92 years. No need to ban it by 2025 or even 2035.
Hmmm...I must be missing something here...You're saying 132k deaths at that percentage, yet over 200k have died thus far..with the expected final total getting close to 550K.

BTW....we all know that the real issue with the FF industry is not what is best for the country..but what is best for the industry. Power could be a lot cheaper were it to be distributed efficiently

That is because Cuomo in his infinite wisdom along with Murphy killed so many early with their creative nursing home strategy. We'll see how many deaths happen now going forward. Those %s are for people under 70.

If you're 70+ the percentage is 94%....so yes it drops but people die on average at the age of 78.8 here...not even 79. Tough to really blame it solely on COVID. How much do you pay for your power? Mine isn't bad at all. MassSave comes in gives you a free efficiency check up. They replace all your bulbs and such and make recommendations. I will be replacing my furnace in March. I get a 7-year interest free loan and ~$3k off the project because it will make my home more efficient and now my bill during the coldest months is around ~$400 per month. Not terrible.

Cali tried to go all efficient and people are moving out in droves. Blackouts, etc. I support progress, what I don't support is rushing it before its ready. Nearly 90% of our goods are still distributed by trucks, we are no where near making trucks 100% electric. Same with airplanes. If Biden said 2075, OK but 2025? He is DREAMING!
Ahh..I see...makes sense now. I'm laughing about 2025 as well..but at least that's a usual campaign exaggeration---but once the process got really underway...it would take on a life of its own--and the FF industry knows this..and does not like it..one bit.

My electric is about $70 a month in the winter..30 or so in the summer.

...and yeah..I do heat with wood...LOL!
How can you call yourself a Trump supporter? Wearing a mask that doesn't protect you, sanitizing, and washing hands your hands is for pussies. I'll bet you even follow your mayor and your governor's guidelines. You know you're going to lose your Red Trump hat if you keep this up.

BTW You don't need antibacterial soap. Washing with any hand soap for 20 secs does the deed. The 20 seconds is important.

Simply making the point that I do all these things while at the same time, reject the notion it should be mandated by government. Another point that shoots down your (and every other liberal) argument is that we Trump supporters do as he says and march in lockstep, and that's why Trump is responsible for all these cases and deaths. We are not liberals. We think for ourselves.

The CDC reported that most of the Covid infections were with people who wore masks. There are credible medical professionals who have stated masks are a waste of time, and may even do you harm if worn for a prolonged period of time. As I mentioned earlier, even the WHO came out with a statement that lockdowns are not the solution.

What we on the right do is weigh our particular circumstance, and make our own decisions. One size does not fit all, especially with a virus we've only begun to do research on.
With the exception of N95 mask which have been professionally fitted, masks provide protection for others but very limited protection for the wearer. We knew that last March. The only way to stop or slow down an airborne epidemic without a vaccine is by putting a barrier between the carrier and others. Masks, distancing, and quarantining work well in slowing down transmission. Countries that follow the guidelines have done well. Those that haven't have done poorer.

In March there was a picture of Trump wearing a masks. However, after Redfield said they protected others not the wearer, we rarely saw Trump in a mask. I guess he though if didn't protect me, it was worthless. So many of our problems we face such as, coronavirus, poverty, homelessness, global warming, etc are due to a lack of social conciseness.
if mask work why did Harris and Biden staffers get covid 19?
Probably from the same place other people that wear masks get it, dining out or from a close personal contact.
Stop crying. Get it and recover. Booo hooo it’s a virus with a. 99.96% survival rate
It’s a virus that has killed over 200,000 Americans. You gonna tell their families “boo hoo, suck it up”?

Typical un-American Trumpster.
Yep. Average age of death is 78. Booo hooo. F you, bitch.
Hmm..tell me..how important are seniors in Florida? What do you imagine their average age is?

It is your attitude..reflected by Trump, that is peeling voters off of the Trump side. So..please do go on taking their lives lightly.

Marcelo Montesinos voted for President Donald Trump in 2016 because he said he saw "a man who would bring a lot of change."
Four years later, after losing a family member to the coronavirus, Montesinos, 72, is one of many seniors who now say they can no longer support the president because of his handling of the pandemic.
"He knew everything all the way back in February and he didn't take the precautions ... he didn't believe in science. He doesn't believe in doctors," Montesinos said. "He always tries to blame somebody else, like a little kid."

Montesinos, who is from West Palm Beach, Florida, said he still plans to vote for Republicans in other races.
"It hurt me so much" to hear the president recently dismiss the pandemic by saying Americans were "pandemic-ed out," Montesinos added.
Trump is attempting a repeat of his first stunning victory by banding together a base that's still mostly white, largely male, less educated and older.
Underpinning Trump's success in 2016 was, in part, an army of seniors that made up a large slice of the electorate and backed him by 7 percentage points over Hillary Clinton, according to national exit poll data. Older voters are among the most likely to vote and have sided with Republican nominees in every presidential election since 2004, reinforcing Trump four years ago and helping tilt key battleground states in his favor.

But this cycle, former Vice President Joe Biden is cutting into Trump's coalition, making significant gains with older voters across the U.S., particularly in must-win states for Trump. A recent ABC News/Washington Post poll found the two men running even among likely voters 65 and older nationally -- 48% to 49%.

Trump campaign aides have grown weary of the president's declining support among older Americans, a group they know is critical to his reelection chances, especially in states like Florida and North Carolina, sources told ABC News. Perhaps the most telling sign of concern in Trump circles over seniors is the president's campaign schedule, with a rally set for Friday in The Villages, a sprawling mecca for retirees in a conservative pocket of central Florida.
"With the President at the helm," Trump campaign spokesperson Ken Farnaso said in a statement, "seniors can rest assured their voice will be heard in Washington."

In follow-up interviews with more than a dozen independent and Republican voters over 65 who participated in recent ABC News/Washington Post polls in Florida and North Carolina, including some who voted for Trump in 2016, most said they're repelled by the president after four years. His fumbled response to the pandemic and derogatory rhetoric outweigh his much-touted economic gains, the voters said.
Dont care. Not sure how many more times I can tell you this. Biden when he was VP messed up H1N1 and if it were as deadly and contagious as COVID there would have been 700k deaths. Seniors can do as they wish.

Trumps only mistake was not bringing economic and psychological experts to the forefront along with Fauci and Birx. The cure cannot be worse than the disease. We are losing many to depression and suicides but the fake news media won’t report that. Hell my kids are stuck at home on Zoom calls. All for what? A 99.96% recovery rate? Spare me your leftist bullshit.
As we are in the political forum..I was looking at this politically---and it's not a good sign for Trump in Florida.

As for Trump's 'only' mistake..if I have to pick one..it's...once again, failing to keep his yap shut. That's what we get..when we elect an anti-intellectual as President. Dumb statements...dumb actions and inactions---impotent anger as his opinions are continually at odds with the experts--and the inability to discern BS from the real deal.

Oh...oops..you did say just one, right? My bad.
You didn’t dispute anything I wrote because you know I am correct. Lockdowns and fear mongering over a virus with a 99.96% survival rate is bad too and that’s the message Trump needs to be stronger with. Hopefully he wins again because Biden is an idiot and would literally try to end the oil and gas industry. My house is heated with gas, I live in Boston. Pretty cold here in the winter. Will I be forced to use firewood? Crazy. LOL
I didn't dispute anything you wrote....well, other that the things that I did..because the issue is a lot more nuanced than that..and you are correct some places and some times..and incorrect other places and other times.

For example..your survival rate may well be correct--statistically--how many millions of dead does that .04% translate too? How many lost hours of productivity..how much of a strain on the supply chain? Does mortality tell the whole story? Does it take into account the number of people who get very sick...and recover? I live in Idaho..we have counties that are dropping mask mandates and eating out..while the county hospital is at 99% capacity and the infection rate is climbing.
We have other counties where it's been business as usual for months now...and the few cases hardly matter..other than the rare funeral.

Fossil fuel are whole nuther conversation. As a finite resource..they'll be gone someday..like it or not..so it only make sense to plan for that day when the gas stops coming to your house, eh? "I'll be dead then." isn't really a plan, you know?
--- At that survival rate its 132k deaths; Average age is 78. Average age of death no COVID is 78.8;
--- Strains are worse due to lockdowns and lack of employment;
--- Mortality doesn't but the media plays that 99.9% of the time. Need business experts to consistently opine as well as psychology experts. Cure cannot be worse than the disease.
--- Hospitals are always at that capacity, well ERs are. Why? Margins are thin. What is happening if you want to argue that point is that COVID patients are taking space from say cancer patients or those who need elective surgery. But we are all adults and if you want to take that risk then do it. We don't ban smoking, drinking or eating really bad foods. We are the fattest and unhealthiest developed nation on Earth. #1 killer is heart disease. We don't ban burgers.
--- FF may be gone someday but that is a multi billion dollar industry and you cannot just say "I am going to end it". We are also 90+ years away from truly being able to replace it. Right now we have enough gas to last ~92 years. No need to ban it by 2025 or even 2035.
Hmmm...I must be missing something here...You're saying 132k deaths at that percentage, yet over 200k have died thus far..with the expected final total getting close to 550K.

BTW....we all know that the real issue with the FF industry is not what is best for the country..but what is best for the industry. Power could be a lot cheaper were it to be distributed efficiently

That is because Cuomo in his infinite wisdom along with Murphy killed so many early with their creative nursing home strategy. We'll see how many deaths happen now going forward. Those %s are for people under 70.

If you're 70+ the percentage is 94%....so yes it drops but people die on average at the age of 78.8 here...not even 79. Tough to really blame it solely on COVID. How much do you pay for your power? Mine isn't bad at all. MassSave comes in gives you a free efficiency check up. They replace all your bulbs and such and make recommendations. I will be replacing my furnace in March. I get a 7-year interest free loan and ~$3k off the project because it will make my home more efficient and now my bill during the coldest months is around ~$400 per month. Not terrible.

Cali tried to go all efficient and people are moving out in droves. Blackouts, etc. I support progress, what I don't support is rushing it before its ready. Nearly 90% of our goods are still distributed by trucks, we are no where near making trucks 100% electric. Same with airplanes. If Biden said 2075, OK but 2025? He is DREAMING!
Ahh..I see...makes sense now. I'm laughing about 2025 as well..but at least that's a usual campaign exaggeration---but once the process got really underway...it would take on a life of its own--and the FF industry knows this..and does not like it..one bit.

My electric is about $70 a month in the winter..30 or so in the summer.

...and yeah..I do heat with wood...LOL!
Therein lies the problem and Biden said it twice not once. Like I said he lost TX, OK and PA, although only PA was likely in play. That is not bad at all. Do you use A/C in the summer time? My bill then is around $250 per month. My furnace is from 1974, not very efficient, hence I will be replacing it. Not sure how much it will save me but its definitely time.
As you know constitution rights are not absolute. They depend on the situation. You have a right to free speech but that doesn't mean you can scream fire in a crowded auditorium. The same holds in state and national emergencies.

Correct, but in such cases that is decided by the courts, not the President or Governor. If they ignore the rights of the citizen, they can be sued for a violation of those rights.
True, that is how cases involving individual rights are often settled.
How can you call yourself a Trump supporter? Wearing a mask that doesn't protect you, sanitizing, and washing hands your hands is for pussies. I'll bet you even follow your mayor and your governor's guidelines. You know you're going to lose your Red Trump hat if you keep this up.

BTW You don't need antibacterial soap. Washing with any hand soap for 20 secs does the deed. The 20 seconds is important.

Simply making the point that I do all these things while at the same time, reject the notion it should be mandated by government. Another point that shoots down your (and every other liberal) argument is that we Trump supporters do as he says and march in lockstep, and that's why Trump is responsible for all these cases and deaths. We are not liberals. We think for ourselves.

The CDC reported that most of the Covid infections were with people who wore masks. There are credible medical professionals who have stated masks are a waste of time, and may even do you harm if worn for a prolonged period of time. As I mentioned earlier, even the WHO came out with a statement that lockdowns are not the solution.

What we on the right do is weigh our particular circumstance, and make our own decisions. One size does not fit all, especially with a virus we've only begun to do research on.
With the exception of N95 mask which have been professionally fitted, masks provide protection for others but very limited protection for the wearer. We knew that last March. The only way to stop or slow down an airborne epidemic without a vaccine is by putting a barrier between the carrier and others. Masks, distancing, and quarantining work well in slowing down transmission. Countries that follow the guidelines have done well. Those that haven't have done poorer.

In March there was a picture of Trump wearing a masks. However, after Redfield said they protected others not the wearer, we rarely saw Trump in a mask. I guess he though if didn't protect me, it was worthless. So many of our problems we face such as, coronavirus, poverty, homelessness, global warming, etc are due to a lack of social conciseness.
if mask work why did Harris and Biden staffers get covid 19?
Probably from the same place other people that wear masks get it, dining out or from a close personal contact.
Stop crying. Get it and recover. Booo hooo it’s a virus with a. 99.96% survival rate
It’s a virus that has killed over 200,000 Americans. You gonna tell their families “boo hoo, suck it up”?

Typical un-American Trumpster.
Yep. Average age of death is 78. Booo hooo. F you, bitch.
Testy, testy inhumane Trumpster. It's totes adorbs that I'm the bitch because I care about my fellow citizens. What does that make you who doesn't care about his fellow Americans?
If you cared you would care about kids stuck at home on zoom calls and missing out on sports. You would care about small business owners. You would care about people depressed and suicidal due to lockdowns and or loss of business. You would care about higher cases of drug and alcohol abuse and lastly you would care about higher cases of child abuse. You stupid bitch.
I do care about those things and I know the only way to get them back it to control the outbreaks of this virus. Sending everyone out to catch it and risk dying isn’t a plan.
Testy, testy inhumane Trumpster. It's totes adorbs that I'm the bitch because I care about my fellow citizens. What does that make you who doesn't care about his fellow Americans?

You care about your fellow Americans? Then I guess you are not going to vote for Biden.
Actually, that’s exactly why I voted for Joe Biden, because he cares too...unlike Trump. Trump only cares about Trump.
You voted for Jie Biden because he is a Democrat you lying bitch.
I am voting for the Democrat because I care about my fellow Americans, yes...just like Joe Biden. I’m registered No Party Preference.
How can you call yourself a Trump supporter? Wearing a mask that doesn't protect you, sanitizing, and washing hands your hands is for pussies. I'll bet you even follow your mayor and your governor's guidelines. You know you're going to lose your Red Trump hat if you keep this up.

BTW You don't need antibacterial soap. Washing with any hand soap for 20 secs does the deed. The 20 seconds is important.

Simply making the point that I do all these things while at the same time, reject the notion it should be mandated by government. Another point that shoots down your (and every other liberal) argument is that we Trump supporters do as he says and march in lockstep, and that's why Trump is responsible for all these cases and deaths. We are not liberals. We think for ourselves.

The CDC reported that most of the Covid infections were with people who wore masks. There are credible medical professionals who have stated masks are a waste of time, and may even do you harm if worn for a prolonged period of time. As I mentioned earlier, even the WHO came out with a statement that lockdowns are not the solution.

What we on the right do is weigh our particular circumstance, and make our own decisions. One size does not fit all, especially with a virus we've only begun to do research on.
With the exception of N95 mask which have been professionally fitted, masks provide protection for others but very limited protection for the wearer. We knew that last March. The only way to stop or slow down an airborne epidemic without a vaccine is by putting a barrier between the carrier and others. Masks, distancing, and quarantining work well in slowing down transmission. Countries that follow the guidelines have done well. Those that haven't have done poorer.

In March there was a picture of Trump wearing a masks. However, after Redfield said they protected others not the wearer, we rarely saw Trump in a mask. I guess he though if didn't protect me, it was worthless. So many of our problems we face such as, coronavirus, poverty, homelessness, global warming, etc are due to a lack of social conciseness.
if mask work why did Harris and Biden staffers get covid 19?
Probably from the same place other people that wear masks get it, dining out or from a close personal contact.
Stop crying. Get it and recover. Booo hooo it’s a virus with a. 99.96% survival rate
It’s a virus that has killed over 200,000 Americans. You gonna tell their families “boo hoo, suck it up”?

Typical un-American Trumpster.
Yep. Average age of death is 78. Booo hooo. F you, bitch.
Testy, testy inhumane Trumpster. It's totes adorbs that I'm the bitch because I care about my fellow citizens. What does that make you who doesn't care about his fellow Americans?
If you cared you would care about kids stuck at home on zoom calls and missing out on sports. You would care about small business owners. You would care about people depressed and suicidal due to lockdowns and or loss of business. You would care about higher cases of drug and alcohol abuse and lastly you would care about higher cases of child abuse. You stupid bitch.
I do care about those things and I know the only way to get them back it to control the outbreaks of this virus. Sending everyone out to catch it and risk dying isn’t a plan.
Locking child abusers with children isn't either. Treat people like adults.
True, that is how cases involving individual rights are often settled.

Yes, but at what cost? I gave you the link to PA. Now what will it cost the state for all the business financial losses, the businesses that had to close down permanently, personal losses like alcoholism or perhaps drugs?

Here our Governor placed an order for strict ID check 100 miles within the PA border, not for age verification, but to verify they were Ohioans. They had a no alcohol sales in PA, and citizens were driving to our state to buy beer, wine and booze. Those who traveled far to get here really stocked up. Think of all the money vendors who sold those products in PA lost until our Governor took action to stop it.
Actually, that’s exactly why I voted for Joe Biden, because he cares too...unlike Trump. Trump only cares about Trump.

Okay, so you care so much that when the cost of fuel doubles or more, and people no longer have money, that's caring? Will you say you care with more businesses closing up because of those fuel costs, moving out of the country because of the inflation the new minimum wage will bring, or more investments in automation costing us millions of jobs? When the stock market stagnates due to increased capital gains taxes, or even reverses, will you say you did that because you cared so much about your fellow Americans? What about when suburban people lose half of their property value because of Biden's plan to move high-crime lowlifes into those neighborhoods? Are you going to tell me you care about those people?
An incumbent's job is to sell the people on his record as president vs the guy who has no record as president. That is usually an easy sell. 82% of our presidents win a second term. Add that to the fact Trump's a great salesman and has a record of keeping his promises, one would think he would have an easy victory.

So what went wrong? Democrats put a sign around his neck that says, "217,000 death" and Trump just can't shake it loose. He has tried to blame just about every one from China to Biden. but that comes across to voters as scapegoating. Had Trump put himself squarely on the side his CDC, the scientists, the governors, mayors, and supported them rather disagreeing with them, he would have been a shoe-in. Now, he has to defend an untenable position. In effect, he's telling voters you're all wrong about me, I did a great job and that is not a winning strategy, particularly when the president has admitted to downplaying the virus since day one.
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An incumbent's job is to sell the people on his record as president vs the guy who has no record as president. That is usually an easy sell. 82% of our presidents win a second term. Add that to the fact Trump's a great salesman and has a record of keeping his promises, one would think he would have an easy victory.

So what went wrong? Democrats put a sign around his neck that says, "217,000 death" and Trump just can't shake it loose. He has tried to blame just about every one from China to Biden. but that comes across to voters as scapegoating. Had Trump put himself squarely on the side his CDC, the scientists, the governors, mayors, and supported them rather disagreeing with them, he would have been a shoe-in. Now, he has to defend an untenable position. In effect, he's telling voters you're all wrong about me, I did a great job and that is not winning strategy.

Only TDS people buy this nonsense that the President had the ability to stop a worldwide virus and didn't. The rest shake our heads and roll our eyes. Yeah, you on the lift will believe it, but others know it's politics as usual with the left. As mentioned, we are 8th in Covid deaths in the world, so are the leaders of countries on top and below us all responsible for the deaths of their citizens?

Leftists were bragging about how Europe was handling it so well. Look at it today. They are having surges just like we are.

It's a real shame that in this country, one party wants to politicize everything, including a virus. I think all it's going to do is chase the fence sitters in our direction. There are Americans that are sick of this already.
An incumbent's job is to sell the people on his record as president vs the guy who has no record as president. That is usually an easy sell. 82% of our presidents win a second term. Add that to the fact Trump's a great salesman and has a record of keeping his promises, one would think he would have an easy victory.

So what went wrong? Democrats put a sign around his neck that says, "217,000 death" and Trump just can't shake it loose. He has tried to blame just about every one from China to Biden. but that comes across to voters as scapegoating. Had Trump put himself squarely on the side his CDC, the scientists, the governors, mayors, and supported them rather disagreeing with them, he would have been a shoe-in. Now, he has to defend an untenable position. In effect, he's telling voters you're all wrong about me, I did a great job and that is not winning strategy.

Only TDS people buy this nonsense that the President had the ability to stop a worldwide virus and didn't. The rest shake our heads and roll our eyes. Yeah, you on the lift will believe it, but others know it's politics as usual with the left. As mentioned, we are 8th in Covid deaths in the world, so are the leaders of countries on top and below us all responsible for the deaths of their citizens?

Leftists were bragging about how Europe was handling it so well. Look at it today. They are having surges just like we are.

It's a real shame that in this country, one party wants to politicize everything, including a virus. I think all it's going to do is chase the fence sitters in our direction. There are Americans that are sick of this already.
The US, who John Hopkins said was best prepared in the world to fight the virus has the largest number deaths of any country and highest number of cases. The US is in the top 5% for cases/million and deaths/million. I've not claimed that Trump could stop a pandemic but there is no doubt that he could have significantly reduced the number of cases and deaths in the US if that had been his goal. He downplayed the virus, fought the states on their need for testing in the first critical 60 days and questioned the effectiveness of practically every CDC guideline to slow the spread of the virus.

If you think a nation can't control the virus, take a look Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Germany, and New Zealand. The one thing all these countries had in common was full commitment of the leadership to stop the virus and to unify the national response. Sadly the US had neither as is evident from our results.

When I first heard about the virus in early January, I thought Trump was going see this as an opportunity to unite the country, stopping the virus and claiming an easy victory in November. Boy was I wrong.

The only reason the virus was politicalized was because Trump choose to divide the nation. On one side was stopping the virus and on the other side was saving his big beautiful economy which he thought would carry him to victory in November. I suppose he thought there was nothing Americans cared more about than their job, and their 401K. As it turned out they cared a lot more about their family, friends, and the hundreds of thousands of innocent victims.
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If he wins...civil war and unrest. If he loses, same thing. Damned either way. Can't run to another country either, cuz, well, ya gotta have money enough to pay for your own health insurance, own food, have a skillfull trade you can still perform, etc. Oh. Wait.
And, because of Trump, you would be coming from a third-fourth world country. Who would want you?
If he wins...civil war and unrest. If he loses, same thing. Damned either way. Can't run to another country either, cuz, well, ya gotta have money enough to pay for your own health insurance, own food, have a skillfull trade you can still perform, etc. Oh. Wait.
And, because of Trump, you would be coming from a third-fourth world country. Who would want you?
Trump is NOW A GOD........to those with TDS.........Trump can wink at you and BAM........it's all over....

He MUST BE A GOD......Where da hell do you wankers come from.


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