We should listen to the “experts”

Nothing like today. Gun deaths and violent crime didn't start decreasing until the early 90's, as more and more states adopted CCW and Castle Doctrine laws. Prior to that, the criminals had the upper hand.


Check it out. The Homicide rate was just as high in the 70's as it was in the 1990's The dip in the 1990's had little to do with all of you compensating for your tiny dicks with guns and more to do with the fact that Boomers started aging out of the prime crime ages.

If you want to actually look at it another way, the 1990's is when Bill Clinton imposed the Brady Bill and a lot of gun control measures.

I've owned guns for the last 35 years. I've been a licensed CCW carrier for the last 12 years. In fact, I just had to renew my license and got the new one today. Statistically, we CCW carriers are the most law abiding citizens in our nation. Not only that, but we have less of a prosecution and conviction rate than even the police in our country.

Again, looking at your crazy Avi, you are probably just one incident from being a BLM poster boy.

CCW holders, using their firearm, protect themselves or others hundreds of thousands of times a year. You have to dig deep to find those stories as they are mostly local, but they are there.


Concealed Carry Killers is a resource maintained by the Violence Policy Center that includes hundreds of examples of non-self defense killings by private citizens with permits to carry concealed, loaded handguns in public that took place since May 2007. These incidents include homicides, suicides, mass shootings, murder-suicides, lethal attacks on law enforcement, and unintentional deaths. Only a tiny fraction of these cases are ever ruled to be in self-defense. Any homicide that is legally determined to be in self-defense is documented and removed from the Concealed Carry Killers database and the ongoing tallies.


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Check it out. The Homicide rate was just as high in the 70's as it was in the 1990's The dip in the 1990's had little to do with all of you compensating for your tiny dicks with guns and more to do with the fact that Boomers started aging out of the prime crime ages.

If you want to actually look at it another way, the 1990's is when Bill Clinton imposed the Brady Bill and a lot of gun control measures.

The Brady Bill didn't do shit. It was found there is no correlation between Brady and firearm violence. CCW's started to become more popular during the 90's and kept gaining interest of both citizen and politicians since. Violent crime and gun crime went on a decline, until the Ferguson Effect kicked in, and it went back on the rise, although temporarily.

Taking guns away from people does not stop murders. If somebody wants you dead, they will kill you in a different way. That's why two years ago in London, where guns are heavily restricted, they had more murders there than in New York City. They have a huge problem with knifings, so to the point they created laws against knives on top of the guns.

Again, looking at your crazy Avi, you are probably just one incident from being a BLM poster boy.

Which is why you people on the left need to be kept out of power. You think you can make judgments on a silly avatar.


Concealed Carry Killers is a resource maintained by the Violence Policy Center that includes hundreds of examples of non-self defense killings by private citizens with permits to carry concealed, loaded handguns in public that took place since May 2007. These incidents include homicides, suicides, mass shootings, murder-suicides, lethal attacks on law enforcement, and unintentional deaths. Only a tiny fraction of these cases are ever ruled to be in self-defense. Any homicide that is legally determined to be in self-defense is documented and removed from the Concealed Carry Killers database and the ongoing tallies.

The Violence Policy Center—a gun control advocacy group—released a study last month it wrongly claims shows that “too many concealed-carry permit holders are a direct threat to public safety.”

That claim rests on an analysis of a database documenting “non-self-defense incidents,” which the organization says proves that “allowing random people to carry guns endangers public safety.”

On its face, that claim is contrary to the wealth of data indicating that concealed-carry permit holders are one of the most law-abiding populations in the nation.

It’s hardly surprising, then, that the Violence Policy Center claim falls apart when even the slightest bit of scrutiny is applied to it.

Not only is the claim based on a grossly misleading characterization of what the database actually captures, but the numbers from the database flatly contradict the Violence Policy Center’s claim that America’s 18 million concealed-carry permit holders represent a serious risk to public safety.

That’s particularly true in light of the role permit holders play in actively protecting themselves and the public from violent crime.

The Brady Bill didn't do shit. It was found there is no correlation between Brady and firearm violence. CCW's started to become more popular during the 90's and kept gaining interest of both citizen and politicians since. Violent crime and gun crime went on a decline, until the Ferguson Effect kicked in, and it went back on the rise, although temporarily.

No Criminal is out there afraid that some white pencil dick is going to draw on him.

Which is why you people on the left need to be kept out of power. You think you can make judgments on a silly avatar.

Um, yeah, guy, your avatar combined with your daily racist spew... you are a BLM Poster boy looking for a place to happen. Maybe you HUD neighbors should keep the music down. Maybe you can invite them to this board and tell them who you are.
No Criminal is out there afraid that some white pencil dick is going to draw on him.

Some are and some are not. Those who are not can end up like these criminals:

Um, yeah, guy, your avatar combined with your daily racist spew... you are a BLM Poster boy looking for a place to happen. Maybe you HUD neighbors should keep the music down. Maybe you can invite them to this board and tell them who you are.

I doubt they even have a computer. Judging by that satellite dish on the house, I'm sure they get their entertainment watching television. In any event, I'm not a violent person. As pointed out already, CCW holders are the most law abiding people in our society. In most states, you have to pass a very extensive background check to be applicable for a license. Yes, when I go out at night, I am armed. Yes, I have had extensive self-defense training. Long before I got my CCW, I was trained in five different ways to kill a man in three moves or less. Did I ever use it? Of course not.

In that training, I learned an old Chinese proverb: Only use violence for self-defense, or when mind too weak to solve problem.
Some are and some are not. Those who are not can end up like these criminals:

dude, I don't have time for your wank fantasies.

the reality- only about 200 fatalities are ruled "Justified" in cases of civilians shooting criminals.

Compared to 14,000 homicides and 20,000 suicides... it's just not worth the carnage to let you compensate for your shortcomings.

Long before I got my CCW, I was trained in five different ways to kill a man in three moves or less. Did I ever use it? Of course not.

Some are and some are not. Those who are not can end up like these criminals:

dude, I don't have time for your wank fantasies.

the reality- only about 200 fatalities are ruled "Justified" in cases of civilians shooting criminals.

Compared to 14,000 homicides and 20,000 suicides... it's just not worth the carnage to let you compensate for your shortcomings.

Long before I got my CCW, I was trained in five different ways to kill a man in three moves or less. Did I ever use it? Of course not.

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Carrying a firearm has little to do with justified anything. In most cases involving armed citizens, we actually prevent more crimes and death by merely displaying our firearm. We have the legal ability to use deadly force--they don't, and they all know it. It's estimated that we armed citizens use firearms to prevent crime or use in self-defense between a half million to three million times a year.

Yes, it's worth it, and statistics show that.
Carrying a firearm has little to do with justified anything. In most cases involving armed citizens, we actually prevent more crimes and death by merely displaying our firearm. We have the legal ability to use deadly force--they don't, and they all know it. It's estimated that we armed citizens use firearms to prevent crime or use in self-defense between a half million to three million times a year.

Those numbers are bullshit. Don't waste my time with NRA propaganda.

33,000 gun deaths every year.
70,000 gun injuries.
400,000 gun crimes
270 BILLION in economic losses each year

We live in a country of security guards, magnetic locks, Closed circuit cameras, metal detectors because of your gun fetish. The rest of us have to put up with a lot of bullshit because you are compensating for a tiny dick.
Carrying a firearm has little to do with justified anything. In most cases involving armed citizens, we actually prevent more crimes and death by merely displaying our firearm. We have the legal ability to use deadly force--they don't, and they all know it. It's estimated that we armed citizens use firearms to prevent crime or use in self-defense between a half million to three million times a year.

Those numbers are bullshit. Don't waste my time with NRA propaganda.

33,000 gun deaths every year.
70,000 gun injuries.
400,000 gun crimes
270 BILLION in economic losses each year

We live in a country of security guards, magnetic locks, Closed circuit cameras, metal detectors because of your gun fetish. The rest of us have to put up with a lot of bullshit because you are compensating for a tiny dick.

The only guys with a tiny dick are those who are scared of guns and people who carry them. Guess what? Security guards, magnetic locks, cameras, and metal detectors are not everywhere, in fact, with the exception of cameras, not in most places. Not being prepared for a possible attack is irresponsible. Given the fact the Democrat party is the party of irresponsible people, it's not a surprise this is your stance.

You will find very few if any stories of an innocent getting shot or killed by a CCW holder in the process of defending themselves, so that can't be your issue. Your real issue is that you're a leftist. As such, if you don't want or can't have something, nobody should be allowed to have it either. Not guns, not money, not a happy meal, not a choice of school lunch, not cigarettes, not even disability compensation. It's so childish.

This is a primary reason to keep you people out of leadership in this country; communists are control freaks. They want to control every aspect of our lives according to how they see fit.

The only reason we "need" guns is because of leftists. If you want us to disarm, the only way that's possible is if we get rid of all Democrats first.
The only guys with a tiny dick are those who are scared of guns and people who carry them. Guess what? Security guards, magnetic locks, cameras, and metal detectors are not everywhere, in fact, with the exception of cameras, not in most places. Not being prepared for a possible attack is irresponsible. Given the fact the Democrat party is the party of irresponsible people, it's not a surprise this is your stance.

Uh, stupid, no one should have to be "prepared" for a maniac running through their kids schools with a machine gun. That this is allowed to happen at all is a problem. Canada just had a mass shooting, and they had the good sense to ban assault rifles. New Zealand - the same thing. The US has these incidents all the time, and we don't do anything because the tiny dick minority will scream at even the most sensible precaution.

You will find very few if any stories of an innocent getting shot or killed by a CCW holder in the process of defending themselves, so that can't be your issue.

I just gave you a website that listed dozens.

Your real issue is that you're a leftist. As such, if you don't want or can't have something, nobody should be allowed to have it either. Not guns, not money, not a happy meal, not a choice of school lunch, not cigarettes, not even disability compensation. It's so childish.

Um. No, it's more a discussion of SHOULD you have those things. In the case of guns, there is absolutely no compelling reason why you should have one. You aren't a soldier, you aren't a cop.

The only reason we "need" guns is because of leftists. If you want us to disarm, the only way that's possible is if we get rid of all Democrats first.

No, the way we do it is pass sensible laws..

The first one is, if a gun manufacturer sold a gun to a nut, and that nut shot up a school, they can and should be sued for letting it happen.
Uh, stupid, no one should have to be "prepared" for a maniac running through their kids schools with a machine gun. That this is allowed to happen at all is a problem. Canada just had a mass shooting, and they had the good sense to ban assault rifles. New Zealand - the same thing. The US has these incidents all the time, and we don't do anything because the tiny dick minority will scream at even the most sensible precaution.

Canada has had strict gun restrictions for years, and they still have shootings. Do you really believe that now that they banned assault rifles (whatever an assault rifle is) that there will be no more shootings in Canada? Well, you're a leftist, so you probably do believe it.

I just gave you a website that listed dozens.

I gave you a web site that debunked the entire study.

Um. No, it's more a discussion of SHOULD you have those things. In the case of guns, there is absolutely no compelling reason why you should have one. You aren't a soldier, you aren't a cop.

You don't have to be a solder or cop to own a firearm. All you have to be is a law abiding American citizen. We did it your way years ago. It became a failure. As the minority population grew, so did gun and violent crime. You don't want to own a gun, fine with me, but don't tell others who can't own them.

The reason you are safe is because there are people like me. The uncertainty of whether you can protect yourself or not is enough to ward off criminals. Don't believe me? Then do this: Get a huge sign made that reads WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSEHOLD. Put that on your front porch, and get back to us in a few months (if you are still here) and let us know how it worked out for you.

If you strip guns from Americans, that's exactly what you would be doing; publicly announcing to the criminals you have no possible way to protect yourself from them. They'd be armed, and you--not. You don't stand a chance.

No, the way we do it is pass sensible laws..

The first one is, if a gun manufacturer sold a gun to a nut, and that nut shot up a school, they can and should be sued for letting it happen.

You call that a sensible law? Okay, if we could sue gun manufactures for the act of one of their customers, then it would also make sense that if you get in a car accident, you can sue the car company and dealership. Or sue the brewery because a DUI driver killed other people. Or sue pool manufacturers because somebody drowned in one of their pools. Maybe sue knife manufacturers because somebody was stabbed to death.

See, this is why liberals should never be in charge of even a hotdog stand. You people have no common sense, and you hate our Constitution.
Trump supporters are protesting the government.


Isn't Trump in charge of the government?
Canada has had strict gun restrictions for years, and they still have shootings. Do you really believe that now that they banned assault rifles (whatever an assault rifle is) that there will be no more shootings in Canada? Well, you're a leftist, so you probably do believe it.

Canada has pretty liberal gun laws, they just don't have the insanity we have. They just tightened them a bit more. This is what happens when you don't let the people who profit from death write policies.

I gave you a web site that debunked the entire study.

Stomping your little feet and saying that you don't want to believe it isn't debunking. CCA people shoot other people all the time.

You call that a sensible law? Okay, if we could sue gun manufactures for the act of one of their customers, then it would also make sense that if you get in a car accident, you can sue the car company and dealership.

Cars aren't designed for the purpose of killing people. They are designed to get you from point a to point b.

Guns are designed to kill people. Therefore, if the gun industry let their product get into the hands of someone THEY KNEW was dangerous, then that's kind of on them.

You don't have to be a solder or cop to own a firearm. All you have to be is a law abiding American citizen. We did it your way years ago. It became a failure. As the minority population grew, so did gun and violent crime. You don't want to own a gun, fine with me, but don't tell others who can't own them.

I think you are a bit confused. Prior to WWI, very few Americans owned guns. Then we had mass production of them and a lot of them ended up in civilian hands. With the Great Depression and Prohibition, gun violence spiked to the highest levels in our history, and the government imposed sensible gun restrictions. Gun violence was cut in half. Even the NRA supported common sense gun control.

Then the gun industry realized it had a problem. Murdering small animals for sport fell out of favor with Americans. So they needed a whole new market for guns. They started producing cheap guns like the "Saturday Night Special" that poor people could afford, realizing the spike in Crime would make white people want guns too. (The reality- as always, is you are more likely to be killed by someone you know than a scary minority, but fear sells.) The NRA got taken over by the crazies.

The CDC did a study that showed that a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy. Well, only one thing to do here. Get the CDC to stop funding gun studies!!!!

The reason you are safe is because there are people like me. The uncertainty of whether you can protect yourself or not is enough to ward off criminals. Don't believe me?

No, I don't. We live in a country of closed circuit TV's, active shooter drills, metal detectors, security guards, key-carded doors because of "people like you" who are often one bad day from going on a shooting spree.
Canada has pretty liberal gun laws, they just don't have the insanity we have. They just tightened them a bit more. This is what happens when you don't let the people who profit from death write policies.

Canada has not had liberal gun laws in the last (at least) 20 years.

Canada's firearm laws are stated in the Firearms Act. The possession and acquisition licence (PAL) is distributed by the RCMP (federal police) and requires taking a firearms safety course and passing a test, a background check, and reference interviews.

Carrying firearms for self-defense against human threats is prohibited, but a "wilderness carry permit" can be obtained for protection against wild animals.[147]

  1. Restricted: This includes handguns with barrel lengths greater than 4.1 inches (105 mm), and long guns which do not meet the length requirements for non-restricted but are not prohibited. These guns require ATTs, so can only be discharged at ranges

Stomping your little feet and saying that you don't want to believe it isn't debunking. CCA people shoot other people all the time.

No, studies show that they don't shoot people all the time. Actually, considering we have more than 18 million CCW holders in our country, those shootings are very rare. My source points out all the errors and lies in your source.

Cars aren't designed for the purpose of killing people. They are designed to get you from point a to point b.

Guns are designed to kill people. Therefore, if the gun industry let their product get into the hands of someone THEY KNEW was dangerous, then that's kind of on them.

If guns are designed to kill people, why do most people that own guns do not kill people? They use it for sport, enjoyment, and yes hunting.

I think you are a bit confused. Prior to WWI, very few Americans owned guns.

I think you are confused. Prior to WWI, our country was very religious. People feared God. But liberalism changed all that by taking God out of our schools and society. They continue doing that until today. So we were forced to protect ourselves, and because of that, gun and violent crime decreased for a decade and a half.

Gun murders were on the increase before WWI even started. In fact at the start of the wars, our gun murders were at a higher rate than in 1985, and higher than our lowest gun murders in the late 90's, when we had many, many more guns.

Gun violence was cut in half. Even the NRA supported common sense gun control.

There is a difference between common sense gun control and liberal gun control. Liberals don't have any common sense. That's why they're liberals.

Then the gun industry realized it had a problem. Murdering small animals for sport fell out of favor with Americans. So they needed a whole new market for guns. They started producing cheap guns like the "Saturday Night Special" that poor people could afford, realizing the spike in Crime would make white people want guns too.

Conspiracy time.jpeg

The CDC did a study that showed that a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy. Well, only one thing to do here. Get the CDC to stop funding gun studies!!!!

Yes, because guns jump out of safes and dresser drawers and shoot people. Most of those statistics are suicide and accidental shootings. If a person can't kill themselves with a gun, they will go in the garage, start the car, and close the door. Shooting yourself is just much less painless and takes much less time.

No, I don't. We live in a country of closed circuit TV's, active shooter drills, metal detectors, security guards, key-carded doors because of "people like you" who are often one bad day from going on a shooting spree.

So your restaurant has metal detectors? When was the last time you used a key card anywhere? Does Walmart conduct shooter drills?

You and I are in Home Depot. You are on the west side of the store, and I'm shopping on the east side. An active shooter starts going crazy. He goes to the west side of the store and puts two bullets in your head. Then he runs to the east side of the store, and I put five bullets in him. Can you tell me what good those cameras did you? Because I can tell you what good my gun did me.
Canada has not had liberal gun laws in the last (at least) 20 years.

Canada's firearm laws are stated in the Firearms Act. The possession and acquisition licence (PAL) is distributed by the RCMP (federal police) and requires taking a firearms safety course and passing a test, a background check, and reference interviews.

That's actually pretty liberal compared to the UK or Japan. They just don't have the craziness we have where people like you can get guns.

Yes, because guns jump out of safes and dresser drawers and shoot people. Most of those statistics are suicide and accidental shootings. If a person can't kill themselves with a gun, they will go in the garage, start the car, and close the door. Shooting yourself is just much less painless and takes much less time.

Yes, exactly. It takes less time. So you don't have time to think about what you are doing. No guns, less suicides, no homicides and less accidents.

So your restaurant has metal detectors? When was the last time you used a key card anywhere? Does Walmart conduct shooter drills?

Actually, used key cards at the last job I had before I started my own business. IN fact, had to walk past two key card doors just to get to my desk. Not to mention cameras. We also had active shooter drills. Of course, given the management in that place, they were probably terrified an employee might go postal.

You and I are in Home Depot. You are on the west side of the store, and I'm shopping on the east side. An active shooter starts going crazy. He goes to the west side of the store and puts two bullets in your head. Then he runs to the east side of the store, and I put five bullets in him. Can you tell me what good those cameras did you? Because I can tell you what good my gun did me.

Uh, guy, that never happens. Usually an Active Shooter has done his thing long before you needle-dicks even pull out your guns.

During the Tuscon shooting, one of you needle dicks did come out with a gun... and almost shot one of the people who had wrestled the shooter to the ground.
That's actually pretty liberal compared to the UK or Japan. They just don't have the craziness we have where people like you can get guns.

Obviously they do because crazies did get guns and killed unarmed people.

Yes, exactly. It takes less time. So you don't have time to think about what you are doing. No guns, less suicides, no homicides and less accidents.

No homicides? You people really live in your own little world, don't you? You don't have the understanding that if you take away guns, all you do is take them away from law abiding citizens. Criminals will not give you their guns. They don't listen to laws. That's why they're criminals in the first place.

Then what we end up is a society where innocents are vulnerable and the only people with guns are the cops and the criminals.

Actually, used key cards at the last job I had before I started my own business. IN fact, had to walk past two key card doors just to get to my desk. Not to mention cameras. We also had active shooter drills. Of course, given the management in that place, they were probably terrified an employee might go postal.

So what good were the key cards? An employee with a key card could still walk in with a gun and kill people. If key cards were invincible, then they wouldn't have needed active shooter drills, now would they?

Uh, guy, that never happens. Usually an Active Shooter has done his thing long before you needle-dicks even pull out your guns.

During the Tuscon shooting, one of you needle dicks did come out with a gun... and almost shot one of the people who had wrestled the shooter to the ground.

In most cases with CCW holders, guns stop or prevent a crime. But CCW holders have also shot people to save lives. I've posted plenty of stories, 2aguy has posted stories and statistics, and like a typical lib, you :lalala:
Obviously they do because crazies did get guns and killed unarmed people.

Rarely... that's the point. We have a mass shooting every week. I guess we haven't had any recently because thanks to Trump Plague, we aren't gathered in large groups. So it takes on massive right wing fuckup to prevent another massive right wing fuckup.

No homicides? You people really live in your own little world, don't you? You don't have the understanding that if you take away guns, all you do is take them away from law abiding citizens. Criminals will not give you their guns. They don't listen to laws. That's why they're criminals in the first place.

Again, the UK and Japan have strict gun control and very few homicides. Japan had a massive four gun homicides in the last year I can find records for.

So what good were the key cards? An employee with a key card could still walk in with a gun and kill people. If key cards were invincible, then they wouldn't have needed active shooter drills, now would they?

I realize that working for Bottom Feeder Trucking that Doesn't provide health insurance, you don't get how these things work. The minute a mass shooter is reported, they press a button and all the doors lock down, key card or not. It impedes the movement of the mass shooter even if he is an employee and has a card.

In most cases with CCW holders, guns stop or prevent a crime. But CCW holders have also shot people to save lives. I've posted plenty of stories, 2aguy has posted stories and statistics, and like a typical lib, you

Again, only 200 cases of homicides by civilians are ruled as justified a year. Most of those are battered spouses shooting their husbands. (There are also 900 cases a year of cops shooting people, but considering the kid could be lying on the ground or have his hands up and the cops still call that justified, I take that with a grain of salt.)

Meanwhile, we have 16,000 gun homicides a year that aren't "justified". We have 20,000 suicides. We have 800 accidents.

Nope. Guns really aren't worth the trouble.. The rest of the world has figured this out. We let the death merchants make policy.

So simple solution. Let the victims of gun violence sue the gun makers. Let juries decide that if Remington lobbied against background checks and let Crazy-McShooter get a machine gun, and he mowed down 26 people at a school, that they should be held accountable.
Again, the UK and Japan have strict gun control and very few homicides. Japan had a massive four gun homicides in the last year I can find records for.

You are comparing apples to oranges. We are not a single race country. We are very diverse. The majority of violent and gun crimes come from people of color in our society, so you can't compare us to Japan.

If you remove our minority violent crime, our violent crime rate is probably close if not identical to those white or Asian nations. It has nothing to do with guns, it has to do with culture.

You could take any nice, safe middle-class white or Asian community, give each and every household a gun, and their violent crime rate won't change the least. Make it illegal for minority communities to own a gun, their violent and gun rate will not decrease, because they will simply get illegal guns.

People kill people--not guns.

I realize that working for Bottom Feeder Trucking that Doesn't provide health insurance, you don't get how these things work. The minute a mass shooter is reported, they press a button and all the doors lock down, key card or not. It impedes the movement of the mass shooter even if he is an employee and has a card.

Gee, it's a good thing those places don't have cafeterias, huh?

Again, only 200 cases of homicides by civilians are ruled as justified a year. Most of those are battered spouses shooting their husbands. (There are also 900 cases a year of cops shooting people, but considering the kid could be lying on the ground or have his hands up and the cops still call that justified, I take that with a grain of salt.)

Meanwhile, we have 16,000 gun homicides a year that aren't "justified". We have 20,000 suicides. We have 800 accidents.

Nope. Guns really aren't worth the trouble.. The rest of the world has figured this out. We let the death merchants make policy.

So simple solution. Let the victims of gun violence sue the gun makers. Let juries decide that if Remington lobbied against background checks and let Crazy-McShooter get a machine gun, and he mowed down 26 people at a school, that they should be held accountable.


Again, you are comparing apples to oranges.
You are comparing apples to oranges. We are not a single race country. We are very diverse. The majority of violent and gun crimes come from people of color in our society, so you can't compare us to Japan.

Yeah, Ray brought the Racism again...

If you remove our minority violent crime, our violent crime rate is probably close if not identical to those white or Asian nations. It has nothing to do with guns, it has to do with culture.

NO, we are still ridiculously high, even counting white people offing each other.


You could take any nice, safe middle-class white or Asian community, give each and every household a gun, and their violent crime rate won't change the least. Make it illegal for minority communities to own a gun, their violent and gun rate will not decrease, because they will simply get illegal guns.


People kill people--not guns.

People with guns kill people a lot easier than people without guns...

It's why we are the only country that has lots of mass shootings and gang problems. Other countries don't have these problems, because they can't get guns.

Ah, the real leftist agenda surfaces.

Criminals won’t turn over their guys you moron. They have them now and will continue to have them. Banning guns would do nothing but lead to a larger imbalance between criminals and law abiding citizens.

People who prefer this imbalance are free to move to liberal in cities where they have strict gun laws.

You have several screws loose. Absolutely no common sense.
Ah, the real leftist agenda surfaces.

Criminals won’t turn over their guys you moron. They have them now and will continue to have them. Banning guns would do nothing but lead to a larger imbalance between criminals and law abiding citizens.

Actually, the supply of guns would dry up pretty quickly... other countries have banned guns and it worked out just fine.

The real problem, the Gun Industry keeps the criminals hooked up with guns because they want dumb asses like you all scared so you want them, too.

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