We should listen to the “experts”

I would have posted the fact check links, but I know you won't read them, so I opted to not waste my time.

Because they are the usual Right Wing Bullshit. Trump disbanded the Pandemic Response Team and created a Space Force.

I would have posted the fact check links, but I know you won't read them, so I opted to not waste my time.

Because they are the usual Right Wing Bullshit. Trump disbanded the Pandemic Response Team and created a Space Force.

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Correct, right-wing bullshit. So here it is, from right-wing FactCheck.org:

Several Democrats have criticized the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus outbreak by pointing to the dissolving of a team within the White House’s National Security Council dedicated to coordinating a response to a pandemic. As we’ve written before, in 2018, the administration did eliminate a key position that would have been involved in such a response — the senior director of the NSC’s Office of Global Health Security and Biodefense. But that doesn’t mean the responsibilities of that office were eliminated.

orrect, right-wing bullshit. So here it is, from right-wing FactCheck.org:

Point is, he eliminated the team. The responsibilities were foisted on people who didn't care about it. We are seeing the result. 245,000 cases, 6000 deaths. Good work, everyone. Good work.

Oh, so Factcheck (left leaning source) is wrong? It says it right there in the article. It was never eliminated. You sheep have to understand you are victims of brainwashing by the left. Even if every person in that organization was still there, how do you figure it would have made any difference?

Nobody seen this coming. It's something very few have ever lived through before in our country. That's why it's a worldwide pandemic and not a domestic one.
orrect, right-wing bullshit. So here it is, from right-wing FactCheck.org:

Point is, he eliminated the team. The responsibilities were foisted on people who didn't care about it. We are seeing the result. 245,000 cases, 6000 deaths. Good work, everyone. Good work.
FAKE NEWS. More FAKE NEWS from the Leftist. At least you are consistent.
Remember folks...this jack-ass is literally considered an “expert” in every sense of the word.
View attachment 316222
He actually advocated for the least restrictive measures to “safeguard”. Thank goodness that day in and day out, President Trump illustrates real leadership by making the common sense decisions while ignoring the left-wing lunatics looking to burn the U.S. to the ground.
Wow, you must be feeling silly. Trump's backing everything going on.

And he's on board with massive, unprecedented Big Government spending and intervention in our daily lives.

Worse yet, he was on board with much of that, even before the virus hit.

Okay, I'm just kidding. I know you're not feeling silly.
Oh, so Factcheck (left leaning source) is wrong? It says it right there in the article. It was never eliminated.

Yes, it was. But don't worry, we have a Space Force!!!

That's the problem with supplying you leftists with the truth. You are the only people in the world that could look into the eyes of Jesus and lie to him. This isn't Fox or Briebart. This is one of your own, and you still refuse to believe it. It's like talking to a wall.
That's the problem with supplying you leftists with the truth. You are the only people in the world that could look into the eyes of Jesus and lie to him. This isn't Fox or Briebart. This is one of your own, and you still refuse to believe it. It's like talking to a wall.

No, the problem is, it isn't what you present it as.

We didn't have a team specifically dedicated to Pandemic Response. That was folded into other departments on bioterrorism and shit like that. If something is a secondary duty, you don't give a shit about it. Especially if your boss is a moron like Trump and Bolton who wouldn't understand the problem if you explained it to them.

We weren't ready. It's showing.
That's the problem with supplying you leftists with the truth. You are the only people in the world that could look into the eyes of Jesus and lie to him. This isn't Fox or Briebart. This is one of your own, and you still refuse to believe it. It's like talking to a wall.

No, the problem is, it isn't what you present it as.

We didn't have a team specifically dedicated to Pandemic Response. That was folded into other departments on bioterrorism and shit like that. If something is a secondary duty, you don't give a shit about it. Especially if your boss is a moron like Trump and Bolton who wouldn't understand the problem if you explained it to them.

We weren't ready. It's showing.

No country was ready. Very few alive in our country today ever seen anything close to this. It's not something you can be ready for.

The federal government receives threats every single day. If we induced panic with each and every one, we would all be home 7 days a week, 52 years a week year in and year out. It's no way to live life. When we realize something is going to be a problem, then we react to it.

As far as this so-called pandemic team, it wouldn't have made a difference anyhow. Bolton got rid of one guy, and now you think that would have made all the difference in the world. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's the commies making politics out of this like they do everything else. It wouldn't have made a difference.
As far as this so-called pandemic team, it wouldn't have made a difference anyhow. Bolton got rid of one guy, and now you think that would have made all the difference in the world. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's the commies making politics out of this like they do everything else. It wouldn't have made a difference.

He got rid of one guy, sending a message to everyone else this wasn't a priority...

They got the message, it clearly wasn't a priority until we started getting into thousands of cases.

No country was ready. Very few alive in our country today ever seen anything close to this. It's not something you can be ready for.

The federal government receives threats every single day. If we induced panic with each and every one, we would all be home 7 days a week, 52 years a week year in and year out. It's no way to live life. When we realize something is going to be a problem, then we react to it.

Oh, please, now comes the excuse making, that Trump couldn't have possibly been ready for a very probable pandemic that people have been warning was a possibility for years.

Keep in mind, Trump did create a SPACE FORCE. I mean, I guess we need to ready for an alien invasion, but it's fairly unlikely.
He got rid of one guy, sending a message to everyone else this wasn't a priority...

They got the message, it clearly wasn't a priority until we started getting into thousands of cases.

Ah yes, more mind reading again. You people on the left seem to be obsessed with it. Trump never dismantled the NIH. The so-called pandemic team were merely a couple of people from that bureaucracy, kind of like a subcommittee of Congress. What you don't understand is your MSM is looking for anything they can get their hands on to blame Trump for this, and they really came up empty handed, thus, this phony pandemic team story.

Oh, please, now comes the excuse making, that Trump couldn't have possibly been ready for a very probable pandemic that people have been warning was a possibility for years.

Keep in mind, Trump did create a SPACE FORCE. I mean, I guess we need to ready for an alien invasion, but it's fairly unlikely.

I don't need to make excuses for somebody that's doing a good job. I was talking with my near 89 year old father today. He's seen a lot in his lifetime, and told me he's never experienced anything like this. All these Governors who are crying about the federal government not being prepared were never prepared themselves. Why? Because nobody ever thought something like this could happen in this country--Trump no different.
Ah yes, more mind reading again. You people on the left seem to be obsessed with it. Trump never dismantled the NIH. The so-called pandemic team were merely a couple of people from that bureaucracy, kind of like a subcommittee of Congress. What you don't understand is your MSM is looking for anything they can get their hands on to blame Trump for this, and they really came up empty handed, thus, this phony pandemic team story.

No, he dismantled the Pandemic Response Team at the NSA. And there's plenty to blast Trump on for normal people. The cultists like you will defend him no matter how many people lose their jobs, get sick, or die.

I don't need to make excuses for somebody that's doing a good job. I was talking with my near 89 year old father today. He's seen a lot in his lifetime, and told me he's never experienced anything like this. All these Governors who are crying about the federal government not being prepared were never prepared themselves. Why? Because nobody ever thought something like this could happen in this country--Trump no different.

Did he miss World War II? That was a much bigger deal than this? 9/11? That was a bigger deal. Come on, there no excuse for Trump's fumbling of this crisis. He had three months of warning. He called it a hoax. He ignored calls for testing. He downplayed it at every opportunity up until the middle of March.
No, he dismantled the Pandemic Response Team at the NSA. And there's plenty to blast Trump on for normal people. The cultists like you will defend him no matter how many people lose their jobs, get sick, or die.

No, we defend him by bringing evidence to the table, which I have done. It's a left-leaning sources as well, and in spite of you refusing to read it, you stick with your made-up lie by the left.

Did he miss World War II? That was a much bigger deal than this? 9/11? That was a bigger deal. Come on, there no excuse for Trump's fumbling of this crisis. He had three months of warning. He called it a hoax. He ignored calls for testing. He downplayed it at every opportunity up until the middle of March.

Trump didn't have three months of warning, you are FOS. The WHO sent a letter to all countries that this may be a problem on January 31st. Trump acted that day by placing a travel ban. What did you want Trump to do, shut down all incoming travel? Issue a shutdown of all businesses; over a virus that we only had a few cases of? The first reported case in the US was from a person visiting his family in Wuhan. It's unclear if he was an illegal immigrant, a legal immigrant, or a citizen of this country.
No, we defend him by bringing evidence to the table, which I have done. It's a left-leaning sources as well, and in spite of you refusing to read it, you stick with your made-up lie by the left.

Okay, except we had a Pandemic Response Team, and Trump disbanded it. Period. Full stop. Not, "Well, he just gave those duties to other people who already had a stack of work on their desk."

Trump didn't have three months of warning, you are FOS. The WHO sent a letter to all countries that this may be a problem on January 31st.

Actually, we knew about this in December. This is called COVID-19, which means it was identified in 2019, not 2020. Trump shouldn't have waited on WHO or China to tell him this was a problem.

Trump acted that day by placing a travel ban. What did you want Trump to do, shut down all incoming travel?

What he should have done was make sure anyone coming in from China was SCREENED and quarantined. He didn't do that. Instead, he announced a travel ban, a bunch of people panicked and rushed back here before the doors closed, and brought the virus with them.

This is how seriously Trump took Covid-19. Please note, THREE MONTHS of saying, No big deal before he panicked and finally did something.


The first reported case in the US was from a person visiting his family in Wuhan. It's unclear if he was an illegal immigrant, a legal immigrant, or a citizen of this country.

And you know what, it shouldn't have mattered. Measures we should have taken weren't taken until March.

Trump talked like it was no big deal all the way up utnil March 6, made misrepresentations about testing and vaccines and how deadly the virus was because he was more interested in not spooking the Stock Market than he was about protecting lives.
Remember folks...this jack-ass is literally considered an “expert” in every sense of the word.
View attachment 316222
He actually advocated for the least restrictive measures to “safeguard”. Thank goodness that day in and day out, President Trump illustrates real leadership by making the common sense decisions while ignoring the left-wing lunatics looking to burn the U.S. to the ground.

What were the "experts" doing while the Pentagon was weaponizing the coronavirus?

For the Obama Administration, the CDC and Dr Anthony Fauci to have prevented the Pentagon from weaponizing the coronavirus !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Inquiring minds want to know

You mean youre actually glad that Drumpf called the virus a dem hoax and killed an unknown number of people as a result?
No. I’m glad President Trump shut down travel from China while you asshat Trump Derangement Syndrome leftists cried “racist”. Think of the lives he saved that you leftists tried to destroy.
It took him a whole month to shut down travel from China and I didnt say it was racist. What was racist was his language. That incompetent fuck killed way more people pretending it was hoax before his dumb ass finally made a move on the crisis.

A month? China identified a new virus(Corona) on Jan 7th. The WHO declares a public health emergency on Jan 30th. Trump closes travel from China on Jan 31st.

Wanna try again?

Okay, except we had a Pandemic Response Team, and Trump disbanded it. Period. Full stop. Not, "Well, he just gave those duties to other people who already had a stack of work on their desk."

No, Trump didn't do anything. Your beloved John Bolton got rid of ONE GUY. I posted my evidence, now post yours, and make sure it's more reliable than FactCheck.

Actually, we knew about this in December. This is called COVID-19, which means it was identified in 2019, not 2020. Trump shouldn't have waited on WHO or China to tell him this was a problem.

There is nothing he could do. So what are you saying, that the WHO is worthless? Boy, you on the left sure stand next to them when they criticize our healthcare or the US in general.

From evil right-wing government site:

Federal Law

The federal government derives its authority for isolation and quarantine from the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

Under section 361 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S. Code § 264), the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services is authorized to take measures to prevent the entry and spread of communicable diseases from foreign countries into the United States and between states.

The authority for carrying out these functions on a daily basis has been delegated to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Now, who in this forum has been saying it's the bureaucracies that are the problem--not the President? I'll give you a hint: his initials are RFC.

What he should have done was make sure anyone coming in from China was SCREENED and quarantined. He didn't do that. Instead, he announced a travel ban, a bunch of people panicked and rushed back here before the doors closed, and brought the virus with them.

This is how seriously Trump took Covid-19. Please note, THREE MONTHS of saying, No big deal before he panicked and finally did something.

Where is your evidence that's what happened? I keep asking you every time you post that nonsense. Why do you think a US President is a king that can do anything he desires?

December 31: China reports the discovery of the coronavirus to the World Health Organization.

January 6: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a travel notice for Wuhan, China due to the spreading coronavirus.

January 7: The CDC established a coronavirus incident management system to better share and respond to information about the virus.

January 11: The CDC issued a Level I travel health notice for Wuhan, China.

January 17: The CDC began implementing public health entry screening at the 3 U.S. airports that received the most travelers from Wuhan – San Francisco, New York JFK, and Los Angeles.

January 20: Dr. Fauci announces the National Institutes of Health is already working on the development of a vaccine for the coronavirus.

January 21: The CDC activated its emergency operations center to provide ongoing support to the coronavirus response.

January 23: The CDC sought a “special emergency authorization” from the FDA to allow states to use its newly developed coronavirus test.

January 27: The CDC issued a level III travel health notice urging Americans to avoid all nonessential travel to China due to the coronavirus.

January 29: The White House announced the formation of the Coronavirus Task Force to help monitor and contain the spread of the virus and provide updates to the President.

January 31: The Trump Administration:

  • Declared the coronavirus a public health emergency.
  • Announced Chinese travel restrictions.
  • Suspended entry into the United States for foreign nationals who pose a risk of transmitting the coronavirus.
January 31: The Department of Homeland Security took critical steps to funnel all flights from China into just 7 domestic U.S. airports.

February 3: The CDC had a team ready to travel to China to obtain critical information on the novel coronavirus, but were in the U.S. awaiting permission to enter by the Chinese government.


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