We should make it acceptable to kneel during the Anthem, like kneeling to pray

In this great country, people are free to react any way they wish.

Kneeling seems respectful.

I say now the national anthem is a great tool for police men, when you have blacks running away from a crime just play it, the blacks will stop and kneel .
If they really wanted to protest they would sit.

Great point.

They could also do this:

Kneeling during the Anthem is a respectful act to protest a failure by the U.S. government and the American People to live up to our national values and promises to our American people.
Another anti American leftist speaks up on a subject they know nothing about
Kneeling during the Anthem is a respectful act to protest a failure by the U.S. government and the American People to live up to our national values and promises to our American people.

I do not engage in idiotic rituals invented by
disgusting scummy animals. I do not spit in the soup
Another anti American leftist speaks up on a subject they know nothing about
Another anti American leftist speaks up on a subject they know nothing about

What is it that I know nothing about? Be specific. You know absolutely NOTHING about me. How do you know that I am "anti-American"? Born and raised in the USA, I have voted in every election since I became of age, paid taxes in over 40 years on the job, stood up and saluted the American flag when it was planted on the moon. I am every inch American. How about you, snot?
Tebow was attacked and ridiculed by the godless commie that yell about commie Kaepernick and his freedom of speech as if his black multi millionaire ass was ever put into a gulag of some kind, which he never was.
I don't like the kneeling because it pushes a false narrative and it will get more blacks killed.. Police brutality isn't the real issue. Blacks committing the majority of the crimes, resisting arrest and being constant repeat offenders is the real issue. The kneeling controversy is just taking everyone's attention from what is really getting blacks killed. This is an issue that only the black community can solve. NO AMOUNT OF LEGISLATION from Trump or Biden (and his VP of color) will fix this. Even the first black president with his black AG could not fix this.
What is it that I know nothing about? Be specific. You know absolutely NOTHING about me. How do you know that I am "anti-American"? Born and raised in the USA, I have voted in every election since I became of age, paid taxes in over 40 years on the job, stood up and saluted the American flag when it was planted on the moon. I am every inch American. How about you, snot?
Kneeling during the Anthem is a respectful act to protest a failure by the U.S. government and the American People to live up to our national values and promises to our American people.
Tells everything I need to know about a Anti American leftist. Kneeling during the Anthem never is a respectful act for any reason
Kneeling is an act of subservience.

I appreciate their subservience to the USA.

Real, true Americans never kneel. Those who do are something else. Prayer is different. Prayer is between a man and his God. There's no debate to be had on the matter; no dialectic where the patriotic justify worship of graven images or effigies, not even of our Flag or Forefathers. This is known.
Real, true Americans never kneel. Those who do are something else. Prayer is different. Prayer is between a man and his God. There's no debate to be had on the matter; no dialectic where the patriotic justify worship of graven images or effigies, not even of our Flag or Forefathers. This is known.

Tim Tebow kneels and he is a true American.

I disagree with you.

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