*We SHOULD Own Iraq, We Won That War Then Stupidly Left*

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. I think we should of stayed and put up permanent cities, barring the locals from them, and started staking out locations for our boundaries, and facilities.
2. Took and shipped off the locals to other areas, places we would not go, and taken the prime areas.
3. Thats the nature of war, to the winner goes the spoils.
4. If we are serious about this war on Islam, ie Terrorism, we need to *get serious*.
5. No these leaders just pack up and leave these hell holes to become a worse hell hole.
6. If we would stay up in Islams grill and take over their lands, they would stop attacking us blind sided.
7. Knowing we will come into those of hell hole countries, and take them too.


You fucking moron, we own the countries we've changed regimes in, we just don't make it look Nazi by directly taking ownership of them. We install indigenous puppet governments that just act on our behalf so we don't reveal to the world that we actually are conquistadors.

You don't know this by now?

1. That's moronic.
2. We high tail it away from these places, don't lie, you liar!

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. To the winner goes the spoils, thats the reality of war, of late the liberal sissy war ideals have done nothing but tied our hands to what war really means.
2. Thats how USA got off track on what war is.
3. You cowboy are a liberal, and thats one reason you are mad, you went through a war and in the end it was pointless, because we went in with no idea of getting anything whatsoever out of it, which is stupid.
4. You were, 'road hard and put away wet as we say', then not fed.


I'm not mad, pal. I did my duty and I came back alive and now, after 20 years of the military, I'm going on with my life.

You're the one who's mad because your imperialist dream if conquering and annexing Iraq is not coming to fruition.

1. Sure I'm mad, I'm mad that there is a movement to take away the knowledge that wars are *serious*, and the consequence of war you can get killed and lose your property and lands, which is what *war is*.
2. Look around the world to see if I lie, USA is only nation who fight with the *humane liberal war ideals*, which might as way be saying we are a *nation of fools*.
3. Yeah, it makes me mad.:evil:
4. Other nations would be afraid of us if we didn't fight wars like a bunch of sissy's.
5. We as a nation have lost our understanding on how serious war is.


When it comes to waging wars and the purpose of these wars, you really have no idea what you're talking about.

I'll just leave it at that because it's a waste of my time pursuing this with you.

Unless you have no problem with paying out of YOUR pocket for it.
Going on massive scale, all out manhunts for any hint of islamic extremism.
Putting a puppet government in that will suck our dicks
and allowing more of our uniformed men and women die.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

I'm not mad, pal. I did my duty and I came back alive and now, after 20 years of the military, I'm going on with my life.

You're the one who's mad because your imperialist dream if conquering and annexing Iraq is not coming to fruition.

1. Sure I'm mad, I'm mad that there is a movement to take away the knowledge that wars are *serious*, and the consequence of war you can get killed and lose your property and lands, which is what *war is*.
2. Look around the world to see if I lie, USA is only nation who fight with the *humane liberal war ideals*, which might as way be saying we are a *nation of fools*.
3. Yeah, it makes me mad.:evil:
4. Other nations would be afraid of us if we didn't fight wars like a bunch of sissy's.
5. We as a nation have lost our understanding on how serious war is.


When it comes to waging wars and the purpose of these wars, you really have no idea what you're talking about.

I'll just leave it at that because it's a waste of my time pursuing this with you.

1. Okay I'll give you an exit, take it.
2. History everywhere else will show, that wars do happen, and the losers usually lose their lands and lives first, look anywhere else in the world, China with Tibet of late, we fought the Indians then took just about everything east of Texas, then we fought Mexico and took the southwest, including Texas, Israel had a war and took most the Sinai Peninsula, and stupidly gave it back, but over all thats what war is, what do you think it is?

Sorry bout that,

1. Well I guess its final, no one can make a decent argument against me and my superior knowledge as to what should take place in war, and they don't understand the real seriousness of war in America, or in the world.
2. This is the usual.
3. I get used to it, but really isn't there some one who can make a fake argument, just that everyone on this site doesn't look like a duffass????


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