*We SHOULD Own Iraq, We Won That War Then Stupidly Left*

No, I remember the out rage from the liberals that bush declared war for oil. Just askin where is it, or you could just admit you were wrong again.

Really, you know me and remember what I said 10 years ago (before I deployed to Iraq for the first time, BTW?)

No, you "remember" what is politically convenient for you to "remember."

I said liberals, I didn't specifically point you out. Remember they also counted the deaths of our great soldiers daily, for a political purpose.

The needless deaths of our soldiers.
Really, you know me and remember what I said 10 years ago (before I deployed to Iraq for the first time, BTW?)

No, you "remember" what is politically convenient for you to "remember."

I said liberals, I didn't specifically point you out. Remember they also counted the deaths of our great soldiers daily, for a political purpose.

The needless deaths of our soldiers.

Then why did the counting stop when obama became president?
Really, you know me and remember what I said 10 years ago (before I deployed to Iraq for the first time, BTW?)

No, you "remember" what is politically convenient for you to "remember."

I said liberals, I didn't specifically point you out. Remember they also counted the deaths of our great soldiers daily, for a political purpose.

So of like republicans started doing after Obama took office?

Both sides are invested in death as a political tool.

I haven't seen or heard republicans counting or reporting daily the deaths of our great soldiers like it was when bush was in office. Liberals aren't even outraged anymore.
Sorry bout that,

i think jingo's who want our kids to bleed for their ego's should be chucked in volcanos ~S~

1. We are still in Germany, and Japan.
2. And we do own part of them both.
3. We got a place in Cuba we own.
4. We have locations all over the planet *we own*.
5. We should own at least one huge city in Iraq.


We do not own any part of Germany, Japan, or Cuba. Idiot.
I said liberals, I didn't specifically point you out. Remember they also counted the deaths of our great soldiers daily, for a political purpose.

So of like republicans started doing after Obama took office?

Both sides are invested in death as a political tool.

I haven't seen or heard republicans counting or reporting daily the deaths of our great soldiers like it was when bush was in office. Liberals aren't even outraged anymore.

Mainly because we left Iraq and announced a plan to leave Afghanistan. Too late of course, but at least we're leaving.

Most Americans now realize how incredibly stupid the invasion of Iraq was. I'm glad the democrats opposed it once it was obvious the invasion was based on nothing but lies.

I'm glad I don't have to go back to that place anymore and I'm especially glad I won't be seeing anymore of my friends get killed and maimed so some stupid republicans, sitting on their couches, can jerk each other off while talking about how tough they are.
LOL sparky.

taking land in a war has worked out so well for Isreal.

What are you talking about??? Remember 1967 6 day war?
On May 15,1967 Israel's Independence Day, Egyptian troops began moving into the Sinai and massing near the Israeli border. By May 18, Syrian troops were prepared for battle along the Golan Heights.
Six-Day War: Background & Overview

Israeli army officers in this town near the West Bank city of Ramallah shook hands with Palestinian security officers and handed them copies of maps outlining the handover. Soldiers placed yellow and brown blocks marking the new boundary.

Similar ceremonies were taking place near the West Bank cities of Hebron and Nablus.
Israel gives back part of West Bank - Middle East - World - The Independent

SO WHAT THE F...K are you saying????
Israel was invaded on 5/15/67 beat the invaders and kept land they won in the war.

THEN they gave it back in TUESDAY 21 MARCH 2000

So what are you talking about???
So what again are you talking about?
Sorry bout that,

1. I think we should of stayed and put up permanent cities, barring the locals from them, and started staking out locations for our boundaries, and facilities.
2. Took and shipped off the locals to other areas, places we would not go, and taken the prime areas.
3. Thats the nature of war, to the winner goes the spoils.
4. If we are serious about this war on Islam, ie Terrorism, we need to *get serious*.
5. No these leaders just pack up and leave these hell holes to become a worse hell hole.
6. If we would stay up in Islams grill and take over their lands, they would stop attacking us blind sided.
7. Knowing we will come into those of hell hole countries, and take them too.


Your dumb ass should have went over there and put those Iraqis in check. You should buy a ticket to Baghdad.
Ac, the democrats had nothing to do with the iraq war ending, bush set the date while he was still president. Another success obama is trying to take credit for.
Ac, the democrats had nothing to do with the iraq war ending, bush set the date while he was still president. Another success obama is trying to take credit for.

Bush set the date to appease democrats. McCain talked about being there another 75 years, one of the reasons he was rejected.

When you were in Iraq, what long-lasting positive things did you see our presence creating?
This is, of course, my own personal opinion.

Pres Bush The Elder won the first Iraq War without a question. He had them on the ropes and could've, then and there, taken the necessary steps to find and disarm any WMD's help by Hussein.

But, he caved to liberal pressure and signed a stupid peace agreement - which Hussein instantly and consistently thumbed his nose at.

Pres Bush The Younger could've also quickly and completely ended the war with one simple step - get all the Iraqi generals to pledge their allegiance to the new government and let them run the military establishment as it was set up. That would've put Iraqis in charge of putting down any insurgency and guaranteed a stable government. The US Role at that point would've been to help Iraq stop the infiltration of terrorists which has been the biggest cause of instability of the country ever since.

Why he didn't do it is something I will never understand.
Ac, the democrats had nothing to do with the iraq war ending, bush set the date while he was still president. Another success obama is trying to take credit for.

Bush set the date to appease democrats. McCain talked about being there another 75 years, one of the reasons he was rejected.

When you were in Iraq, what long-lasting positive things did you see our presence creating?

MTV? Burger King? :dunno:
Ac, the democrats had nothing to do with the iraq war ending, bush set the date while he was still president. Another success obama is trying to take credit for.

Bush set the date to appease democrats. McCain talked about being there another 75 years, one of the reasons he was rejected.

When you were in Iraq, what long-lasting positive things did you see our presence creating?

MTV? Burger King? :dunno:

Depleted uranium scattered hither and yon...
*We SHOULD Own Iraq, We Won That War Then Stupidly Left*

Sorry bout that,

1. I think we should of stayed and put up permanent cities, barring the locals from them, and started staking out locations for our boundaries, and facilities.
2. Took and shipped off the locals to other areas, places we would not go, and taken the prime areas.
3. Thats the nature of war, to the winner goes the spoils.
4. If we are serious about this war on Islam, ie Terrorism, we need to *get serious*.
5. No these leaders just pack up and leave these hell holes to become a worse hell hole.
6. If we would stay up in Islams grill and take over their lands, they would stop attacking us blind sided.
7. Knowing we will come into those of hell hole countries, and take them too.


Yeah......what's the worse that could happen??

This is, of course, my own personal opinion.

Pres Bush The Elder won the first Iraq War without a question. He had them on the ropes and could've, then and there, taken the necessary steps to find and disarm any WMD's help by Hussein.

But, he caved to liberal pressure and signed a stupid peace agreement - which Hussein instantly and consistently thumbed his nose at.

Pres Bush The Younger could've also quickly and completely ended the war with one simple step - get all the Iraqi generals to pledge their allegiance to the new government and let them run the military establishment as it was set up. That would've put Iraqis in charge of putting down any insurgency and guaranteed a stable government. The US Role at that point would've been to help Iraq stop the infiltration of terrorists which has been the biggest cause of instability of the country ever since.

Why he didn't do it is something I will never understand.

You are of course entitled to your own opinion. However: Here is GWHB and his reasons.

"While we hoped that popular revolt or coup would topple Saddam, neither the U.S. nor the countries of the region wished to see the breakup of the Iraqi state. We were concerned about the long-term balance of power at the head of the Gulf. Trying to eliminate Saddam, extending the ground war into an occupation of Iraq, would have violated our guideline about not changing objectives in midstream, engaging in "mission creep," and would have incurred incalculable human and political costs. Apprehending him was probably impossible. We had been unable to find Noriega in Panama, which we knew intimately. We would have been forced to occupy Baghdad and, in effect, rule Iraq. The coalition would instantly have collapsed, the Arabs deserting it in anger and other allies pulling out as well. Under those circumstances, furthermore, we had been self-consciously trying to set a pattern for handling aggression in the post-cold war world. Going in and occupying Iraq, thus unilaterally exceeding the U.N.'s mandate, would have destroyed the precedent of international response to aggression we hoped to establish. Had we gone the invasion route, the U.S. could conceivably still be an occupying power in a bitterly hostile land. It would have been a dramatically different--and perhaps barren--outcome."


Furthermore it was President Bush who rejected the initial cease-fire and continued to pound the retreating Iraqi forces. The formal cease fire was signed with the UN much later.
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Ac, the democrats had nothing to do with the iraq war ending, bush set the date while he was still president. Another success obama is trying to take credit for.

Bush set the date to appease democrats. McCain talked about being there another 75 years, one of the reasons he was rejected.
There is more to it than that. The truth is, Obama himself wanted troops to stay longer in Iraq. It was, in fact, the Iraqis who would not allow American troops to stay.

Obama Claims to Have Ended 'Decade of War,' But Wanted Troops to Stay in Iraq Longer | The Weekly Standard
Ac, the democrats had nothing to do with the iraq war ending, bush set the date while he was still president. Another success obama is trying to take credit for.

Bush set the date to appease democrats. McCain talked about being there another 75 years, one of the reasons he was rejected.
There is more to it than that. The truth is, Obama himself wanted troops to stay longer in Iraq. It was, in fact, the Iraqis who would not allow American troops to stay.

Obama Claims to Have Ended 'Decade of War,' But Wanted Troops to Stay in Iraq Longer | The Weekly Standard

There was a bit more to it than stated.

The Iraqis refused to confirm a Status of Forces Agreement. This was and is extremely important as it clearly stated who had legal jurisdiction over US Military Personnel stationed in the country. Our DOD and DOJ people did not want our troops subject to Iraqi law based upon Sharia. I don't think any American did - if they understood what was the problem.

Would you want your son or daughter to be beheaded because they made a statement against Islam? That's the penalty for Heresy as determined by a single Imam - not a judicial body!
Bush set the date to appease democrats. McCain talked about being there another 75 years, one of the reasons he was rejected.
There is more to it than that. The truth is, Obama himself wanted troops to stay longer in Iraq. It was, in fact, the Iraqis who would not allow American troops to stay.

Obama Claims to Have Ended 'Decade of War,' But Wanted Troops to Stay in Iraq Longer | The Weekly Standard

There was a bit more to it than stated.

The Iraqis refused to confirm a Status of Forces Agreement. This was and is extremely important as it clearly stated who had legal jurisdiction over US Military Personnel stationed in the country. Our DOD and DOJ people did not want our troops subject to Iraqi law based upon Sharia. I don't think any American did - if they understood what was the problem.

Would you want your son or daughter to be beheaded because they made a statement against Islam? That's the penalty for Heresy as determined by a single Imam - not a judicial body!

I agree with you and that basic premise was stated in the article.
The bottom line is that Obama wanted to stay longer if a deal giving US troops immunity from Iraqi courts could have been worked out.
Sorry bout that,

1. If we were fair in our dealings with that hell hole of an area of the world, we would have stayed and then carved out a piece of territory for the Kurds, and other stupid factions in the area, taxed them to death on their oil reserves, or protection money, and basically put them on the reservation, and given them some sort of like minded stupid governance to govern themselves.
2. As it is its a terrible mess over there, unlikely to mellow out, and just a parade of losers grabbing what little power they can arrest from each other.
3. If we had just stayed and staked out some borders, the rest of those outside it would have to learn how to deal with real power in certain locations, and that alone would be a guiding light to a place to inept to do one thing for itself well.
4. Us leaving was the worst thing that we could of done for them, they of course are way too stupid to even barely understand what I'm saying here, this doesn't even make sense to them, if they were to be reading this, .........hell's bell's most of you here are lacking understanding to slightly know.


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