We succeed, Election re-run

CONGRATS, Lucy. Hope you get your Auxit too :beer:

It's been a great week for us PROPER Europeans, you British voting to leave the EU to save Britain from the EU Dictatorship and now we have this wonderful news today.

I have always said that we're going to win, we are going to beat them all, we're going to collapse the EU Dictatorship and save Europa, to allow the EU to remain means the collapse of Europa, we are NOT going to allow this to happen.

We are going to win, we're Patriots and Christians, Our Lord is with us because we have faith in Him, He will not forsake us.

The other side are Athiest, they're anti-God or just God Haters, Luciferarian, they are going to lose.
WOW! Another great news today:

The president of the Czech Republic, Milos Zeman, has called for a referendum on his country’s membership in the EU and NATO. Although Zeman wants to remain in both organizations, he wants the public to have a chance to “express themselves.”

Czech president wants referendum on EU & NATO membership

There's now about 14 nations where the groundswell for an EU Referendum is gaining pace, we must help our fellow European brothers and sisters where we can and together, united, we are going to prevail, we are going to win.
No one ever cheats in an election, that is why asking for ID is just going too far.

This is a lesson to you Americans, you should be aware that Hillary is going to attempt to steal the election from The Donald with the postal votes etc.

When she does, you and The Donald must make a stand, like we have, you must not allow her to get away with it.
WOW! Another great news today:

The president of the Czech Republic, Milos Zeman, has called for a referendum on his country’s membership in the EU and NATO. Although Zeman wants to remain in both organizations, he wants the public to have a chance to “express themselves.”

Czech president wants referendum on EU & NATO membership

There's now about 14 nations where the groundswell for an EU Referendum is gaining pace, we must help our fellow European brothers and sisters where we can and together, united, we are going to prevail, we are going to win.
I wish the day comes when good old Europe will be able to celebrate its Independence Day again!
WOW! Another great news today:

The president of the Czech Republic, Milos Zeman, has called for a referendum on his country’s membership in the EU and NATO. Although Zeman wants to remain in both organizations, he wants the public to have a chance to “express themselves.”

Czech president wants referendum on EU & NATO membership

There's now about 14 nations where the groundswell for an EU Referendum is gaining pace, we must help our fellow European brothers and sisters where we can and together, united, we are going to prevail, we are going to win.
I wish the day comes when good old Europe will be able to celebrate its Independence Day again!

Stratford, don't worry, it's going to happen, it's happening, it's unstoppable.
EU was originally a Washington project, an easy way to control whole Europe using their puppets in the EU parliament. Now, when the most loyal to Washington country is about to quit, everybody understands: it's just the first brick, falling out of the building. It's pretty obvious for everybody now: there will be more and more soon. Looks like European people are sick and tired of being ruled by losers and traitors, telling them what to do, whom to love and whom to hate.
EU was originally a Washington project, an easy way to control whole Europe using their puppets in the EU parliament. Now, when the most loyal to Washington country is about to quit, everybody understands: it's just the first brick, falling out of the building. It's pretty obvious for everybody now: there will be more and more soon. Looks like European people are sick and tired of being ruled by losers and traitors, telling them what to do, whom to love and whom to hate.

The Traitors and the Leftists and the Cuckservatives are on notice, this is that the people are not going to stand for this anymore, not going to stand for forced Multiculturalism and the dismantling of our respective nations values.

The people from all political persuasions are becoming more comfortable each day supporting and joining Patriotic organisations, because they know that the Patriots have repeatedly said that OUR people come FIRST, OUR nations come FIRST and OUR European cultures and heritage is to be protected and preserved for future generations of Europeans.

This Continent has been handed down for Millenia to the next generation and it's going to remain that way.

Fuck The EU, Fuck Open Borders, Fuck Multiculturalism, Fuck Globalisation.

Long Live Europa!
The Leftists stole the Presidential Election off us (FPÖ), this morning the Constitutional Court said that they agreed with us and now have ordered the entire election to be held again.

Update: Austria must redo presidential election

"Austria's Constitutional Court has announced that the country must redo May's presidential election, after a challenge brought by the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) against its candidate's narrow defeat.

The court, which has heard from around 90 witnesses during two weeks of public hearings, said on Thursday it would announce at noon (1000 GMT) whether the election result was valid or if a new vote would be held.

The FPÖ's Norbert Hofer, 45, topped the poll in the first round of the election back in April, but ultimately lost out to 72-year-old Alexander Van der Bellen, an independent backed by the Greens, by just 30,863 votes in the May 22nd run-off."

This is the ultimate in wonderful.

"If, however, a new election is ordered, outgoing president Heinz Fischer will be
replaced on an interim basis by three parliamentary officials - one of whom is Hofer."

Update: Austria must redo presidential election

So Herr Hofer in one week's time, is going to be co-running the nation until October, when we have the election again.

So the Leftists can stick that up their asses :lol:

Here's a thread, the whole drama leading up to the above is explained. It starts with my post # 2 which was from election night May 22 and goes through in subsequent postings of mine about when we began to notice the numbers were very wrong and the thread culminates when I post that we're officially challenging the result, my post # 120 from June 8.

Austria to swear in new chancellor as far-right looms

Edited to add comment.
Just got in minutes ago and saw this. CONGRATS!
May be we'll see Austria's referendum about exit from EU by the end of the year? I guess Austrians can't wait to say good bye to grandma Merkel and thousands of terrorists, spread all over EU.
If they can pull this off it gives Russia/Austria and Briton to build a brand new Europe like never seen before!
The Leftists stole the Presidential Election off us (FPÖ), this morning the Constitutional Court said that they agreed with us and now have ordered the entire election to be held again.

Update: Austria must redo presidential election

"Austria's Constitutional Court has announced that the country must redo May's presidential election, after a challenge brought by the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) against its candidate's narrow defeat.

The court, which has heard from around 90 witnesses during two weeks of public hearings, said on Thursday it would announce at noon (1000 GMT) whether the election result was valid or if a new vote would be held.

The FPÖ's Norbert Hofer, 45, topped the poll in the first round of the election back in April, but ultimately lost out to 72-year-old Alexander Van der Bellen, an independent backed by the Greens, by just 30,863 votes in the May 22nd run-off."

This is the ultimate in wonderful.

"If, however, a new election is ordered, outgoing president Heinz Fischer will be
replaced on an interim basis by three parliamentary officials - one of whom is Hofer."

Update: Austria must redo presidential election

So Herr Hofer in one week's time, is going to be co-running the nation until October, when we have the election again.

So the Leftists can stick that up their asses :lol:

Here's a thread, the whole drama leading up to the above is explained. It starts with my post # 2 which was from election night May 22 and goes through in subsequent postings of mine about when we began to notice the numbers were very wrong and the thread culminates when I post that we're officially challenging the result, my post # 120 from June 8.

Austria to swear in new chancellor as far-right looms

Edited to add comment.
Just got in minutes ago and saw this. CONGRATS!

Thanks :smile:

We're now having to calm down, everyone has been too excitable today and some have been drunk since Noon :eek-52: :smile:

Not me of course, I'm reluctantly sober.
May be we'll see Austria's referendum about exit from EU by the end of the year? I guess Austrians can't wait to say good bye to grandma Merkel and thousands of terrorists, spread all over EU.
If they can pull this off it gives Russia/Austria and Briton to build a brand new Europe like never seen before!

Yes, wonderful things can happen and we hope to add The Donald to what we hope can be a brand new World.
The Leftists stole the Presidential Election off us (FPÖ), this morning the Constitutional Court said that they agreed with us and now have ordered the entire election to be held again.

Update: Austria must redo presidential election

"Austria's Constitutional Court has announced that the country must redo May's presidential election, after a challenge brought by the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) against its candidate's narrow defeat.

The court, which has heard from around 90 witnesses during two weeks of public hearings, said on Thursday it would announce at noon (1000 GMT) whether the election result was valid or if a new vote would be held.

The FPÖ's Norbert Hofer, 45, topped the poll in the first round of the election back in April, but ultimately lost out to 72-year-old Alexander Van der Bellen, an independent backed by the Greens, by just 30,863 votes in the May 22nd run-off."

This is the ultimate in wonderful.

"If, however, a new election is ordered, outgoing president Heinz Fischer will be
replaced on an interim basis by three parliamentary officials - one of whom is Hofer."

Update: Austria must redo presidential election

So Herr Hofer in one week's time, is going to be co-running the nation until October, when we have the election again.

So the Leftists can stick that up their asses :lol:

Here's a thread, the whole drama leading up to the above is explained. It starts with my post # 2 which was from election night May 22 and goes through in subsequent postings of mine about when we began to notice the numbers were very wrong and the thread culminates when I post that we're officially challenging the result, my post # 120 from June 8.

Austria to swear in new chancellor as far-right looms

Edited to add comment.
Just got in minutes ago and saw this. CONGRATS!

Thanks :smile:

We're now having to calm down, everyone has been too excitable today and some have been drunk since Noon :eek-52: :smile:

Not me of course, I'm reluctantly sober.
With God's help you may be able to celebrate both great events (Hofer as your new president and your newly born twins) at the same time. At least this is what everyone is wishing you now. From the bottom of our heart.
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The Leftists stole the Presidential Election off us (FPÖ), this morning the Constitutional Court said that they agreed with us and now have ordered the entire election to be held again.

Update: Austria must redo presidential election

"Austria's Constitutional Court has announced that the country must redo May's presidential election, after a challenge brought by the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) against its candidate's narrow defeat.

The court, which has heard from around 90 witnesses during two weeks of public hearings, said on Thursday it would announce at noon (1000 GMT) whether the election result was valid or if a new vote would be held.

The FPÖ's Norbert Hofer, 45, topped the poll in the first round of the election back in April, but ultimately lost out to 72-year-old Alexander Van der Bellen, an independent backed by the Greens, by just 30,863 votes in the May 22nd run-off."

This is the ultimate in wonderful.

"If, however, a new election is ordered, outgoing president Heinz Fischer will be
replaced on an interim basis by three parliamentary officials - one of whom is Hofer."

Update: Austria must redo presidential election

So Herr Hofer in one week's time, is going to be co-running the nation until October, when we have the election again.

So the Leftists can stick that up their asses :lol:

Here's a thread, the whole drama leading up to the above is explained. It starts with my post # 2 which was from election night May 22 and goes through in subsequent postings of mine about when we began to notice the numbers were very wrong and the thread culminates when I post that we're officially challenging the result, my post # 120 from June 8.

Austria to swear in new chancellor as far-right looms

Edited to add comment.
Just got in minutes ago and saw this. CONGRATS!

Thanks :smile:

We're now having to calm down, everyone has been too excitable today and some have been drunk since Noon :eek-52: :smile:

Not me of course, I'm reluctantly sober.
With God's help you may be able to celebrate both great events (Hofer as your new president and your newly born twins) at the same time. At least this is what everyone is wishing you now.

Thanks Stratford :smiliehug:
May be we'll see Austria's referendum about exit from EU by the end of the year? I guess Austrians can't wait to say good bye to grandma Merkel and thousands of terrorists, spread all over EU.
If they can pull this off it gives Russia/Austria and Briton to build a brand new Europe like never seen before!

Yes, wonderful things can happen and we hope to add The Donald to what we hope can be a brand new World.
The Leftists stole the Presidential Election off us (FPÖ), this morning the Constitutional Court said that they agreed with us and now have ordered the entire election to be held again.

Update: Austria must redo presidential election

"Austria's Constitutional Court has announced that the country must redo May's presidential election, after a challenge brought by the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) against its candidate's narrow defeat.

The court, which has heard from around 90 witnesses during two weeks of public hearings, said on Thursday it would announce at noon (1000 GMT) whether the election result was valid or if a new vote would be held.

The FPÖ's Norbert Hofer, 45, topped the poll in the first round of the election back in April, but ultimately lost out to 72-year-old Alexander Van der Bellen, an independent backed by the Greens, by just 30,863 votes in the May 22nd run-off."

This is the ultimate in wonderful.

"If, however, a new election is ordered, outgoing president Heinz Fischer will be
replaced on an interim basis by three parliamentary officials - one of whom is Hofer."

Update: Austria must redo presidential election

So Herr Hofer in one week's time, is going to be co-running the nation until October, when we have the election again.

So the Leftists can stick that up their asses :lol:

Here's a thread, the whole drama leading up to the above is explained. It starts with my post # 2 which was from election night May 22 and goes through in subsequent postings of mine about when we began to notice the numbers were very wrong and the thread culminates when I post that we're officially challenging the result, my post # 120 from June 8.

Austria to swear in new chancellor as far-right looms

Edited to add comment.
Just got in minutes ago and saw this. CONGRATS!

Thanks :smile:

We're now having to calm down, everyone has been too excitable today and some have been drunk since Noon :eek-52: :smile:

Not me of course, I'm reluctantly sober.
With God's help you may be able to celebrate both great events (Hofer as your new president and your newly born twins) at the same time. At least this is what everyone is wishing you now. From the bottom of our heart.
To a NEW Europe! :beer:
May be we'll see Austria's referendum about exit from EU by the end of the year? I guess Austrians can't wait to say good bye to grandma Merkel and thousands of terrorists, spread all over EU.
If they can pull this off it gives Russia/Austria and Briton to build a brand new Europe like never seen before!

Yes, wonderful things can happen and we hope to add The Donald to what we hope can be a brand new World.
The Leftists stole the Presidential Election off us (FPÖ), this morning the Constitutional Court said that they agreed with us and now have ordered the entire election to be held again.

Update: Austria must redo presidential election

"Austria's Constitutional Court has announced that the country must redo May's presidential election, after a challenge brought by the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) against its candidate's narrow defeat.

The court, which has heard from around 90 witnesses during two weeks of public hearings, said on Thursday it would announce at noon (1000 GMT) whether the election result was valid or if a new vote would be held.

The FPÖ's Norbert Hofer, 45, topped the poll in the first round of the election back in April, but ultimately lost out to 72-year-old Alexander Van der Bellen, an independent backed by the Greens, by just 30,863 votes in the May 22nd run-off."

This is the ultimate in wonderful.

"If, however, a new election is ordered, outgoing president Heinz Fischer will be
replaced on an interim basis by three parliamentary officials - one of whom is Hofer."

Update: Austria must redo presidential election

So Herr Hofer in one week's time, is going to be co-running the nation until October, when we have the election again.

So the Leftists can stick that up their asses :lol:

Here's a thread, the whole drama leading up to the above is explained. It starts with my post # 2 which was from election night May 22 and goes through in subsequent postings of mine about when we began to notice the numbers were very wrong and the thread culminates when I post that we're officially challenging the result, my post # 120 from June 8.

Austria to swear in new chancellor as far-right looms

Edited to add comment.
Just got in minutes ago and saw this. CONGRATS!

Thanks :smile:

We're now having to calm down, everyone has been too excitable today and some have been drunk since Noon :eek-52: :smile:

Not me of course, I'm reluctantly sober.
With God's help you may be able to celebrate both great events (Hofer as your new president and your newly born twins) at the same time. At least this is what everyone is wishing you now. From the bottom of our heart.
To a NEW Europe! :beer:

Amen :beer:
The Austrians are too smart to vote in a fascist regime, but if they did, the rest of Europe would ignore Austria. After all, it has the population of a big city. Smaller than Greece. LOL
The Austrians are too smart to vote in a fascist regime, but if they did, the rest of Europe would ignore Austria. After all, it has the population of a big city. Smaller than Greece. LOL

Go away you Troll, you post consistent garbage, people need to read your idiocy in the Scottish Referendum thread Troll.

Also your pure idiocy about the European Education system.

You know jackshit about European politics or Europa, you illustrate this with each post Troll.

Also Troll, WE won the election, we won 53% to 47% and this was brought to a Leftist "win" of 0.04 of 1% with tampering with postal ballots in 94 of 117 areas.

Nobody cares what you think, or babble you IslamoNazi, so Troll somewhere else and stop posting your nonsense amongst people who know what they're discussing Troll.

If anyone wants a laugh at how idiotic the Troll Montelatici is, then read all of his comments in this thread, I mean :uhoh3: On his OWN planet.

He's in this thread with a group of his fellow Americans who also haven't a clue about Europa or our politics, it's only when some actual Europeans appear in the thread that any sort of sensible comment appears.

Scottish referendum next?

Edited to add link.
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