We, The Conservative Savages, Must Confess

The economy was booming before trump got elected . Why would you give Big tax cuts to Big biz and the wealthy at this time?? You play that card when the economy is faltering and needs a boost.

Now what you have is ballooning deficits at a time where you couldā€™ve done something about them .
Booming......Again, they cant remember anything past 2 weeks, they still believe that Clinton was a debt free president...They only believe what the kool aid man tells them.

The Myth of the Clinton Surplus

Verifying this is as simple as accessing the U.S. Treasury (see note about this link below) website where the national debt is updated daily and a history of the debt since January 1993 can be obtained. Considering the government's fiscal year ends on the last day of September each year, and considering Clinton's budget proposal in 1993 took effect in October 1993 and concluded September 1994 (FY1994), here's the national debt at the end of each year of Clinton Budgets:

Year Year
Ending National Debt Deficit
FY1993 09/30/1993 $4.411488 trillion
FY1994 09/30/1994 $4.692749 trillion $281.26 billion
FY1995 09/29/1995 $4.973982 trillion $281.23 billion
FY1996 09/30/1996 $5.224810 trillion $250.83 billion
FY1997 09/30/1997 $5.413146 trillion $188.34 billion
FY1998 09/30/1998 $5.526193 trillion $113.05 billion
FY1999 09/30/1999 $5.656270 trillion $130.08 billion
FY2000 09/29/2000 $5.674178 trillion $17.91 billion
FY2001 09/28/2001 $5.807463 trillion $133.29 billion

As can clearly be seen, in no year did the national debt go down, nor did Clinton leave President Bush with a surplus that Bush subsequently turned into a deficit. Yes, the deficit was almost eliminated in FY2000 (ending in September 2000 with a deficit of "only" $17.9 billion), but it never reached zero--let alone a positive surplus number. And Clinton's last budget proposal for FY2001, which ended in September 2001, generated a $133.29 billion deficit. The growing deficits started in the year of the last Clinton budget, not in the first year of the Bush administration.


Thatā€™s nice . Except you should be showing the budget of those years vs the revenues of those years .

Oh, You avoided everything I said . There wasnā€™t the need for big biz tax cuts . The deficits have gotten worse .
To completely stop adding a deficit to the national debt all the US needs to do is stop the never ending war that cant be won. Stop paying the fuckers to sit on their liberal asses and put them to work, or else they starve and in 21 years without paying that trillion dollars for nothing, but pay down the debt, there wouldn't be a debt and even more revenues because the liberal tards would be paying their taxes also....Stop bitching about the government not STEALING more of the working peoples money, but instead get the lazy ass liberals to work....Then they too could get a tax break...Liberals are such stupid people....

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
The economy was booming before trump got elected . Why would you give Big tax cuts to Big biz and the wealthy at this time?? You play that card when the economy is faltering and needs a boost.

Now what you have is ballooning deficits at a time where you couldā€™ve done something about them .

Watch me smash a custard pie in your ugly kisser:

"The stronger the economy gets under President Trump, the more desperate his critics are to hand credit over to Obama. Even if that entails changing the past.

...the economy was stagnating in 2016 after the weakest recovery from a recession since the Great Depression.

In fact, The New York Times itself described Obama's economy this way in August 2016: "For three quarters in a row, the growth rate of the economy has hovered around a mere 1%. In the last quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of 2016, the economy expanded at feeble annual rates of 0.9% and 0.8%, respectively. The initial reading for the second quarter of this year, released on Friday, was a disappointing 1.2%."

...GDP growth decelerated in each of the last three quarters of 2016."

And on January 27, 2017, after the government reported that GDP growth for all 2016 was a mere 1.6% ā€” the weakest in five years ā€”"

Economic Boom: Media Rewrite History To Credit Obama Instead Of Trump


Changing the past? While Trump was running he claimed the low unemployment numbers were lies . Now that heā€™s president, their TRUE ! And itā€™s all thanks to him .

Are you going to deny that history?

"The economy was booming before trump got elected ."

An absolute lie.

I just made you eat those words.....so now you'd like to change the subject?

Nope.....not allowed.

Now....were you lying, or simply stupid?????
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1.According to google, savage means ā€œ(chiefly in historical or literary contexts) a member of a people regarded as primitive and uncivilized.ā€

I know our Liberal/Progressive pals certainly agree with that definition.

And, judging by the definitive compendium of savages, ā€œThe Golden Bough,ā€ by Sir James Frazer, I can see that there is a basis for that viewā€¦.and in certain ways, it fits conservatives, and those of us on the Right.

While, at first, you Liberals may agree totally......well, read on.

2.In his spectacularly well researched book, Frazer writes about the relationship of savages to their kingā€¦.ā€kings [chiefs, leaders] have been expected to regulate the course of nature for the good of their peopleā€¦blamed for the failure of the cropsā€¦a popularity in proportion to the ability to give rain to their peopleā€¦ā€
Frazer, ā€˜ThGolden Bough,ā€™ p. 111-114

Soooā€¦..like conservatives, savages judge leaders by what they can bring to the tableā€¦.not by their physical or sexual characteristics.
Bizarre, huh?

3.We, conservatives and savages have that same view, but you more advanced, civilized Liberals/Progressives/Democratsā€¦..you honor failure, and injury to the body politic.

a.ā€œTeam Obama: Sorry, America, the ā€˜new normalā€™ may be here to stay
The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.ā€
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

Then, along came Trumpā€¦.

b.ā€œU.S. households are back to their free spending ways, with the strength of Mayā€™s retail sales figures implying that second-quarter real consumption growth (and GDP growth for that matter) will now be more than 4% annualized.

With the benefit of the tax cuts, strong employment growth and a slow acceleration in hourly wage growth, consumption growth should remain strong going into the second half of this year,ā€ Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist at Capital Economics told MarketWatch.ā€ US economy on track for 4% GDP growth?

c. Each point, by the way, means approximately $3 trillion and 10 million jobs,ā€ @POTUS says https://cbsn.ws/2JZ4YIt
CBS News on Twitter

One can only wonder at how you on the Left became so smart, soā€¦.advanced.

Savage? I do not recall even seeing Trumpbots described that way on here. And if you have been...not often. Stupid, uneducated, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic? Sure. But savage...no idea where you are getting that nonsense from.

As for your 'savage theories'? LOL...whatever.

As to the GDP? Yes, under Obama it was tepid. Unacceptable.

But under Trump so far it has been 2.82%. Which is unacceptable (though better than Obama's was, granted).

United States GDP Growth Rate | 2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast

Going forward?

Well the equity markets are almost in correction mode, interest rates are still to rise, Trump is still making a mess with his trade war nonsense. And the Atlanta Fed's GDPNow says that (so far) Q4 growth looks to be only 2.5%.

GDPNow - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

And let's not forget that the GDP number is helped by the huge increase in the national debt that Trump has added. That money goes (indirectly) into the economy and does 'artificially' stimulate it. So that is not sustainable.

Other than cutting the corporate tax and cutting a few regulations - there is nothing substantial that I can think of that Trump has done that will help the U.S. economy going forward.
And I (and MOST of Wall Street - including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce) think his trade ideas are doing FAR more damage to America than helping her.

Tariffs are the Wrong Approach

The High Price of Tariffs
1.According to google, savage means ā€œ(chiefly in historical or literary contexts) a member of a people regarded as primitive and uncivilized.ā€

I know our Liberal/Progressive pals certainly agree with that definition.

And, judging by the definitive compendium of savages, ā€œThe Golden Bough,ā€ by Sir James Frazer, I can see that there is a basis for that viewā€¦.and in certain ways, it fits conservatives, and those of us on the Right.

While, at first, you Liberals may agree totally......well, read on.

2.In his spectacularly well researched book, Frazer writes about the relationship of savages to their kingā€¦.ā€kings [chiefs, leaders] have been expected to regulate the course of nature for the good of their peopleā€¦blamed for the failure of the cropsā€¦a popularity in proportion to the ability to give rain to their peopleā€¦ā€
Frazer, ā€˜ThGolden Bough,ā€™ p. 111-114

Soooā€¦..like conservatives, savages judge leaders by what they can bring to the tableā€¦.not by their physical or sexual characteristics.
Bizarre, huh?

3.We, conservatives and savages have that same view, but you more advanced, civilized Liberals/Progressives/Democratsā€¦..you honor failure, and injury to the body politic.

a.ā€œTeam Obama: Sorry, America, the ā€˜new normalā€™ may be here to stay
The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.ā€
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

Then, along came Trumpā€¦.

b.ā€œU.S. households are back to their free spending ways, with the strength of Mayā€™s retail sales figures implying that second-quarter real consumption growth (and GDP growth for that matter) will now be more than 4% annualized.

With the benefit of the tax cuts, strong employment growth and a slow acceleration in hourly wage growth, consumption growth should remain strong going into the second half of this year,ā€ Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist at Capital Economics told MarketWatch.ā€ US economy on track for 4% GDP growth?

c. Each point, by the way, means approximately $3 trillion and 10 million jobs,ā€ @POTUS says https://cbsn.ws/2JZ4YIt
CBS News on Twitter

One can only wonder at how you on the Left became so smart, soā€¦.advanced.

Savage? I do not recall even seeing Trumpbots described that way on here. And if you have been...not often. Stupid, uneducated, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic? Sure. But savage...no idea where you are getting that nonsense from.

As for your 'savage theories'? LOL...whatever.

As to the GDP? Yes, under Obama it was tepid. Unacceptable.

But under Trump so far it has been 2.82%. Which is unacceptable (though better than Obama's was, granted).

United States GDP Growth Rate | 2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast

Going forward?

Well the equity markets are almost in correction mode, interest rates are still to rise, Trump is still making a mess with his trade war nonsense. And the Atlanta Fed's GDPNow says that (so far) Q4 growth looks to be only 2.5%.

GDPNow - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

And let's not forget that the GDP number is helped by the huge increase in the national debt that Trump has added. That money goes (indirectly) into the economy and does 'artificially' stimulate it. So that is not sustainable.

Other than cutting the corporate tax and cutting a few regulations - there is nothing that I can think of that Trump has done that will help the U.S. economy going forward.
And I (and MOST of Wall Street - including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce) think his trade ideas are doing FAR more damage to America than helping her.

Tariffs are the Wrong Approach

The High Price of Tariffs

"Savage? I do not recall even seeing Trumpbots described that way on here. And if you have been...not often. Stupid, uneducated, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic? Sure. But savage...no idea where you are getting that nonsense from."

Why is it you morons can't read????

Oh...right...because you're a moron!!!!

Try again.....see if I said others called conservatives savages:

1.According to google, savage means ā€œ(chiefly in historical or literary contexts) a member of a people regarded as primitive and uncivilized.ā€

I know our Liberal/Progressive pals certainly agree with that definition.

And, judging by the definitive compendium of savages, ā€œThe Golden Bough,ā€ by Sir James Frazer, I can see that there is a basis for that viewā€¦.and in certain ways, it fits conservatives, and those of us on the Right.

While, at first, you Liberals may agree totally......well, read on.

2.In his spectacularly well researched book, Frazer writes about the relationship of savages to their kingā€¦.ā€kings [chiefs, leaders] have been expected to regulate the course of nature for the good of their peopleā€¦blamed for the failure of the cropsā€¦a popularity in proportion to the ability to give rain to their peopleā€¦ā€
Frazer, ā€˜ThGolden Bough,ā€™ p. 111-114

Soooā€¦..like conservatives, savages judge leaders by what they can bring to the tableā€¦.not by their physical or sexual characteristics.
Bizarre, huh?

3.We, conservatives and savages have that same view, but you more advanced, civilized Liberals/Progressives/Democratsā€¦..you honor failure, and injury to the body politic.

a.ā€œTeam Obama: Sorry, America, the ā€˜new normalā€™ may be here to stay
The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.ā€
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

Then, along came Trumpā€¦.

b.ā€œU.S. households are back to their free spending ways, with the strength of Mayā€™s retail sales figures implying that second-quarter real consumption growth (and GDP growth for that matter) will now be more than 4% annualized.

With the benefit of the tax cuts, strong employment growth and a slow acceleration in hourly wage growth, consumption growth should remain strong going into the second half of this year,ā€ Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist at Capital Economics told MarketWatch.ā€ US economy on track for 4% GDP growth?

c. Each point, by the way, means approximately $3 trillion and 10 million jobs,ā€ @POTUS says https://cbsn.ws/2JZ4YIt
CBS News on Twitter

One can only wonder at how you on the Left became so smart, soā€¦.advanced.
1.According to google, savage means ā€œ(chiefly in historical or literary contexts) a member of a people regarded as primitive and uncivilized.ā€

I know our Liberal/Progressive pals certainly agree with that definition.

And, judging by the definitive compendium of savages, ā€œThe Golden Bough,ā€ by Sir James Frazer, I can see that there is a basis for that viewā€¦.and in certain ways, it fits conservatives, and those of us on the Right.

While, at first, you Liberals may agree totally......well, read on.

2.In his spectacularly well researched book, Frazer writes about the relationship of savages to their kingā€¦.ā€kings [chiefs, leaders] have been expected to regulate the course of nature for the good of their peopleā€¦blamed for the failure of the cropsā€¦a popularity in proportion to the ability to give rain to their peopleā€¦ā€
Frazer, ā€˜ThGolden Bough,ā€™ p. 111-114

Soooā€¦..like conservatives, savages judge leaders by what they can bring to the tableā€¦.not by their physical or sexual characteristics.
Bizarre, huh?

3.We, conservatives and savages have that same view, but you more advanced, civilized Liberals/Progressives/Democratsā€¦..you honor failure, and injury to the body politic.

a.ā€œTeam Obama: Sorry, America, the ā€˜new normalā€™ may be here to stay
The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.ā€
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

Then, along came Trumpā€¦.

b.ā€œU.S. households are back to their free spending ways, with the strength of Mayā€™s retail sales figures implying that second-quarter real consumption growth (and GDP growth for that matter) will now be more than 4% annualized.

With the benefit of the tax cuts, strong employment growth and a slow acceleration in hourly wage growth, consumption growth should remain strong going into the second half of this year,ā€ Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist at Capital Economics told MarketWatch.ā€ US economy on track for 4% GDP growth?

c. Each point, by the way, means approximately $3 trillion and 10 million jobs,ā€ @POTUS says https://cbsn.ws/2JZ4YIt
CBS News on Twitter

One can only wonder at how you on the Left became so smart, soā€¦.advanced.

Savage? I do not recall even seeing Trumpbots described that way on here. And if you have been...not often. Stupid, uneducated, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic? Sure. But savage...no idea where you are getting that nonsense from.

As for your 'savage theories'? LOL...whatever.

As to the GDP? Yes, under Obama it was tepid. Unacceptable.

But under Trump so far it has been 2.82%. Which is unacceptable (though better than Obama's was, granted).

United States GDP Growth Rate | 2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast

Going forward?

Well the equity markets are almost in correction mode, interest rates are still to rise, Trump is still making a mess with his trade war nonsense. And the Atlanta Fed's GDPNow says that (so far) Q4 growth looks to be only 2.5%.

GDPNow - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

And let's not forget that the GDP number is helped by the huge increase in the national debt that Trump has added. That money goes (indirectly) into the economy and does 'artificially' stimulate it. So that is not sustainable.

Other than cutting the corporate tax and cutting a few regulations - there is nothing that I can think of that Trump has done that will help the U.S. economy going forward.
And I (and MOST of Wall Street - including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce) think his trade ideas are doing FAR more damage to America than helping her.

Tariffs are the Wrong Approach

The High Price of Tariffs

"Savage? I do not recall even seeing Trumpbots described that way on here. And if you have been...not often. Stupid, uneducated, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic? Sure. But savage...no idea where you are getting that nonsense from."

Why is it you morons can't read????

Oh...right...because you're a moron!!!!

Try again.....see if I said others called conservatives savages:

1.According to google, savage means ā€œ(chiefly in historical or literary contexts) a member of a people regarded as primitive and uncivilized.ā€

I know our Liberal/Progressive pals certainly agree with that definition.

And, judging by the definitive compendium of savages, ā€œThe Golden Bough,ā€ by Sir James Frazer, I can see that there is a basis for that viewā€¦.and in certain ways, it fits conservatives, and those of us on the Right.

While, at first, you Liberals may agree totally......well, read on.

2.In his spectacularly well researched book, Frazer writes about the relationship of savages to their kingā€¦.ā€kings [chiefs, leaders] have been expected to regulate the course of nature for the good of their peopleā€¦blamed for the failure of the cropsā€¦a popularity in proportion to the ability to give rain to their peopleā€¦ā€
Frazer, ā€˜ThGolden Bough,ā€™ p. 111-114

Soooā€¦..like conservatives, savages judge leaders by what they can bring to the tableā€¦.not by their physical or sexual characteristics.
Bizarre, huh?

3.We, conservatives and savages have that same view, but you more advanced, civilized Liberals/Progressives/Democratsā€¦..you honor failure, and injury to the body politic.

a.ā€œTeam Obama: Sorry, America, the ā€˜new normalā€™ may be here to stay
The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.ā€
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

Then, along came Trumpā€¦.

b.ā€œU.S. households are back to their free spending ways, with the strength of Mayā€™s retail sales figures implying that second-quarter real consumption growth (and GDP growth for that matter) will now be more than 4% annualized.

With the benefit of the tax cuts, strong employment growth and a slow acceleration in hourly wage growth, consumption growth should remain strong going into the second half of this year,ā€ Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist at Capital Economics told MarketWatch.ā€ US economy on track for 4% GDP growth?

c. Each point, by the way, means approximately $3 trillion and 10 million jobs,ā€ @POTUS says https://cbsn.ws/2JZ4YIt
CBS News on Twitter

One can only wonder at how you on the Left became so smart, soā€¦.advanced.

JEEZ...over 76,000 posts...and you still cannot figure out how to work the replies right?

My mistake...you did not say libs called you 'savage'. I had just skipped over your post before.

Now that I have read it...it makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER and is nothing but gobbledegook.

Happy now (rhetorical question - I don't much care if you are)?

Oh, and nothing changes with what I said about the economy. I skipped over your post as well...think I would actually waste time reading an entire, long-winded post you made? Naaaa. No offense, I just don't respect you enough.

'The impact of these tariffs on the broader economy is just beginning, but even at the peak of todayā€™s long-running economic expansion, the pain is real ā€“ and for more than a few unlucky Americans.

According to an analysis by the Tax Foundation, the tariffs planned and enacted to date would reduce long-run GDP by $30 billion and eliminate 94,303 full-time equivalent jobs.

If all tariffs announced thus far were fully enacted ā€“ including those proposed on autos and auto parts, additional tariffs on imports from China, and foreign retaliation ā€“ they would ā€œeffectively offset one-third of the long-run impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.ā€ Nearly half a million American jobs would be lost.

In sum, tariffs are taxes, and for more and more Americans, the price is high.'

The High Price of Tariffs

Ta ta.
Last edited:
1.According to google, savage means ā€œ(chiefly in historical or literary contexts) a member of a people regarded as primitive and uncivilized.ā€

I know our Liberal/Progressive pals certainly agree with that definition.

And, judging by the definitive compendium of savages, ā€œThe Golden Bough,ā€ by Sir James Frazer, I can see that there is a basis for that viewā€¦.and in certain ways, it fits conservatives, and those of us on the Right.

While, at first, you Liberals may agree totally......well, read on.

2.In his spectacularly well researched book, Frazer writes about the relationship of savages to their kingā€¦.ā€kings [chiefs, leaders] have been expected to regulate the course of nature for the good of their peopleā€¦blamed for the failure of the cropsā€¦a popularity in proportion to the ability to give rain to their peopleā€¦ā€
Frazer, ā€˜ThGolden Bough,ā€™ p. 111-114

Soooā€¦..like conservatives, savages judge leaders by what they can bring to the tableā€¦.not by their physical or sexual characteristics.
Bizarre, huh?

3.We, conservatives and savages have that same view, but you more advanced, civilized Liberals/Progressives/Democratsā€¦..you honor failure, and injury to the body politic.

a.ā€œTeam Obama: Sorry, America, the ā€˜new normalā€™ may be here to stay
The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.ā€
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

Then, along came Trumpā€¦.

b.ā€œU.S. households are back to their free spending ways, with the strength of Mayā€™s retail sales figures implying that second-quarter real consumption growth (and GDP growth for that matter) will now be more than 4% annualized.

With the benefit of the tax cuts, strong employment growth and a slow acceleration in hourly wage growth, consumption growth should remain strong going into the second half of this year,ā€ Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist at Capital Economics told MarketWatch.ā€ US economy on track for 4% GDP growth?

c. Each point, by the way, means approximately $3 trillion and 10 million jobs,ā€ @POTUS says https://cbsn.ws/2JZ4YIt
CBS News on Twitter

One can only wonder at how you on the Left became so smart, soā€¦.advanced.

Savage? I do not recall even seeing Trumpbots described that way on here. And if you have been...not often. Stupid, uneducated, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic? Sure. But savage...no idea where you are getting that nonsense from.

As for your 'savage theories'? LOL...whatever.

As to the GDP? Yes, under Obama it was tepid. Unacceptable.

But under Trump so far it has been 2.82%. Which is unacceptable (though better than Obama's was, granted).

United States GDP Growth Rate | 2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast

Going forward?

Well the equity markets are almost in correction mode, interest rates are still to rise, Trump is still making a mess with his trade war nonsense. And the Atlanta Fed's GDPNow says that (so far) Q4 growth looks to be only 2.5%.

GDPNow - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

And let's not forget that the GDP number is helped by the huge increase in the national debt that Trump has added. That money goes (indirectly) into the economy and does 'artificially' stimulate it. So that is not sustainable.

Other than cutting the corporate tax and cutting a few regulations - there is nothing that I can think of that Trump has done that will help the U.S. economy going forward.
And I (and MOST of Wall Street - including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce) think his trade ideas are doing FAR more damage to America than helping her.

Tariffs are the Wrong Approach

The High Price of Tariffs

"Savage? I do not recall even seeing Trumpbots described that way on here. And if you have been...not often. Stupid, uneducated, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic? Sure. But savage...no idea where you are getting that nonsense from."

Why is it you morons can't read????

Oh...right...because you're a moron!!!!

Try again.....see if I said others called conservatives savages:

1.According to google, savage means ā€œ(chiefly in historical or literary contexts) a member of a people regarded as primitive and uncivilized.ā€

I know our Liberal/Progressive pals certainly agree with that definition.

And, judging by the definitive compendium of savages, ā€œThe Golden Bough,ā€ by Sir James Frazer, I can see that there is a basis for that viewā€¦.and in certain ways, it fits conservatives, and those of us on the Right.

While, at first, you Liberals may agree totally......well, read on.

2.In his spectacularly well researched book, Frazer writes about the relationship of savages to their kingā€¦.ā€kings [chiefs, leaders] have been expected to regulate the course of nature for the good of their peopleā€¦blamed for the failure of the cropsā€¦a popularity in proportion to the ability to give rain to their peopleā€¦ā€
Frazer, ā€˜ThGolden Bough,ā€™ p. 111-114

Soooā€¦..like conservatives, savages judge leaders by what they can bring to the tableā€¦.not by their physical or sexual characteristics.
Bizarre, huh?

3.We, conservatives and savages have that same view, but you more advanced, civilized Liberals/Progressives/Democratsā€¦..you honor failure, and injury to the body politic.

a.ā€œTeam Obama: Sorry, America, the ā€˜new normalā€™ may be here to stay
The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.ā€
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

Then, along came Trumpā€¦.

b.ā€œU.S. households are back to their free spending ways, with the strength of Mayā€™s retail sales figures implying that second-quarter real consumption growth (and GDP growth for that matter) will now be more than 4% annualized.

With the benefit of the tax cuts, strong employment growth and a slow acceleration in hourly wage growth, consumption growth should remain strong going into the second half of this year,ā€ Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist at Capital Economics told MarketWatch.ā€ US economy on track for 4% GDP growth?

c. Each point, by the way, means approximately $3 trillion and 10 million jobs,ā€ @POTUS says https://cbsn.ws/2JZ4YIt
CBS News on Twitter

One can only wonder at how you on the Left became so smart, soā€¦.advanced.

JEEZ...over 76,000 posts...and you still cannot figure out how to work the replies right?

My mistake...you did not say libs called you 'savage'. I had just skipped over your post before.

Now that I have read it...it makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER and is nothing but gobbledegook.

Happy now (rhetorical question - I don't much care if you are)?

Oh, and nothing changes with what I said about the economy. I skipped over your post as well...think I would actually waste time reading an entire, long-winded post you made? Naaaa. No offense, I just don't respect you enough.

'The impact of these tariffs on the broader economy is just beginning, but even at the peak of todayā€™s long-running economic expansion, the pain is real ā€“ and for more than a few unlucky Americans.

According to an analysis by the Tax Foundation, the tariffs planned and enacted to date would reduce long-run GDP by $30 billion and eliminate 94,303 full-time equivalent jobs.

If all tariffs announced thus far were fully enacted ā€“ including those proposed on autos and auto parts, additional tariffs on imports from China, and foreign retaliation ā€“ they would ā€œeffectively offset one-third of the long-run impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.ā€ Nearly half a million American jobs would be lost.

In sum, tariffs are taxes, and for more and more Americans, the price is high.'

The High Price of Tariffs

Ta ta.


You want three chances to read it????

Well...OK...based on your....disabilities....

We, conservatives and savages have that same view, but you more advanced, civilized Liberals/Progressives/Democratsā€¦..you honor failure, and injury to the body politic.

a.ā€œTeam Obama: Sorry, America, the ā€˜new normalā€™ may be here to stay
The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.ā€
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

Then, along came Trumpā€¦.

b.ā€œU.S. households are back to their free spending ways, with the strength of Mayā€™s retail sales figures implying that second-quarter real consumption growth (and GDP growth for that matter) will now be more than 4% annualized.

With the benefit of the tax cuts, strong employment growth and a slow acceleration in hourly wage growth, consumption growth should remain strong going into the second half of this year,ā€ Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist at Capital Economics told MarketWatch.ā€ US economy on track for 4% GDP growth?

c. Each point, by the way, means approximately $3 trillion and 10 million jobs,ā€ @POTUS says https://cbsn.ws/2JZ4YIt
CBS News on Twitter
5. Now, about the qualifications of leadership....
The obligations of the king, the high priest, the chief, was so intimately tied to his providing prosperity of his people, ā€œthe worship of kings sometimes cast that of the gods into the shade.ā€
Frazer, Op. Cit., p. 138

Go figure those savagesā€¦..they actually honored the leadership that could be associated with prosperity, and positive economic advancement of the societyā€¦.

Not so for Liberal and Progressivesā€¦..they turned the House of Representatives over to the group that failed at advancing the economyā€¦and actually promises a return to Obama economic failure.

ā€œā€¦during the Obama administration, the Gross Domestic Product never exceeded 3 percent annually. Obama said the days of strong economic growth were behind us, that many manufacturing jobs were lost and not returning and that candidate Trump didn't have a "magic wand" to fix the economy. But in the second quarter of this year, economic growth exceeded 4 percent and manufacturing jobs are making a comeback.

By the time Obama left office, the unemployment rate had declined from a high approaching 8 percent at the start of his administration to just under 5 percent, but was beginning to tick back upward, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.ā€ Obama Goes on Attack, But Arguments Fall Flat Against Trump Successes

ā€œMidterm promises: Dems want to raise taxes, GOP to cut themā€ Midterm promises: Dems want to raise taxes, GOP to cut them

Thatā€™s progress for ya.ā€™

Yet another characteristic we conservatives share with the savages....we actually demand success and achievement from our leaders.
And yet you miss all their failures in regard to humanity and ethics. Go figure.
This quote about conservative people is very telling about todays folkish mind.

ā€œStupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict oneā€™s prejudgment simply need not be believed ā€“ in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical ā€“ and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack. For that reason, greater caution is called for when dealing with a stupid person than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.ā€

ā€• Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison
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1.According to google, savage means ā€œ(chiefly in historical or literary contexts) a member of a people regarded as primitive and uncivilized.ā€

I know our Liberal/Progressive pals certainly agree with that definition.

And, judging by the definitive compendium of savages, ā€œThe Golden Bough,ā€ by Sir James Frazer, I can see that there is a basis for that viewā€¦.and in certain ways, it fits conservatives, and those of us on the Right.

While, at first, you Liberals may agree totally......well, read on.

2.In his spectacularly well researched book, Frazer writes about the relationship of savages to their kingā€¦.ā€kings [chiefs, leaders] have been expected to regulate the course of nature for the good of their peopleā€¦blamed for the failure of the cropsā€¦a popularity in proportion to the ability to give rain to their peopleā€¦ā€
Frazer, ā€˜ThGolden Bough,ā€™ p. 111-114

Soooā€¦..like conservatives, savages judge leaders by what they can bring to the tableā€¦.not by their physical or sexual characteristics.
Bizarre, huh?

3.We, conservatives and savages have that same view, but you more advanced, civilized Liberals/Progressives/Democratsā€¦..you honor failure, and injury to the body politic.

a.ā€œTeam Obama: Sorry, America, the ā€˜new normalā€™ may be here to stay
The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.ā€
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

Then, along came Trumpā€¦.

b.ā€œU.S. households are back to their free spending ways, with the strength of Mayā€™s retail sales figures implying that second-quarter real consumption growth (and GDP growth for that matter) will now be more than 4% annualized.

With the benefit of the tax cuts, strong employment growth and a slow acceleration in hourly wage growth, consumption growth should remain strong going into the second half of this year,ā€ Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist at Capital Economics told MarketWatch.ā€ US economy on track for 4% GDP growth?

c. Each point, by the way, means approximately $3 trillion and 10 million jobs,ā€ @POTUS says https://cbsn.ws/2JZ4YIt
CBS News on Twitter

One can only wonder at how you on the Left became so smart, soā€¦.advanced.

Savage? I do not recall even seeing Trumpbots described that way on here. And if you have been...not often. Stupid, uneducated, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic? Sure. But savage...no idea where you are getting that nonsense from.

As for your 'savage theories'? LOL...whatever.

As to the GDP? Yes, under Obama it was tepid. Unacceptable.

But under Trump so far it has been 2.82%. Which is unacceptable (though better than Obama's was, granted).

United States GDP Growth Rate | 2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast

Going forward?

Well the equity markets are almost in correction mode, interest rates are still to rise, Trump is still making a mess with his trade war nonsense. And the Atlanta Fed's GDPNow says that (so far) Q4 growth looks to be only 2.5%.

GDPNow - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

And let's not forget that the GDP number is helped by the huge increase in the national debt that Trump has added. That money goes (indirectly) into the economy and does 'artificially' stimulate it. So that is not sustainable.

Other than cutting the corporate tax and cutting a few regulations - there is nothing that I can think of that Trump has done that will help the U.S. economy going forward.
And I (and MOST of Wall Street - including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce) think his trade ideas are doing FAR more damage to America than helping her.

Tariffs are the Wrong Approach

The High Price of Tariffs

"Savage? I do not recall even seeing Trumpbots described that way on here. And if you have been...not often. Stupid, uneducated, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic? Sure. But savage...no idea where you are getting that nonsense from."

Why is it you morons can't read????

Oh...right...because you're a moron!!!!

Try again.....see if I said others called conservatives savages:

1.According to google, savage means ā€œ(chiefly in historical or literary contexts) a member of a people regarded as primitive and uncivilized.ā€

I know our Liberal/Progressive pals certainly agree with that definition.

And, judging by the definitive compendium of savages, ā€œThe Golden Bough,ā€ by Sir James Frazer, I can see that there is a basis for that viewā€¦.and in certain ways, it fits conservatives, and those of us on the Right.

While, at first, you Liberals may agree totally......well, read on.

2.In his spectacularly well researched book, Frazer writes about the relationship of savages to their kingā€¦.ā€kings [chiefs, leaders] have been expected to regulate the course of nature for the good of their peopleā€¦blamed for the failure of the cropsā€¦a popularity in proportion to the ability to give rain to their peopleā€¦ā€
Frazer, ā€˜ThGolden Bough,ā€™ p. 111-114

Soooā€¦..like conservatives, savages judge leaders by what they can bring to the tableā€¦.not by their physical or sexual characteristics.
Bizarre, huh?

3.We, conservatives and savages have that same view, but you more advanced, civilized Liberals/Progressives/Democratsā€¦..you honor failure, and injury to the body politic.

a.ā€œTeam Obama: Sorry, America, the ā€˜new normalā€™ may be here to stay
The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.ā€
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

Then, along came Trumpā€¦.

b.ā€œU.S. households are back to their free spending ways, with the strength of Mayā€™s retail sales figures implying that second-quarter real consumption growth (and GDP growth for that matter) will now be more than 4% annualized.

With the benefit of the tax cuts, strong employment growth and a slow acceleration in hourly wage growth, consumption growth should remain strong going into the second half of this year,ā€ Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist at Capital Economics told MarketWatch.ā€ US economy on track for 4% GDP growth?

c. Each point, by the way, means approximately $3 trillion and 10 million jobs,ā€ @POTUS says https://cbsn.ws/2JZ4YIt
CBS News on Twitter

One can only wonder at how you on the Left became so smart, soā€¦.advanced.

JEEZ...over 76,000 posts...and you still cannot figure out how to work the replies right?

My mistake...you did not say libs called you 'savage'. I had just skipped over your post before.

Now that I have read it...it makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER and is nothing but gobbledegook.

Happy now (rhetorical question - I don't much care if you are)?

Oh, and nothing changes with what I said about the economy. I skipped over your post as well...think I would actually waste time reading an entire, long-winded post you made? Naaaa. No offense, I just don't respect you enough.

'The impact of these tariffs on the broader economy is just beginning, but even at the peak of todayā€™s long-running economic expansion, the pain is real ā€“ and for more than a few unlucky Americans.

According to an analysis by the Tax Foundation, the tariffs planned and enacted to date would reduce long-run GDP by $30 billion and eliminate 94,303 full-time equivalent jobs.

If all tariffs announced thus far were fully enacted ā€“ including those proposed on autos and auto parts, additional tariffs on imports from China, and foreign retaliation ā€“ they would ā€œeffectively offset one-third of the long-run impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.ā€ Nearly half a million American jobs would be lost.

In sum, tariffs are taxes, and for more and more Americans, the price is high.'

The High Price of Tariffs

Ta ta.


You want three chances to read it????

Well...OK...based on your....disabilities....

We, conservatives and savages have that same view, but you more advanced, civilized Liberals/Progressives/Democratsā€¦..you honor failure, and injury to the body politic.

a.ā€œTeam Obama: Sorry, America, the ā€˜new normalā€™ may be here to stay
The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.ā€
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

Then, along came Trumpā€¦.

b.ā€œU.S. households are back to their free spending ways, with the strength of Mayā€™s retail sales figures implying that second-quarter real consumption growth (and GDP growth for that matter) will now be more than 4% annualized.

With the benefit of the tax cuts, strong employment growth and a slow acceleration in hourly wage growth, consumption growth should remain strong going into the second half of this year,ā€ Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist at Capital Economics told MarketWatch.ā€ US economy on track for 4% GDP growth?

c. Each point, by the way, means approximately $3 trillion and 10 million jobs,ā€ @POTUS says https://cbsn.ws/2JZ4YIt
CBS News on Twitter

Your last source is some dinky, British think tank with a whopping 50 employees.

Capital Economics - Wikipedia

The GDP blip in early 2018 was probably fueled by the tax cuts...but that is done. All that is left is a much larger federal deficit.

The markets are not falling hard because the U.S. economy looks rosy going forward.

Wake up and smell the coffee, pal. The economy STRONGLY looks like it ain't gonna grow well in the 4'th Quarter (barring a mini-miracle).

Clearly, your mind is closed to the obvious. So be it. But I ain't wasting my time on you over this.

We are done (for now).

Ta ta
Last edited:
Most all of the financial magazines are predicting the end of the good times by the middle of next year based on the slowing of growth in the last few months.
5. Now, about the qualifications of leadership....
The obligations of the king, the high priest, the chief, was so intimately tied to his providing prosperity of his people, ā€œthe worship of kings sometimes cast that of the gods into the shade.ā€
Frazer, Op. Cit., p. 138

Go figure those savagesā€¦..they actually honored the leadership that could be associated with prosperity, and positive economic advancement of the societyā€¦.

Not so for Liberal and Progressivesā€¦..they turned the House of Representatives over to the group that failed at advancing the economyā€¦and actually promises a return to Obama economic failure.

ā€œā€¦during the Obama administration, the Gross Domestic Product never exceeded 3 percent annually. Obama said the days of strong economic growth were behind us, that many manufacturing jobs were lost and not returning and that candidate Trump didn't have a "magic wand" to fix the economy. But in the second quarter of this year, economic growth exceeded 4 percent and manufacturing jobs are making a comeback.

By the time Obama left office, the unemployment rate had declined from a high approaching 8 percent at the start of his administration to just under 5 percent, but was beginning to tick back upward, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.ā€ Obama Goes on Attack, But Arguments Fall Flat Against Trump Successes

ā€œMidterm promises: Dems want to raise taxes, GOP to cut themā€ Midterm promises: Dems want to raise taxes, GOP to cut them

Thatā€™s progress for ya.ā€™

Yet another characteristic we conservatives share with the savages....we actually demand success and achievement from our leaders.
And yet you miss all their failures in regard to humanity and ethics. Go figure.
This quote about conservative people is very telling about todays folkish mind.

ā€œStupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict oneā€™s prejudgment simply need not be believed ā€“ in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical ā€“ and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack. For that reason, greater caution is called for when dealing with a stupid person than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.ā€

ā€• Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison

The premise is so simple, even a dolt like you should be able to understand it: we, conservatives, like the savages illustrated by Frazer, demand accomplishments for the people.

You....Liberals/Progressives....vote for the most superficial of characteristics and most absurd of characteristics.

Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, judge their leaders by different standards: skin color, sexual orientation, gender, and ideology.
Clearly smarter than savages or conservatives, huh?

And, on those bases, they reward their candidates:

ā€œRecord number of women elected to the Houseā€
Record number of women elected to the House - CNNPolitics

ā€œIn ā€˜Rainbow Wave,ā€™ L.G.B.T. Candidates Are Elected in Record Numbersā€ In ā€˜Rainbow Wave,ā€™ L.G.B.T. Candidates Are Elected in Record Numbers

ā€œTrans Candidates Are Poised to Make History in 2018 Electionsā€
Trans Candidates Are Poised to Make History in 2018 Elections

Pretty smart basis for selecting leaders, huh??????

And none of you has been able to deny the thesis.
Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, judge their leaders by different standards: skin color, sexual orientation, gender, and ideology.
Clearly smarter than savages or conservatives, huh?

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that liberals vote for people based on factors other than where they stand on the issues?

I guarantee that you will not be able to provide one.

Man are you out to lunch (and prejudiced) on this.

Most liberals do not vote for people because of their superficial attributes. It is just that people with those superficial attributes tend to be more politically 'liberal' than most American, 'white' men are.
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1.According to google, savage means ā€œ(chiefly in historical or literary contexts) a member of a people regarded as primitive and uncivilized.ā€

I know our Liberal/Progressive pals certainly agree with that definition.

And, judging by the definitive compendium of savages, ā€œThe Golden Bough,ā€ by Sir James Frazer, I can see that there is a basis for that viewā€¦.and in certain ways, it fits conservatives, and those of us on the Right.

While, at first, you Liberals may agree totally......well, read on.

2.In his spectacularly well researched book, Frazer writes about the relationship of savages to their kingā€¦.ā€kings [chiefs, leaders] have been expected to regulate the course of nature for the good of their peopleā€¦blamed for the failure of the cropsā€¦a popularity in proportion to the ability to give rain to their peopleā€¦ā€
Frazer, ā€˜ThGolden Bough,ā€™ p. 111-114

Soooā€¦..like conservatives, savages judge leaders by what they can bring to the tableā€¦.not by their physical or sexual characteristics.
Bizarre, huh?

3.We, conservatives and savages have that same view, but you more advanced, civilized Liberals/Progressives/Democratsā€¦..you honor failure, and injury to the body politic.

a.ā€œTeam Obama: Sorry, America, the ā€˜new normalā€™ may be here to stay
The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.ā€
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

Then, along came Trumpā€¦.

b.ā€œU.S. households are back to their free spending ways, with the strength of Mayā€™s retail sales figures implying that second-quarter real consumption growth (and GDP growth for that matter) will now be more than 4% annualized.

With the benefit of the tax cuts, strong employment growth and a slow acceleration in hourly wage growth, consumption growth should remain strong going into the second half of this year,ā€ Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist at Capital Economics told MarketWatch.ā€ US economy on track for 4% GDP growth?

c. Each point, by the way, means approximately $3 trillion and 10 million jobs,ā€ @POTUS says https://cbsn.ws/2JZ4YIt
CBS News on Twitter

One can only wonder at how you on the Left became so smart, soā€¦.advanced.

Savage? I do not recall even seeing Trumpbots described that way on here. And if you have been...not often. Stupid, uneducated, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic? Sure. But savage...no idea where you are getting that nonsense from.

As for your 'savage theories'? LOL...whatever.

As to the GDP? Yes, under Obama it was tepid. Unacceptable.

But under Trump so far it has been 2.82%. Which is unacceptable (though better than Obama's was, granted).

United States GDP Growth Rate | 2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast

Going forward?

Well the equity markets are almost in correction mode, interest rates are still to rise, Trump is still making a mess with his trade war nonsense. And the Atlanta Fed's GDPNow says that (so far) Q4 growth looks to be only 2.5%.

GDPNow - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

And let's not forget that the GDP number is helped by the huge increase in the national debt that Trump has added. That money goes (indirectly) into the economy and does 'artificially' stimulate it. So that is not sustainable.

Other than cutting the corporate tax and cutting a few regulations - there is nothing that I can think of that Trump has done that will help the U.S. economy going forward.
And I (and MOST of Wall Street - including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce) think his trade ideas are doing FAR more damage to America than helping her.

Tariffs are the Wrong Approach

The High Price of Tariffs

"Savage? I do not recall even seeing Trumpbots described that way on here. And if you have been...not often. Stupid, uneducated, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic? Sure. But savage...no idea where you are getting that nonsense from."

Why is it you morons can't read????

Oh...right...because you're a moron!!!!

Try again.....see if I said others called conservatives savages:

1.According to google, savage means ā€œ(chiefly in historical or literary contexts) a member of a people regarded as primitive and uncivilized.ā€

I know our Liberal/Progressive pals certainly agree with that definition.

And, judging by the definitive compendium of savages, ā€œThe Golden Bough,ā€ by Sir James Frazer, I can see that there is a basis for that viewā€¦.and in certain ways, it fits conservatives, and those of us on the Right.

While, at first, you Liberals may agree totally......well, read on.

2.In his spectacularly well researched book, Frazer writes about the relationship of savages to their kingā€¦.ā€kings [chiefs, leaders] have been expected to regulate the course of nature for the good of their peopleā€¦blamed for the failure of the cropsā€¦a popularity in proportion to the ability to give rain to their peopleā€¦ā€
Frazer, ā€˜ThGolden Bough,ā€™ p. 111-114

Soooā€¦..like conservatives, savages judge leaders by what they can bring to the tableā€¦.not by their physical or sexual characteristics.
Bizarre, huh?

3.We, conservatives and savages have that same view, but you more advanced, civilized Liberals/Progressives/Democratsā€¦..you honor failure, and injury to the body politic.

a.ā€œTeam Obama: Sorry, America, the ā€˜new normalā€™ may be here to stay
The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.ā€
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

Then, along came Trumpā€¦.

b.ā€œU.S. households are back to their free spending ways, with the strength of Mayā€™s retail sales figures implying that second-quarter real consumption growth (and GDP growth for that matter) will now be more than 4% annualized.

With the benefit of the tax cuts, strong employment growth and a slow acceleration in hourly wage growth, consumption growth should remain strong going into the second half of this year,ā€ Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist at Capital Economics told MarketWatch.ā€ US economy on track for 4% GDP growth?

c. Each point, by the way, means approximately $3 trillion and 10 million jobs,ā€ @POTUS says https://cbsn.ws/2JZ4YIt
CBS News on Twitter

One can only wonder at how you on the Left became so smart, soā€¦.advanced.

JEEZ...over 76,000 posts...and you still cannot figure out how to work the replies right?

My mistake...you did not say libs called you 'savage'. I had just skipped over your post before.

Now that I have read it...it makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER and is nothing but gobbledegook.

Happy now (rhetorical question - I don't much care if you are)?

Oh, and nothing changes with what I said about the economy. I skipped over your post as well...think I would actually waste time reading an entire, long-winded post you made? Naaaa. No offense, I just don't respect you enough.

'The impact of these tariffs on the broader economy is just beginning, but even at the peak of todayā€™s long-running economic expansion, the pain is real ā€“ and for more than a few unlucky Americans.

According to an analysis by the Tax Foundation, the tariffs planned and enacted to date would reduce long-run GDP by $30 billion and eliminate 94,303 full-time equivalent jobs.

If all tariffs announced thus far were fully enacted ā€“ including those proposed on autos and auto parts, additional tariffs on imports from China, and foreign retaliation ā€“ they would ā€œeffectively offset one-third of the long-run impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.ā€ Nearly half a million American jobs would be lost.

In sum, tariffs are taxes, and for more and more Americans, the price is high.'

The High Price of Tariffs

Ta ta.


You want three chances to read it????

Well...OK...based on your....disabilities....

We, conservatives and savages have that same view, but you more advanced, civilized Liberals/Progressives/Democratsā€¦..you honor failure, and injury to the body politic.

a.ā€œTeam Obama: Sorry, America, the ā€˜new normalā€™ may be here to stay
The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.ā€
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

Then, along came Trumpā€¦.

b.ā€œU.S. households are back to their free spending ways, with the strength of Mayā€™s retail sales figures implying that second-quarter real consumption growth (and GDP growth for that matter) will now be more than 4% annualized.

With the benefit of the tax cuts, strong employment growth and a slow acceleration in hourly wage growth, consumption growth should remain strong going into the second half of this year,ā€ Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist at Capital Economics told MarketWatch.ā€ US economy on track for 4% GDP growth?

c. Each point, by the way, means approximately $3 trillion and 10 million jobs,ā€ @POTUS says https://cbsn.ws/2JZ4YIt
CBS News on Twitter

Your last source is some dinky, British think tank with a whopping 50 employees.

Capital Economics - Wikipedia

The GDP blip in early 2018 was probably fueled by the tax cuts...but that is done. All that is left is a much larger federal deficit.

The markets are not falling hard because the U.S. economy looks rosy going forward.

Wake up and smell the coffee, pal. The economy STRONGLY looks like it ain't gonna grow well in the 4'th Quarter (barring a mini-miracle).

Clearly, your mind is closed to the obvious. So be it. But I ain't wasting my time on you over this.

We are done (for now).

Ta ta

So all you have is a wish, and conjecture....and your Magic 8-Ball

...but I have the facts:

Obama, leaving this record behind....

1.ā€œTeam Obama: Sorry, America, the ā€˜new normalā€™ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.ā€
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

2. "...take-home pay for many American workers has effectively fallen since the economic recovery began in 2009, according to a new study by an advocacy group that is to be released on Thursday.

The declines were greatest for the lowest-paid workers in sectors where hiring has been strong ā€” home health care, food preparation and retailing ā€” even though wages were already below average to begin with in those service industries.

ā€œStagnant wages are a problem for everyone at this point, but the imbalance in the economy has become more pronounced since the recession,ā€..." http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/03/b...rkers-see-biggest-drop-in-paychecks.html?_r=0

3. . Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "... annual growth during Obamaā€™s ā€œrecoveryā€ has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama's Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion | Investor's Business Daily

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. ".... first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth."Hedge fund billionaire calls Obama economy 'amazing'


Turns out skin color's not a good basis for selecting a leader.
Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, judge their leaders by different standards: skin color, sexual orientation, gender, and ideology.
Clearly smarter than savages or conservatives, huh?

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that liberals vote for people based on factors other than where they stand on the issues?

I guarantee that you will not be able to provide one.

Man are you out to lunch (and prejudiced) on this.

Most liberals do not vote for people because of their superficial attributes. It is just that people with those superficial attributes tend to be more politically 'liberal' than most 'white' men are.

Who voted for these.......Republicans or fools????

And, on those bases, they reward their candidates:

ā€œRecord number of women elected to the Houseā€
Record number of women elected to the House - CNNPolitics

ā€œIn ā€˜Rainbow Wave,ā€™ L.G.B.T. Candidates Are Elected in Record Numbersā€ In ā€˜Rainbow Wave,ā€™ L.G.B.T. Candidates Are Elected in Record Numbers

ā€œTrans Candidates Are Poised to Make History in 2018 Electionsā€
Trans Candidates Are Poised to Make History in 2018 Elections

Pretty smart basis for selecting leaders, huh??????
It appears you fail to recognize the political differences between conservative and modern Liberals.....
I'm unclear on why any political differences between conservatives and liberals would affect their commitment to neoliberal economic policies?

Base and superstructure - Wikipedia

"Neoliberalism or neo-liberalism[1] is the 20th-century resurgence of 19th-century ideas associated with laissez-faire economic liberalism.[2]:7 Those ideas include economic liberalization policies such as privatization, austerity, deregulation, free trade[3] and reductions in government spending in order to increase the role of the private sector in the economy and society..."

Your link:

"Ronald Reagan almost single-handedly destroyed the New Deal vision of America that used to guide us. Franklin Roosevelt had pictured a place where citizens were joined in a collective enterprise to build a strong nation and protect each other.

"The watchwords of that effort were solidarity, opportunity and public duty.

"Reagan pictured a more individualistic America where everyone would flourish once freed from the shackles of the state, and so the watchwords became self-reliance and small government."

Reagan's picture for America seemed more about replacing the "shackles of the state" with an elitist corporate oligarchy which has just elected its first POTUS.

Neoliberalism - Wikipedia

"See also: Reaganomics and Reagan Era

"David Harvey traces the rise of neoliberalism in the United States to Lewis Powell's 1971 confidential memorandum to the Chamber of Commerce.[79]:43

"A call to arms to the business community to counter criticism of the free enterprise system, it was a significant factor in the rise of conservative organizations and think-tanks which advocated for neoliberal policies, such as the Business Roundtable, The Heritage Foundation, the Cato Institute, Citizens for a Sound Economy, Accuracy in Academia and the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research.

"For Powell, universities were becoming an ideological battleground, and he recommended the establishment of an intellectual infrastructure to serve as a counterweight to the increasingly popular ideas of Ralph Nader and other opponents of big business.[84][85][86]"
Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, judge their leaders by different standards: skin color, sexual orientation, gender, and ideology.
Clearly smarter than savages or conservatives, huh?

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that liberals vote for people based on factors other than where they stand on the issues?

I guarantee that you will not be able to provide one.

Man are you out to lunch (and prejudiced) on this.

Most liberals do not vote for people because of their superficial attributes. It is just that people with those superficial attributes tend to be more politically 'liberal' than most 'white' men are.

Who voted for these.......Republicans or fools????

And, on those bases, they reward their candidates:

ā€œRecord number of women elected to the Houseā€
Record number of women elected to the House - CNNPolitics

ā€œIn ā€˜Rainbow Wave,ā€™ L.G.B.T. Candidates Are Elected in Record Numbersā€ In ā€˜Rainbow Wave,ā€™ L.G.B.T. Candidates Are Elected in Record Numbers

ā€œTrans Candidates Are Poised to Make History in 2018 Electionsā€
Trans Candidates Are Poised to Make History in 2018 Elections

Pretty smart basis for selecting leaders, huh??????

LOL...those links have NOTHING to do with answering my question (though I guess you think they do).

I will ask you again, where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that liberals vote for people based on factors other than where they stand on the issues?
Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, judge their leaders by different standards: skin color, sexual orientation, gender, and ideology.
Clearly smarter than savages or conservatives, huh?

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that liberals vote for people based on factors other than where they stand on the issues?

I guarantee that you will not be able to provide one.

Man are you out to lunch (and prejudiced) on this.

Most liberals do not vote for people because of their superficial attributes. It is just that people with those superficial attributes tend to be more politically 'liberal' than most American, 'white' men are.

"Most liberals do not vote for people because of their superficial attributes."

I just showed that that is exactly what you fools do.

But here's another lesson:

The mob characteristic most gustily exhibited by liberals is the tendency to worship and idolize their political leaders. Le Bon explained that mobs can only grasp the ā€œvery simple and very exaggerated.ā€ Their chosen images must be absolute and uncompromisingā€¦

As Le Bon says, the ā€œprimitiveā€ black-and-white emotions of a crowd slip easily into ā€œinfatuation for an individual.ā€ Liberals worship so many political deities that they must refer to them by initials, just to save time- FDR, JFK, RFK, MLK, LBJ, and O.J.

Ever hear a conservative get weepy about ā€œRWRā€ or refer to something as hokey as ā€œCamelotā€? Passionate adoration are the primitive emotions of a mob, sentiments generally associated with women, children, and savages, according to Le Bon.
See Coulter, "Demonic"

Looks like we share different characteristics of savages....and you got the worst of 'em.
Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, judge their leaders by different standards: skin color, sexual orientation, gender, and ideology.
Clearly smarter than savages or conservatives, huh?

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that liberals vote for people based on factors other than where they stand on the issues?

I guarantee that you will not be able to provide one.

Man are you out to lunch (and prejudiced) on this.

Most liberals do not vote for people because of their superficial attributes. It is just that people with those superficial attributes tend to be more politically 'liberal' than most American, 'white' men are.

"Most liberals do not vote for people because of their superficial attributes."

I just showed that that is exactly what you fools do.

No, you did not.

Just because someone votes for a woman does NOT necessarily mean they voted for that person BECAUSE they are a woman.

I will ask you again...where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that liberals vote for people based on factors other than where they stand on the issues?
Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, judge their leaders by different standards: skin color, sexual orientation, gender, and ideology.
Clearly smarter than savages or conservatives, huh?

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that liberals vote for people based on factors other than where they stand on the issues?

I guarantee that you will not be able to provide one.

Man are you out to lunch (and prejudiced) on this.

Most liberals do not vote for people because of their superficial attributes. It is just that people with those superficial attributes tend to be more politically 'liberal' than most 'white' men are.

Who voted for these.......Republicans or fools????

And, on those bases, they reward their candidates:

ā€œRecord number of women elected to the Houseā€
Record number of women elected to the House - CNNPolitics

ā€œIn ā€˜Rainbow Wave,ā€™ L.G.B.T. Candidates Are Elected in Record Numbersā€ In ā€˜Rainbow Wave,ā€™ L.G.B.T. Candidates Are Elected in Record Numbers

ā€œTrans Candidates Are Poised to Make History in 2018 Electionsā€
Trans Candidates Are Poised to Make History in 2018 Elections

Pretty smart basis for selecting leaders, huh??????

LOL...those links have NOTHING to do with answering my question (though I guess you think they do).

I will ask you again, where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that liberals vote for people based on factors other than where they stand on the issues?

Who votes based on skin color, sexual orientation, gender, and ideology?

Not Republicans, you dope.

It appears you fail to recognize the political differences between conservative and modern Liberals.....
I'm unclear on why any political differences between conservatives and liberals would affect their commitment to neoliberal economic policies?

Base and superstructure - Wikipedia

"Neoliberalism or neo-liberalism[1] is the 20th-century resurgence of 19th-century ideas associated with laissez-faire economic liberalism.[2]:7 Those ideas include economic liberalization policies such as privatization, austerity, deregulation, free trade[3] and reductions in government spending in order to increase the role of the private sector in the economy and society..."

Your link:

"Ronald Reagan almost single-handedly destroyed the New Deal vision of America that used to guide us. Franklin Roosevelt had pictured a place where citizens were joined in a collective enterprise to build a strong nation and protect each other.

"The watchwords of that effort were solidarity, opportunity and public duty.

"Reagan pictured a more individualistic America where everyone would flourish once freed from the shackles of the state, and so the watchwords became self-reliance and small government."

Reagan's picture for America seemed more about replacing the "shackles of the state" with an elitist corporate oligarchy which has just elected its first POTUS.

Neoliberalism - Wikipedia

"See also: Reaganomics and Reagan Era

"David Harvey traces the rise of neoliberalism in the United States to Lewis Powell's 1971 confidential memorandum to the Chamber of Commerce.[79]:43

"A call to arms to the business community to counter criticism of the free enterprise system, it was a significant factor in the rise of conservative organizations and think-tanks which advocated for neoliberal policies, such as the Business Roundtable, The Heritage Foundation, the Cato Institute, Citizens for a Sound Economy, Accuracy in Academia and the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research.

"For Powell, universities were becoming an ideological battleground, and he recommended the establishment of an intellectual infrastructure to serve as a counterweight to the increasingly popular ideas of Ralph Nader and other opponents of big business.[84][85][86]"

Reagan produced a golden age for all Americans.

And the tax cuts of the Economic Recovery Act of 1981 stimulated economic growth. ā€œAs a 1982 JEC study pointed out,[1] similar across-the-board tax cuts had been implemented in the 1920s as the Mellon tax cuts, and in the 1960s as the Kennedy tax cuts. In both cases the reduction of high marginal tax rates actually increased tax payments by "the rich," also increasing their share of total individual income taxes paid.ā€ http://www.house.gov/jec/fiscal/tx-grwth/reagtxct/reagtxct.htm

ā€œAs inflation came down and as more and more of the tax cuts from the 1981 Act went into effect, the economic began a strong and sustained pattern of growth.ā€ http://www.ustreas.gov/education/fact-sheets/taxes/ustax.shtml

  1. The benefits from Reaganomics:
    1. The economy grew at a 3.4% average rateā€¦compared with 2.9% for the previous eight years, and 2.7% for the next eight.(Table B-4)
    2. Inflation rate dropped from 12.5% to 4.4%. (Table B-63)
    3. Unemployment fell to 5.5% from 7.1% (Table B-35)
    4. Prime interest rate fell by one-third.(Table B-73)
    5. The S & P 500 jumped 124% (Table B-95) http://www.gpoaccess.gov/eop/tables10.html
    6. Charitable contributions rose 57% faster than inflation. Dinesh Dā€™Souza, ā€œRonald Reagan: How an Ordinary May Became an Extraordinary Leader,ā€ p. 116

b. and c. Kiva Lending Team: Team REAL Americans | Kiva

Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, judge their leaders by different standards: skin color, sexual orientation, gender, and ideology.
Clearly smarter than savages or conservatives, huh?

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that liberals vote for people based on factors other than where they stand on the issues?

I guarantee that you will not be able to provide one.

Man are you out to lunch (and prejudiced) on this.

Most liberals do not vote for people because of their superficial attributes. It is just that people with those superficial attributes tend to be more politically 'liberal' than most 'white' men are.

Who voted for these.......Republicans or fools????

And, on those bases, they reward their candidates:

ā€œRecord number of women elected to the Houseā€
Record number of women elected to the House - CNNPolitics

ā€œIn ā€˜Rainbow Wave,ā€™ L.G.B.T. Candidates Are Elected in Record Numbersā€ In ā€˜Rainbow Wave,ā€™ L.G.B.T. Candidates Are Elected in Record Numbers

ā€œTrans Candidates Are Poised to Make History in 2018 Electionsā€
Trans Candidates Are Poised to Make History in 2018 Elections

Pretty smart basis for selecting leaders, huh??????

LOL...those links have NOTHING to do with answering my question (though I guess you think they do).

I will ask you again, where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that liberals vote for people based on factors other than where they stand on the issues?

Who votes based on skin color, sexual orientation, gender, and ideology?

Not Republicans, you dope.

You typed:

'You....Liberals/Progressives....vote for the most superficial of characteristics and most absurd of characteristics.

Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, judge their leaders by different standards: skin color, sexual orientation, gender, and ideology.
Clearly smarter than savages or conservatives, huh?'

So I will ask you yet again,

where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that liberals vote for people based on factors other than where they stand on the issues?

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