"We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can."

Here's a question: If these workers are "non-essential", why are they employed in the first place?

I've worked my entire life, from a Fortune 100 to a entrepreneurial start up. I've never seen a non-essential employee, at least not for long. If one is not essential to an operation, they should not be employed by that entity.

What am I missing here???

1. Federal relocation program
2. They've been blacklisted
3. Their mothers threw them out of the house
Chris is misinformed.
The Wash Times is now owned by Herring Broadcasting.
In any event, it makes no difference. The Unification Church save for its influx of cash to keep the paper in business had little influence over editorial content.
The Church did however insist on a Conservative editorial bias.
Story content as always is a freedom of the press issue.
By comparison, Current TV is now owned by Al-Jazeera...
I hear no libs whining about that.

You are incorrect.

The Washington Times is owned, personally, by the Reverend Moon. Until 2010, it was run by an external organization created for that purpose by Moon, but in 2010, he decided to purchase the Times from his shell company for $1, returning control to him and his church.

Herring Broadcasting is partnering with the Washington Times on a new News channel, but they don't own any part of it.

And your comments about Current TV don't make any sense.

No matter how much Arabs scare you, Al-jazeera is a much more reputable news source than the Washington Times.
See what I mean about you lefties and the Muslims. You circle the wagons.
And yeah it makes complete sense. You stepped right up and fell into the trap. You curse the Unification church although the worst thing they ever did was brainwash some very weak minded people and convince them to sell flowers. While that oil wealth of the middle east has most definitely found its way to funding weapons sales to Islamist terror groups...I will take the flowers.

That's just NOT so. When I spent two full days with the moonies, they had an incredibly subtle yet naïve way of trying to convince me to stay with them. I had left my car in San Francisco, after meeting one of them at Fisherman's Wharf then going to one of their meetings. I was very tempted to stay there in the Napa Valley, where we'd gone, since I was having the time of my life. The only thing that saved me was that I had to go to work on Monday at Symtron's PCB shop. I still have the pictures, which are great, one with the group and a few with one of the closest friends I ever had, Miguel who lived in the Sunset District then. The Moonies know what they're doing.
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They sure are crying a lot over something they've been calling for for awhile.

We are pointing out the punitive and mean-spirited nature of the Barrycades.

The Barrycades are Obama throwing a temper tantrum and trying to hurt as many people as possible. The petulant little fucker is even blocking private parks.

{ The White House and the Department of the Interior rejected a request from Rep. Steven Palazzo’s office to have World War II veterans visit the World War II memorial in Washington, the Mississippi Republican told The Daily Caller Tuesday. Palazzo helped the veterans commit an act of civil disobedience against the Park Service Tuesday, when the heroes stormed through barricades around the closed memorial.

Indeed, sending staffers to block access to this location actually takes more effort, and costs more money, than
simply leaving it open: }

Wow: Government Erecting Barricades Around WWII Memorial to Deny Vets Access - Guy Benson

Obama is such a fucking pile of shit.
They mocked the shit out of it at first, screamed "shut it down" now they are crying about it.

Again proving that Repubs have no problem making mud but then cry like bitches when they mud they supported and cheered for gets on them

Yo dingus, it COSTS money to block access to open air parks and to shut down web sites.

This fucking pile of shit Obama is spending money to harass the American people.
I don't think you understand what "hypocrisy" means.

It doesn't apply to straw men.

Cut the crap...In the post in question you made a judgmental statement. Then you toped that with "why the fuck did you think that?"..
Again I successfully hit a nerve here.

I think you're missing something here. I did make a "judgmental statement" - most of my "statements" on this board are "judgmental" of something or someone.

For some reason, you think that liberals claim to not be judgmental - which may be true of some, but not all liberals - and certainly not me. I have never pretended to not be judgmental, nor have I ever complained of Conservatives being "judgmental".

Where's the hypocrisy, other than from your fabricated beliefs that you assign to "liberals"?

They are not beliefs and let us not be unsophisticated. We both know liberals will play the 'judgmental card' at the drop of a hat.
That especially applies to religious people. Which libs despise.
And please don't tell me libs go to great lengths to not be labeled as judgmental..
Here is a perfect example of the media depicting a very liberal city, Portland ,OR as non judgmental.
Tent City Planned in Fancy Portland Neighborhood - ABC News
"One of the toniest areas of Portland might soon be home to a tent city.

If this were another town, the owners and developers of high-end homes and condominiums would scream to high heaven about diminished property values.

But this is Portland, where the citizens try their best to be tolerant of everything except intolerance — and gluten....
You are incorrect.

The Washington Times is owned, personally, by the Reverend Moon. Until 2010, it was run by an external organization created for that purpose by Moon, but in 2010, he decided to purchase the Times from his shell company for $1, returning control to him and his church.

Herring Broadcasting is partnering with the Washington Times on a new News channel, but they don't own any part of it.

And your comments about Current TV don't make any sense.

No matter how much Arabs scare you, Al-jazeera is a much more reputable news source than the Washington Times.
See what I mean about you lefties and the Muslims. You circle the wagons.
And yeah it makes complete sense. You stepped right up and fell into the trap. You curse the Unification church although the worst thing they ever did was brainwash some very weak minded people and convince them to sell flowers. While that oil wealth of the middle east has most definitely found its way to funding weapons sales to Islamist terror groups...I will take the flowers.

That's just NOT so. When I spent two full days with the moonies, they had an incredibly subtle yet naïve way of trying to convince me to stay with them. I had left my car in San Francisco, after meeting one of them at Fisherman's Wharf then going to one of their meetings. I was very tempted to stay there in the Napa Valley, where we'd gone, since I was having the time of my life. The only thing that saved me was that I had to go to work on Monday at Symtron's PCB shop. I still have the pictures, which are great, one with the group and a few with one of the closest friends I ever had, Miguel who lived in the Sunset District then. The Moonies know what they're doing.
And the significance of your experience is what?
We're discussing a newspaper here.
I could not care less about the Uni church.
Pertinent to this discussion, it has the significance of a flyspeck in the ocean.
And if the WashTimes was a paper of liberal editorial content?...
Choose your answer carefully.
Have at it.
BTW, I thought you libs are never judgmental.

Why the fuck did you think that?

Because one of the most popular lib whines about conservatives is they are judgmental.

How many Libs on here have ever said something like that?

I judge you to be totally full of shit, and not just on this particular subject.
Why the fuck did you think that?

Because one of the most popular lib whines about conservatives is they are judgmental.

How many Libs on here have ever said something like that?

I judge you to be totally full of shit, and not just on this particular subject.
Denial is not a legitimate defense.
You are not high enough on the food chain to judge anyone..
That will be all.
Because one of the most popular lib whines about conservatives is they are judgmental.

How many Libs on here have ever said something like that?

I judge you to be totally full of shit, and not just on this particular subject.
Denial is not a legitimate defense.
You are not high enough on the food chain to judge anyone..
That will be all.

Nah, I'm plenty high enough compared to a bozo who bashes the President because he rolls up his shirtsleeves.

See how judgmental I'm being, and I'm not the least bit hypocritical doing it, either.

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