"We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can."

If any of you think any politician actually cares about you then you're either delusional or just plain stupid.

it is one thing NOT TO CARE, it is absolutely different to INTENTIONALLY MAKE IT DIFFICULT.

if you don't understand that you are either delusional or just plain stupid :eusa_whistle:
This is only the beginning. Democrats will find other petty ways to increase the pain. How about stopping a television feed to the troops fighting in the middle east? That's a good one. Blame the republicans, except that only works up to a point. The artist painting obama's portrait is still getting paid.
Republicans are already making life for Americans hard. Why do they want to make it harder?

Wasn't the two unpaid for wars

Which 40% of Democrat House members and 58% of Democrat Senator voted FOR.

and the trillions in debt

Debt which has increased under Obama more than all previous administrations combined...THAT debt?

and the Bush tax cuts

Tax cuts which no one can say for sure if they resulted in more or less revenue to government coffers. Tax cuts CAN result in less revenue and they CAN help to bolster the economy, resulting in more tax revenue. No one can know for sure, despite whichever Progressive source you cite.

and the votes for drugs bill

Ah yes, the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act...which was co-sponsored by DEMOCRAT Collin Peterson (MN) and got enough Democrat votes in the House and Senate to pass into law. Those the votes you talking about? :lol:

and the cuts in education

Nothing in the Constitution giving the federal government any authority to meddle in education. Next.

and the investment in Iraq over America

Again, bi-partisan support.

and the jobs moved to China

Government doesn't move jobs overseas, businesses do when burdensome regulations and high taxes forces them to do so in order to remain competitive.

Now which side advocates more more regulations and higher taxes???

and the cuts in food stamps for children and the diabled

Food stamps are on the rise dumbshit:

"Food-stamp use rose 2.4% in the U.S. in May from a year earlier, with more than 15% of the U.S. population receiving benefits."

Food-Stamp Use Rises; Some 15% Get Benefits - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Given the monumental ass kicking I just gave you, I'd say you've had enough.

How much more do they want us to suffer?

How much more must we suffer from your inane posts and overwhelming bias? :lol:
Remember when Repubs were mocking the shutdown saying no one is hurt by it, where is the kaboom and deaths. 3 days Repubs now see it affects people and they don't like it.

Now ask again...Who does the shutdown hurt?

They sure are crying a lot over something they've been calling for for awhile.

They mocked the shit out of it at first, screamed "shut it down" now they are crying about it.

Again proving that Repubs have no problem making mud but then cry like bitches when they mud they supported and cheered for gets on them
Remember when Repubs were mocking the shutdown saying no one is hurt by it, where is the kaboom and deaths. 3 days Repubs now see it affects people and they don't like it.

Now ask again...Who does the shutdown hurt?

Well, most of us didn't expect that the government would order its employees to inflict harm on its citizens as punishment for not getting its way.

Of course we should have seen it coming given the divisiveness of this administration.
Remember when Repubs were mocking the shutdown saying no one is hurt by it, where is the kaboom and deaths. 3 days Repubs now see it affects people and they don't like it.

Now ask again...Who does the shutdown hurt?

Getting off welfare and finding a job will hurt some people. Who gives a shit. Keep it shutdown till Ocare is defunded. Period

Anything less will mean that this was all for nothing and THEN people can blame the GOP for pointless political games.
Remember when Repubs were mocking the shutdown saying no one is hurt by it, where is the kaboom and deaths. 3 days Repubs now see it affects people and they don't like it.

Now ask again...Who does the shutdown hurt?

Well, most of us didn't expect that the government would order its employees to inflict harm on its citizens as punishment for not getting its way.

Of course we should have seen it coming given the divisiveness of this administration.

Yeah when people don't get paid that hurts. You know that already
Remember when Repubs were mocking the shutdown saying no one is hurt by it, where is the kaboom and deaths. 3 days Repubs now see it affects people and they don't like it.

Now ask again...Who does the shutdown hurt?

Getting off welfare and finding a job will hurt some people. Who gives a shit. Keep it shutdown till Ocare is defunded. Period

Anything less will mean that this was all for nothing and THEN people can blame the GOP for pointless political games.

Ahh yes, gave up on your faux concern for the citizens already in 1 post?
Remember when Repubs were mocking the shutdown saying no one is hurt by it, where is the kaboom and deaths. 3 days Repubs now see it affects people and they don't like it.

Now ask again...Who does the shutdown hurt?

Well, most of us didn't expect that the government would order its employees to inflict harm on its citizens as punishment for not getting its way.

Of course we should have seen it coming given the divisiveness of this administration.

Yeah when people don't get paid that hurts. You know that already

Yeah when people have their hours cut by 25% because of obamacare it hurts. But you already IGNORE that.

Stick you fake outrage up your ass
Well, most of us didn't expect that the government would order its employees to inflict harm on its citizens as punishment for not getting its way.

Of course we should have seen it coming given the divisiveness of this administration.

Yeah when people don't get paid that hurts. You know that already

Yeah when people have their hours cut by 25% because of obamacare it hurts. But you already IGNORE that.

Stick you fake outrage up your ass

Well, the big difference is that he's talking about people employed by Our Loving Mother Government.

You're talking about people employed by Those Evil Corporations.

THOSE people DESERVE their pain.

Remember when Repubs were mocking the shutdown saying no one is hurt by it, where is the kaboom and deaths. 3 days Repubs now see it affects people and they don't like it.

Now ask again...Who does the shutdown hurt?

Well, most of us didn't expect that the government would order its employees to inflict harm on its citizens as punishment for not getting its way.

Of course we should have seen it coming given the divisiveness of this administration.

Yeah when people don't get paid that hurts. You know that already

Obama is out to inconvenience and hurt as many people as he can.
if the park ranger that supposedly made this accusation was not anonymous, or could show anything at all that democrats or obama said what he says they did, then maybe I would believe the story, but right now, it looks like, and smells like, and walks like a fabrication.....

Oh sure he should have just put his name out there for everyone to see. (rolling my eyes)

That wasn't a bright thing to say
Ranger: "We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.”

The Cheap Tricks of the Game

The games politicians play: Barack Obama is having a lot of fun using the government shutdown to squeeze the public in imaginative ways. The point of the shutdown game is to see who can squeeze hardest, make the most pious speech and listen for the applause. It’s a variation on the grade-school ritual of “you show me yours, and I’ll show you mine.”

The Park Service appears to be closing streets on mere whim and caprice. The rangers even closed the parking lot at Mount Vernon, where the plantation home of George Washington is a favorite tourist destination. That was after they barred the new World War II Memorial on the Mall to veterans of World War II. But the government does not own Mount Vernon; it is privately owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. The ladies bought it years ago to preserve it as a national memorial. The feds closed access to the parking lots this week, even though the lots are jointly owned with the Mount Vernon ladies. The rangers are from the government, and they’re only here to help.

“It’s a cheap way to deal with the situation,” an angry Park Service ranger in Washington says of the harassment. “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting
Read more: PRUDEN: The cheap tricks of the game - Washington Times
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That's Obama for you...Don't let a crisis go to waste.

What do you expect from an Acorn flunky?
Well, most of us didn't expect that the government would order its employees to inflict harm on its citizens as punishment for not getting its way.

Of course we should have seen it coming given the divisiveness of this administration.

Yeah when people don't get paid that hurts. You know that already

Yeah when people have their hours cut by 25% because of obamacare it hurts. But you already IGNORE that.

Stick you fake outrage up your ass

That would hurt if that happened. But it hasn't so get to shoving
if the park ranger that supposedly made this accusation was not anonymous, or could show anything at all that democrats or obama said what he says they did, then maybe I would believe the story, but right now, it looks like, and smells like, and walks like a fabrication.....

Oh sure he should have just put his name out there for everyone to see. (rolling my eyes)

That wasn't a bright thing to say
Maybe he didn't want to be audited.
Yeah when people don't get paid that hurts. You know that already

Yeah when people have their hours cut by 25% because of obamacare it hurts. But you already IGNORE that.

Stick you fake outrage up your ass

Well, the big difference is that he's talking about people employed by Our Loving Mother Government.

You're talking about people employed by Those Evil Corporations.

THOSE people DESERVE their pain.


Yeah, pain that doesn't exist and when asked for proof will reply with fancy name calling

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