"We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can."

I think it's time for some payback.

It's hard to get payback when we're not paying in the first place. SUPPORT PUBLIC FINANCING OF ELECTIONS.


PRIVATE financing is the ONLY way to go.


NFW...(NO WAY, Commrade).

What a total nitwit you are. Private financing means "sold to the highest bidder". I know we're capitalist but that's taking it a bit far. How are we going to get the third party everybody seems to want when those with the deepest pockets can bankroll their favorite politicians and buy their votes?
It's hard to get payback when we're not paying in the first place. SUPPORT PUBLIC FINANCING OF ELECTIONS.


PRIVATE financing is the ONLY way to go.


NFW...(NO WAY, Commrade).

What a total nitwit you are. Private financing means "sold to the highest bidder". I know we're capitalist but that's taking it a bit far. How are we going to get the third party everybody seems to want when those with the deepest pockets can bankroll their favorite politicians and buy their votes?


YOU Just NAILED "K STREET" that go for BOTH parties...

WHY do YOU wish to take MONEY away from TAXPAYERS by Gubmint EDICT that have NO say so?

Maximizing the Pain of the Shutdown:

1. The preponderance of D.C.-based park police makes some sense given that the capital had a large share of taxpayer-funded sites long before the government spending gap. But the figure raises the question of why that number is not sufficient to maintain access to open-air exhibits and monuments, many of which previously had no guards.

2. Many national monuments are getting a police presence for the first time in recent memory. The Lincoln Memorial was open 24/7 without overnight staff until the shutdown, according to its website. Since the shutdown a night watchman has been installed. (Related: Seven stupid things the gov’t spent money on during the shutdown)
The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, too, was also open 24/7 with no overnight staff, according to its website, but now is fenced off.

3. This is all apparently part of the plan. “Day use visitors will be instructed to leave the park immediately as part of Phase 1 closures,” the plan detailed. “Visitors utilizing overnight concession accommodations and campgrounds will be notified to make alternate arrangements and depart the park as part of Phase 2. Wherever possible, park roads will be closed and access will be denied.”

4. This isn’t an accident. Joan Anzelmo, a former spokeswoman for Grand Teton National Park told the San Jose Mercury News that shutting down the parks was a tactic used by the White House to turn public opinion against Congress.

5. The Park Service is also using taxpayer money to barricade scenic overlooks, another set of resources that typically need no security presence and do not cost anything to maintain.
Read more: Washington hoards government jobs to maximize shutdown pain | The Daily Caller

What dirty tricks! Is this what Obama and his men are all about? Is this a game?!:evil:


!5% of the Federal government has been shut down. How would it look for Big Government Socialists like the Chicago Community Organizer if NOBODY NOTICED.

The park ranger who made the comment obviously had to remain anonymous. But it sounds very much like he was telling the truth.

Truth is we could easily do more with more than a 15% cut in the Federal Government and start moving move toward balancing the budget.

Those Mississippi Veterans in wheel chairs who stormed the WWII Monument exposed the game. (Cost more to close it than keep it open) Later, one of them tweeted:

"Normandy was closed when we got there too".

The Heartland of America sees through the game Obama is playing.
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I wonder where these orders came form.

The games politicians play: Barack Obama is having a lot of fun using the government shutdown to squeeze the public in imaginative ways. The point of the shutdown game is to see who can squeeze hardest, make the most pious speech and listen for the applause. It’s a variation on the grade-school ritual of “you show me yours, and I’ll show you mine.”

President Obama is not a bad poker player, but the man with all the chips always starts with the advantage (and he gets all the aces). He has closed Washington down as tight as he dares, emphasizing the trivial and the petty in making life as inconvenient as he can for the greatest number. It’s all in a noble cause, of course. Access to most of the memorials is limited, and often in curious ways. The Lincoln Memorial is easy to reach, with the streets around it remaining open. But the Martin Luther King Memorial is made difficult to reach, relegating it, you might say, to the back of the bus. Not very nice.

The Park Service appears to be closing streets on mere whim and caprice. The rangers even closed the parking lot at Mount Vernon, where the plantation home of George Washington is a favorite tourist destination. That was after they barred the new World War II Memorial on the Mall to veterans of World War II. But the government does not own Mount Vernon; it is privately owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. The ladies bought it years ago to preserve it as a national memorial. The feds closed access to the parking lots this week, even though the lots are jointly owned with the Mount Vernon ladies. The rangers are from the government, and they’re only here to help.

“It’s a cheap way to deal with the situation,” an angry Park Service ranger in Washington says of the harassment. “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.”

PRUDEN: The cheap tricks of the game - Washington Times
if the park ranger that supposedly made this accusation was not anonymous, or could show anything at all that democrats or obama said what he says they did, then maybe I would believe the story, but right now, it looks like, and smells like, and walks like a fabrication.....

Oh yeah.LOL
that fucker is spending more money shurting shit down than it would be to keep it open
probably :lol:
Remember when Repubs were mocking the shutdown saying no one is hurt by it, where is the kaboom and deaths. 3 days Repubs now see it affects people and they don't like it.

Now ask again...Who does the shutdown hurt?

Oh we're not surprised that it affects people.. This thread is about PURPOSELY MAGNIFYING that pain with juvenile tactics designed to INCREASE the annoyance and pain.

What kind of cynical bastards would do that?? Just today after the 90something WW2 vets stormed the Memorial and broke thru the barricade, the Park Service REINSTALLED and REINFORCED the barriers. AND started to make the entire MALL off-limits. Those Vets should just DIE without seeing the national tribute to their honor because a Prez is having a hissy fit about being asked for a deal.. Never mind that he and Dems haven't MANAGED THE BUDGET in 4 yrs now.. Or inspected it or trimmed it. It's like a Zombie budget that never changes.

Grass and parking lots.. Now getting MORE security than ever in the history of this country. Just to make CERTAIN folks SEE an effect..
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It's hard to get payback when we're not paying in the first place. SUPPORT PUBLIC FINANCING OF ELECTIONS.


PRIVATE financing is the ONLY way to go.


NFW...(NO WAY, Commrade).

What a total nitwit you are. Private financing means "sold to the highest bidder". I know we're capitalist but that's taking it a bit far. How are we going to get the third party everybody seems to want when those with the deepest pockets can bankroll their favorite politicians and buy their votes?

You don't BUY congressman and reprogram them for money. You openly choose candidates that VOLUNTARILY mirror your views. Somehow you have a problem with that.

Public financing is like letting the cows into the haystacks. They'll eat themselves to death.

And there is no guarantee that AFTER the election --- no quid pro quos or monkey biz is conducted. You fix nothing ---- But you cede even MORE control and freedom to these clowns. Truly bad idea....

This is not a personal comment.. "It's the POWER STUPID".. That's what you have to remove. Remove it and it can't be sold to anyone. No picking winners and losers in the market.. No corporate handouts... What's so hard about that? We pretty much all agree it NEEDS to be done. We need to vote for folks who pledge to do this --- EVEN IF they can't afford 20 TV commercials a day. You find them if you look for them...
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15% of the Federal government has been shut down. How would it look for Big Government Socialists like the Chicago Community Organizer if NOBODY NOTICED.

The park ranger who made the comment obviously had to remain anonymous. But it sounds very much like he was telling the truth.

Truth is we could easily do more with more than a 15% cut in the Federal Government and start moving move toward balancing the budget.

Those Mississippi Veterans in wheel chairs who stormed the WWII Monument exposed the game. (Cost more to close it than keep it open) Later, one of them tweeted:

"Normandy was closed back in 1944 when we got there too".

The Heartland of America sees through the game Obama is playing. Its Chicago politics and it has to end.
If there is government service that should be curtailed, it's the National Park Service in October. Closing national parks and monuments is an inconvenience.

Personally --- I'd MUCH rather curtail that MASSIVE NEW SPY facility in Utah designed for the NSA to monitor us..
Sad part is --- we will NEVER KNOW how much that puppy cost to build or run.. Tell me that doesn't suck more than this political skirmish..

Would like to convert it into a publically run company with a charter to spy on every GOVT employee....
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From the comments off that article.

Excellent point made.............

a picture of the monument wired shut and a picture of mexicans running across the desert with the comment "democrats spent more time keeping americans away from our memorials than keeping illegals out of our country"
Republicans are already making life for Americans hard. Why do they want to make it harder?

Wasn't the two unpaid for wars
the trillions in debt
the Bush tax cuts
the votes for drugs bill
the cuts in education
the investment in Iraq over America
the jobs moved to China
the cuts in food stamps for children and the diabled


How much more do they want us to suffer?

We could talk about Carter days, too. Stay on topic, sir. The Government Shutdown!

The government shutdown is simply another right wing attack on America. When you have right wingers gleefully taking "credit", you can't blame it on Democrats.
Yes Sheeple .......... go with that, Obama directly ordered the parks to do that.
Republicans are already making life for Americans hard. Why do they want to make it harder?

Wasn't the two unpaid for wars
the trillions in debt
the Bush tax cuts
the votes for drugs bill
the cuts in education
the investment in Iraq over America
the jobs moved to China
the cuts in food stamps for children and the diabled


How much more do they want us to suffer?

We could talk about Carter days, too. Stay on topic, sir. The Government Shutdown!

The government shutdown is simply another right wing attack on America. When you have right wingers gleefully taking "credit", you can't blame it on Democrats.
NOPE. The DEMOCRATS have been given everything except ACA.

The DEMOCRATS will cause the CRASH with their piggishness.

YOU know it Deany.

STOP with the charade.:eusa_hand:
Funny shit; Republicans force the shut down and then blame Obama. You can't make this shit up.

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