"We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can."

Obama didn't want the shutdown, he's stated repeatedly that he was against it.

The GOP on the other hand is very glad they shut it down..............hell..............some were even saying they were hoping to get enough GOP's in the House to be able to do it, some even campaigned on it.

Sorry, but the government shutdown is strictly the fault of the GOP.

Too bad they can't blame the Dems and make it stick......................there is too much video footage of it out there showing they wanted it.

2014 is going to be good for the Dems, because this shutdown is in the memory of America, and it's fresh enough that they won't forget it in a year.

Sorry........................but the reason for the shutdown is the GOP, and the more they try to fund things that they see on the news that makes them look bad (because they didn't think it through) is only going to look worse in the elections.

I mean shit....................the GOP wrote their own attack ads when they did this and said stupid crap.
Of course they're making the most of it.

Obama has already won, in the court of public opinion. The vast majority of Americans blame the GOP for the shutdown, it's in Obama's best interest to make the shutdown as painful as possible, which means its in his best interest to be an asshole about the few things deemed "non-essential".

So Obama is the disingenuous community agitator we all thought he is? Omgnoway......

He's a politician.

Doctor's used to be the bane of the earth. Now POLITICIANS are?
Funny shit; Republicans force the shut down and then blame Obama. You can't make this shit up.

No you can't....

I won't negotiate, I won't negotiate, I won't negotiate....

He's freaking now. Your little douche bag is starting to panic.

It's not a "negotiation" when you say "do this or else".

Negotiate: To confer with another or others in order to come to terms or reach an agreement:

Extortion: the practice of obtaining something through force or threats.

What the Republicans are doing is extortion.

You don't negotiate with extortionists.
Funny shit; Republicans force the shut down and then blame Obama. You can't make this shit up.

No you can't....

I won't negotiate, I won't negotiate, I won't negotiate....

He's freaking now. Your little douche bag is starting to panic.

It's not a "negotiation" when you say "do this or else".

Negotiate: To confer with another or others in order to come to terms or reach an agreement:

Extortion: the practice of obtaining something through force or threats.

What the Republicans are doing is extortion.

You don't negotiate with extortionists.

Everyone has an opinion, and quite frankly they all stink. Who is Negotiating and who are the extortionist is how each of us perceive the issue. You are probably a card carrying marxist, and believe GOV'T GOOD. So anyone who interferes with your Big Gov't ideology is obviously an EXTORTIONIST.

All of it PROPOGANDA...............

Now I believe they are standing up for Principles, and trying to stop the ACA and cut up the Federal Credit Card. I believe that the ACA is Pile of Stinking shit. So I say the extortionist are the Senators and Obama who refuse to bend to the will of the people. Polls have shown that most Americans think the ACA is a stinking pile of shit as well.

Now, who's to blame.........Ummmmm The Dems wrote the law and Americans would love to take a leak on it, or have a burning fund raiser over it. aka burn the damn thing in a massive fire pit. So on the issue of the ACA, THE DEMS OWN THIS.

Now the media gets to play, and they've been smooching with Obama so they will claim the GOP did it. So the people will have to decide who's at fault.

BTW The Congress as a whole has an approval rating of about 15%. Americans don't trust our Gov't anymore, and don't have any reason to anymore. Because Gov't no longer serves the will of the people. They simply serve themselves.
Funny shit; Republicans force the shut down and then blame Obama. You can't make this shit up.

No you can't....

I won't negotiate, I won't negotiate, I won't negotiate....

He's freaking now. Your little douche bag is starting to panic.

It's not a "negotiation" when you say "do this or else".

Like when Obama demands that Congress forgo their power of the purse and pass a resolution exactly as he demands...or else he'll make the partial shutdown as ridiculously disruptive as possible?

You're right, that's not a "negotiation", it's a fucking temper tantrum.
Politician's in Washington really don't want tourists there anyway. They are using this to stop visitors from coming to DC. That's why they stopped the White House tours. Harry Reid said that tourists were smelly. Closing down the monuments and buildings that attract tourists is something they wanted all along. Now that they are closed, the democrats would love to find a way to keep them closed permanently.
Yes Sheeple .......... go with that, Obama directly ordered the parks to do that.

You're a fucking liar shitstain. If your contribution to discussion is an outright lie, then crawl back under your rock. It's moist there and you know what the sun does to your skin.
No you can't....

I won't negotiate, I won't negotiate, I won't negotiate....

He's freaking now. Your little douche bag is starting to panic.

It's not a "negotiation" when you say "do this or else".

Negotiate: To confer with another or others in order to come to terms or reach an agreement:

Extortion: the practice of obtaining something through force or threats.

What the Republicans are doing is extortion.

You don't negotiate with extortionists.

Everyone has an opinion, and quite frankly they all stink. Who is Negotiating and who are the extortionist is how each of us perceive the issue. You are probably a card carrying marxist, and believe GOV'T GOOD. So anyone who interferes with your Big Gov't ideology is obviously an EXTORTIONIST.

All of it PROPOGANDA...............

Now I believe they are standing up for Principles, and trying to stop the ACA and cut up the Federal Credit Card. I believe that the ACA is Pile of Stinking shit. So I say the extortionist are the Senators and Obama who refuse to bend to the will of the people. Polls have shown that most Americans think the ACA is a stinking pile of shit as well.

Now, who's to blame.........Ummmmm The Dems wrote the law and Americans would love to take a leak on it, or have a burning fund raiser over it. aka burn the damn thing in a massive fire pit. So on the issue of the ACA, THE DEMS OWN THIS.

Now the media gets to play, and they've been smooching with Obama so they will claim the GOP did it. So the people will have to decide who's at fault.

BTW The Congress as a whole has an approval rating of about 15%. Americans don't trust our Gov't anymore, and don't have any reason to anymore. Because Gov't no longer serves the will of the people. They simply serve themselves.

If you wanna go by polls, then what about the ones that show that the majority don't favor repeal or shutting down the gov't. over it?
It's not a "negotiation" when you say "do this or else".

Negotiate: To confer with another or others in order to come to terms or reach an agreement:

Extortion: the practice of obtaining something through force or threats.

What the Republicans are doing is extortion.

You don't negotiate with extortionists.

Everyone has an opinion, and quite frankly they all stink. Who is Negotiating and who are the extortionist is how each of us perceive the issue. You are probably a card carrying marxist, and believe GOV'T GOOD. So anyone who interferes with your Big Gov't ideology is obviously an EXTORTIONIST.

All of it PROPOGANDA...............

Now I believe they are standing up for Principles, and trying to stop the ACA and cut up the Federal Credit Card. I believe that the ACA is Pile of Stinking shit. So I say the extortionist are the Senators and Obama who refuse to bend to the will of the people. Polls have shown that most Americans think the ACA is a stinking pile of shit as well.

Now, who's to blame.........Ummmmm The Dems wrote the law and Americans would love to take a leak on it, or have a burning fund raiser over it. aka burn the damn thing in a massive fire pit. So on the issue of the ACA, THE DEMS OWN THIS.

Now the media gets to play, and they've been smooching with Obama so they will claim the GOP did it. So the people will have to decide who's at fault.

BTW The Congress as a whole has an approval rating of about 15%. Americans don't trust our Gov't anymore, and don't have any reason to anymore. Because Gov't no longer serves the will of the people. They simply serve themselves.

If you wanna go by polls, then what about the ones that show that the majority don't favor repeal or shutting down the gov't. over it?

They also demand a compromise from the Gov't. Is that happening............

No it isn't. Both sides draw a line in the sand.

In a fight, their are 2 sides. Both sides are fighting. Both sides refuse to give in. Both sides are responsible.

Now the people must decide who's to blame, and the Dems are raising holy hell to ensure that it isn't them as always.
if the park ranger that supposedly made this accusation was not anonymous, or could show anything at all that democrats or obama said what he says they did, then maybe I would believe the story, but right now, it looks like, and smells like, and walks like a fabrication.....

How long would he have a job if he gave his name and address? If they were as nasty as making it as difficult as possible, even closing non governmental places, (which can be easily checked from the story) they certainly would fire an individual who spoke out to national press on the impropriety of it all.
Yes... I was thinking exactly the same thing... perhaps we need to see a few other examples of Federal Employees (who were not furloughed) being told to make life difficult for people before we can believe one anonymous ranger, but...

Politicians being what they are - on both sides of the aisle - I would not be surprised in the slightest to learn that the Obama Administration is doing just that - rubbing as much salt into the wounds of The Shutdown as may be practicable in order to make folks all-the-more angry at the Republicans, whom Obama has gone out of his way to blame for all of this...

Obama has always struck me as a bit cavalier - one of the 'swells' and not in very close touch with The People - but the look on the guy's face while delivering some of his Shutdown speeches on road trips this past week was a look of downright arrogance...

Although the Washington Times has more of a Conservative bent than some papers, with a couple of changes of ownership in recent times, they have more legitimacy than I might once have been willing to accord to them, and they have no reason to lie about such a thing...

As a 'placeholder' until something to the contrary surfaces, I'm quite ready to believe that the Obama Administration is telling its surviving workers to make things difficult for The People as a political tactic, as this anonymous ranger has supposedly disclosed...
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Did anyone really EXPECT anything different from this man who is SUPPOSED to your LEADER of the country?

He uses his power like a whip and poker...the more hurt he can lay on you the better in his eyes

Look what he used THE IRS for? Look what he did with the sequester, he cut off YOUR WHITE HOUSE to you

it makes me sad to keep saying, you people voted for it..Now WE ALL GET TO DEAL with it...

He's not only a Horrible President but he's a despicable, cold, uncaring, UnAmercian HUMAN BEING
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"...Both sides are responsible..."

Yes Sheeple .......... go with that, Obama directly ordered the parks to do that.

You're a fucking liar shitstain. If your contribution to discussion is an outright lie, then crawl back under your rock. It's moist there and you know what the sun does to your skin.

Sarcasm......................love it.

Fuck, RDean.........sometimes you earn your reputation. Think before posting.
Politician's in Washington really don't want tourists there anyway. They are using this to stop visitors from coming to DC. That's why they stopped the White House tours. Harry Reid said that tourists were smelly. Closing down the monuments and buildings that attract tourists is something they wanted all along. Now that they are closed, the democrats would love to find a way to keep them closed permanently.

And this is an example of what the left REALLY thinks about we, the people.
Everyone has an opinion, and quite frankly they all stink. Who is Negotiating and who are the extortionist is how each of us perceive the issue. You are probably a card carrying marxist, and believe GOV'T GOOD. So anyone who interferes with your Big Gov't ideology is obviously an EXTORTIONIST.

All of it PROPOGANDA...............

Now I believe they are standing up for Principles, and trying to stop the ACA and cut up the Federal Credit Card. I believe that the ACA is Pile of Stinking shit. So I say the extortionist are the Senators and Obama who refuse to bend to the will of the people. Polls have shown that most Americans think the ACA is a stinking pile of shit as well.

Now, who's to blame.........Ummmmm The Dems wrote the law and Americans would love to take a leak on it, or have a burning fund raiser over it. aka burn the damn thing in a massive fire pit. So on the issue of the ACA, THE DEMS OWN THIS.

Now the media gets to play, and they've been smooching with Obama so they will claim the GOP did it. So the people will have to decide who's at fault.

BTW The Congress as a whole has an approval rating of about 15%. Americans don't trust our Gov't anymore, and don't have any reason to anymore. Because Gov't no longer serves the will of the people. They simply serve themselves.

If you wanna go by polls, then what about the ones that show that the majority don't favor repeal or shutting down the gov't. over it?

They also demand a compromise from the Gov't. Is that happening............

No it isn't. Both sides draw a line in the sand.

In a fight, their are 2 sides. Both sides are fighting. Both sides refuse to give in. Both sides are responsible.

Now the people must decide who's to blame, and the Dems are raising holy hell to ensure that it isn't them as always.

As is the other side. And by the looks of things it doesn't look like they're winning.

Could that be the real cause of all this bitterness?
It's hard to get payback when we're not paying in the first place. SUPPORT PUBLIC FINANCING OF ELECTIONS.


PRIVATE financing is the ONLY way to go.


NFW...(NO WAY, Commrade).

What a total nitwit you are. Private financing means "sold to the highest bidder". I know we're capitalist but that's taking it a bit far. How are we going to get the third party everybody seems to want when those with the deepest pockets can bankroll their favorite politicians and buy their votes?
And those same politicians write the laws. You really think any of them is going to vote the gravy train be shut down? :lol:
Prickiness tools down.
SAD isn't it? A POTUS that inflicts PAIN on people to get his own way?

It isn't sad. This is a commonly used liberal practice.
Whenever there are objections , votes or protests that result in government not being able to spend money or increase taxes, the politicians think of ways to inflict as much pain as possible..
"Don't want to let us do what we want? We'll show YOU!"

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