"We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can."

Ranger: "We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.”

The Cheap Tricks of the Game

The games politicians play: Barack Obama is having a lot of fun using the government shutdown to squeeze the public in imaginative ways. The point of the shutdown game is to see who can squeeze hardest, make the most pious speech and listen for the applause. It’s a variation on the grade-school ritual of “you show me yours, and I’ll show you mine.”

The Park Service appears to be closing streets on mere whim and caprice. The rangers even closed the parking lot at Mount Vernon, where the plantation home of George Washington is a favorite tourist destination. That was after they barred the new World War II Memorial on the Mall to veterans of World War II. But the government does not own Mount Vernon; it is privately owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. The ladies bought it years ago to preserve it as a national memorial. The feds closed access to the parking lots this week, even though the lots are jointly owned with the Mount Vernon ladies. The rangers are from the government, and they’re only here to help.

“It’s a cheap way to deal with the situation,” an angry Park Service ranger in Washington says of the harassment. “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting
Read more: PRUDEN: The cheap tricks of the game - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

That's Obama for you...Don't let a crisis go to waste.

We should close down the Whitehouse, after all, it is publicly owned and funded, unlike the WWII memorial. Let Obama do without his aids, his chef, his maids, etc. The shutdown would have ended before it began. It's costing more to shut these thing down than it would to ignore them. This is not the first time the government has shutdown, it's just the first time the president threw a hissy fit and closed down all the public parks and blocked access to privately owned memorials and museums.
Obama reminds me of the spoiled little rich girl whose daddy took the credit card away. Now the little bitch is having a temper tantrum.
Obama reminds me of the spoiled little rich girl whose daddy took the credit card away. Now the little bitch is having a temper tantrum.
He's pissed that the people are speaking LOUDLY against him and his signature LAW...that the people want GONE.

He is a petulant wannabe tyrant that does pout when he doesn't get his way.

He is trying to protect his legacy, and working on a new one at the same time...Holding the people hostage with the help of Reid and the Progressive Democrats.

They OWN this.
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Ranger: "We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.”

The Cheap Tricks of the Game

The games politicians play: Barack Obama is having a lot of fun using the government shutdown to squeeze the public in imaginative ways. The point of the shutdown game is to see who can squeeze hardest, make the most pious speech and listen for the applause. It’s a variation on the grade-school ritual of “you show me yours, and I’ll show you mine.”

The Park Service appears to be closing streets on mere whim and caprice. The rangers even closed the parking lot at Mount Vernon, where the plantation home of George Washington is a favorite tourist destination. That was after they barred the new World War II Memorial on the Mall to veterans of World War II. But the government does not own Mount Vernon; it is privately owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. The ladies bought it years ago to preserve it as a national memorial. The feds closed access to the parking lots this week, even though the lots are jointly owned with the Mount Vernon ladies. The rangers are from the government, and they’re only here to help.

“It’s a cheap way to deal with the situation,” an angry Park Service ranger in Washington says of the harassment. “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting
Read more: PRUDEN: The cheap tricks of the game - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

That's Obama for you...Don't let a crisis go to waste.

That park ranger can be saluted for his service. unlike the little bitch which was schooled the other day by a Congressman.

I expect he'll be fired any day now.
YEAH BUT, his pouting is starting to HURT THE PEOPLE IN this country
By design. They are trying to make the people capitulate. What WE do is don't budge an inch. CALL them out...by name. SHARE with others what these tyrants are doing to their liberty.
Obama didn't want the shutdown, he's stated repeatedly that he was against it.

The GOP on the other hand is very glad they shut it down..............hell..............some were even saying they were hoping to get enough GOP's in the House to be able to do it, some even campaigned on it.

Sorry, but the government shutdown is strictly the fault of the GOP.

Too bad they can't blame the Dems and make it stick......................there is too much video footage of it out there showing they wanted it.

2014 is going to be good for the Dems, because this shutdown is in the memory of America, and it's fresh enough that they won't forget it in a year.

Sorry........................but the reason for the shutdown is the GOP, and the more they try to fund things that they see on the news that makes them look bad (because they didn't think it through) is only going to look worse in the elections.

I mean shit....................the GOP wrote their own attack ads when they did this and said stupid crap.
In the minds of the public, the GOP owns this shutdown and the polls clearly show the public does not agree with house republicans which means a deal will be struck soon and the Congress will move on to the next battle, the debt ceiling.

You won't vote for them will you?

So who cares what you think?

But their voters will back them pedal to the metal asshole. And that's all that counts you idiot.
YEAH BUT, his pouting is starting to HURT THE PEOPLE IN this country
By design. They are trying to make the people capitulate. What WE do is don't budge an inch. CALL them out...by name. SHARE with others what these tyrants are doing to their liberty.

oh I agree...as the guys charged the hijackers that prevented the plane from hitting it's intended target on 9/11... they said,


start by CONTACTING your Representatives people...WE CAN'T let this GO ON
Obama reminds me of the spoiled little rich girl whose daddy took the credit card away. Now the little bitch is having a temper tantrum.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRTkCHE1sS4]Veruca Salt - I Want It Now (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory) - YouTube[/ame]
Obama reminds me of the spoiled little rich girl whose daddy took the credit card away. Now the little bitch is having a temper tantrum.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRTkCHE1sS4"]Veruca Salt - I Want It Now (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory) - YouTube[/ame]
LOL! :lol:

What's a schnozeberry?!
Obama reminds me of the spoiled little rich girl whose daddy took the credit card away. Now the little bitch is having a temper tantrum.

Daddy didn't take the credit card away. The spoiled brat maxed out the credit card and wants another credit card.
YEAH BUT, his pouting is starting to HURT THE PEOPLE IN this country
By design. They are trying to make the people capitulate. What WE do is don't budge an inch. CALL them out...by name. SHARE with others what these tyrants are doing to their liberty.

oh I agree...as the guys charged the hijackers that prevented the plane from hitting it's intended target on 9/11... they said,


start by CONTACTING your Representatives people...WE CAN'T let this GO ON
Yep. Tell the House to HOLD the line. Tell the Republican Senators to thwart Reid and the progressives.
So an unattributed source that the Dems are making it hard when the whole world watched a TPM congress critter act the demon yesterday at the veterans memorial.

The American people know exactly what the TPM is up to and will pay them back accordingly next. The remaining 40 reps will be cut in at least half.

Cornyn in Texas is doing everything to undermine Cruz, thank heavens.
Someone criticized Obama, so Fakey has to defend him.

It's automatic.

daveman can't evaluate the truth, so I have to correct him. It's automatic.

You wouldn't know the truth if it bit through the "HOPE AND CHANGE" tattoo on your scrotum.
Obama reminds me of the spoiled little rich girl whose daddy took the credit card away. Now the little bitch is having a temper tantrum.

Daddy didn't take the credit card away. The spoiled brat maxed out the credit card and wants another credit card.
And a bigger unlimited bucket...to finally push US off the cliff..."WE are 5 days away from fundamentally TRANSFORMING AMERICA..."
YEAH BUT, his pouting is starting to HURT THE PEOPLE IN this country

He has been hurting the people in this country ever since he took office.


yes he has, going around the country every week giving an HATE SPEECH PITTING the people in this country AGAINST EACH OTHER......AND NOW THESE ACTIONS....
Yet amazingly he still has his cult followers...that is scary
YEAH BUT, his pouting is starting to HURT THE PEOPLE IN this country

He has been hurting the people in this country ever since he took office.


yes he has, going around the country every week giving an HATE SPEECH PITTING the people in this country AGAINST EACH OTHER......AND NOW THESE ACTIONS....
Yet amazingly he still has his cult followers...that is scary
"Community Organizing"...read that professional shit disturber...Divide an conquer...and WE see it before our very eyes.

WE tried to warn the sheep...but they just bleat on to their shepherd...OBAMA, as he leads them to the slaughter of their liberty...

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